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DNA Solves
  1. A

    Support Thread: Jeff Ashton and Prosecution Team

    Could we do a thank you thread, like this one, and let them know it's here?
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    2011.02.21: Elisa Baker indicted for 2nd degree murder!!

    FaerieB, I said a prayer for your family and little Ethan...God Bless and Carry you through til the day the Lord brings you home to him.
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    Emotional Toll

    I read alot here, but rarely post. I am in awe of the hard work and depth of care that WS members consistently put forth. This case has worn out my heart. Well, really, it is all these cases, day after day, child after child.... When does it stop? How does it stop? It's unbelievable to me the...
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    Nancy Grace - Zahra coverage

    Also, I would think he would keep her away from ED to keep info from getting out. If the child was abused, and it seems she was, IMO, then he wouldn't want the child away from him, talking to someone where she would feel safe, without fear of retribution from he or EB.
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    Nancy Grace - Zahra coverage

    IMO, it says alot that EB's sister couldn't say if she felt her sister could have done this or not! I would think that most sisters could say absolutely, no way, to such a question. ETA: Cyborg, I just now read your similar post....guess we were thinking alike:)
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    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    This is a civil, the "state" only wants the info. The "state" doesn't have a dog in the fight so to speak, like the petitioner and respondent does. So, it may be fairer (if that is a word) for the state to appoint the mental health person. Also, is it bothering anyone else that her...
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    Timmy & Chelsea Croslin; and the hours before Haleigh went missing.

    I think that it is interesting that Chelsea said that Ron picked up Haleigh at the bus stop and that she didn't see Misty in the car, but Misty later told her she was with him. Hmmmm, what if TN was actually the one with him. I think that could help a lot of things fall into place here. IMHO.
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    Timmy & Chelsea Croslin; and the hours before Haleigh went missing.

    BBM This makes a lot of sense to me. I work in a field where many clients are in DV situations, and I have personal experience with family/friends etc, that have been in DV situations. Many times it is only when the woman is very angry or upset with her abuser that she tells things she normally...
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    Terri's Armchair Psych Profile

    OneLove, I agree. I have also dealt with alot of teenage girls that have been given NOS type or bipolar diagnosis, when the therapist stated, off the record, that the real diagnosis is most likely borderline personality disorder. These are some of the most unpredictable, difficult, and sometimes...
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    Can we tell when RC is lying now? Armchair eye analysis

    BBM by me. My sense of STRONG that Ron is very mad at Misty and she is very, very well aware of it.
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    Can we tell when RC is lying now? Armchair eye analysis

    Watched most of the video again. The overall impression I got, watching their eyes, they look down and to the left alot (picturing myself facing them, so this would be to my left). According to the chart this is sensory access. This fits with my strong impression in this video of people who are...
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    Tommy describes attack

    I'm wondering if Tommy really don't know much of anything about what actually happened, but has been told ALOT and cannot keep it all straight! Maybe whoever was telling him things, should have waited until he was a little more clear-minded....never mind, he probably didn't get that way until he...
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    Jose "Quite Frankly" Baez

    Baez use of "quite frankly" when talking about discovery made me think that he didn't know what he had or didn't have, was aware of that, but trying not to sound like he didn't know. As in, quite frankly, we need ALL of the expert statements...which ones specificaly? Quite frankly, I don't have...
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    2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

    I rarely post, and I haven't read through the whole thing and this may have already been brought up, because I haven't read through all of this either, but WTF with the monkeys????? page 37:eek::eek::eek:
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    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #19

    Interesting name on 7/3/08 and 7/30/08 reports...I wonder if it is the same BC
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    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #8

    Has anyone heard anymore on the maternal aunt that mom was living with? Another thing is niggling at me....Shaynia was supposed to be back already, and mom called the cops because she wasn't, did she not have anyway to contact MAM? Wouldn't she have called him, known where he was going to be...
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    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #8

    My urge is to thump her eyes out.....:furious:
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    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #8

    Yes, Babyblues, I was kind of thinking the same thin...she looks a little dazed. That could be another reason he is carrying her.
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    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #8

    I am so disturbed by the way MAM looks when he is being arraigned and in pics of him after the arrest. He looks almost like he is about to laugh, like this is funny, or like he is a little (or a lot) insane. Does anyone else get the creeps just looking at his pic? As for mom, I say FRY HER...
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    HELP! Need ideas on how to stop someone.

    Have you tried making a risk of harm report to child protective services?

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