10/28/11 Private Investigator Returns, Baby Lisas Family Leaves

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I like this idea..people tend to read into things a bit much..I'd be real happy to hear the kids got to be kids.

I will say I'm a little surprised nobody followed? No media or anything?

I agree. There were decoy cars, so it's possible some tried. It would be surprising if they had not tried.

They actually left at about 10:15, so he wasn't there very long at all. Seems pre-planned to me.
"KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Moments after private investigator Bill Stanton returned to Kansas City to see the family of missing 11-month-old Lisa Irwin, the family left a relative’s home in a convoy of vehicles with Stanton."
I am not surprised they are moving to another location. I'm sure the neighbors of the relatives are feeling invaded by the media.
First I applaud your courage in admitting to your own dependency issues here and congratulate you on your strength in overcoming them - you have my utmost admiration and respect.

I have addressed the topic in responses to other posters along the same lines and you'll see that in NO way am I condoning getting blackout drunk in charge of kids.

Thanks for the compliment I have to say it wasn't "ME" that helped in my recovery it was all the wonderful people and something much greater than myself. I'm shocked that so many people are defending her actions that night. I'm not in any way saying that she is a bad person, because I'm not a bad person, I'm just saying that on that particular night, when her husband was not at home, to drink until she was blackout drunk was a very bad decision and certainly led to the outcome.
I like this idea..people tend to read into things a bit much..I'd be real happy to hear the kids got to be kids.

I will say I'm a little surprised nobody followed? No media or anything?

I'd love to believe this exodus was all in the name of providing fun for the boys. I don't think it has anything to do with trick 'r treating though. That is still 3 full days away! That, and they made a very dramatic exit, and had a convoy of vehicles. IMO, this was all about the adults, and not for the kid's benefit at all.
I have no idea why they haven't seen these boys so judging whether or not they do or do not deserve to see them seems premature....IMO

I have to agree with this because the bio parents have not been in either of their lives for two years, but doesnt anyone else find it odd that both bio mom and bio dad have been away for 2 years.. The same amount of time. thats just odd to me. If something happened in that house then another relative can take the kids. Unless bio mom and dad had a real real good reason to not see their kids as in, its been in court with them trying to see them for a long while now...
It's bloody disgusting the whole thing. I have bile in my mouth as I read what's been going on. First of all there is no concrete proof that these people did anything to Lisa or made her disappear, oh yes there's a lot of speculation and disparate bits of 'evidence' and a disatrous PR circus that are all being cobbled together and make it look like they did. Maybe they did but until such time as LE see fit to make an arrest or announce they are POIs then surely human decency demands that people at least give them some benefit of the doubt and take a step back for the sake of their other children if nothing else.

They left their home and took refuge with family and now have the media camped outside there, they have people on the internet demanding they talk, search, confess, have their other children taken away, nitpicking every little thing they do and say, demanding they do this, demanding they do that. Then they have people turning up unannounced at their door, sure they're well-meaning or sympathetic because they went through the same thing and want to help but, if they are feeling aggrieved because they are turned away, they have no one to blame but themselves for trying to insert themselves into this family's situation uninvited. And doing so in the full spotlight of the media smacks to me of self-serving publicity seeking. Want to know who their lawyer is? Gimme a break. It's all over the media who their lawyer is. Contact him and if you still don't get a response then too bad, deal with it, they don't want your help right now.

Then we have reporters taking pictures of their other minor kids going to and from their school? The school they usually attend and kept there clearly in an effort to maintain at least some semblance of normalcy in their young lives at a time when they must be as bewildered as heck.

What next? The same mobs of nutjobs who picketed the Anthonys' home and Terri Horman's parents' home descending on them?

I don't for one second blame them for getting out and, more importantly, getting their kids out. I don't care if they went to Disney or the Bahamas or Shangri-La - fact is the adults can take care of themselves but those children at the very least need to be protected and away from all this and for those who would say they need to be taken away from the parents I'd say, unless there is some proof of abuse or neglect or endangerment, that's the last thing they need right now.

I have to agree. Do the parents currently live under a cloud of suspicion? Yes. Does that mean they killed their daughter? Absolutely not.

We all need to compartmentalize the parent's potential for culpability separately from finding this girl. Frankly, I've read some people around the internet who are caught up in a sort of lynch mob mentality that isn't helping find out what's happened to this girl.

I read this article today in our local paper (KC Star): http://www.kansascity.com/2011/10/28/3235919/father-of-colorado-infant-who.html

Why'd they leave the house?

Personally, I think the fact they left is indicative of one pretty simple fact: The boundaries that should exist around the two boys have been violated. If this happened to me, I'd take my two daughters to a secret, safe, undisclosed place too. And as long as I'm in contact with the police wherever that location is, it's none of anyone else's business.

Yes, their daughter/granddaughter/neice is missing, that fact does not absolve the family of the obligation they have to protect the two boys. If that includes taking those boys away from this home for a few days it's not only warranted we should encourage it.

They're surely in close contact with police as needed and if something develops they'll be there.


