2010.04.17 Found Audio Tapes-Interviews of Ronald Cummings

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rc has separted himself from the gun, fight, JO and the MH for monday, the 9th. He tells us he dropped the kids off, got out of the car and kissed everyone and told them he loved them and went to work. I still feel like this is another portrait of a Walton moment.

It is amazing how many people told Haleigh they loved her that day and evening. At least they are all left with good memories of having the opportunity to say that before she passed...not many do. I am sitting on the fence of cynicism right now.
The gun in question and the fight over it and all the mixed stories about it does seem to bring attention that it is somehow involved.
Misty tells us that rc directed her to where to find the gun and she was surprised. JO stole gun, but rc hides it so he won't get in trouble. He hides it in a culvert at tommy's (are we sure?) or was it her parents' house. RC or somebody is going to mutilate JO's hands for stealing but decides to clean the gun up so JO doesn't get in trouble.

Somebody help me out here...I am drowning in confusion
Misty tells us that rc directed her to where to find the gun and she was surprised. JO stole gun, but rc hides it so he won't get in trouble. He hides it in a culvert at tommy's (are we sure?) or was it her parents' house. RC is going to mutilate JO's hands for stealing but decides to clean the gun up so he doesn't get in trouble.

Somebody help me out here...I am drowning.
I read a post of yours earlier that said Joe and Ron share a secret. Lightbulb moment. I think they both have the goods on each other for something surrounding the gun. I don't believe that Misty found the gun in the "culbert". In her voice stress about it, her demeanor shifts there and she gets happily animated like she wants to convince you..like ..low and behold!, there it was!, right under the board, in the culvert, where Ronald said i'd find it!

How lucky!
I think she is lying.
We have officially arrived at the he-said; she-said part that we knew would occur. It is now time for the Timeline since we have new clues.

We have seen verification of a school attendance sheet. We have not heard from any school official regarding it. It appears that Haleigh was marked absent that day but it was changed to present and no Tardy was put there.

RC said he dropped Haleigh at the bus stop @ 8:00am.
RC said he picked her up at 3:30pm. The problem is that attendance sheet had her absent at first. I would like that explained.

He states misty and jr were at home when he dropped Haleigh off. I clearly heard him say he got out of the vehicle and kissed all three, including misty and told all of them he loved them and would see them when he got home...okiedokie.

He leaves for work and works till 3:00am and speeds to a kangaroo and buy items and claims he is on camera to verify this part of his alibi.

He arrives home @ 3:23 and turns the place upside-down and has misty call 911.

According to rc, he took Haleigh to and from the bus stop and he was not mad at misty but kissed her and told her he loved her and he was gone for the entire time up and till the call of 911....clean..covered and according to him completely out of any suspicions.

My opinion on the whole school attendance thing is that Ron originally said that he put Haleigh on the bus in the morning because if they marked her tardy, he could claim it was a mistake because he put his little girl on the bus. I think the highly speeding car did happen and Misty ended up taking her to school and walked her in. Misty might have give a pity excuse so instead of erasing the A and putting a T, they decided to just let this one slide (maybe because they warned one more time and they would have to call DSS - they would have to follow through if they didn't let it slide).

As time went on and records were checked, it was indicated that it was indeed counted as a present instead of a tardy so Ron didn't have to lie about it after all. But, it was already out there so now that is why you don't hear him speak of it any more. CYA in progress!!! JMO
You might be right Whisperer, LE may mislead the public or the perp(s) intentionally. I just don't see why in this case. Letting people believe that Haleigh was at school during the day they might miss out on important clues because people wouldn't call in sightings if they thought they must be mistaken, she was at school and didn't go missing until much later. If RC and MC lied about Haleigh being at school they must have known that the school staff, other children, other parents at the bus stop, the bus driver could prove them wrong and unless they're completely stupid they must have thought something was up if LE did nothing to confront them with the lie.

It makes more sense to me that Tommy would be fishing and talking about alligators with Joe than RC. Tommy's his cousin, they've known each other for years, he's staying with Hank and Lisa or Timmy. RC just met him, fought with him, doesn't know him well, has said that he makes no friends. How would they have bonded so fast?

