2010.03.18 KC's indigency hearing #1

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JAC wants full financial disclosure and an accounting of funds spent thus far. Per Natisha Lance.
CM: "If JAC chooses to interfere with KC's constitutional rights, I'll make 'em pay for it."

I think Mr. Mason is an "old school" Attorney. Some of the tactics he used today, I don't think are acceptable in a modern day Court Room. IMO
I was shocked by his rude disrespectful attitude towards Judge Stickland.
Also, who paid for all the t-shirts, tent,fliers, George's truck, the security men/cameras outside their home and the PI's?

Also, the A's trip to California to be on the Larry King show...was their every expense paid for by Larry King?

And was their cruise free? Also, I am right to assume that Brad C is also doing this pro bono?

Heck, if one of my children was falsely accused of a crime...I would be working 3 jobs to make sure they got the best defense. I would be honest and hardworking. I would be visiting them every moment at the jail and giving them nothing but encouragement, reassurance and love. I would be on my knees every single moment I could.

That is what NORMAL people do!!!!
IMO the Anthony's have really made out by using other people!!!!
Here's my understanding of a few things being discussed:
The money:
$200,000 - from ABC
5,000 - from an unnamed donor
70,000 - donated from former defense team attorney Todd Macaluso
70,000 - from Lyon's law clinic (a charity that solicits donations). Andrea stated the $22,000 listed in the affidavit came out of this $70,000. So, that is a total of $345,000. The affidavit listed $111,000 as being spent. Baez was asked about the difference and he hemmed and hawwed and said it went to expenses like investigation, travel, transcripts. He is supposed to provide an accounting to the court, but I did not hear a time limit given to do that.

The secret evidence:
SA said they are done investigating and it has already been released to the defense.
The judge gave Baez 15 days to review the material before it is released to the public. Baez can they file a motion to have it sealed if he so wishes but he must inform the media because they have the right to argue for its release.
I am willing to take bets that the JAC got lots of calls from "concerned Fl. taxpayers" and that they had no choice but to respond by playing hardball. I think this caught Cheney Mason off guard. JAC (according to RH) is not known for digging in deep at this stage.

I think this time......they had no choice.

what about him saying those things so openly about JAC? Is that bad to critique?????
i have a question. remeber early on when baezs daughter was the pr person? could SHE have brokered the deals and then technically jose had nothimg to do with it?
JB asked C Mason to join. Officially joined as of 11AM today. I was asked to join several days ago.

I believe with Mason joining the team, we are hearing M.Lyon's swan song.....as she backs quickly out of the picture.

Why else would they need two death qualified attorneys?
Here's my understanding of a few things being discussed:
The money:
$200,000 - from ABC
5,000 - from an unnamed donor
70,000 - donated from former defense team attorney Todd Macaluso
70,000 - from Lyon's law clinic (a charity that solicits donations). Andrea stated the $22,000 listed in the affidavit came out of this $70,000. So, that is a total of $345,000. The affidavit listed $111,000 as being spent. Baez was asked about the difference and he hemmed and hawwed and said it went to expenses like investigation, travel, transcripts. He is supposed to provide an accounting to the court, but I did not hear a time limit given to do that.

The secret evidence:
SA said they are done investigating and it has already been released to the defense.
The judge gave Baez 15 days to review the material before it is released to the public. Baez can they file a motion to have it sealed if he so wishes but he must inform the media because they have the right to argue for its release.

I got the same thing except: 1) $22,500 for AL and 2) the secret evidence has been exposed to be letters exchanged between KC and a couple of federal inmates. The contents to be released as you described.

I am sure that JS gave a specific time frame in re. the defense turning over the accounting for the rest of expenditures, but I be darned if I can recall it. :waitasec:
what about him saying those things so openly about JAC? Is that bad to critique?????

I think it's relevant. I think they anticipate this being declined and thus have no issue with voicing their opinion.
I would be very interested in hearing Richard Hornsby's opinion of C. Mason.
I believe with Mason joining the team, we are hearing M.Lyon's swan song.....as she backs quickly out of the picture.

Why else would they need two death qualified attorneys?

