General discussion thread No. 15

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The McCann media machine claims Portugal want them guilty because kidnapping is bad for business. A luxury resort without gargae facilites isn't?:crazy:

Funny! :) Small point, just a quibble really, but I think they're saying the garbage was from the villa they were renting 25 days later when the hire car got hired -- they moved out the the resort the day after Madeleine disappeared.

Still, very hard to believe that a resort TOWN wouldn't have curbside garbage pickup! Rental car agencies let people drive around with garbage and leaking dirty diapers inside? Unlikely.

That's the problem with this crazy case! The parents keep saying completely unbelieveable things. As someone posted earlier, truth is often stranger than fiction, but still ...
Well, well, seems that there is some discord amongst the players in the pact....
"Friend denies McCanns version"

"Maddie was not seen with both parents on the fatal afternoon"

"One of the seven English people in Kate and Gerry's holiday group guarantees he/she stopped seeing little Maddie around 2.30 p.m., a long time before the alarm was raised"

"The witness says that Gerry and Kate spent the afternoon apart, and not in a restaurant with their children, as had been reported until now"

Thanks to summer (translation): post #46
Thanks, colomom! I registered over there so I can read this stuff - awesome to have a translator!

I wonder if the McCann's are trying to cast some doubt on the father who went to check on the girl who was ill that night? I wonder if he is breaking ranks because they are trying to throw him under the bus with the British police? Eventually these "friends" are going to stop their vow of silence to save their own reputations, surely.
They're not talking to the press so where do they get this? I must have missed that post on the message board ;) I see they picked up on the board conversations about the abductor being in the apt. when Gerry came to check.
This article, dated 9/9, is definitely pro-McCann, but occurs before the latest ramp-up of Team McCann PR, so worth a look:

Interesting that Murat was employed as a translator by the PJ and translated at least one of the Tapas 9's interviews with police. If he DID have anything to do with the disappearance, then being a translator would have put him in a very favorable position to skew or misrepresent the testimony of witnesses!

BUT ... the Murat 'line' goes together with this report that a man was seen by one of the Tapas 9 carrying a child across the street toward Murat's villa. Over time, the certainty that the child was Madeleine has increased among the McCann camp (the child is now a girl, the child is now wearing Madeleine's pyjamas, etc.).

BIG QUESTION for the Murat theory:

If a stranger was carrying Madeleine -- known to be a *difficult* child who screamed for 90 minutes one day -- wrapped in a blanket, having taken away her cuddle toy and placed it on a high shelf in the room, then why wasn't said child screaming or struggling?

Children sleep well through noise, but they don't sleep as well through being HANDLED. Especially handled roughly, and especially by a stranger.

If this is the official story that Team McCann wants us to believe, then how can we not ALSO believe that the child had to have been sedated?

This seems a big inconsistency in the McCann account of things. Or ... am I missing something?
Thanks, colomom! I registered over there so I can read this stuff - awesome to have a translator!

I wonder if the McCann's are trying to cast some doubt on the father who went to check on the girl who was ill that night? I wonder if he is breaking ranks because they are trying to throw him under the bus with the British police? Eventually these "friends" are going to stop their vow of silence to save their own reputations, surely.


Not sure about the Russell O'Brien involvement...that part is very murky....
This article, dated 9/9, is definitely pro-McCann, but occurs before the latest ramp-up of Team McCann PR, so worth a look:

Interesting that Murat was employed as a translator by the PJ and translated at least one of the Tapas 9's interviews with police. If he DID have anything to do with the disappearance, then being a translator would have put him in a very favorable position to skew or misrepresent the testimony of witnesses!

BUT ... the Murat 'line' goes together with this report that a man was seen by one of the Tapas 9 carrying a child across the street toward Murat's villa. Over time, the certainty that the child was Madeleine has increased among the McCann camp (the child is now a girl, the child is now wearing Madeleine's pyjamas, etc.).

BIG QUESTION for the Murat theory:

If a stranger was carrying Madeleine -- known to be a *difficult* child who screamed for 90 minutes one day -- wrapped in a blanket, having taken away her cuddle toy and placed it on a high shelf in the room, then why wasn't said child screaming or struggling?

Children sleep well through noise, but they don't sleep as well through being HANDLED. Especially handled roughly, and especially by a stranger.

If this is the official story that Team McCann wants us to believe, then how can we not ALSO believe that the child had to have been sedated?

This seems a big inconsistency in the McCann account of things. Or ... am I missing something?

Excellent point about Murat and the translation. It's well known that the American Indians were often betrayed by false translations, much to their detriment and near extermination. A false tongue is an evil thing.

As for the children sleeping through the noise and Madeleine through the handling, I know my kids have slept through being taken from the car, into the house, up the stairs, put in bed, shoes removed, and never woke up. It doesn't seem that strange to me.

Not sure about the Russell O'Brien involvement...that part is very murky....

Hm ...

Put one Russell O'Brien (known to the child and reported to have spent very little time at the Tapas bar that evening) together with one child being carried -- calmly without struggle -- away from her apartment ...
One more thing, then I'll stop hogging the thread ...

If Madeleine was in 'creche' every single day, who knows who might've been in a position to observe her, observe the family, etc.? Do resorts do background checks on their childcare employees? I sure hope so, but someone could have been paid a lot of money to research the current crop of children. Ick.

Madeleine's father: 'Abductor was hiding in apartment while I checked on her'

Is it just me, or isn't this article just loaded with information that would be considered part of the investigation?

And as such, still covered by the secrecy laws?

What's up with dat?

