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  1. JustMy2Cents

    Cindy's Deposition #3 *UPDATED* MOTION FILED

    That may be true for some companies, but not all. I work for one of the major banks & that is not how we handle credit cards. We would want a few more details so we know how to handle the charges. At the very least you would have to give account of most recent charges and verify them.
  2. JustMy2Cents

    2009.04.14 Nancy Grace

    Hmmm. I never gave this much thought but who paid the hospital bill when Caylee was born? Do we know if KC received medicaid to cover it? That would be one large bill to pay without insurance coverage. Anyone?
  3. JustMy2Cents

    In Fairness To Cindy

    Me three. It was Cindy's weird behavior that got me hooked on this case from the beginning. I hadn't even heard about this case here in Oregon and I caught a snippet of an interview she was giving. It was in the beginning when she would avoid answering questions by saying that she hadn't slept...
  4. JustMy2Cents

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    The way KC pronounces her words drives me insane. "I can't even schwallow right now", "schtraightener" (hair straightener), "you don't underdschtand" UGH! It drives me nuts
  5. JustMy2Cents

    Tape Discussion#2- Anthony's hired DC to find Caylee dead or alive *CLIP ADDED*

    I suppose that could be possible but then WHY did they lie about it? Why not just come forward with that immediatly? Why say PI was looking at a teen hangout? Oops, now it's looking for an alive or dead Caylee. Oops, now its a tip from a psychic. See where i'm going with this? No offense to you...
  6. JustMy2Cents

    Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

    They couldn't 'enjoy' room service? Who in their right mind goes out to an expensive dinner the day their granddaugher's remains are found?:bang:
  7. JustMy2Cents

    P.I. Says Partner Knew Where Caylee Anthony's Body Was

    To all you LP naysayers, doesn't this prove what he has been saying since the story broke was true?? Maybe people should really give him the benefit of the doubt from time to time.
  8. JustMy2Cents

    Nancy Grace - Monday, 1/5/2009

    Perhaps he doesn't want to "break" any bombshell news himself but after it's out there he has no problem telling what he knows? If he informed the FBI and they have all the info I'm willing to bet he thought they would release it when the time was right. Once the cat was out of the bag he...
  9. JustMy2Cents

    Latest from George Anthony 1-2-09 at 11:58 PM

    I applaud you for all your effort. The difference between you and the Anthony's is that you tried, you made the effort. From everything I have seen from the Anthony's, they never made any effort at all in regards to KC's behavior. They lied and covered for her and never made her take any...
  10. JustMy2Cents

    Latest from George Anthony 1-2-09 at 11:58 PM

    This family doesn't deserve a break. Period. They knew from "day 1" that Caylee was dead and that KC killed her. They chose to not believe what they knew in their hearts, denial. They can say whatever they want, KC is mother of the year, Zanny did it, Jesse did it, whatever, but they have ALWAYS...
  11. JustMy2Cents

    Please View This Has Been So Well Done.

    Thanks for posting, Windchime. Very powerful stuff. I wish I could sit the A's down and force them to watch this.
  12. JustMy2Cents

    Latest from George Anthony 1-2-09 at 11:58 PM

    If it was an accident then how do you explain the google searches for chloroform, neck breaking, household weapons, etc....? I agree that KC lives her life 10 minutes at a time but I still think this whole thing was planned out.The computer searches for chloroform and the fact that they found...
  13. JustMy2Cents

    Omissions from Document Dumps or released information

    1. Interviews with Mallory (LA girlfriend) I haven't seen one. 2. More interviews with TonE. LE implied certain things that let all of us to believe there were way more interview either happened or to come 3. Lie Detector tests from all who have taken them. I'm sure I can think of more...
  14. JustMy2Cents

    P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found #2

    And that's why JB is jumping through hoops & filing emergency motions for a 'special master' .
  15. JustMy2Cents

    Could Lee Anthony face charges for obstruction of justice?

    If he deleted files or tried to crash the computer my guess is he pulled over on the side of the road on his way back to the A's house to do the deed. JMO.
  16. JustMy2Cents

    Interesting Info about Site where remains found

    Kimster, where in Oregon are you located? I'm in Grants Pass.:):wave:
  17. JustMy2Cents

    Should Incest Allegations & Misappropriation of Funds be Allowed on the Main Forum?

    I'm glad someone else brought this up. I was thinking the very same thing this morning (why threads were suddenly disappearing or 'parked') I don't think it's fair to say what we can and cannot discuss if the subject has already been brought up by LE supported documents. It's already out there...
  18. JustMy2Cents

    Emails From Cindy and her family

    Wow!! Thanks for the heads up! I remember when I was reading the last doc dump that they only had a bunch of emails from the great grandmothers sister but there weren't any from the g gramma. THESE ARE THE ONES I WAS THINKING AT THE TIME "WHERE ARE THEY?" Everyone should read these!!
  19. JustMy2Cents

    Emails From Cindy and her family

    I agree with you and thank you for pointing it out. I have often thought that Caylee looked like an angry little girl in a lot of the pics and videos but I just chocked it up to my own biases about the family. I think you are right.

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