100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #73

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Jodi wrapped up her testimony yesterday and said exactly WHY she killed TA, probably the only honest thing she's said in four-and-a-half years. Paraphrasing here: "When I was backed into a corner, I didn't have any other choice."

But it wasn't a corner like normal people think of. The 'corner' in Arias's mind was her not getting her way with Travis and the knowledge that Travis could ruin her chances of hooking up with another Mormon guy on his way to the good life by exposing Jodi for the psychopath she is.
Does anyone know if there are transcripts from the courtroom, and where I could read them? TIA
I haven't followed this case for very long. Just heard Jodi on the stand. So if this has been hashed out a long time ago. I am sorry to ask it again. Why would Jodi steal a gun if she meant to stab him first? That would seem to me she meant to shoot him. If she was playing out his story in the video, then he would have to be alive when she pulled out the gun.
My personal theory is that it was backup just in case Travis was able to get the knife from her.

Because I believe she's a very sadistic psychopath the knife first theory makes the most sense to me. She likely would have wanted to hurt him as much as possible and to have him be fully cognizant it was her hurting him.
HLN re-enactment kinda convinced me that TA was stabbed first and I was one of the people that was convinced she shot him first.

Because if the casing had rolled into the blood, it would blood on it because it landed RIGHT in the square middle of the blood.

I'm confused. If she stabbed him first, then shot him, the casing would still roll onto blood. If you are saying that if he was shot first and then stabbed there should be blood on top of the casing, well, not if it jammed and didn't eject until after the stabbing. Btw, this is the scenario (gun jamming) she gave during her ninja rendition.

The over the top amount of questions from the Jury, a hundred of them; seriously?? This is VERY troublesome in my opinion. If the Prosecution had given their case to the extenet they should have and covered EVERY angle, explained every detail and discussed the MOTIVE behind this horrific murder, then that Jury should NOT have one question to ask. IMO, the Prosecution FAILED to give a direct motive as to WHY Arias did this. The Pro's danced around the subject but NEVER gave a complete reason. That Jury should by now have a VERY clear picture of the events that led up to the murder, the crime itself and the following time afterward. If I was the Pro's, I would be VERY worried and I am totally against Arias and I want her to get the Death Penalty, but I am not going to get my hopes up.

JM doesn't seem to be worried. I'm not worried. How many days of testimony was it?

Her fog is driving me batty. ;) She keeps using brain fog and abuse fog interchangeably and incorrectly and even mixing it with a response to trauma which doesn't fit either category!

Abuse fog is not memory loss no matter how many times Jodi tells us otherwise. ;) However, memory loss is sometimes found in abuse situations - most often in conjunction with a traumatic brain injury.


Thank you for this.

Right- no "smoking gun". So, again it's all lies and circumstantial evidence.

A Murder One conviction needs a hell of alot more than circumstantial evidence- PROOF (for both the state and defense) and both have nothing.

I just wanted to let you know that this is 100% not true. Many cases that go to trial are purely circumstantial because many of the cases that have direct evidence - a witness saw a person do it - involve plea deals or the issue to be tried is only whether the person is not guilty by reason of insanity.

Ballistics, DNA, hair, etc., that's all circumstantial evidence. In any event, this case has a serious volcano of evidence refuting self defense and half if it came from jodi' s own mouth.

And I know people who are not found guilty- Casey Anthony, OJ

Two out of how many? Frankly, that's like saying I know of people who win the mega millions so I'm going to win. It's faulty logic.

One other thought (still working my way through the thread)...

I've followed a lot of trials and even more cases that haven't made it to trial. Sadly the latest trend appears to be to charge someone with a filicide or uxoricide only when the amount of evidence is overwhelming. Just look to the missing persons forum sometime.

The amount of evidence in this case is among the best I've seen presented. They have a partial palm print, comingled blood, damning and overwhelming evidence of premeditation, history of a volatile relationship, more than enough to show consciousness of guilt, etc. (I could keep going though.)

I've seen defendants convicted and sentenced to death with a whole lot less evidence than has been presented in this case.


I wanted to bump this great post.

(It gets weird in here at night).
Especially when as a fully formed adult she chose not to even confide in her Bishop anonymously let alone the police. And yet this was concerned that TA slept over at a friends house who had children. Really? She was concerned about children? How about the imaginary children Iris, Hinckley, Reagan and Meaghan???

My :twocents: worth!
I think jodi brought up the baby names on her own! They only dated five months right! And only a few months were good for them! The beginning! She became serious and totally obsessed over him and decided she wanted him and everything! he had! She wanted marriage! And Babies! And all his undivided attention! She killed him ! So no other woman could marry him.
She DIDNT want to be around the wives! And the wives DIDNT like her around their husbands! She dressed to entice any male present! She said yesterday! In her journal! There's something off with that boy! His journals are missing! I think it's possible that travis said that about her! So she turns it around to suit her.
Travis friends wives! Witnessed her in action as soon almost upon meeting her! in the video we seen last night on dr drew!
The wives! were somewhere else but jodi wasn't with them! She didnt want to leave travis side. ovious She didn't fit in! She preferred to smother travis and remain among the men. Who goes camping with three virile men?