Bear with me because this ties back to them leaving the home. This whole attorney/BS issues is not playing well in KC at all. Firing Cyndy Short is a very questionable decision there is a lot to suggest it wasn't DB/JI's decisions. Short is very highly regarded in KC (See here: http://voices.kansascity.com/entries/cyndy-shorts-exit-bad-news-baby-lisa-irwin/

We all need to bear in mind that most - if not all - of the actions of DB and JI are being orchestrated and manipulated by JT and BS. These two people, whether they did anything or not, are obviously ill-equipped to deal with this entire situation. So we have these so-called "experts"/media *advertiser censored* from NY using the couple and their boys to manipulate the media.

Frankly, I think JT could care less if Lisa is found or not. He makes his money from a jury trial - and the trial of the parents for murder pays him MUCH better than finding Lisa alive or finding the parents are not involved. The point being: firing Cyndy Short illustrates that Tacopina DOES NOT have the best interest of the parents involved and it strains credulity to think he has the baby's best interest at heart. He has HIS best interests at heart. Period.
I have to agree with this because the bio parents have not been in either of their lives for two years, but doesnt anyone else find it odd that both bio mom and bio dad have been away for 2 years.. The same amount of time. thats just odd to me. If something happened in that house then another relative can take the kids. Unless bio mom and dad had a real real good reason to not see their kids as in, its been in court with them trying to see them for a long while now...

Where did you read 2 years? I read that it was 2 years for one and 3 for the other. I think IDMiddle said that the first mom had the custody thing go on before DB moved in. Just fwiw.

I'm not insisting I know the time frame, just suggesting that an even 2 years for both was not a fact as far as I know.
It's bloody disgusting the whole thing. I have bile in my mouth as I read what's been going on. First of all there is no concrete proof that these people did anything to Lisa or made her disappear, oh yes there's a lot of speculation and disparate bits of 'evidence' and a disatrous PR circus that are all being cobbled together and make it look like they did. Maybe they did but until such time as LE see fit to make an arrest or announce they are POIs then surely human decency demands that people at least give them some benefit of the doubt and take a step back for the sake of their other children if nothing else.

They left their home and took refuge with family and now have the media camped outside there, they have people on the internet demanding they talk, search, confess, have their other children taken away, nitpicking every little thing they do and say, demanding they do this, demanding they do that. Then they have people turning up unannounced at their door, sure they're well-meaning or sympathetic because they went through the same thing and want to help but, if they are feeling aggrieved because they are turned away, they have no one to blame but themselves for trying to insert themselves into this family's situation uninvited. And doing so in the full spotlight of the media smacks to me of self-serving publicity seeking. Want to know who their lawyer is? Gimme a break. It's all over the media who their lawyer is. Contact him and if you still don't get a response then too bad, deal with it, they don't want your help right now.

Then we have reporters taking pictures of their other minor kids going to and from their school? The school they usually attend and kept there clearly in an effort to maintain at least some semblance of normalcy in their young lives at a time when they must be as bewildered as heck.

What next? The same mobs of nutjobs who picketed the Anthonys' home and Terri Horman's parents' home descending on them?

I don't for one second blame them for getting out and, more importantly, getting their kids out. I don't care if they went to Disney or the Bahamas or Shangri-La - fact is the adults can take care of themselves but those children at the very least need to be protected and away from all this and for those who would say they need to be taken away from the parents I'd say, unless there is some proof of abuse or neglect or endangerment, that's the last thing they need right now.


I would like to see a thread for reasons people say she is guilty. I had typed up a longggggg post in response to someones reasons and the thread was closed when I got done. NO fighting or attacking, but IMO alot of the reasons are not facts and I would like to see each one have a link to either LE or the parents saying things. Media has made ALOT of mistakes on this case. I don't think anyone would want media camped out in their yard for a month and be under the microscope of the entire world.
I agree. There were decoy cars, so it's possible some tried. It would be surprising if they had not tried.
I am not so sure that there were actually ANY decoy cars. This could very possibly be one reporters made up drama. Yes, I am sure at least some media was in pursuit.
I am not so sure that there were actually ANY decoy cars. This could very possibly be one reporters made up drama. Yes, I am sure at least some media was in pursuit.

I wondered about that, but since it was in MSM and I had no reason t object I took it on faith. We all know how smart that is in this case :banghead:
About the family leaving......................

Gil Abeyta said on HLN yesterday that "this family has no support". I thought that odd at the time because they were staying with family and from what we've seen, there are quite a few people in that house at any given time. So, "no support" threw me a loop.

Maybe that surrounding family in the home have been asking the hard questions or putting their two cents in concerning decisions that are being made. Maybe the "surrounding family" have had enough of all of this. The media camped out, people knocking at the door, the basic chaos that must be going on in that house...........

IDK - but for a statement to be made that the parents have no support but are staying with family and now they pack up and leave under the cover of darkness? Its just odd - very very odd.

The idea that maybe they took the boys somewhere so they could have their Halloween - possible - BUT Halloween isn't until Monday and that's a school day, at least here it is - so if the boys are going to have Halloween somewhere else, are they not going to school on Monday?