And there he goes...changing his story again...,,2074964,00.html

"Mr McCann checked at 9.30pm"

"At 9.30pm Gerry McCann checked his children and they were sound asleep, with Madeleine lying with her comfort blanket."

"Gerry McCann checked on his daughter at 9.05pm"
One more thing, then I'll stop hogging the thread ...

If Madeleine was in 'creche' every single day, who knows who might've been in a position to observe her, observe the family, etc.? Do resorts do background checks on their childcare employees? I sure hope so, but someone could have been paid a lot of money to research the current crop of children. Ick.

Hog away....:)

Yes, she could have been observed, background checks are not flawless, especially if the perp had never done anything like this before. Money talks...

I really believe that the PJ tried very hard to find evidence of an abduction and in the beginning that was their focus. But then the dogs came to town, along with the British Police and everything changed.

I think there is evidence we have no idea about....yet.
Hm ...

Put one Russell O'Brien (known to the child and reported to have spent very little time at the Tapas bar that evening) together with one child being carried -- calmly without struggle -- away from her apartment ...

Except for the fact that the person reporting the man carrying the child was none other that Russell O'Brien's partner Jane Tanner. If it had been him doesn't it seem more likely that she would not have said anything, ever?
Except for the fact that the person reporting the man carrying the child was none other that Russell O'Brien's partner Jane Tanner. If it had been him doesn't it seem more likely that she would not have said anything, ever?
i could see her saying something but changing the description of the man she saw.

Madeleine's father: 'Abductor was hiding in apartment while I checked on her'

Is it just me, or isn't this article just loaded with information that would be considered part of the investigation?

Ya think ;)

This article is riddles with inconsistancies..

The girl's parents are convinced Madeleine was being watched during the course of their week-long holiday in the Algarve.
Mr McCann checked on the children at 9.05pm
"When Gerry leaves, the man realises he only has a few minutes. He thinks the only way to get out without being seen is through the window."
until the next hour check in
The Standard can also reveal for the first time today that Kate McCann first realised something was wrong when she went to open the bedroom door tocheck on her daughter at 10pm.

"When he went in he saw Madeleine was asleep but the bedroom door was slightly open. He thought, 'That is odd' because he had left it firmly closed. But all the children were asleep. So he just went in and closed the door again and came out at about 9.10pm.
"The abductor goes in and he hides and when Gerry goes into the bedroom, he just thinks he didn't close the bedroom door properly.
But the door to the bedroom was open and although Mr McCann thought nothing of it at the time, he is now certain he had previously shut it.

"Gerry is convinced the man must have been hiding and once Gerry went out through the patio doors the only way out for the abductor was through the window.
"The theory is the man came in through the patio doors, knowing he has a few minutes until the McCanns' next check. The rear doors are out of sight from the tapas bar where the McCanns and their friends are eating.
"When Gerry leaves, the man realises he only has a few minutes. He thinks the only way to get out without being seen is through the window."

The front door was locked so the kidnapper took Madeleine and climbed out of the window.
theory is the man came in through the patio doors
and again
The rear doors are out of sight from the tapas bar where the McCanns and their friends are eating.

Not to mention, locked doors can be opened from the inside, no?

Also, no mention of the 9:30 check in by a freind.
Excellent point about Murat and the translation. It's well known that the American Indians were often betrayed by false translations, much to their detriment and near extermination. A false tongue is an evil thing.

As for the children sleeping through the noise and Madeleine through the handling, I know my kids have slept through being taken from the car, into the house, up the stairs, put in bed, shoes removed, and never woke up. It doesn't seem that strange to me.

By a stranger???
I mean . . . :waitasec:

If they believed Maddie was being "watched" all week, would they really be so happy to leave her alone and go drink a bottle of wine?

If they feared for her safety, would they leave doors and windows unlocked? Gimme a break. :bang:

When they start changing long-term details that they've never bothered to change before, something is wrong!
No, thank God, but even if it had been a stranger, they wouldn't have known the difference - they slept right through it.
No they didn' know the smell and the touch of their family. Until you can say for certain they have how can you say for certain they will?

I remember passing sleeping kids around, they will wake when passed to someone they don't know, even wake if the "stanger" is a relative. All the time?, I can't argue that any better than someone could argue never.
Except for the fact that the person reporting the man carrying the child was none other that Russell O'Brien's partner Jane Tanner. If it had been him doesn't it seem more likely that she would not have said anything, ever?

PJ says flatly that the man was not carrying a child at all. If this is so, then either a man who walked through at that time has come forward and said, hey I was carrying my laundry on my shoulder, or else Jane Tanner has recanted her story. Perhaps she fabricated the story to try to help someone, or maybe she was just trying to insert herself into the story in a dramatic fashion.

There is another testimony from an English woman who was part of the group and who guarantees she saw a men in a back area of Praia da Luz, carrying what she presumed to be a child. Her deposition was initially valued and strengthened the kidnapping theory, given the fact this woman knew all the members of the group that was staying at the Ocean Club, thus dismissing the possibility of an accident and concealment of a body.

CM knows that, in this case, PJ admits that the aforementioned man didn't carry any child after all, and is therefore unrelated with the kidnapping of Maddie.
Didn't Jane Tanner suddenly remember about this guy that she saw carrying a child days after Madeleine's abduction?
Apparently she did tell the police immediately. I do recall reading that she did not mention it to the McCanns immediately because she didn't want to upset them. Will look for link.

The friend immediately reported the sighting to police but detectives only released the description after Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister in waiting, intervened with the Portuguese authorities last week
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