Just saying!
Didn't she have some of the facts correct when she blamed it on the Ninjas? How could she remember the facts so clearly when she was blaming someone else but can't remember now that we know it was her?

This is why I think he really was shot first. She tried to match the ninja story with what she thought they had as far as evidence. It had to match as close as possible without her doing it in order to be believable in her mind. I think the bullet got washed and rolled during the movements and her attempts to clean up. There was enough water poured on the floor to make it wick at least two inches up that box. I am thinking she couldn't find it in her haste after it rolled away from where she thought it would be or she thought she already grabbed it to toss away.
OMG! It is snowing here in the Washington, DC area and we just had a rumble of thunder! Is this some kind of omen for this afternoon?! :what: :floorlaugh:

it's snowing here in the other Washington too!! :what:
I'm just about over this trial! It's just drug on and on and on for JA's benefit enough. I'm so angry that she and Nurmi have taken over the courtroom. I realize it's because this is a death penalty case, but I believe the judge has gone overboard with what's been allowed! I can't wait to get to the juror's questions, at least then maybe JA won't have the time to think up some great story or reasoning of why she did what she did or didn't do! Does anyone know if Juan will be able to question JA on any of her answers she gives to these questions?

Their questions will also give the state a great opportunity to focus on the areas they've had questions about in closing.
Seriously watching trial 7 again, the way Jodi seems to be "the fake sobbing" etc is the same way she was lying yesterday! And sometimes she forgets she's supposed to be upset and starts talking normally.

Watch from 2:53 - 2:56
Listen to how her voice changes!
Jodi Arias Trial Day 7 (FULL HD) - YouTube
I just don't understand why she dragged him down the hallway to the bedroom. :waitasec: Then back to the bathroom, as shown in this re-enactment. :dunno:


I don't believe she drug him down the hall towards the bedroom. I read someone here say to look at what she said happened when it was suppose to be two ninja's. We now know that there where no ninja's, but the story of what happened now is what she did. Now when I think of that and listen to what she said yesterday in reference to what did Travis do in the aftermath of the dropped camera, (him chasing her) I think she is saying what happened. But I think he was trying to get the knife from her after she started stabbing him. He chased her alrigh, till he collapsed and started to holler for help. She then slit his throat (the blood at the tile/carpet area) to silence him and may have shot him then as well. jmo I think then she drug him back to the shower stall where it began.That's just my opinion could be wrong. I'm wondering why she didn't bother to clean up around the sink ? she cleaned up some with the towel but never touched that sink.:waitasec:
Is it wrong of me to wish she showed a bit more of that chutzpah in this trial though? I think she's a very good judge - obviously concerned with causing appellate grounds - but the defense really seems to tread on her a lot.

Not to go all Jodi on you, BritsKate, but that's the wrong use of the word chutzpah. Think you're looking for "spine" or "backbone," meaning showing more assertiveness. Jodi, OTOH, is showing plenty of chutzpah.

As many already know, I'm sure, the classic definition of chutzpah is a man who kills his parents, then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he's an orphan.

Always love your posts. You've added a much needed dimension to this trial.
No, The Fog is actually consistent; no account of any stabbing in the Ninja story either and the shot came first. I think she has truly blocked that memory out as it was obviously brutally gruesome. Doesn't mean it wasn't a completely conscious decision at the time.

No. You can't just willfully "block" memories out to the point of actual amnesia. Though many of us WISH we could.

She was never asked about the stabbing. She just described the state he was in (he was bleeding everywhere, he couldn't feel his legs, etc). She had her reasons for being vague, but her fog was not consistent as she was describing his disabled state in chilling detail ("he was still conscious up here, but not moving", she said.)

This "fog" also covers her attempts at cleaning the crime scene of incriminating evidence. No reason to block that out, but conviently remember disposing of the rope in the dumpster (to explain why no rope was found).
This is why I think he really was shot first. She tried to match the ninja story with what she thought they had as far as evidence. It had to match as close as possible without her doing it in order to be believable in her mind. I think the bullet got washed and rolled during the movements and her attempts to clean up. There was enough water poured on the floor to make it wick at least two inches up that box. I am thinking she couldn't find it in her haste after it rolled away from where she thought it would be or she thought she already grabbed it to toss away.

The gun casing is IN the blood though, like it fell straight on top of the blood.
If he was shot first and the gun casing ROLLED in blood and then stopped, it would have blood on the casing.
Pic: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/01/07/article-2258479-16CAC976000005DC-704_634x358.jpg

What is TA's family involvement in the question review process? Do they have some sort of input or is it more of a head's up thing?

Does anyone understand their role?
She didn't drag him toward the bedroom, it appears he was moaning, crawling, trying to get away from his attacker. He probably did not even know where he was going, he was just trying to get away from her.
Just donated to Travis' family fund...justice4travisalexander@gmail.com

~I know they would appreciate anything anyone could do~
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