2011.06.14 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Eighteen)

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i am surprised so many i expected to be on witness stand are not called . todays witness must be really important! next week it will be impossible to get into trial i assume as the lines are crazy now. the closing arguments will be intense . if we do not see some reaction from casey or even a outburst it will be as if shes numb inside . i have this silly image of her yelling out and thinking - so what i am in trouble anyways- maybe yell to jose -- you promished me i would be believed!!:maddening:
Well...my law clerk was not intimately familiar with this case. I got her to start listening to the trial. While she has been dumbfounded at the lies, etc. by ICA, when she heard yesterday that the SAO's would be resting...she was like...THERE ARE HOLES I NEED FILLED IN.

My DD who didn't know much about it, except that I was TOTALLYOBSESSED :))) got hooked from the first day of trial. She said last night that she doesn't think the jury will give the DP. Her reasoning is that unless the crime is bloody and gory, the jury will have a hard time giving death to a young mother who POTENTIALLY was sexually abused, and where there is no direct evidence, only circumstantial.


I wonder though, if the defense chooses to continue with an accidental drowning, there is only one person who can testify to that, to make it a part of the evidence of 'innocence' (for lack of a better word, knowing that in this case "innocence" is hardly applicable in terms of what Casey did after Caylee's death with full knowledge of her demise) and that is Casey herself. He will never be able to get George to admit to issues of abuse or involvement in the disposal of Caylee. I don't believe JB can simply stand up at the end of the trial and in his closing statement say "well, she was molested as a child and ugly coped after her daughter's death and you should find her innocent." He has to present testimony.

Doesn't he?
I am wondering why we did not hear about the Whitney design laundry bag match that was in the Anthony home. This would be one more piece to link the Anthony home to the remains site...

But But But..I do recall that "Match" Whitney laundry bag being shown in pictures SA entered into evidence...It had been stored away I think it was in the garage all wrapped up??..Am I totally wrong on that???

Sometimes I dream about this case so do wonder if my recollections were from dreams or actual evidence shown in the courtroom:innocent:
i am surprised so many i expected to be on witness stand are not called . todays witness must be really important! next week it will be impossible to get into trial i assume as the lines are crazy now. the closing arguments will be intense . if we do not see some reaction from casey or even a outburst it will be as if shes numb inside . i have this silly image of her yelling out and thinking - so what i am in trouble anyways- maybe yell to jose -- you promished me i would be believed!!:maddening:

If only she hadn't lied so often, so convincingly that nothing was wrong.
05/27/2011 Supplemental Defense Witness List
LDB -told the Judge that the Defense was filing a suppl witness list, with cert of good cause - tried to give us info about this person - let court know if we have objections


Trial May 31, 2011 Tuesday - Baez questions Cindy about Steph Watts and the pool ladder [WESH TV reports that new Defense witness is Steph Watts]

video of Cindy's being questioned by Baez
May 31, 2011

(2:00) did you tell Steph Watts and Mark Furhman that you forgot to take the ladder down? no sir I did not


Casey Defense Adds TV Host To Witness List
Stephen Watts Toured Anthony Home's Backyard

POSTED: 2:25 pm EDT May 31, 2011




“Ugly things. Secret things.” Casey Anthony’s Attorney Jose Baez.
Posted: May 24, 2011 by Steph

The defenses main theory is that Caylee drowned in the pool. So why would an entire family cover up an accident?? But here’s what strange. I remember being in the house shortly after this story broke, myself and Mark Fuhrman. George and Cindy were taking us on a detailed tour of the house including the backyard where they let very few, other reporters in. They showed us the towering bamboo, the shed that investigators had moved, the gates and 3 other sheds that George says were always locked and most importantly the pool. It was an above ground pool, and Cindy commented, in detail that she remembers that she had left the ladder down the day after Fathers Day [June 16, 2008]. She was very clear about this as she stated that she always left the ladder up, so Caylee couldn’t get up it but she remembered that day that she forgot, and had left it down. I found it interesting that this came up in court today. Either she told this story to Casey and Casey is using it to make up a new defense or it’s true. Looking at Casy’s track record, she’s not exactly the fountain of truth-be-told.