I don't know what to think about the alligators comment. If someone likes to throw small living animals in the water for alligators and actually does it it indicates a scary character but it might be something that got embellished on the way. If you're sitting on the dock and see alligators getting closer it might be quite natural for the conversation to turn to speculation about what would happen if a small animal or a person landed in the water. It sounds like the sort of discussions our family has had visiting the zoo, reading animal books, watching nature documentaries. Inquiring minds want to know... Curiosity about the alligator feeding habits doesn't mean that the person gets his kicks from animals suffering.
So was LE really looking for a weapon at the Dunn's Creek bridge that was involved with Haleigh and not the out of County crime?

Isn't this the bridge that rc told people would be a good place to toss a body?

Funny how JO and RC think along the same lines.....hmmmm.
I posted a new theory in the theory thread. If a body was indeed tossed, whose was it?
It makes more sense to me that Tommy would be fishing and talking about alligators with Joe than RC. Tommy's his cousin, they've known each other for years, he's staying with Hank and Lisa or Timmy. RC just met him, fought with him, doesn't know him well, has said that he makes no friends. How would they have bonded so fast?

I don't know what to think about the alligators comment. If someone likes to throw small living animals in the water for alligators and actually does it it indicates a scary character but it might be something that got embellished on the way. If you're sitting on the dock and see alligators getting closer it might be quite natural for the conversation to turn to speculation about what would happen if a small animal or a person landed in the water. It sounds like the sort of discussions our family has had visiting the zoo, reading animal books, watching nature documentaries. Inquiring minds want to know... Curiosity about the alligator feeding habits doesn't mean that the person gets his kicks from animals suffering.

Sounds like it to me..

The gator comment has three sources now...so it is true more than it is not true.rc told Tim Miller and AH about fishing on the dock. He told them it was JO's favorite spot.

rc has also talked about himself throwing bodies into the water before if he ever had to hide a body...according to Amber or Crystal (not sure which)
One more comment..rc stated on the tapes that misty did not have the van that night.
It wasn't far away (like we used to think) it was a little less than three miles up the road.

Man, I am beginning to wonder if misty was even on Green that night. Maybe she was with her brother timmy and chelsea and visiting JO. rc could have picked her up on his way home from work.

I am now officially ...NUTS.
Adding to the crazy:

What if cuz Joe not only had a thing for guns, but ...

What if cuz Joe also had a thing for Misty (going way back)?

Jealousy: ("you take my Misty; I'll take your Haleigh")
How can a father recap a story that someone may have tossed his daughter to the alligators, and be so callous about it? If he believes this, he is one cold $0&! And I think he is one......but I don't believe this story for one second.
Adding to the crazy:

What if cuz Joe not only had a thing for guns, but ...

What if cuz Joe also had a thing for Misty (going way back)?

Jealousy: ("you take my Misty; I'll take your Haleigh")

It would explain why he reportedly said that RC was gonna get what was coming for him. It sounds like revenge but what is there to get revenge for if it's Joe who had stolen from RC and not the other way around.
I am not getting any real curiousity here from RC as to what became of Haleigh, implying to me that he knows she is dead by this time, at least, when tape was made, if not earlier.

I am sure LE knows what time Ron was at work and probably has known for some time and since they have not released this info, I think the timeline is incriminating to him; it would have been easy to released it early on to show he was telling the truth about what time he showed up and what time he got off, if it was that simple. I don't think we will learn this info until a trial (if ever there is one...) It surprises me that a co-worker has not sold the story, however...unless I missed it...
Here is my take on the one tape. Ron says Joe took his gun the first time he met him (around the 3rd day after he got there 2 wks before disappearance). Hank yells at Joe about the gun the day they go fishing when he finds out from RC. Joe says he'll just leave & go back to Tenn and Hank says the gun isn't going with you. RC (or else Hank--kind of confusing)says he won't do anything like cut the boy's hands off because he'd go to jail for attempted murder, but he'd crush his hands so he couldn't steal anything from anybody again. Anyway RC gets the gun back, cleans it, etc and LE ends up with it after Haleigh disappears. I think he was trying to keep Joe out of trouble and not cause problems. They talk about whether Joe could have taken Haleigh. Ron still thinks it's strange that every time Marie is interviewed she says she thinks Haleigh is alive in Georgia or Alabama somewhere. Thinks its more strange because of the timing on back child support.

