2011.06.27 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-nine)

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I like this new attorney, Finnell. She's easier to listen to than the other ones, doesn't meander, gets to a point.

I wasn't very impressed with the day's questioning though. I think I was supposed to have my great "OMG the meter reader did it, Caylee wasn't there in November" moment today but it fell sadly flat and I came away with the knowledge that:

-JB had hired a private investigator to search for a drowned child
-said investigator was in contact with Casey
-said investigator poked around the place where Caylee's remains were eventually found
-the search seems to have been rather half hearted. IIRC they said they spent 10-15 minutes in the woods.
-there was a fallen tree in their video but I'm not sure it was the same one. There may have been more than one after a hurricane.

What was the toilet and the umbrella talk about? Do they place these men in the same area Caylee was found or elsewhere?

-JB had to point out that he didn't pay JH for his video, which immediately gets me thinking about all sorts of other financial arrangements they might have had
So Baez fights DC's deposition, claiming work product, then AF uses the late deposition to make the SA look bad!!!!:banghead:
JVM: "this video is the cornerstone of the defense case. IT can tear apart the states theory."

Jane W:" Today we saw for sure the body was moved. "

Gimme a break. Are these two Janes actually asserting that those 2 bumbling PI's would have/could have found anything? They stumbled around for 15 to 20 minutes in an area NEAR the remains. That is it. No grid searches, and they admitted they saw lots of garbage bags and never searched them all. They saw no red Disney bag.

They were NOT in the exact location. End. Of. Story.

Those two are a great example of prime time spin
Don't know about anyone else, but I've come out of this with a very low opinion of PIs. Utterly painful, deceptive, convoluted testimony.

Not all of them are like that. I don't know what is required in Florida, but in VA you have to take classes and included in them are tons of information about ethics. Some PIs are shady, without a doubt. But not all of them. This guy gives many good PIs a bad name. When I get finished with my paralegal classes in Feb, I am going for my PI license in order to provide low cost PI service for custodial parents who otherwise would not be able to afford one to get their child support straight. I am doing this because I lost almost $20,000 in child support because my ex lied and the state would not do anything in order to find the truth (ETA and PIs here charge $300 an hour at the cheapest for surveillance, which I could not afford at all with my child support being so low). I don't want to see other custodial parents go through that, so I will do what I can to help them. But I would never EVER lie in court for anyone. And I would never put myself in a position to have to lie in court.
Rod Blagojevich guilty on 17 of 20 charges!!! Bye Bye, Blago!! We don't retire our governors here in Illinois--we put 'em in prison. One verdict down and one to go.
Did anyone hear the giggle that Judge Perry made after he dismissed everyone for the day? I adore that man.
And I love the way he treats the jury. He's always so concerned for them, sending them treats and arranging nice dinners for them. I bet they adore HHJP.
JH and DC just seemed to be 2 <modsnip> who were trying to make a quick buck. That and their association with Baez makes them both useless insofar as credibility. Then add to that the actual video tape of DC poking into some things and ignoring other things. When my cat went missing I did a more thorough search!
Does anyone know if the psychic's and DC's phone records were looked at to confirm that DC did in fact speak to her?

LOL...last I remember psychic Ginnette volunteered her phone records...then un-volunteered them...then said they weren't available because her phone was in her dad's name...under someone else's name but we could ask her dad! Seriously...

Personally...and believe it or not this is what started the day...I think Casey freaked big time after hearing the charges to be considered last Friday. Did the judge ever hand anything out about closing (?) like he said he was going to on Monday?
For those of you that have watched other trials - is it normal to feel like you're watching a 3 ring circus??
LOL...last I remember psychic Ginnette's volunteered her phone records...then un-volunteered them...then said they weren't available because her phone was in her dad's name under someone elses name but we could ask her dad! Seriously...

Dominic posted his phone records on his website (archived info?).
Personally...and believe it or not this is what started the day...I think Casey freaked big time after hearing the charges to be considered last Friday. Did the judge ever hand anything out about closing (?) like he said he was going to on Monday?

But she knows the charges???
Take a listen to JVM---are these talking heads nuts or what??>??They're saying since the 2 dummies walking in the woods didn't find Caylee she had to have been moved. What about the D--- plant roots growing thru her bones???? If I didn't have Websleuths this trial would make me lose my mind!!!!!!!!!!!! People need to use some common sense!!!!

The thing has made me maddest today is the talking heads talking about KC this morning. They are all like, she is laughing and smiling this morning which shows she has no clue what is going on, or she is alone to much in the jail, just happy to see people.

Uh, NO.

She was smiling because she thought she scammed everyone this weekend and would get out of this trial today. She certainly changed her tune after reading what the docs said about her. How come no one points that out. It's right in front of them. Giddy when she thinks she fooled everyone, glum after reports and ruling. Geez, we need to be doing commentary. Not all these talking heads.
Oh my gosh the poor guy was hard of hearing! I can not believe all the ditzing and bad taste comments posted about this guy. IMO, FG is hard to understand when he is right in front of the mic even to me. I thought the witness answered their questions as they were asked. The state was trying to pin him in on EXACT locations using the colored pens and come back and say "look, he was off". AF had to come back and rehabilitate him on that.
To the poster on the other thread who had the 92 yr old grandmother who misheard "keys and toffee".... here's one.

What I said;

"Do you know where Nick is?"

What she thought I said;

"Do you no wear knickers?"

[/snerk] :)

My 90 yr. old, hard of hearing father kept telling me his blood count was off and the doctor said he might have leukemia.....I was in a panic, as he lives 10 hours from us and I kept thinking what are we going to do. He then says the next time I talk to him that the doctor says he has anemia. Well, I guess Leukemia and anemia do sound alike. What a relief!
JVM: "this video is the cornerstone of the defense case. IT can tear apart the states theory."

Jane W:" Today we saw for sure the body was moved. "

Gimme a break. Are these two Janes actually asserting that those 2 bumbling PI's would have/could have found anything? They stumbled around for 15 to 20 minutes in an area NEAR the remains. That is it. No grid searches, and they admitted they saw lots of garbage bags and never searched them all. They saw no red Disney bag.

They were NOT in the exact location. End. Of. Story.
That's crazy talk. They were on it. On it, I say!

It just got real.
Why did they bring in AF,,,did she replace CM???
JVM talking about psychics. Well I think it depends on the psychic's credentials. Never heard of this GL. My psychic, (who sadly passed away last April), was called upon by the FBI to find missing people and she had a great track record.
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