On the Record w/Greta - "Behind the CSI Return to Caylee's Grandparents House" 08/06/2008:

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, the business about the -- there's a pool in the back yard, and there's something about the ladder connected to the pool. And in fact, if you can just stand over on -- I've actually got a picture, so you can explain the significance of new information on the ladder and the pool in the back yard. What is the story on this ladder?

MARK FUHRMAN, FMR LAPD HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Well, it's interesting. You know, the grandparents are telling me that on the 16th [Monday], when Casey and Caylee are leaving that morning at 12:50 -- the previous night [June 15th Father's Day], Cynthia, the grandmother, and Casey [Caylee not Casey] swam in the pool. After they were done, they take the ladder, which snaps off, and then they take the ladder away from the pool so Caylee can't climb up it by herself. Now, nobody swam in the pool after that night on Sunday [June 15, 2008]. Nobody swam there on Monday [June 16, 2008]. And then Tuesday morning [June 17, 2008], they noticed that the ladder was back up on the pool, hooked up, and the gate on the side of the house was open. So it's interesting information considering the activity that preceded -- you know, preceded that on the day before.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


simple explanation....Casey after she disposed of Caylee went into the backyard and went into the pool to clean herself off of the stench, maybe body fluids.
But But But..I do recall that "Match" Whitney laundry bag being shown in pictures SA entered into evidence...It had been stored away I think it was in the garage all wrapped up??..Am I totally wrong on that???

Sometimes I dream about this case so do wonder if my recollections were from dreams or actual evidence shown in the courtroom:innocent:

You are right :rocker:
Watching rerun of Cindy's testimony on Is and it is amazing, the detail of lies Casey was giving even in 2007 as far as Jeff'e mother not being able to bring Zachary to see Santa at the mall to meet Caylee and Cindy and Casey, as he had an asthma attack, etc...Zanny's brother and sister having to work and take care of their sick mom...

The lies were so detailed and on-going, it may give some creedence to her bizarre behavior after Caylee was dead...she clearly lived in a world she created and controlled. I could see thinking that if anyone behaved in a way no one else would or has after an accident, if might be Casey, loony as she is...
That kind of bothers me Cindy's memory of all those stories is so good. It really plays into the defense theory of a girl living in pretend land.

Cindy could not remember for years that she put the dryer sheets in the car but remembers all those details.
I'm also thinking that the DT will say that they're not ready to present their case on Thursday. They were probably originally banking on the SA wrapping up on Friday with the possibility that court would be in recess until Monday, June 20. Whatever the case, I don't expect them to be prepared on Thursday. jmo

I think it was at the end of court Saturday that JA said he had scheduling issues to discuss. I recall that his wording led me to believe it included when they would be finishing,so IMO the DT has had time to be ready. They will really be pushing HHJP's buttons if they hold this up.The jury won't be happy either,but that doesn't seem to bother JB.
But But But..I do recall that "Match" Whitney laundry bag being shown in pictures SA entered into evidence...It had been stored away I think it was in the garage all wrapped up??..Am I totally wrong on that???

Sometimes I dream about this case so do wonder if my recollections were from dreams or actual evidence shown in the courtroom:innocent:

I believe you are correct.
I am wondering why we did not hear about the Whitney design laundry bag match that was in the Anthony home. This would be one more piece to link the Anthony home to the remains site...

The Whitney laundry bag found in the Anthony garage, inside a black garbage bag, was entered into evidence (for the jury to look at), and so was the Whitney laundry bag which was found at the scene with Caylee's remains (for the jury to look at). There was testimony from people who collected this evidence so the jury know matching Whitney laundry bags were collected from the Anthony garage and the remains site.
Mornin' :wave:
I'm wondering if ICA is ultimately founf guilty on 2nd degree murder and sentenced to life, would the defense still appeal? I'm thinking right now that the DT's only goal is to save her life, not set her free. If that's the case then if she's found guilty and sentenced to anything other than the DP, why would anyone even bother with an appeal? KWIM
Of all the witnesses for the State, Does anyone know what the purpose was, of putting Mallory on the stand??

That is a DANG GOOD question. It helped the state by NADA.
I like Dr. Fessel's theory upthread.
I am perplexed though. Her testimony sticks out like a sore thumb.
But But But..I do recall that "Match" Whitney laundry bag being shown in pictures SA entered into evidence...It had been stored away I think it was in the garage all wrapped up??..Am I totally wrong on that???

