2/22/09 Neighbor heard yelling @ 2:25AM with link.

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Just a thought here, GGMS has a really big job on her hands trying to cover for Teresa and Ron.

Interesting you should say this Lonetraveler! JMHO, I think GMS would continue to support Ron right or wrong and TN would be the one leftout...
Hi tec... long time eh?

It's good to hear the stories circulating today compared to what was being reported.

Alot has been made about the neighbor heard yelling but it seems to me LE has a statement yelling was heard at 2:25 that morning. Of course Misty only saw a three err she was under the blankets.

Tommy says he was there when JO took her and assisted him and Ron deflects about the gun and fight story.

I won't even comment about Ron's reaction, I just can't say enough.

One thing troubles me though. We now know Ron was scheduled to work until midnight, he supposedly worked overtime until 3am. So if something happened to Haleigh after midnight, how did others involved know he wouldn't be home? I mean if JO was going to steal/borrow Ron's gun, how did he know Ron wasn't already home?

Misty didn't answer Ron's calls, but there is nothing to say she simply avoided him that night by looking at the ID whenever her phone rang.
I believe Ron may have finally texted Misty to inform her that he had to work overtime whenever she wouldn't answer.

Another scenario I can see happening is, when Ron called Tommy to see if Misty was at his house, he mentioned he had to work over.

In no way do I believe Ron had anything to do with whatever happened to HaLeigh or has any knowledge after the fact.
If I were truly grieving for a missing child, the last thing on this earth I would do is marry someone I had only known a few months and then proceed to have a party to celebrate the occassion, but that's just me and JMO.

I always felt that he married her because he initially believed her story, cared about her and in his grief-driven mindset wanted to show his support of her; and, again, driven by grief, he chose to do so by marrying her.

Yeah, I could see the grief driven mindset when they: went to the fair, went to restaurants and demanded free diners because there were famous, married, went to New York for their honeymoon, did interviews, got tatts, yelled at reporters, refused to talk with LE, went drug dealing. OMG the grief. It totally overwhelmed me. Did it not you?
you're right. It seems that this part of the timeline, points to Misty not being home. But why not admit it? but now she IS instead, backing up the Joe stories...which don't fit this timeline. Where are the neighbors who heard Haleigh's screams, Joe's yelling, the slamming doors? Misty's version of events went from being asleep, to witnessing Joe take Haleigh. There's not much difference between being asleep & gone, (in some people's eyes), so I could understand the initial lie, but not all of this. She's either telling a truth, or repeating what Tommy has told her. Maybe he told her that's what happened while she was gone, but he needs her to back him up, so she went along with it. I would think Jr could at least verify hiding under the covers with Misty. Legally speaking, there's just no need for all of these lies, unless Tommy & Misty are the equal perps...& I honestly can't see that. & the only way I can see Ron responsible, is if neither Misty nor Tommy knows what happened, assumed the other was responsible, & have been covering for each other. But why blame Joe & the gun theft?

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Haleigh Cummings' Disappearance 1 Year Later

SATSUMA -- Wednesday marks one year since Haleigh Cummings vanished from her Putnam County home.

Investigators believe they know who holds the key piece of the puzzle that could solve her disappearance.

In the past year since Haleigh’s disappearance, her father, Ronald Cummings, has moved out of their home.

He married Misty Croslin, the woman who was caring for Haleigh the day she disappeared.

The two divorced months later and now both are sitting in jail on drug charges.

The one thing that remains the same is Haleigh is still missing.

News 13 only spotted one marquee in town holding out hope for Haleigh's return.

"I still feel for the grandmother and the great grandmother because I still feel that because they can't come to closure with. (Disappearance?) That's right," said Jan Harrison.

The sheriff's investigators on the case are still the same ones who began searching a year ago. On Wednesday, they are remembering her disappearance by wearing a ribbon on their lapel.

"We get new leads every day,” said Lt. Jonny Greenwood from the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. “You know it's just going to take the one that we need."

Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.

Ronald sits in the Putnam County Jail.

Misty remains in the St. Johns County Jail pleading with her parents for her release while her father begs her to tell detectives what they need to know to find Haleigh...

Misty didn't answer Ron's calls, but there is nothing to say she simply avoided him that night by looking at the ID whenever her phone rang.
I believe Ron may have finally texted Misty to inform her that he had to work overtime whenever she wouldn't answer.

Another scenario I can see happening is, when Ron called Tommy to see if Misty was at his house, he mentioned he had to work over.

In no way do I believe Ron had anything to do with whatever happened to HaLeigh or has any knowledge after the fact.

Of course you're entitled to your opinion and speaking for myself I'm listening to all opinions. IMO, it's way to early to conclude Ron had no involvement or knowledge. I do believe Mistys phone was on that night and he could have texted her. I must say I don't find it likely he texted her he was working overtime though.

I'll skip all the Ron behaviour part which if you've been following have seen. Mentioned in my first post, I don't believe any of them.

I await trials and details in this case and can't wait for the sunshine laws to be invoked. I'll remain suspicious of the Cummings, Sykes, Croslins and Overstreet until the full story comes out.

