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  1. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Just found this. Fiancee is in Texas. Self quarantine. Hopefully she wasn't feeling up to much before she left for Ohio and they weren't intimate on that Friday before she left.
  2. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Hmm,don't you think his where abouts is significant? Unless they haven't seen each other in awhile.
  3. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Sorry if this was addressed. Was Amber with her fiancé while in Ohio? Where his he now? I'm guessing if she hadn't seen him for some time before that they might have been intimate. Maybe not,but I'm sure there was some heavy making out at least. Either way,there was probably more than casual...
  4. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    I just read that Amber attended a bridal fair st a small bridal shop. Do we know what that entailed? Was she trying on dresses? Typically at these events they have food and drink samples. Usually finger foods. Did her hands touch her mouth and then touch more food? I'd really like more...
  5. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Trying to give Amber the benefit of the doubt,she may have been looking for the symptoms that she thought were typical of early stage ebola,bodyaches,sore throat, low fever. Maybe she just felt "funny" which I could feel on any given day. I know if I thought I may have been exposed,I would...
  6. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    I thought the President was holding some sort of press conference on this. Did he and I missed it and there was nothing of interest or hasn't it happened yet?
  7. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    My guess is Amber had her plans made and was excited to go back home to Ohio and plan her wedding and thought it highly unlikely that she had the virus.Maybe she felt not quite right, popped some ibprophen and felt alittle better. This is why self monitoring is a joke! If healthcare...
  8. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6 Attention Mr. President!!! Closing borders and travel restrictions helped save other countries!! Can you not see this?!!
  9. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    This reminded me of when's basement backed up with sewage. A hazmat crew had to come in and we were not allowed to go anywhere near our house until it was thoroughly decontaminated. They told us that stuff was airborne in the sewage. Imagine whst was airborne in that room!!!
  10. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    That's like saying if you a have a broken pipe spilling water you make no attempt to stop it because you might still have a trickle. So they can't guarentee complete success so let's not try at all!! Makes no sense!
  11. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    So they only have two beds at NIH? Hope nobody else comes fown with it.
  12. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    I heard someone say that Rudy Guilliano had a comprehensive disaster plan for the city of NYC when he was mayor, including a bio attack. This is why he handled 9/11 so well. Maybe he should be consulted.
  13. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Can someone report the details?
  14. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Isn't there a hearing going on right now on Capital Hill featuring Tom Friedman? I'm at work and can't check so if anyone knows if there are any significant details on this ease report. Thanks
  15. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    once someone gets and survives Ebola,are they forever immune? Or is it like the flu and you are only immune to one particular strain?
  16. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

    So the White House is continuing to say that a travel ban is off the table. I still have yet to find a satisfactory answer to why! A perfect example is what we are finding out about the 2nd nurse. She was supposedly a...
  17. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

    Anything? This makes me very nervous. If it was a no,it seems like it would be easy. If its delayed does that mean they are getting ready for the backlash?
  18. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

    Where is this from? There seem to be so many scares now,I'm losing track.
  19. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

    I'm just hearing a discussion about banning air travel and Dr. Friedman . Apparently at some point in his trying to rationalize why we aren't stopping flights, he says he consulted business leaders and it would have economic consequences if we cut off air travel from these countries!! Are you...
  20. H

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

    I still do not get the reasoning behind not allowing people with a passport from one of the effected countries to come to the US! And we are supposed to believe that these other countries are screening properly? And if they are asymptomatic when they arrive and 2 days later start developing...

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