Sometimes I dream about this case so do wonder if my recollections were from dreams or actual evidence shown in the courtroom:innocent:

I'm not sure showing the jury that they had two of the same laundry bags would make a difference anyway. Remember, according to the DT - George hid the body so he could have used the bag too. It doesn't prove (according to the DT) that Casey did it. So driving that point home really doesn't help the SA case much, but it could be used by the DT.
simple explanation....Casey after she disposed of Caylee went into the backyard and went into the pool to clean herself off of the stench, maybe body fluids.
Excellent!!! Because I really believe George changed the lock on that garage door and Casey could not get in the house for some days until Cindy made him put the old lock back on.
05/27/2011 Supplemental Defense Witness List
LDB -told the Judge that the Defense was filing a suppl witness list, with cert of good cause - tried to give us info about this person - let court know if we have objections


Trial May 31, 2011 Tuesday - Baez questions Cindy about Steph Watts and the pool ladder [WESH TV reports that new Defense witness is Steph Watts]

video of Cindy's being questioned by Baez
May 31, 2011

(2:00) did you tell Steph Watts and Mark Furhman that you forgot to take the ladder down? no sir I did not


Casey Defense Adds TV Host To Witness List
Stephen Watts Toured Anthony Home's Backyard

POSTED: 2:25 pm EDT May 31, 2011




“Ugly things. Secret things.” Casey Anthony’s Attorney Jose Baez.
Posted: May 24, 2011 by Steph

The defenses main theory is that Caylee drowned in the pool. So why would an entire family cover up an accident?? But here’s what strange. I remember being in the house shortly after this story broke, myself and Mark Fuhrman. George and Cindy were taking us on a detailed tour of the house including the backyard where they let very few, other reporters in. They showed us the towering bamboo, the shed that investigators had moved, the gates and 3 other sheds that George says were always locked and most importantly the pool. It was an above ground pool, and Cindy commented, in detail that she remembers that she had left the ladder down the day after Fathers Day [June 16, 2008]. She was very clear about this as she stated that she always left the ladder up, so Caylee couldn’t get up it but she remembered that day that she forgot, and had left it down. I found it interesting that this came up in court today. Either she told this story to Casey and Casey is using it to make up a new defense or it’s true. Looking at Casy’s track record, she’s not exactly the fountain of truth-be-told.

On the Record w/Greta - "Behind the CSI Return to Caylee's Grandparents House" 08/06/2008:

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, the business about the -- there's a pool in the back yard, and there's something about the ladder connected to the pool. And in fact, if you can just stand over on -- I've actually got a picture, so you can explain the significance of new information on the ladder and the pool in the back yard. What is the story on this ladder?

MARK FUHRMAN, FMR LAPD HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Well, it's interesting. You know, the grandparents are telling me that on the 16th [Monday], when Casey and Caylee are leaving that morning at 12:50 -- the previous night [June 15th Father's Day], Cynthia, the grandmother, and Casey [Caylee not Casey] swam in the pool. After they were done, they take the ladder, which snaps off, and then they take the ladder away from the pool so Caylee can't climb up it by herself. Now, nobody swam in the pool after that night on Sunday [June 15, 2008]. Nobody swam there on Monday [June 16, 2008]. And then Tuesday morning [June 17, 2008], they noticed that the ladder was back up on the pool, hooked up, and the gate on the side of the house was open. So it's interesting information considering the activity that preceded -- you know, preceded that on the day before.

Thursday, August 07, 2008



Thank You for this info !

My Opinion is : IF, a BIG IF, Cayled "drowned in the pool" ... that pool would have been taken down and removed !

MOO MOO and MOO ...
That kind of bothers me Cindy's memory of all those stories is so good. It really plays into the defense theory of a girl living in pretend land.

Cindy could not remember for years that she put the dryer sheets in the car but remembers all those details.

Plus the way Cindy talked about all these lies as though they actually happened, even now when she certainly knows that none of it did.
I think the purpose of Mallory was to show the jury just how people bought into Casey's lies. Her own parents, strangers, friends, everyone saw a Casey that isn't there.
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