Ron now is under plea agreement to testify truthfully in the case. Just because it comes out of Ron's mouth doesn't mean I'll believe him. Lets get him on the witness stand and see what he testifies.

Misty and Tommy have lied so many times, what jury would think they were not involved. Lets move it to trial and let the fur fly. I would be a fly on the wall if the SA decided to start treating some people as a hostile witness.

I'm sure as the case progresses more will be revealed.

Peace Out
This link no longer works but was saved in my Notepad:


Haleigh Cummings' Disappearance 1 Year Later

SATSUMA -- Wednesday marks one year since Haleigh Cummings vanished from her Putnam County home.

Investigators believe they know who holds the key piece of the puzzle that could solve her disappearance.

In the past year since Haleigh’s disappearance, her father, Ronald Cummings, has moved out of their home.

He married Misty Croslin, the woman who was caring for Haleigh the day she disappeared.

The two divorced months later and now both are sitting in jail on drug charges.

The one thing that remains the same is Haleigh is still missing.

News 13 only spotted one marquee in town holding out hope for Haleigh's return.

"I still feel for the grandmother and the great grandmother because I still feel that because they can't come to closure with. (Disappearance?) That's right," said Jan Harrison.

The sheriff's investigators on the case are still the same ones who began searching a year ago. On Wednesday, they are remembering her disappearance by wearing a ribbon on their lapel.

"We get new leads every day,” said Lt. Jonny Greenwood from the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. “You know it's just going to take the one that we need."

Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.
Ronald sits in the Putnam County Jail.

Misty remains in the St. Johns County Jail pleading with her parents for her release while her father begs her to tell detectives what they need to know to find Haleigh...


This part BBM really confuses me. I'm sure I haven't read everything about this case, but I haven't seen this anywhere. Wish we could still see that link.:waitasec:
Yeah, I could see the grief driven mindset when they: went to the fair, went to restaurants and demanded free diners because there were famous, married, went to New York for their honeymoon, did interviews, got tatts, yelled at reporters, refused to talk with LE, went drug dealing. OMG the grief. It totally overwhelmed me. Did it not you?

Of course you're entitled to your opinion and speaking for myself I'm listening to all opinions. IMO, it's way to early to conclude Ron had no involvement or knowledge. I do believe Mistys phone was on that night and he could have texted her. I must say I don't find it likely he texted her he was working overtime though.

Maybe I'm crazy because I can't find a link to back it up, but wasn't it revealed at one time that Misty's phone was in fact off and that she'd turned it back on around 3:00 am, thus negating that she'd woken up just as Ron came home and called 911? It seems like it was revealed by LE sometime around the Mondex search, but maybe it was just something that went around in the rumor thread. Does anybody else remember this or have I lost my mind? :crosseyed: It always stuck with me because when it came out that the neighbor had seen her outside on the phone at around 3:00 that the timing lined up pretty well of her having turned the phone back on and making a call.
Maybe I'm crazy because I can't find a link to back it up, but wasn't it revealed at one time that Misty's phone was in fact off and that she'd turned it back on around 3:00 am, thus negating that she'd woken up just as Ron came home and called 911? It seems like it was revealed by LE sometime around the Mondex search, but maybe it was just something that went around in the rumor thread. Does anybody else remember this or have I lost my mind? :crosseyed: It always stuck with me because when it came out that the neighbor had seen her outside on the phone at around 3:00 that the timing lined up pretty well of her having turned the phone back on and making a call.

Hello AT, yes it's true that was stated. I believe it was told by Misty whom I don't believe but it could be true. Without the phone records I'm only left to speculate. The reason I feel she could have left it on is because that's what she apparently did during her party time with WBG. On or off it still raises questions and if it was used during those hours. Ohh how I hope for the sunshine law and doc dumps and phone records.
LOL, it must be a regional thing. Here, people scream at each other all the time, and it is referred to as screaming.

So, since this all happened in the South, there is no way said woman could have been screaming at someone. If it happened at all, it had to be a scream of terror. I understand now.

I am so glad it's all cleared up. And now I'm just gonna kick back and stay cool...

Oh, please forgive my use of gonna...it's a Midwestern thing, KWIM?

Hi krkrjx, I am in the south (near Atlanta), and I have to say we scream at people here in the south too, we just call it "hollering". LOL
bolded by me....I so agree.....That was always mind blowing to me....To marry her and Haleigh "goes missing "in her care...Plus the fact that TN was "so happy" and said all these great statements about her....Something was TOTALLY WRONG with that picture....

I know folks grieve in different ways...But...to get married and celebrate..just weeks after your 5 year old child is.....MISSING!!!!...

Something stinks then.....and STILL stinking.....IMO..
I took TN's inordinate giddiness over the nuptials as more of a, "Ha! NOW try to pin stat rape charges on him, fools and bloggers et al!" Bc from the locals' reports and online outrage, people were calling for his head; It may have occurred to her that at some point perhaps someone, some authority, may have felt pressure to address his breaking the law... um... more than once. And then there's the possibility that she may have mistakenly thought that as his wife Misty wouldnt have to testify against him.

