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DNA Solves
  1. S

    What will Casey's reaction be when the verdict comes in?

    agree...took the words out of my mouth...JMHO
  2. S

    Who is Matthew Bartlett and why the middle finger sign?

    I could be wrong...but a video of proof...there is your evidence...everyone knows he did it and they have evidence to prove he flipped the bird...with Casey..they needed to gather up the evidence the i's and cross the T's ...the works...charging someone for murder is...
  3. S

    Who is Matthew Bartlett and why the middle finger sign?

    LOL!!!! I don't think it was intended for anyone per se...more of look what I just did in the camera....kind of like when a naked person runs across a live major league baseball field nude...JMHO
  4. S

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    the facts don't match for the I would say no...I believe we all felt that in his opening didn't sound plausible...I think than ...we all waited for that moment when the bunny was to magically appear out of his hat...problem was...he didn't sport a hat...JMHO
  5. S

    2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

    Sure he can...and ...If he did...and the evidence matched with his confession...the state would go after him and more than likely drop the charges on Casey if he was found guilty...that is if he was found guilty of the crime and it was concluded he acted alone...but the evidence doesn't...
  6. S

    2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

    I would imagine either CA or JB..or even LA...but more than likely...CA...JMHO
  7. S

    2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

    I am not sure I would either...but...a part of me would feel it was my responsibility....for the victim...Caylee...would like to add the state introducing a different aspect of human senses (see...listen and now smell) is ingenious..hopefully this will leave a bitter taste of guilt.....JMHO
  8. S

    2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

    I would imagine when a person is outcome like this is the result...I'm just happy there are no gloves for KC to try on to see if they fit....JMHO
  9. S

    2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

    I am a bit shocked...due to her personality and how far she has gone thus far with her stories...but feel this was very smart for KC not personally...I would want to talk...give my side of the story...but I also vision myself wanting to talk knowing I was an innocent man...JMHO
  10. S

    2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

    I Would imagine having two gang up on her would be a bad thing...Linda makes sense..they dont want it to appear a man is ganging up on her may lead for the jury to feel sorry for her...having a woman question her like Linda will take away that equation...JMHO
  11. S

    2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

    I can vision it now...if she takes the stand ...she will try and make the facts fit with her BS story/lies...the accident w Caylee happened when I went to the neighbors to borrow a shovel...before leaving to borrow the shovel..asked Dad to watch over my daughter...etc....JMHO
  12. S

    2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

    I'm sure KC would tell you that she borrowed the shovel to remove the root...that was not a lie...just a coincidence what happened with her daughter on that day...JMHO
  13. S

    2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

    the DT calls ----------------> KC?
  14. S

    George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

    I could be wrong...but I feel JB is just an extention of what KC wanted the world to know....I would imagine in her past..sympathy lies of abuse have worked to her advantage...she feeds off of those who have empathy...but its a bit tougher now that she is under the microscope...JMHO
  15. S

    George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

    I would imagine most parents would feel that way if put in a similar situation...ultimately...we as parents are to blame for our own childs actions..I know if my child did something real bad...I would blame myself for not teaching my child the correct path to I would imagine a parent...
  16. S

    2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

    I actually think JB is trying to do his best to defend her/win...but...I also think he is out of his league...and he should have never agreed to do this case knowing he may not be the best man for the job...but...he needs fame, money and the attention/limelight...and she needs someone that would...
  17. S

    2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

    oppps...clicked on the wrong post to quote...sorry
  18. S

    Will Casey Testify?

    I haven't seen all the video footage...and didnt get a chance to see any today...need to catch up...but if I was a betting man...I would have to say in her mind she feels she has no other choice than too take the stand and tell her side of the story...I believe what we witnessed earlier on in...
  19. S

    2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

    I would imagine if she were to take the stand..we would see a ton of tears...shaking...the works...the jury wouldn't see her true colors until she got off the stand upset that she didnt get a standing ovation...jmho
  20. S

    Will Casey Testify?

    I believe she will take the stand if ...she feels the jury isn't convinced she is innocent....I believe she feels she can outwit everyone including the her way out of it...I believe she has been behaving this way her entire life...why stop now? JMHO

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