17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #30

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I think Gilbreath could have done a better job in answering the question, but I agree, he definitely gave the impression: you just waint and hear the stories GZ told us.

I'm thinking MOM wanted information now instead of waiting for discovery to get some answers and was hoping Mr. Gilbreath would provide them. I think Mr. Gilbreath was trying to answer the questions without giving up too much information. jmo
The SA said the witness saw shadows running from NEAR to TM's home to where the shooting took place. And so I asked WHY TM ran away from his home, meaning NEAR HIS HOME, and went the opposite direction.

If he was already near home then why go the other way?

Link to where the SA said "shadows" please. I have asked for this a little bit up thread. Thanks.

& the state attorney never said he went the other way. You are choosing to overlook the fact that the SA said Trayvon was killed on a direct path to his home.
--the "picture was taken 3 minutes after the shooting" was the math of ABC news, which is incorrect.

--the shot rang out , at approx. 7:16:48 (something like that, based on the 911 call where we HEAR the *bang!*) ----the iphone pic was taken at 7:19:07-----which would be "about TWO minutes after the shooting".

--the officers were either enroute or arriving around 7:17 ( even the one 'arriving' went initially to the address 1st given by george---the clubhouse-)then heard that 911 calls were flooding in, went to the shooting location...

--the retired schoolteacher call---she said that after the shooting 'someone's out there now, someone w/ a flashlight..'-----it's quite possible that the photographer ( who heard the fight/didn't see it ) went out immediatley after----took the pic just prior to LE getting on scene.

--the bizarro part to me-----what kind of freak takes a pic like that when there's a dead body lying there on the grass? the LAST thing that would occur to me is , hey---i wanna get a picture of the blood on george's head..

I wouldn't be surprised to find that this very same person took pictures of Trayvon's lifeless body laying there. Absolutely nothing would surprise me in this case.

Link to where the SA said "shadows" please. I have asked for this a little bit up thread. Thanks.

& the state attorney never said he went the other way. You are choosing to overlook the fact that the SA said Trayvon was killed on a direct path to his home.
So have I. Maybe they are hunting the link up for us. :)
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From the opening post peeps...... stick with the rules
I'm seeing some pretty wild speculative comments. On both sides of this fence. That is not fair to the discussion.

Please follow the rules. This post lands at random.
The SA said the witness saw shadows running from NEAR to TM's home to where the shooting took place. And so I asked WHY TM ran away from his home, meaning NEAR HIS HOME, and went the opposite direction.

If he was already near home then why go the other way?

It may have been because it would take too long to get inside the house. Maybe TM knew GZ would trap him if he started fumbling with his house keys or had to ring the doorbell.

As a football player, he may have thought he could outrun GZ and lose him. While not revealing to the "nut following him" where he and his family lived.

I'd like to know exactly how close to his door TM was. If he was really close to his door, and GZ was all the way up there -- close enough for TM to hit him -- that's one bold, obsessed neighborhood watchman. Who still didn't identify himself as such.
I have already linked to where the state attorney/investigator discuss a witness who saw a person chasing another person. I have not read anything about shadow. Please link.

I have went back 5 pages many posters stated it but have not found the link yet.
This is OT but there are more georgezimmermans out there: the armed neighborhood watch in action in Georgia attacking new neighbors


I am beyond shocked at how many get away with brandishing or using guns! I personally don't own a gun, but have always supported law abiding citizens owning guns for hunting and protection in their home. I think, though that in instances like this, the gun wielders should be prosecuted. The police should have been called if they really believed the house was being burglarized.
I understand all of that... But it still came off unfavorably looking for the State. Based on how touchy Mr. De la Rionda (sp?) was during the press conference, he didn't feel good about their performance at the bond hearing, either.

I get that the State didn't want to reveal all their cards prematurely. I just wonder if they could have played it a slither less close to the vest. Unfortunately, this allowed O'Mara to control everything and get a 'win' for his client.