Hi krkrjx, I am in the south (near Atlanta), and I have to say we scream at people here in the south took, we just call it "hollering". LOL
Hey, Nonni B, I'm not that far from you and I holler... over yonder.... before I mosey... down to Mama-n-thems.... for an R-oh C and a moon pie

jus sayin :)

(OK I'll see myself out)

Back to the neighbor, if it were me and I heard someone in the wee hours, and if it sounded like an argument (even if I only heard pieces of one side of it) I'd describe it - in a call to report it, as a very loud argument, yelling, shouting and that perhaps someone needs help.

Maybe it's just me, but the word, "scream" has a different connotation to me.... "Scream bloody murder..." scream in horror..." "scream for help..." For me, I'd use the word "screaming" and report, "screaming" if I heard what sounds like cries for help or shreiking even if they werent actually saying, "help." Well, you get what I mean. :)
This part BBM really confuses me. I'm sure I haven't read everything about this case, but I haven't seen this anywhere. Wish we could still see that link.:waitasec:

Your BBM part refers to Misty having said she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes and when she came back, Haleigh was gone.

I will say I have seen this info before; I cannot find where I originally read it, but what I read said that Misty claimed she was home that evening but at one point had slipped out to the front porch to sit and smoke a cigarette, and when she came back, Haleigh was gone.

I do not recall a time being given for when Misty allegedly sat on the porch to smoke.
Of course you're entitled to your opinion and speaking for myself I'm listening to all opinions. IMO, it's way to early to conclude Ron had no involvement or knowledge. I do believe Mistys phone was on that night and he could have texted her. I must say I don't find it likely he texted her he was working overtime though.

I'll skip all the Ron behaviour part which if you've been following have seen. Mentioned in my first post, I don't believe any of them.

I await trials and details in this case and can't wait for the sunshine laws to be invoked. I'll remain suspicious of the Cummings, Sykes, Croslins and Overstreet until the full story comes out.

Ron now is under plea agreement to testify truthfully in the case. Just because it comes out of Ron's mouth doesn't mean I'll believe him. Lets get him on the witness stand and see what he testifies.

Misty and Tommy have lied so many times, what jury would think they were not involved. Lets move it to trial and let the fur fly. I would be a fly on the wall if the SA decided to start treating some people as a hostile witness.

I'm sure as the case progresses more will be revealed.

Peace Out

It has been way over a year and imo there is nothing showing that Ron had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance. I highly doubt the DA would make a plea deal with Ron only if he thought he was in any way involved in Haleigh's case.

Before a DA agrees to plea they know beforehand what the person is going to testify to and if it is worth giving them a plea deal. Imo the DA firmly believes he needs Ron's testimony to get a conviction on anyone connected to Haleigh's disappearance and murder.

Actually Misty told her story about her cousin crazy Joe way back in January and from what I recall Tommy came forth about him in April.

I totally agree with Kim P. who was on Jane's show tonight. Joe Overstreet will eventually be arrested for murdering Haleigh. He is the only one that had a bone to pick with Ron Cummings.

If they arrest Joe they will need Ron's testimony about the entire situation starting from the time that Joe first tried to steal Ron's first gun. I never thought Joe and Ron had a physical altercation but I do think he had a heated argument with Joe and of course he can testify to what Misty may have told him since marital privilege does not apply when the crime is against a child.

Hello AT, yes it's true that was stated. I believe it was told by Misty whom I don't believe but it could be true. Without the phone records I'm only left to speculate. The reason I feel she could have left it on is because that's what she apparently did during her party time with WBG. On or off it still raises questions and if it was used during those hours. Ohh how I hope for the sunshine law and doc dumps and phone records.
Oh, what I wouldn't give to see the phone records! :banghead:
Grandmother and great grandmother so concerned about those children, yet neither one of them stepped up to babysit while Ron went to work. Let a teenager do it who sometimes left them alone or let him take them to work with him. And now TN also changes her tune about Misty and wants her to hang if she was involved. Something wrong with this whole crew imo.
This part BBM really confuses me. I'm sure I haven't read everything about this case, but I haven't seen this anywhere. Wish we could still see that link.:waitasec:

Maybe it can be purchased through archives?
Hey, Nonni B, I'm not that far from you and I holler... over yonder.... before I mosey... down to Mama-n-thems.... for an R-oh C and a moon pie

jus sayin :)

(OK I'll see myself out)

Back to the neighbor, if it were me and I heard someone in the wee hours, and if it sounded like an argument (even if I only heard pieces of one side of it) I'd describe it - in a call to report it, as a very loud argument, yelling, shouting and that perhaps someone needs help.

Maybe it's just me, but the word, "scream" has a different connotation to me.... "Scream bloody murder..." scream in horror..." "scream for help..." For me, I'd use the word "screaming" and report, "screaming" if I heard what sounds like cries for help or shreiking even if they werent actually saying, "help." Well, you get what I mean. :)

Kant, I agree with you , but I raised 2 daughters, and when they were very mad at each other they would scream "to high heaven" at each other. By the way, here we say "Mommer n' nim" and eat "taters and poke sallet." (I'm in Cartersville)

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