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DNA Solves
  1. D

    Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #6

    I'm thinking Darell Brewer. Could you answer this for me: I have been viewing the direct testimony of Ja. She talking about the trip to Huntington Beach, then a trip to Disneyland and says a friend dropped her and Travis off. At a later time didn't she say this was a trip when Travis freaked...
  2. D

    Aggravation phase #2

    great post. she is BPD just as dr. demarte described.
  3. D

    VERDICT is IN!! #1

    chi wa wa oh how funny is that. thanks for the laugh i got.
  4. D

    2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I had to turn the channel. Makes me sick . People that say kc is smart and hot , what have I missed? I wish they would give an example of what she said or did that made them come to this conclusion. CM went so far as to say she was tough. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  5. D

    2011.07.21 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I just get this odd feeling every time NG talks about CA and GA. It seems insincere to me, like she is buttering them up. Were CA, GA, LA or JB ever on her show?tks
  6. D

    2011.07.20 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    How is all this sleezy hype, Al Taylor, the sightings hoax etc making us want to see fca in an interview? I think they should have gone with the out of sight, rehab bit, then with a repentant fca. I might have bought into that. All this other stuff is unprofessional to me. what is wrong with...
  7. D

    2011.07.19 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    why does he say he is concerned about their safety? They were at the Home Depot or Lowe's buying a saw and taking down tag numbers of pho togs.
  8. D

    2011.07.19 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Oh my, I do the same thing.
  9. D

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    what was it with him and the daisy chain? i had never heard that expression. and what's up with that toothpick/
  10. D

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    whatever happened to jb statement: we are gonna take care of kc and let her grieve blau, blau according to GR??????????
  11. D

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    piers morgan asked hugh hefner that question last week, about kc appearing in playboy. he said no.
  12. D

    2011.07.15 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Does anyone besides me think this family converses in an unusual way? Their granddaughter is missing for God's sake. They know it is being taped. If ica is so smart and tough per cm, how can she not react like i think most people would . This tape is driving me crazy. No body acts like...
  13. D

    2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    If you saw ica psyc. on Dr Drew please explain what he thought of her mental state. I'm confused i understood him to say she is NOT mentally ill and she gave her permission for him to talk. what the heck is wrong with her or is her condition so rare there is no named aliment.
  14. D

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    Did anyone see JG father on JVM? Was asked if he saw any similarity with CA lies on the stand and ICA. He said they both added more detail than necessary when answering. ITA. CA drove me crazy on the stand, long drawn out details that didn't add anything to the case. Even when she asked HHBP...
  15. D

    2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    ID channel ca-behind the verdict on now.
  16. D

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    you are right. although i might pass for GA
  17. D

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    TMZ posting pic of ca and ga at fl resort, relaxing by pool
  18. D

    What questions are still unanswered?

    Did the Anthony family over these 3 yrs get with DT and agree to lie on the stand, fake tears, anger etc. Why did ga sit so calm when accused of molesting ica? I got the feeling they enjoyed abusing ja and ldb. your thoughts please.

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