2009.03.03 GA suicide note

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Aha! That was where I was going with this. Was the 8 page letter a suicide note? GA could have been writing down his thoughts. Making a list of good and bad things in his life. Leaving CA and telling her why he was going to leave the house. Maybe it was a collective effort rough draft.So many things the 8 pages could have been. Maybe the LE found a suicide note in the room and the famous 8 pages in the car. Possible?

Anything is possible! LOL The problem I have with the "suicide" letter was from what I gleaned from reporters. The first paragraph he mentioned suicide, but from then on, nothing about suicide. Then, he wrote something to the effect of, "Oh, look at my sloppy handwriting. Gee, those pills I took must be taking effect." PULEEZE!
Anything is possible! LOL The problem I have with the "suicide" letter was from what I gleaned from reporters. The first paragraph he mentioned suicide, but from then on, nothing about suicide. Then, he wrote something to the effect of, "Oh, look at my sloppy handwriting. Gee, those pills I took must be taking effect." PULEEZE!

I missed the hand writing part. Who called it a suicide note in the first place? LE? Media? BC?
I missed the hand writing part. Who called it a suicide note in the first place? LE? Media? BC?

I'd have to go back and read up, bit I do know that after a couple of days, media had termed it "an apparent suicide note" which told me they aren't buying it either.
I'd have to go back and read up, bit I do know that after a couple of days, media had termed it "an apparent suicide note" which told me they aren't buying it either.

Maybe we will get to see it if the Judge deems it evidence. I am also going to go back and re read, but it will have to be in the AM. Bed time for me. Nite! Thank you kindly for the discussion.
I thought I had heard of the existence of two letters. Perhaps one in the vehicle and one in the room. They found pizza box (I know :eek:) in the room along with a few Miller Lites the room fridge...
Yes, they said there were two letters. Good memory!
I missed the hand writing part. Who called it a suicide note in the first place? LE? Media? BC?
LE...the guy speaking said it was very clear to him (can't remember his name).
No, I've never seen this type of service from lawyers, but I sure would like to see the bill he hands over to the A's when this is all said and done with. I'm assuming BC isn't free and is billing the A's for every minute spent with them.
BC claims he is free.
No way do I think this should be kept private. Not now...not after reading a portion of it. Where does he get off saying he wants to buy a gun and teach KC's friends a lesson? This guy is a ticking time bomb and I hope LE is paying attention. Normal people don't go around thinking such things. What was he going to do with that gun? How was he going to teach KC's friends lesson with it? Was he going to shoot them? What was he thinking? He's not only a bully, but he's got a couple of screws missing.

A dangerous combination. He's got a quick temper as well. He goes from zero to sixty in an instant and it's hard to bring him back to reality.
I previously only cared about the letter(s) if they pertained to Casey's case. Now I want to read them to see if the tone of the letter(s) is sincerely suicidal or scripted.

There also might be alot in the letter that explains the dynamics of this odd family, including Casey, and explain how they got where they are today.

Oh yeah, I definitely want to read them.
Does anyone remember back when Casey was first in jail? She was being taken to court and as she passed the inmate receiving area, all the inmates verbally assaulted her. One guy asked, IIRC, Why did you kill your baby, or what did you do with your baby? And Casey said something like "My boyfriend did it."

Is that what the defense is going to go with? JC, which boyfriend?
Does anyone remember back when Casey was first in jail? She was being taken to court and as she passed the inmate receiving area, all the inmates verbally assaulted her. One guy asked, IIRC, Why did you kill your baby, or what did you do with your baby? And Casey said something like "My boyfriend did it."

Is that what the defense is going to go with? JC, which boyfriend?

Boy, I missed that. WOW!
Does anyone remember back when Casey was first in jail? She was being taken to court and as she passed the inmate receiving area, all the inmates verbally assaulted her. One guy asked, IIRC, Why did you kill your baby, or what did you do with your baby? And Casey said something like "My boyfriend did it."