Did you determine that Mason IS death qualified???
I think once CM sits down and READS the discovery so far, look out. He will use his contacts to sniff out a plea. He is established so it is not the same thing as Baez. I, for various reasons, have involvement with a fair-sized section of my area's legal defense community. Once you have made your bones and have what you think is a guilty client on your hands, PLEA.
DISCLAIMER: I am not LE or in the legal profession in any way. I did a lot of time in a few different places until God delivered me from my penchant for drugs.
Mr. Mason on Tru TV threatening that if JAC doesn't go there way he will take it to the Federal Court House. What I don't understand KC is just another mom who killed her kid. As a Florida Tax payer and a crime victim (I to had duct tape placed on my eyes and mouth like Caylee but I was an adult and I survived. I also didn't have that 3rd piece. The defence lawyers are hanging their pro bono hats on kc's constitutional rights, well I say what about Caylee's. She should be alive and taking dance classes and attending Pre School. Shame on the defense lawyers. Yes, the tax payers do pay for the state to prosecute criminals to make our state safe. Not to spend an extreme amount of money on a defendant's high profile case which consists of lies, false allegations and mistruths. Shame on Mr. Mason for bulldozing the court and the SA's office who is seeking the truth and justice for Caylee!
Oh Yes. The money doesn't add up. I wonder if it was passed on to G and C. Being that the ABC producer is with G & C at every court hearing, I wonder if there is more coming their way. What further interest would he have if not future business.
im sure caylee's ecstatic that the person who murdered her is now using her to pay her bills

That Law needs to be changed.CAYLEE"S LAW

By Letting KC have :twocents:eek:f monies paid to her by her VICTIM IS NUTS :banghead:

Oh Yes. The money doesn't add up. I wonder if it was passed on to G and C. Being that the ABC producer is with G & C at every court hearing, I wonder if there is more coming their way. What further interest would he have if not future business.
EXCELLENT point that I wanted repeated. Sometimes the 'Thanks' button is not enough.
I got the same thing except: 1) $22,500 for AL and 2) the secret evidence has been exposed to be letters exchanged between KC and a couple of federal inmates. The contents to be released as you described.

I am sure that JS gave a specific time frame in re. the defense turning over the accounting for the rest of expenditures, but I be darned if I can recall it. :waitasec:

Yes, you're right, Andrea received $22,500 for expenses. Her saying that came out of the clinics donation of $70,000 was news because I think everyone assumed it came out of the $200,000. So really that just leaves Jose's $89,000 out of the $200,000. Hmmm, lots of money left over. I really think KC would have to pay taxes on that $200K but Baez never mentioned it.
I don't like Mason's, "I'm here now-I'll walk all over anyone who tries to get in my way" attitude.
Mason has a chip on his shoulder about the SA and what they are spending. Wants the court to appoint a special master and put a bridle on the JAC.

This man is geared up for a fight. His oppositional defiance is going to create waves.

Isn't that how AL acted when she joined this team.....
So all in all what did we discover today?

The defense EXPEXTED the judge to take them IN CAMERA for details of the money trail. That was NOT what the judge decided was prudent. He said-Nope we do this here in open court! The defense scrambled and went and had a meeting and wanted to take their client with them, and the judge said NO CAN DO! The rules are not made by the judge and are not to be broken by the judge. SO while they had their scramble to figure out what the heck to tell in OPEN COURT with cameras rolling, Casey was taken back to her little locked room to wait...and wait...and wait...

Upon resuming, we dicovered that for the FEW appearances that Ms. Lyons has made and for whatever motions she has worked on and equipment and computers, etc, and blah blah hedge blah she spent $70,000.00, $22,500.00 of which was provided from defense funds, the remainder raised BY her in her "clinic" at DePaul. She states she has in over 1,000 hours.

Jose paid himself fees of $89,000.00 for his work. He states he has in over 2,500 hours. (When I do the math on that it just seems a little far fetched that he has THAT many hours in...I mean, people have to sleep and bathe and eat, right? lol) None of what he paid himself was for anything other than HIM and his pay-because he has to be so devoted to this case he is unable to take many other cases! (Mr. Hornsby told us Mr. Baez practice is BUZZING and BUSY so this is obviously a big fat LIE Jose told under oath!)

Some random person whom they did not ever identify gave $5,000.00 because that person wanted to be a "donor" to the case? hmmm...

One of the attorneys contributed $70,000.00 because he wanted to contribute to the defense...what?

AND the biggie $200,000.00 of BLOOD MONEY was paid by none other than ABC your friendly neighborhood network!

A new death penalty qualified attorney was added-Mason Cheney, and he is, uhm, rowdy to say the least, and downright rude if you get down to it.

The JAC is bucking against the defense.

Lindy Kenny Baden is working for free and has not received a dime.

Casey does not have a dime left to her name.

The secret info is NOT about the new mistress but rather about letters Miss Thang was writing to inamates and had a county employee assisting her in this conraband communication.

Jose has 15 days to get it square and then it is going PUBLIC!

Jose has to file some itemized details with the court about what money has gone where.


George and Cindy are not acting like they like each other very much...lol
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