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  1. T

    2009.05.13 Larry King Live

    We all saw this coming.... $$$ signs in their eyes...instead of honoring little Caylee....It seems she was thrown out of the whole equation...Now it's all about Casey and her innocence...and the fact that they can't go see her..sure bet!! The Anthony's are pathetic!!! What sad disgusting people...
  2. T

    Rep. from Orlando seeks $500,00 to establish Caylee Anthony Missing Program

    Just imagine George and Cindy Anthony sitting on a board that receives donations for missing persons...Not only would they get notority which I believe they are looking for but they would be well compensated which I believe is at the crux of this.... They have joined a very sad group of parents...
  3. T

    Cindy - Inapropriate with her PI ??

    Like mother like daughter... You teach by example and this must be how Casey learned to use her body to get what she wanted from the opposite sex...she tried using it on the detectives but did not work!!!!! She evidently was trying her best on getting the detectives to fall for her...
  4. T

    POLL: What Do You Think Casey's Sentence Will Be???

    I hope she gets life without parole... She will get a dose of reality when she is released into general population. Right now she can pop all the bon bons she wants and be a prima donna with her own private cell...but just wait.... :woohoo::woohoo:
  5. T

    Video of KC and Baez Crying together to be released UPDATE BAEZ THREATENS TO SUE

    Too funny....sad but probably true....she seems to always have to have a man... :razz::razz::razz:
  6. T

    Analysis of Casey's Clothes and Body Language

    I noticed those love handles too... I figure she is just eating herself into oblivion instead of wasting away with worry over the death of her little Caylee. According to NG she seems to be ordering quite a bit of junk food from the prison commissary. I doubt they have a full length mirror in...
  7. T

    Should Caylee pay for her Mother's defense

    No way should she be using photos of little Caylee to pay for her defense...She threw her away like garbage...and now she is using her to pay for her defense... in the long run there will be justice for Caylee........:furious::furious::furious:
  8. T

    Ronald proposes to Misty #2 UPDATE: Wedding planned for 03-12-09

    Ditto....I don't understand how they can even think of marriage at a time like this....I would think that all their effort and focus would be on finding Haleigh. Something is not right in this story:furious::furious::furious:
  9. T

    Revenge or justice? Does anyone feel guilty of their behavior

    I do not feel guilty one bit on wanting justice for the death of little Caylee. I guess in a way I also want a bit of revenge for the way her mother threw her away like garbage. I was unable to have children and it breaks my heart when I see children killed or hurt by their mothers. I feel...
  10. T

    Things that make you wonder

    I wonder if George's suicide attempt just wasn't a ploy devised by Cindy to keep them from testifying in the Zenida deposition. The suicide attempt doesn't ring true as there seems to be too many inconsistencies in the story starting with the pill bottles, pizza, and suicide note. I feel that...
  11. T

    It's All About Caylee

    Hello sweet Caylee... I know that you are having fun dancing with the Angels and having lots of playmates to have fun with...You are always in our are dearly loved by so have a special place in our hearts....and are always in our prayers..God Bless you sweet angel...
  12. T

    2009.03.10 - Hand Written Note From Tot Mom in Response to Pros. Motion

    Casey thinks that she is so smart and that her lies will get her off. She has lied to everyone, stolen from family and friends and has killed.... her precious Caylee. This is one mess mommy, daddy and Lee are not going to be able to cover up. The handwriting is on the wall...not some note...
  13. T

    Ron C. #4

    I would want all the media exposure I could get... I would give up my privacy to find my missing child... whatever it takes to keep the story up front and not buried...too many missing children and the stories have gone cold....:mad:
  14. T

    "G (Guilty)" vs "NG (Not Guilty)" Where do you stand?

    GUILTY...plain and Anthonyisms.......
  15. T

    Ronald proposes to Misty

    Ditto... How could you think of marrying when your child is out there missing? I would not be able to think of anything else....
  16. T

    George Makes Debut As Kidfinder's Spokesman

    Maybe Geraldo can ask George while he is on the show in all his glory it if he asked his "hi, beautiful daughter" why and where she killed Caylee...and why he asked for immunity? This is disgusting if it is true..he must be hoping that he will be drawing in big dollars as a missing child...
  17. T

    George Makes Debut As Kidfinder's Spokesman

    The new improved Anthony Family...ready to be seen as advocates for missing children...never mind that they continually tell the public that their daughter had nothing to do with the murder of Caylee. How can you be advocates for missing children when you throw your own murdered grandchild...
  18. T

    George Makes Debut As Kidfinder's Spokesman

    I feel that the Anthony family are now trying to appear main stream now that the trial is looming in the horizon. They know that public opinion is against them and they are trying to rehabilitate their image. Good Luck! Their daughter was never missing and they did not appear to be out looking...
  19. T

    Fingerprints and gloves

    Ditto...All she had on her mind was Tony L and living in her little fairy land seeing herself as his wife but not as a the expense of her little Caylee and what is troubling without remorse. She is diabolical!!!
  20. T

    Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

    Dear Mr. Klass... I believe that Casey murdered Caylee and it was premeditated. I also believe that the Anthony's knew when they picked up the car that little Caylee was deceased at the hands of their daughter. The dynamics of Anthony family and their dysfunction is troubling. I believe that...

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