4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 72

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Oh, I think the Spring (APril) interview/exchange of emails with a person from Pullman PD were in relation to an assistanship position (with PPD) according to the NYT original report (ref at end post).

BK applied for an Internship (the internship application) with PPD in the fall of 2022 (perPCA). So some of the alleged difficulties reported by BAnefield (sp?) in September-November would have been ocurring during the same general time frame in which BK applied for the Internship with PPD. As said though, all we know is that he applied in the fall of 2022 (Sept-Nov). Maybe, BK has heard something back about his application for an Internship. We don't know, as AFAIK PPD has never stated anything about the outcome of either BK's Assistantship app or the Internship app. MOO

Thanks for the clarification! I'd wondered why the process seemed to span such a length of time. It makes more sense it was 2 different application processes then. He sure was persistent about wanting a connection to the police department, which is incredibly creepy in hindsight. MOO
This article says BK's professor is John Snyder. I thought for sure it was a woman.

"During his time as a teaching assistant, Kohberger also reportedly had multiple altercations with Professor John Snyder."

His professor in PA was the famous one who wrote a book on BTK.
The Daily Mail has names.

August: Started teaching assistant job at Washington State University
September 23: Altercation with Professor John Snyder at Washington State University
October 3: Had a meeting with Snyder regarding his 'professional behavior'
October 21: Kohberger received an email informing him he failed to 'meet expectations'
November 2: Had a meeting with Snyder to discuss an 'improvement plan'
November 13: Kohberger allegedly kills four University of Idaho students
December 7: Had a meeting with a group of professors who cited his 'sexist attitude toward women' and that his 'behavioral issues' were concerning
December 9: Had a second altercation with Snyder, who told the criminology student he 'had made no progress regarding professionalism'
December 19: He was officially terminated
December 30: He was arrested at his parent's home in Pennsylvania

edit: not sure which names prev post was referring to.
The original enquiry by @gliving was did AB name her sources for the BK firing story . AB doesn't name the sources, just that there were a number of sources. MOO
I do think things came to a head in his life with the class confrontation (humiliation to him), now that PIP being mentioned, I'm guessing huge student debt, lost that security job/intership with LE previously, rejection from women, etc.

He might've thought it was time to act on his compulsion after the straw broke the camel's back (PIP) then thinking "it's a sign" to act after possibly seeing on social media Kaylee was in town (even if not target, he might've been "repulsed/triggered" by the girls). All JMO, MOO
Yea, looks like a lot in BK's life was coming to a head and falling apart. MOO

BBM: Just to clarify re timing on the PIP though, in accordance with A'B's report, it allegedly occured on November 2nd, not November 12th. (see links to AB News Nation interview in the thread here). MOO

ETA: MOO x 2
ETA: added "allegedly"
edited spelling
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In regards to the firing of BK, I wonder if he had an idea that at some point the was going to be fired, therefore he would be leaving school and probably the area as well possibly to go back home to PA. He figured “now or never”, planned his attack(s) and thought let’s see how good this police department is, possibly the professors weighing in as well given their criminology backgrounds, all the while thinking he would get away with the perfect crime. After all, he went to a lot of trouble planning it out- ie. the questionnaire he submitted sticks with me. He needed “research”, asked for volunteers to talk about their crimes, how committed, how they went about entry….except this research was personal, wanting to study the research to perfect his method, the outcome being he could finally think of himself as superior to his peers. I wonder how he feels now, sitting in his cell. He will have plenty of time to condemn himself and remind himself of his failures. MOO, thinking out loud again!
Thanks for the clarification! I'd wondered why the process seemed to span such a length of time. It makes more sense it was 2 different application processes then. He sure was persistent about wanting a connection to the police department, which is incredibly creepy in hindsight. MOO
Someone helped clarify it for me threads back when I misread the NYT article on April interview/emails (When BK was still living in PA) to mean that BK applied for the Internship in April and not in Fall 2022. I then put up a huffy puffy post about how it looked like LE had got the application time for the Internship wrong in the PCA, thinking the writer had typoed Fall instead of Spring! I was quickly and rightly corrected by someone. As a result this is one small aspect of BK's study/LE aspiration timeline that I feel relatively on top of :). MOO
If she yelled when BK was still on the top floor, he might have thought that it was Xana. (Not knowing the name—but knowing that there was a girl on the middle floor.) We’ll know more in June.

I think that if DM yelled upstairs to stop partying, BK might have been flattered. If - if! - he never was invited to that house, and was spending nights alone, and (being not bad-looking and definitely smart enough), scared women to such a degree that he virtually could not have a girl unless he killed her, then DM’s mistake made BK feel “included”. Whatever his plan was on floor 3, it didn’t work, and he was livid, I assume. On floor 2, X@E were, obviously, unwelcoming. But DM, mistakenly, assumed BK was a night guest who was just leaving. That “inclusion” was not a typical reaction to BK. If I remember correctly, since his school years, girls were especially unacceptable; now I think he was giving him bad vibes even then. Later, in different situations, women were creeped out by him. He seemed to have been harsher on women, too. But DM, mistakenly or just being the person she was, did not respond in “what is this creep doing here?” way. Hers was, “someone’s friend from upstairs is leaving”, far from the usual reaction people had to BK.

