100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #73

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That surprises you? One more reason that this judge is a complete joke. Punctuality is another one of the problems I have with her. I like judges who demand respect, and in the case of punctuality, demand that ALL participants involved in a particular trial be in the courtroom on time each day.

I respectfully disagree. I think this judge is fair. You can predict what her responses will be when objections are made as she is very consistent. I think she has had words with the attorneys about what her expectations are in the courtroom. I would never presume to judge a judge as I sure am not qualified to be on the bench! LOL

ETA: The defense has been late this week and she sure was not happy. Sometimes her duties apart from this trial make court start late as well.
Saw your question here and tried to find the answer but I can't at the moment. Will keep trying - didn't want you think you were being ignored!


I posted it upthread.
The jury asked Detective Flores the most random stuff.
"Did you check the roommates alibis?"

I hope they've written down some BETTER questions this time, lol.
But I'm not worried.
We have DAYS to go in this trial, no point in freaking out this early.

That was day five or something, right? We've come a long way since then and hopefully their questions will make sense to us.
I wonder if MM's cell phone records have been subpoenaed?
The over the top amount of questions from the Jury, a hundred of them; seriously?? This is VERY troublesome in my opinion. If the Prosecution had given their case to the extenet they should have and covered EVERY angle, explained every detail and discussed the MOTIVE behind this horrific murder, then that Jury should NOT have one question to ask. IMO, the Prosecution FAILED to give a direct motive as to WHY Arias did this. The Pro's danced around the subject but NEVER gave a complete reason. That Jury should by now have a VERY clear picture of the events that led up to the murder, the crime itself and the following time afterward. If I was the Pro's, I would be VERY worried and I am totally against Arias and I want her to get the Death Penalty, but I am not going to get my hopes up.

I don't think it's 100 differentones. 16 jurors who aren't allowed to discuss the case together...bound to be duplicate questions
Didn't she have some of the facts correct when she blamed it on the Ninjas? How could she remember the facts so clearly when she was blaming someone else but can't remember now that we know it was her?
Here's one thing that brings me some satisfaction today.... You KNOW there are going to be some questions that will piss her off royally, she'll be seething I'm sure. I get a kick out of that, and also the fact that she might be forced to answer some of them. Haha

Yes, she'll have to answer the questions, but you know she will just lie like she always does.:furious:
i mentioned this yesterday. but can you believe nurmi went back to this subject on redirect? there is no way in he-- to explain and make her look better about why she sent flowers to ta's grandmother. imo makes her look hideous and foul. :moo:

I agree!!! Also when he went and said said... "You went to his memorial? Were you the only one who went to his memorial?" Like everyone else went... Of course its totally normal for the person who killed him to want to go! You just can't rehab that image.
This isn't about jury questions, but IMO the expert testimony won't be a major factor. It'll be a wash between Defense and State experts. Am curious however about MM's being on the defense witness list. Does anyone know why the former cellmate K Ross is testifying?
Seriously. Who DOES that?
From what I gather this is a BUSINESS environment for BOTH of them. Rather intimate to be LAYING in his lap.

She looks totally detached from everyone in the room but Travis - totally bored. non-participant. From her own testimony, she liked his attention, when it was all focused on her. This kinda proves the point. Stalker.
But she is blaming him! All of the abuse he inflicted on her is the reason she had to kill him. It's all his fault!
And that still doesn't account for trying to paint him as a pedophile. There's no other reason for that except to make Travis as unsympathetic a victim as possible.
I just don't understand why she dragged him down the hallway to the bedroom. :waitasec: Then back to the bathroom, as shown in this re-enactment. :dunno:


I dont think she dragged him down and then back. I think she was stabbing him in the back as he was crawling to try to get away and when he reached the carpet she flipped and pulled his chin up and slit him ear to ear. THEN she turned him around and dragged him BACK into the shower, threw him in and then shot him in the head.

I have mixed feelings about this Judge. I don't think it's good to cater to the defense needlessly. I know it's a difficult job where you're pretty much damned either way but still....

Judge Perry appeared to be a no-nonsense judge but he made the same mistake of bending backwards for the defense. Funny that Judge Strickland who didn't appear to be that strict really did the most for Caylee. And I love how he said right from the start that 'the truth and Misss Anthony are strangers". God bless him.

I've been thinking about this lately too, because I was also frustrated in the CA case that it seemed Judge Perry was way too easy on the defense and let them get away with a lot. Seems to be the same case in this trial. My theory is that because the defense lawyers in both of these cases are highly unprofessional and generally annoying, if the judge gets on their case every time (which would be A LOT) then it could be seen as her favoring the prosecution.

The prosecution in both of these cases, very competent and professional, there isn't much need for the judge to reprimand them but lots of instances to reprimand the defense. I think they are careful to contain their frustrations with the defense otherwise it would look like they are biased.

That's my take on it anyway. It's still no less frustrating to watch though.
This isn't about jury questions, but IMO the expert testimony won't be a major factor. It'll be a wash between Defense and State experts. Am curious however about MM's being on the defense witness list. Does anyone know why the former cellmate K Ross is testifying?

MM has stated on another forum that he will not be testifying. That he wasn't considered a credible witness.

Testimony by him would have came before her taking the stand, right?
isn't it Juan's time now to look at the questions with the family.....from 10-11, right? then 11- court, lunch, then jury at 1 ?
Someone mentioned on the other thread (I'm sorry but I forget who it was) that it's surprising that JA didn't try to blame the dog. I'm surprised she's not blaming Travis from beyond the grave


She is blaming Travis. He was threatening her life! She didn't even mean to have her finger on the trigger and the gun only went off accidentally when he charged her! He yelled at her and called her stupid which caused her brain to scramble and go into A Fog and the stabbing resulted from that unconsciously! She didn't tell the truth because he was a horrible person and she didn't want to smear his name after he was dead and hurt his family! ...........
Juror Question: Why didn't you leave and call 911?
I agree!!! Also when he went and said said... "You went to his memorial? Were you the only one who went to his memorial?" Like everyone else went... Of course its totally normal for the person who killed him to want to go! You just can't rehab that image.

Absolutely! They try and portray her like she was so important to him.
But really they dated five months, took a couple of trips together and she gave him BJ's. :twocents:
This isn't about jury questions, but IMO the expert testimony won't be a major factor. It'll be a wash between Defense and State experts. Am curious however about MM's being on the defense witness list. Does anyone know why the former cellmate K Ross is testifying?

Seriously, MM is on the defense witness list ? Holy cow - go ahead and call him up there Mr. Nurmi. Letters, magazines, accusations of saying things contrary to Itsallaboutme Saint Jodi's plan and story. Bring him on...
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