100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

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Half of the time Willmott has to prompt Nurmi to object. It's kind of ironic that the lawyer who talks and talks and talks and talks for weeks and weeks needs instructions about when to pipe up with the most relevant word or two.

I also get a kick out of him saying "beyond the scope"... He goes on for two hours about irrelevant relationship issues from when JA was 19, they had nothing to do with the juror questions. Juan zeroes in on gas cans and specific issues relating to the murder, the coverup, and the juror questions and Nurmi's objection is "beyond the scope". It's not namecalling, it's just poor lawyering (though I do have a list full of names here ;) ).

Also, if you listen to Nurmi, he's not the brightest tool in the shed. His command of English is horrendous, and like JA, he tries to use big words without really knowing their meaning.
She also filled up gas cans in CA before she did the murder.


Right, she didn't want to expose her presence in AZ by stopping for gas. She didn't want anyone to know she was there.

Her trip to Ryan, her alibi, was public knowledge. Why not just stop for gas?
Filling gas at 4AM looks suspicious on its own, in my opinion lol.
What does the Dept of Health have to say about restaurant workers handling food with a cut finger? Isn't there some rule about that?
I'm confused about the following...

1. Why did she fill the 3 gas cans after she left Ryans' since she would be driving directly back to Yreka (Redding) from her visit?

2. Why does it matter if she cut her right finger at the restaurant, aren't we concerned about the left hand?

3. JA testified she printed the Mapquest directions from SoCal to Mesa. Where did she print these, there has been no testimony to that? The only place she stopped to use a computer was at Darryl's and he only testified that she quickly checked her email...(...or Travis' email).

Thanks if anyone can clarify!

:clap: to JM

1. I don't think the point is the filling of the cans in SLC, it was the fact that she lied about having 3 cans. Once it is proven to the jury that she has lied under oath, they then can disregard all of her testimony as lies.

2. It doesn't matter what finger she cut at the restaurant, it matters whether or not she cut it at the restaurant at all. She didn't report it, testified that the business was too small to worry about incident reports....yet it was a 13-store business, not small by any stretch of the imagination and a business is not that successful if they don't follow the laws. Again, goes to her lying to the jury.

3. Can't speak to this because I don't know. I assumed she meant that she printed them at home.

Hope that helps.
What I don't understand considering she probably thought she was being super smart using the gas cans, why she didn't just pocket all the money that she deposited in her account and pay cash for everything?

I bet that gas can is out in the desert with the gun, her clothes, and the knife burned.

She filled all 3 in SLC, so maybe she still did have the weapons and bloody clothes?
Oooooooohhhh -- in the receipts they recovered, there were two receipts for gas in SLC, but the third was not among the receipts she saved? And now we've seen that there were 3 purchases, so she was obviously actively trying to conceal that she had 3 gas cans.

That's pretty huge, if that's what you're saying -- not so much because she wasn't in a fog, but because she was very actively trying to conceal her premeditation -which only serves to prove it.

Yep, that's what I've been saying too. It seems such a small detail, I mean who cares if it's two cans or three (three would actually be needed to avoid a paper trail). But the mere fact of denying the third to diminish accusations of premeditation goes to prove those very accusations! Crucial, yes.

I believe this is the day Travis' family have been hoping for. And now Juan has extra dots to connect for closing.
I beg to disagree. Maybe it depends on the Walmart. The one I go to will give me cash back on a debit card. But not on a credit card. I know this for sure because I never carry cash.

I was thinking of same day purchase and returns. They don't do that because they don't know for sure that the transaction cleared. Well at least up here in Canada.
But filling the gas cans in SLC is post-meditation, after the crime.

why deceptly fill the cans in SLC when there was no reason to hide her trip from there to Yreka? Can't figure that out.

Because afterwards she was putting together an alibi, and if she got caught with empty gas cans, questions would arise as to where the gas purchased in Pasadena went to.
Watching this with Juan again.
He did it. He proved premeditation.