They still have the SYG hearing to go through yet. Mr. De la Rionda had a right to be touchy. MOM tried to turn it into a trial hearing because he wanted information. If the judge did not stop MOM he obviously could get away with what he was trying to do, which was to extract info from Mr. Gilbreath before discovery starts which will probably be after the SYG hearing. Mr. O'Mara did not win anything. As the judge said this is all standard. Mr. GZ is no different than any other defendant in his court. jmo
Saw a couple people have asked for this, and I recalled seeing it on HP:

We can link to them, right?

In any case, I'm not exactly sure what seeing shadows proves. One could have been chasing the other, or it could have been a pair of people (related or unrelated to the incident, I can't say) running together. To me, there isn't even enough meat on that bone worth speculating about yet.
As many have stated about George Zimmerman's injuries: "I don't believe there are any till I see pictures", I don't believe the story about George Zimmerman throwing a girl till I see pictures of her alledged injuries. Please, an un-named person recounting the story? Why would I <modsnip>believe that? An alledged illegal act, at an alledged illegal party, reported some lenght of time after it was alleged to have happened? Heck, let's just go ahead and convict George Zimmerman on that basis alone.

Didn't he also say that he was fired because he was a loose cannon or something like that?
I am beyond shocked at how many get away with brandishing or using guns! I personally don't own a gun, but have always supported law abiding citizens owning guns for hunting and protection in their home. I think, though that in instances like this, the gun wielders should be prosecuted. The police should have been called if they really believed the house was being burglarized.

We don't have brandishing laws in Georgia. The only way they would have been guilty of a crime is if they actually pointed the gun at the individuals, which would pretty much be aggravated assault.
I'm thinking MOM wanted information now instead of waiting for discovery to get some answers and was hoping Mr. Gilbreath would provide them. I think Mr. Gilbreath was trying to answer the questions without giving up too much information. jmo

What would be the point of withholding information? Why wouldn't the probable cause affidavit mention that GZ gave different versions of his story? Seems if they wanted the $1M bail they requested, they would have included that claim.
"I paid very close attention to the metal clicking and knocking noises" I also note that the background sound of the outdoor elements gets more quiet after the knocking sounds. Enough even to hear single water drops land in a puddle. And prior to the tapping you hear him say "sh** no!". And prior to that is the metal clicking/slide sound. The same kind of sound you may get from trying and releasing the handle of a door from a screen porch that is locked. Hence the swearing.

Can you link which site you are using. When it gets quiet here I am going to listen to some of them I have. TY
It was reported in the media that he had two lacerations, which would bleed and scar, imo.
A paper cut is a laceration. That term doesn't describe the gravity (or levity) of the injuries.
Saw a couple people have asked for this, and I recalled seeing it on HP:

We can link to them, right?

In any case, I'm not exactly sure what seeing shadows proves. One could have been chasing the other, or it could have been a pair of people (related or unrelated to the incident, I can't say) running together. To me, there isn't even enough meat on that bone worth speculating about yet.

Sorry, I should have been more specific in my first post; in answer to where the "shadows" info came from, and I remember seeing it on HP.

Prosecutors have also located a witness near the site of the shooting who described seeing the shadows of two men pass by her home, one chasing the other, immediately before Martin was killed. The pursuit, in the direction of Martin's home, indicates that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, Gilbreath said, under questioning from Rionda.

I can't find it in the CNN transcript, so perhaps they said it during one of their #$(&$ commercial breaks! :banghead:
When a person has a wound that has been bleeding that then begins to clot so that it is no longer bleeding, would the clot not be wiped away when the wound is cleaned by EMTs to take a look at the wound to see how bad it is? And once the clot is gone, wouldn't the wound begin bleeding again? So it there was a wound on Zimmerman's head that caused bleeding why was there not a bandage placed on his head by EMT to prevent the wound from bleeding again after being cleaned up and the clot removed in the cleaning?

Maybe the lacerations we have heard about really were scratches that didn't concern the EMTs or the police. If so, then they weren't life threatening injuries, imo.
Maybe the lacerations we have heard about really were scratches that didn't concern the EMTs or the police. If so, then they weren't life threatening injuries, imo.
Injuries don't have to be life-threatening to invoke SYG.
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