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  1. S

    GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #8

    No, Jean <modsnip> was specific that he was a deliberating juror. I sure miss Beth.
  2. S

    GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #8

    Does this mean they will continue trial coverage? I sure hope so......just love trials and the opportunity to share the experience with you all.
  3. S

    GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #8

    I have watched her cover many trials and she is always pro-defense. So wish Beth was in her position.
  4. S

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    Miss who......I missed something. Is it Beth? Please say its Jean.:please:
  5. S

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    Question? Does this jury realize that if they hang a second jury can be seated to decide the penalty? If they know this I say that they will be determined to reach a decision. I just don't think with what they have invested in this trial in terms of time and emotional toll that they will turn...
  6. S

    Closing arguments- thread #176

    Amazing how she can look at cs photos while the dt is discussing the murder but when Juan is on she's crying us a river.
  7. S

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    I so agree. I do think that the fact that this jury is not sequested makes a big difference too......they haven't lost their minds.
  8. S

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    I swear that earlier he said the defense never said that Travis was a pedophile I can't follow this argument.:banghead:
  9. S

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    I think KN enjoys repeating all the sexual aspects of this case. Juan hardly touched on it. I'm glad I'm not an Az tax payer. .
  10. S

    Closing arguments- thread #174

    I think Bundy had more touch with reality......I think Jodi sees herself as a star and she is loving the attention the trial is bringing her. Look at the outtakes with the tv interviews......she is so excited interacting with the CBS producers. Really telling.....jail is a small price to pay for...
  11. S

    Closing arguments- thread #174

    Question? What was KN talking about when he referenced "bad hair cuts and sexual orientation" I don't remember Juan talking about this even when he was cutting AV to pieces. He was always focused on her professional opinion and how she arrived at her conclusion/dx Does anyone have any idea...
  12. S

    Closing arguments- thread #174

    I love how today she's paying attention, no note taking today and her hair. You can tell this is a day she thinks it will be good to look open and honest, thus the hair pulled back no need for the Cousin It look. So phony.
  13. S

    Closing arguments- thread #174

    I have always thought that was so telling.......she was so sure the neighbors could not have recognized her and listed the reasons why. I think this should have been emphasized more in closing to show premeditation.
  14. S

    Closing arguments- thread #174

    I think tx is referring to the old , "it only takes one juror to hang the jury" He's hoping for someone to hold out and give them a do over. So he's saying be a hero hold out against all the other jurors. Anyway I think that's what tx was referring to.
  15. S

    Your Favorite Juanderful Court Moment & Quotes

    Oh so many to chose from. You all have really covered the top ones for sure. I know this doesn't fit because it didn't come from Juan but it was about Juan. Do you remember when Flores was questioning Jodi and he warned her she didn't want to face Juan....I can't remember the exact quote but...
  16. S

    will you watch the defense closing argument?

    Yes! I need a laugh. To see the DT trying to put lipstick on a pig will be fun.
  17. S

    State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

    Just want to say how much I have enjoyed this site and the informative and insightful discussions that I have found here. I've got to admit I am dreading the end of this trial. I am a trial junky and with the end of Insession I wondered where we will get trial coverage in the future. Is there a...
  18. S

    weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

    Oh my, thank you for that reply. I think you hit the mark......your observation sounds so right. They do think they are smarter than anyone else and underneath there is so much contempt.

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