She had all 3 gas cans because she wanted to make sure she did not stop in Arizona and leave a trail. She planned it and executed him and then went and filled 3 gas cans to get home..

Im glad Juan has Travis's back.

Agree ... He did it. And I think he's going to prove the pedophilia is a lie too.
Being a loyal Juanette, I have to hand it to Juan right before your chosen moment...54:00 he says, "You actually put in more gas though, DIDN'T YOU?" with the higher pitched emphasis on "didn't you". I found it particularly endearing, for realz.

does she say "i dont know?" LOL
who has already caught on and JM is driving it home. He's telling them they're right-you can't believe any of the voluminous self serving lies this woman tells without a second thought.

t was great because she had to make up new stuff on the fly too. The boss who now she just asked for a band aid. The Walmart people who are mistaken. The gas cans. The convenient pedophilia. All of it is the same drivel. It doesn't matter what the topic-she is lying. That means they will have to disregard everything she has said as she will have zero credibility left by the time of deliberations.

Exposing her prior to the domestic violence efforts is perfect. This jury question system really works to the advantage of justice here. This jury will have no patience with anyone blathering about poor Jodi being battered and mistreated.

I love the "secret" gun too! At least JM won that and KN was not able to let her lie about the gun story-all she could say was it was a secret which sounds so incredibly stupid I can't believe they went ahead without being able to tell the story, however stupid.

I thought this day would never end. It truly is sheer torture having to listen Nurmi drone on. Minutes seem like hours. I told my hubby this afternoon I wish I had not become interested in this case but I have so much time invested I cant stop watching it now.

THEN>>> all of a sudden Juan is up and OMG the electricity was in the air and it was so intense that I didnt want it to end.

He is taking her down brick by brick and its the most enjoyable thing to watch a true master and justice fighter in action.

Bringing this over

is there any way he could re-construct the exact height of the closet???? that would put her on death row.

If the walls are eight feet tall then the shelves are seven feet. You can see the holes that let you adjust (cringe) for different things, like Travis's shoes. Count the holes to get an idea of how high off the floor the top shelves are. The shelves are probably 3/4 to 1 inch thick. So the you can get an idea of where her foot should of been to be able to reach the back corner.
How did she pay for it in the first place? Walmart will also not give cash back on a debit or credit card purchase, even with the receipt.

This pre-supposes the presence of a receipt, else how does Wal-Mart know how she paid for it?

But since she never returned it, the point is moot.

Ah, you say. But she claims to have returned it.

Yes, she does. Which is how we know for certain that there was no return.

Moreover, if asked "sorta contemporaneous" with the timing of the purchase back in June 2008, WMT could have provided surveillance video of her purchasing the container. And they could have also reported the fact that there is no video of the return.

If the liar wanted to get away with it, she should have claimed that she lost it, left it on they highway, left it at a gas station, traded it for a strawberry frappuccino or a Toblerone, etc.
I'm confused about the following...

1. Why did she fill the 3 gas cans after she left Ryans' since she would be driving directly back to Yreka (Redding) from her visit?

2. Why does it matter if she cut her right finger at the restaurant, aren't we concerned about the left hand?

3. JA testified she printed the Mapquest directions from SoCal to Mesa. Where did she print these, there has been no testimony to that? The only place she stopped to use a computer was at Darryl's and he only testified that she quickly checked her email...(...or Travis' email).

Thanks if anyone can clarify!

:clap: to JM

The main thing his he caught her in a bald face lie and cover up. She did not return the bought gas can as she has told everyone. She also filled them up before she left CA. so there would be no papertrail that she had ever entered that state. Along with conveniently having no phone service in Az either.

It matters because she has told so many inconsistent stories about the left and right fingers. Also she is a photographer who takes pictures of everything under the sun yet she doesnt have one photo of her so called abuse injuries. Im beginning to believe she didnt cut her finger at the restaurant and Juan has talked with the manager.

The third question I really dont know. It may be just another lie tossed out by the most infamous liar in the world.
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