2011.05.24 SIDEBAR THREAD (Morning Session)

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LDB: Unknowingly at that time, took the last known photograph of her grand daughter.
ICA: Shakes head "No, no no,"

My question to ICA...if that isn't fact, could you please show us the last picture of Caylee?
ICA: walks down hall at Universal, gets to end of the hall, puts hand in back pockets, turns around and shakes head "no, no, no."
2 things:
I have a girl crush on LDB now

I was waiting for JB to jump up ala Jim Carrey in Liar Liar and say "Your Honor I object! This is devastating to my client!"

Re BBM - I would have to agree.

She's toast!
There was one brief moment when LDB was talking towards the end that I thought Casey was going to have an outburst or try to get up and leave. Did anyone else see that?

At one point I thought she was going to get up and admit she murdered her. But she's come too far for that now.
I need abbrieviations in this case!


JB...defense attny
GA...george anthony, casey's dad
CA...cindy anthony, casey's dad

help a newbie out!! :)
CM Chaney Mason defense attorney
ICA inmate Casey Anthony
yes i went to twitter

older juror shaking head "no" at the lies

In sync with ICA's head shaking? Or like in disgust with all the lies. Oh I HOPE someone from WS is there and taking detailed mental notes!!!
Am I losing my mind?

Chloroform in the trunk - shakes head no
Weapons computer searches - shakes head no, says I didn't do it
Backyard searches - shakes head no

No reason for THREE PIECES OF DUCT TAPE except to murder her child - very slight nodding of her head...

Did I see that?

I'm dumbfounded as to why KC shakes her head NO - to evidence that's indisputable!!! She shook her head NO to cell phone pings, she shook her head NO to surveillance video of herself! These are things that don't lie and are self evident!
Sending positive thoughts and well wishes to every juror, they will never be the same when this trial is over.
With Casey shaking her head no during certain moments, it still appears that she is sticking with her ZFG story. She shaked her head no when LDB said she was the last person to be seen with Caylee. She shook her head no when LDB talked about the last picture of Caylee taken. I am really not sure WHAT the defense is going to say, but it appears that Casey is not planning to take any responsibility for any of this... not even an accident?? So where are they going to go? Roy Kronk? Jesse Grund?? George, Lee or Cindy???

I am really anxious about the defenses opening statement!
I agree!! I was waiting for her to jump up and get tackled by deputies! She was completely done at that moment. She is going to explode when she sees some of her former friends on the stand.

ITA!!! If KC stands up and just starts screaming I didn't do it... or says... okay fine! I did it, heres what happened... I wouldn't be shocked. She can't deal with the truth... Shes had 3 years to forget the truth... now its all coming back to get her. She looks scared, and she should be. I hope the enormity has finally sunk in on this witch.
JB's opening statement has to go something like this. "Casey is just a kid herself. She lies - oh boy does she lie. But she did not murder her daughter - it was a terrible accident. An accident Casey could not face. Remember -she is super-de-dooper young. Instead of facing the truth about a terrible slip in the pool one afternoon - she ran away, she hid from the truth and she lied. Anything was better than the truth that her baby girl drowned while Casey was taking a shower. Casey wanted to believe for that 31 days that Caylee was at the park, at Universal, at a friends, at a wedding...anything but the horrible truth that Caylee had drown in a terrible ACCIDENT (Did I mention Accident). Casey is only guilty of lying after the fact but who could blame a person in such deep denial?? I mean especially a person SOOOO young."

And she could not tell her horrible mother CA for fear for her own life. ;)
Listening to the trail of evidence was like following the footsteps of an elephant through a rose garden. Good job Pros team!
Someone will surly come up with a bobble-head ICA....shaking head side to side. :giggle:
and still no tears....at least not from ICA, but im betting there are tears from a few hundred people at a minimum here at WS.

I know I was. Who wouldn't be affected? Oh wait, I know somebody.
I will give the state credit for making GA & CA out to be nothing but loving grandparents.
Who will JB throw under the bus for the computer searches? Cindy or Geo? Hard to tell.

Oh yeah! Cindy and/or Geroge was trying to search how to make coloform(sp) just for kicks.
I hope Beaz tries to put the searches on the grandparents. Really will damage him good.
2 things:
I have a girl crush on LDB now

I was waiting for JB to jump up ala Jim Carrey in Liar Liar and say "Your Honor I object! This is devastating to my client!"

I think that JB did not object because he is going to get up and say that most of it is true. The only defense right now is if Caylee died accidentally and Casey was too scared to tell the truth.
I completely agree! I wonder if the lunch break isn't a come to Jesus talk from the DT to Casey, begging her to just cut a frigging deal. The writing is on the wall.

Never, she really believes it's not her fault, and that JB will get her off!
Beth didn't do any juror reactions? She did throughout Scott Peterson's. I like to hear about her observations!
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