Is that what the defense is going to go with? JC, which boyfriend?

If I'm not mistaken, the inmate asked KC "where is your baby" and she replied "she's with her father". It was a long time ago, but if memory serves me right - that was the exchange. I don't necessarily think that this conversation ever happened.
If I'm not mistaken, the inmate asked KC "where is your baby" and she replied "she's with her father". It was a long time ago, but if memory serves me right - that was the exchange. I don't necessarily think that this conversation ever happened.

I think you are right about the exchange. If the conversation happened, it will be interesting in hindsight if they throw an ex BF or Caylee's real dad under the bus.
No way do I think this should be kept private. Not now...not after reading a portion of it. Where does he get off saying he wants to buy a gun and teach KC's friends a lesson? This guy is a ticking time bomb and I hope LE is paying attention. Normal people don't go around thinking such things. What was he going to do with that gun? How was he going to teach KC's friends lesson with it? Was he going to shoot them? What was he thinking? He's not only a bully, but he's got a couple of screws missing.

The guy's a total loose cannon ..

The whole family should be behind bars .. :behindbar
Ohhh, George can't explain anything right now.....he's "fragile".:rolleyes:

If he indeed threatened anyone I think it should be published.
IMO there was never any suicide attempt. Just deflection.
:cow: imo

Yep, just another "poor me" moment by George .. :rolleyes:
I love the Norman Rockwell. Everytime I look at it I have to laugh. What a bunch of loons!!!
Here is my thought on the suicide attempt...After GA testified in front of the GJ there is no way he can change his testimony without perjury....As we have all seen over the past several months CA has absolutely no problem lying...So they hatch this plan to have GA fake suicide with the thoughts that he will be able to get out of testifying in the criminal case ( I don't think it was done to get out of the ZFG case) so that just leaves CA and LA to testify and they will be able to lie there azz off and not think a thing about it..

Another thing that has always had my hinkey meter going about the suicide attempt, is why did CA not call the police why was it BC who alerted LE about GA missing and then he was the one out the very next day and all the days that proceeded telling us there was a note, that he took pills, that he drank with the pills, but they were just happy he made it through...The whole thing just does not sit well with me and it never has...

And I saw a post that stated someone on here had read part of the note...where is it at...I would love to read whatever part is been released so far..HELP

I don't think there was a suicide attempt. How could a man who supposedly drank that much alcohol and took so many pills, walk out of the room and get into the police car pretty much unassisted? :confused:
George admitted he had not taken any pills. He maybe had a pizza bloat going on though. I can't guarantee that.

Here is my thought on the suicide attempt...After GA testified in front of the GJ there is no way he can change his testimony without perjury....As we have all seen over the past several months CA has absolutely no problem lying...So they hatch this plan to have GA fake suicide with the thoughts that he will be able to get out of testifying in the criminal case ( I don't think it was done to get out of the ZFG case) so that just leaves CA and LA to testify and they will be able to lie there azz off and not think a thing about it..

Its a good thing that the trial has been put off until October, then. He should be all better by then.

Another thing that has always had my hinkey meter going about the suicide attempt, is why did CA not call the police why was it BC who alerted LE about GA missing and then he was the one out the very next day and all the days that proceeded telling us there was a note, that he took pills, that he drank with the pills, but they were just happy he made it through...The whole thing just does not sit well with me and it never has...

And I saw a post that stated someone on here had read part of the note...where is it at...I would love to read whatever part is been released so far..HELP


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if there was a sick twist within 1000 miles of the Anthony's, the Anthony's were sure to latch onto them and become their new BFF. The more I see BC compromising his integrity with these people, the more I realize there doesn't seem to have been a great store of integrity there to begin with. Seems to me he was the one to make the statements so that later on he could claim his clients lied to him if "the truth" ever came out.

I'd really like to know who these friends are that George sent txts to. I'd really really like to know how they feel having ........oh wait. It was probably just those folks from KFN. Nevermind. I'm sure they were fine with it.

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