Here's another thought - Judge J is on tonight and will be covering the case - I will :thud: if either one or both parents show up on that show tonight. Maybe not in New York but from an affiliate station somewhere - KWIM?

I'm sticking by my opinion that the timer is ticking and something is going to blow. These little leaks we have been getting are putting the pressure on.

WHERE IS THIS CHILD???? (and why don't the parents seem to care if she is found?)
It's bloody disgusting the whole thing. I have bile in my mouth as I read what's been going on. First of all there is no concrete proof that these people did anything to Lisa or made her disappear, oh yes there's a lot of speculation and disparate bits of 'evidence' and a disatrous PR circus that are all being cobbled together and make it look like they did. Maybe they did but until such time as LE see fit to make an arrest or announce they are POIs then surely human decency demands that people at least give them some benefit of the doubt and take a step back for the sake of their other children if nothing else.

They left their home and took refuge with family and now have the media camped outside there, they have people on the internet demanding they talk, search, confess, have their other children taken away, nitpicking every little thing they do and say, demanding they do this, demanding they do that. Then they have people turning up unannounced at their door, sure they're well-meaning or sympathetic because they went through the same thing and want to help but, if they are feeling aggrieved because they are turned away, they have no one to blame but themselves for trying to insert themselves into this family's situation uninvited. And doing so in the full spotlight of the media smacks to me of self-serving publicity seeking. Want to know who their lawyer is? Gimme a break. It's all over the media who their lawyer is. Contact him and if you still don't get a response then too bad, deal with it, they don't want your help right now.

Then we have reporters taking pictures of their other minor kids going to and from their school? The school they usually attend and kept there clearly in an effort to maintain at least some semblance of normalcy in their young lives at a time when they must be as bewildered as heck.

What next? The same mobs of nutjobs who picketed the Anthonys' home and Terri Horman's parents' home descending on them?

I don't for one second blame them for getting out and, more importantly, getting their kids out. I don't care if they went to Disney or the Bahamas or Shangri-La - fact is the adults can take care of themselves but those children at the very least need to be protected and away from all this and for those who would say they need to be taken away from the parents I'd say, unless there is some proof of abuse or neglect or endangerment, that's the last thing they need right now.

I am sorry,but this is a rude statement to make about people who have had their children kidnapped and murdered who want to help find a missing baby.The family could have been a little more kinder about it.Their is an 11 month old child missing here and I would think anyone-and I mean anyone would move mountains to try find them-IMO-This family has not even moved an ant hole to find Lisa!!!This is JMO
I am sorry,but this is rude to say to people who have had their children kidnapped and murdered who want to help find a missing baby.The family could have been a little more kinder about it.Their is an 11 month old child missing here and I would think anyone-and I mean anyone would move mountains to try find them-IMO-This family has not even moved an ant hole to find Lisa!!!This is JMO

I think if Miss Porter wanted to assist, she should have made her initial contact through the police and offered her assistance and then through the attorneys. Going up to the door unannounced is inadvisable under the circumstances.

We all need to bear in mind that most - if not all - of the actions of DB and JI are being orchestrated and manipulated by JT and BS. These two people, whether they did anything or not, are obviously ill-equipped to deal with this entire situation. So we have these so-called "experts"/media *advertiser censored* from NY using the couple and their boys to manipulate the media.

HA! AND there it is! <blows on her fingernails> Told ya.

Well, while we're all happy go lucky about how these parents are protecting their children from the press (they created) while not lifting a finger to locate or help to locate their child, lets hope little Lisa isn't in a trunk along with their luggage (or a wine box - considering Ft. Bragg). God Forbid!!

No evidence?? Seriously?

Control by confusion apparently works well.

They simply do not seem to be concerned with anything other than themselves and banking on this from day two. They are NOT out looking for their child -- they became exhausted from doing interviews talking about "adult time" and how drunken stupors don't change who people are.

Maya Angelo says; "When someone tells you WHO they are; Believe them".

Leaving that house was probably at least one piece of good advice the parents have gotten.. I think it was creating a dangerous situation for all involved (regardless of their guilt or innocence) Their boys shouldn't be subjected to that nor the extended family or the neighborhood...Let's just hope they informed LE about their plans...
I am sorry,but this is rude to say to people who have had their children kidnapped and murdered who want to help find a missing baby.The family could have been a little more kinder about it.Their is an 11 month old child missing here and I would think anyone-and I mean anyone would move mountains to try find them-IMO-This family has not even moved an ant hole to find Lisa!!!This is JMO

I understand the boys need to be taken care of but speaking for myself if my baby was missing I could care less about Halloween. I would let relatives or friends see that the boys had a good time. Halloween would be the last thing on my mind, the only thing on my mind would be my baby with a stranger wondering if they are taking good care of her,is she crying for me or thinking about my baby lying out in the elements waiting to be found....
My focus would be on my missing baby!!!
I would barely be functioning by now if not in bed sedated.... just thinking about my baby missing makes my heart start racing....:twocents:

They have JT and BS to thank for this case spiraling out of control.....they could have had an attorney behind the scenes advising them...

Those two boys are probably key witnesses into what really happened, that's why they don't want them around, they don't want the truth to come out.....sickening........

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