I think it's interesting that we finally learn Tim sees van & Joe gone at 1:00 am and we've never heard that from anyone before!

Hi, I'm a bit confused. When you say Hank threatened to crush Joe's hands
so he couldn't steal again--is that Hank Sr. or TC?
It's just hard to picture Tommy being that threatening to Joe.
Misty tells us that rc directed her to where to find the gun and she was surprised. JO stole gun, but rc hides it so he won't get in trouble. He hides it in a culvert at tommy's (are we sure?) or was it her parents' house. RC or somebody is going to mutilate JO's hands for stealing but decides to clean the gun up so JO doesn't get in trouble.

Somebody help me out here...I am drowning in confusion
I was wondering if I heard that right, concerning Ron breaking Joes hands instead of calling the cops, on this stolen weapon...I guess he did say it. None of it makes sense to me.

Ron can have Misty call the cops on a road incident (CJ), but doesn't want to call about a stolen gun. He is so concerned about Joe getting caught that he cleans the gun before it gets into the hands of LE. He's been threatening that he will kill whoever took his daughter, yet the guy he's kind of pointing at never was harmed. In fact, Ron denies to Cobra that he is 75% sure Joe did it. Ron believes Misty is telling the truth and Misty believes Joe may have been involved, but Ron isn't sure about that...I'm confused too, but that's nothing new.
So from the bit I snipped, we know LE has a problem with Ron's work hours........big surprise, NOT.

Ron said that LE asked him if he was home that night. He said that LE kept asked him what took him so long to get to the home. Ron said he stopped at the store that he bought a pack of Newport's, peanuts and other.

Ron then said that they kept asking him how did he get home at the time he did, when he got off of work at a certain time. Ron never mentions the time.

Ron then said that LE pulled all the tapes and LE asked him how the "F" did he get home at that time when he off of work at a certain time and got home at that time

Exactly!...Makes me think Ron had gotten off work long before 3am if LE wanted to know why it took him so long to get home. I have always believed that Ron did not work until 3am....Now we know that there's something smelly about Ron's work hours.
So from the bit I snipped, we know LE has a problem with Ron's work hours........big surprise, NOT.

Ron said that LE asked him if he was home that night. He said that LE kept asked him what took him so long to get to the home. Ron said he stopped at the store that he bought a pack of Newport's, peanuts and other.

Ron then said that they kept asking him how did he get home at the time he did, when he got off of work at a certain time. Ron never mentions the time.

Ron then said that LE pulled all the tapes and LE asked him how the "F" did he get home at that time when he off of work at a certain time and got home at that time
Same way TN got there so fast, extraterrestrial transport, I guess. They seem to have the special ability to travel with the speed of light.
Hi, I'm a bit confused. When you say Hank threatened to crush Joe's hands
so he couldn't steal again--is that Hank Sr. or TC?
It's just hard to picture Tommy being that threatening to Joe.

RC is talking but with the noise on the tape its hard to tell if he is talking about himself or what Hank Sr said about the hand crushing thing. To me it sounded like the menfolk were all together fishing and Joe was confronted about stealing the gun from RC. This was before Haleigh disappeared and before Hank Sr was hurt. It almost sounds like they forced Joe to give the gun back and then RC hid it for the duration of Joe's visit. Then, just before Joe was to go back home, he went to steal it again with Tommy in tow.

Also, the comment about retaliation--yes, I can see Joe doing that in retaliation. He was humiliated in front of his relatives about stealing it the first time and it didn't sit well with him. He thought he could sneak away with it if he waited till his last night there and "give RC what was coming to him".
Ok a few questions-

Where was the store Ron stopped at "on camera"?
What stretch of highway did LE search?
Where exactly on St john river was the search before easter?
Unless Haleigh was shot with the gun. Maybe it was out, and she got hold of it, or Ron was threatening Misty with it for her weekend. Choose any scenario. And then they baited Joe to come "steal" the gun back, so he would be charged. But maybe, when they got there, they learned what really happened. Joe got out of Dodge asap cause he knew they were gonna frame him, and Tommy and Misty took Haleigh's body to the river.
In all the possibilities, Misty and Tommy were clearly on the dock. So who stayed at the MH with Jr?

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