100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

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JVM is very confused. She said Juan is trying to prove JA cut herself during the murder, not at the restaurant. Oh Vey. If you are going to comment on a trial, please watch it!!
BLECH...... I'm kind of gagging at the thought of Jodi making food and drinks in a restaurant with open, bloody wounded fingers.
I agree with you. IF (notice it's a big if ) she was suicidal and didn't go through with it she would have gotten those letters back. A suicide note is one of the most personal things you could ever write. Also, it would make sense to me that if she were suicidal she would have used that gun on herself when she woke up from her fog and realized she had slaughtered the love of her life.
Jodi's suicide notes were ONLY an attempt to manipulate and/or punish her grandmother or family. Even in her suicide letters, Jodi acted like a bossy parasite. Although she said she was going to die, she ordered her grandma to buy the tombstone. Her poor grandma!!!!!!:furious:

Half of the time Willmott has to prompt Nurmi to object. It's kind of ironic that the lawyer who talks and talks and talks and talks for weeks and weeks needs instructions about when to pipe up with the most relevant word or two.

I also get a kick out of him saying "beyond the scope"... He goes on for two hours about irrelevant relationship issues from when JA was 19, they had nothing to do with the juror questions. Juan zeroes in on gas cans and specific issues relating to the murder, the coverup, and the juror questions and Nurmi's objection is "beyond the scope". It's not namecalling, it's just poor lawyering (though I do have a list full of names here ;) ).
PER JVM..... more juror questions in the basket :what:

Love Juan Martinez, love the jurors :rocker:
I don't know if this has been mentioned...

The ONE receipt missing from the gas station in SLC was for 5 gallons of gas? This is HUGE to me. I guess she wasn't in such a fog after all. :waitasec:

Oooooooohhhh -- in the receipts they recovered, there were two receipts for gas in SLC, but the third was not among the receipts she saved? And now we've seen that there were 3 purchases, so she was obviously actively trying to conceal that she had 3 gas cans.

That's pretty huge, if that's what you're saying -- not so much because she wasn't in a fog, but because she was very actively trying to conceal her premeditation -which only serves to prove it.
More questions from the Jury!? Lol.
Incident= brutally slaughtering a man in hyper literal Jodi speak.

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There are still more juror questions to come, folks!!!
Like I posted a while back, Walmart does not refund cash without a receipt. They give store credit. If cash is given, the receipt is marked. Jodi has the original unmarked receipt.

Nurmi knew exactly where Juan was gonna go with this, and no doubt TRIED to tell his horror of a client there was no way she would match wits with Juan. Nurmi is doing what he can, but Jodi is defying her own attorneys at every turn.

How did she pay for it in the first place? Walmart will also not give cash back on a debit or credit card purchase, even with the receipt.
Az lawyer! When will the jury questions stop????

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My husband is just now listening to the gas can testimony that Juan just did. He's got a pencil, paper and calculator out. I'm calling him Juan Jr. lol

I checked it in Excel - even though I knew the math would work!
A Californian strawberry Frappicino is more than a gallon of gasoline.

She most likely stole money from Travis that day too. Did the two roommates pay Junes rent I wonder? Hmmmmm.

I am still not clear what that 200-check to Travis was for. I read she damaged his car and that was partial restitution? Is that right? I did hear her at one point on the stand say 'she totalled Travis' car'. Not sure what that was all about either.

I thought about the possibility she stole money from Travis as well. He was getting ready for a trip to Cancun and Jm was really interested in how much cash she had with her on the trip. :waitasec:
I can't remember ever being in a restaurant where the waitstaff made the drinks. I could see her cutting up limes, but making Margueritas not so much. Did I misunderstand what she said?
Not that we didn't already know this but I just got back from a relatively quick trip to WalMart. I bought my daughter cleats last week & she didn't like them :)banghead:) so I returned them today. I had a receipt, they circled the item on my receipt, the cashier initialed it, they gave me cash in return & I had to fill out a little slip with my name, address, etc. They wouldn't have you do that stuff if they didn't keep it.

As always, Jodi is a liar, liar!!!! :jail:

ETA: Not that it's relevant, but the WalMart is in Lakewood, WA.
Pen it's not that there weren't gas stations for her to stop at. It's that she DIDN'T want to stop and risk having 1) a paper trail (much like what we just saw that pinned her down to where and how much gas she bought) and 2) any video camera surveillance.

She was trying to make it look like she never visited Travis and was never in the entire state of AZ during the time frame Travis was killed.

She bought all this gas AFTER she talked to Travis on the phone. She planned this. She put a considerable amount of time planning this murder.

Didn't she buy the gas BEFORE she talked to Travis. She was going to see Travis, whether she told him she was coming or asked him if she could come, didn't matter. She was going to Travis' house.
i'm sure nurmi is figuring out as we speak other crap she bought that amounted to $19.65 or whatever it was. i think the point has been made---but she seemed to be caught so off guard by the question she didn't even start trying to explain 'well, i also bought blah blah.....'

that's what i expected but she didn't do it. i'm sure she will when nurmi gets her back, if he DOES get her back.

He may try, but, honestly, she's lost the last bit of credibility she might have had with the jury, imho.
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