I don’t always believe media reports, but this one is not impossible, and it could well explain why DM is alive.
In regards to the firing of BK, I wonder if he had an idea that at some point the was going to be fired, therefore he would be leaving school and probably the area as well possibly to go back home to PA. He figured “now or never”, planned his attack(s) and thought let’s see how good this police department is, possibly the professors weighing in as well given their criminology backgrounds, all the while thinking he would get away with the perfect crime. After all, he went to a lot of trouble planning it out- ie. the questionnaire he submitted sticks with me. He needed “research”, asked for volunteers to talk about their crimes, how committed, how they went about entry….except this research was personal, wanting to study the research to perfect his method, the outcome being he could finally think of himself as superior to his peers. I wonder how he feels now, sitting in his cell. He will have plenty of time to condemn himself and remind himself of his failures. MOO, thinking out loud again!

I think he had a certain chip on the shoulder when he was leaving for WSU. His professor recommended him to Ph.D. program, he moved cross country, he probably felt he was leaving his past problems behind. I think he was driving to Moscow to look for a potential girlfriend. But pretty soon, he understood that one can’t leave his nature, like an empty shell, in PA. And everything repeated itself, the women were scared off, his students, instead of accepting his brilliance, rebelled. I don’t know what situation hurt him most. Maybe, when students (many of them being peers) complained, and then spoke to him in group, they resembled him the classmates? I think this is what he perceived the worst, as an attack. And then, went off to “punish” the girls who never ever liked him, or such.

Of course, it was all his own fault. In PNW, it is perfectly normal to be an outlier, but sadistically controlling to his students he didn’t need to be. It was his own trait. And then his world started to fall apart.
It seems to me the memorandom is to do the non-dissemination order? So IOW may speak to the gag and rationale re fair trial and protection of potential testimony?

EBM: spelling
The prosecutor chose to submit an Affidavit (under oath) rather than a Memorandum (not under oath). In addition to the Affidavit, he also filed a Memorandum that is titled Memorandum of Points and Authorities Relating to Nondissemination Order. JMO

Someone asked about dates for his firing process. Supposedly, he recd notice that he was not meeting expectations Oct. 21, 2022. On Nov. 12, he recd a PIP (Performance Improvement Plan).

The murders occurred during the morning hours of Nov. 13.

The source may be News Nation via Ashley Bansfield. It was unclear to me, so please consider as JMO.
Daily Mail says the PIP was Nov 2–not 12 so one of the dates is wrong.
And that it's noted his shoe print was outside DM's door. How long did he stand there?

Let's say this is true DM yelled out. That would explain her utterly frozen in fear and not leaving the room until morning or calling 911 possibly.

BK goes to the door he thinks the voice came from and stands there for a few minutes (would be forever to DM)... she on the other side hearing him breathing, her not making one sound or breath meanwhile her heart beating out of her chest (I know I've been that scared where it feels like my heart is beating out of my chest!) That would be traumatizing 100%. JMO MOO

Has it been confirmed as BK’s shoe print? All I’ve read refers to it as similar to a Van’s print— please provide link it was confirmed to be BK’s.

Thanks and just asking for clarifications sake— not picking on you cuz I’ve seen other posters also state this as fact and don’t want folks to get carried away if it isn’t true… IMO.
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It may not jive with the PCA <modsnip> Xana’s sister in laws post [ reported on in this week] in the same place. IMO

Edit: also. IMO the info not in PCA is going to be surprising to some. And stop thinking about it as “the PCA is different” and instead “the PCA doesn’t mention that”

Read the PCA carefully. It was wordsmithed expertly. To leave strategic holes to fill in. Only providing the bare minimum. Again, MMo
Yes!! 100%
Like, what happened between 4:20 and 4:48? JMO
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I was just thinking this exact thing when I saw your post. I have been waiting for someone he boxed with or even near to speak up. ;) As insufferable as he was just talking to people, I can't imagine him boxing with anyone on the regular without getting mad about something, or taking cheap shots to show his superiority, then getting his butt handed to him. The fact that nothing has popped up from that activity makes me think it's become more important during our discussions than it actually was in his life. MOOooo
What a terribly disturbed individual we are beginning to discover. It just gets worse and worse. It's like in the last few years his mind and personality have been getting more and more out of control. Was there ever a point at which he could have changed for the better, I wonder? I think psychiatrists will be studying him for a long long time. For myself, as a mother, I feel a lot of sadness for what might have been, and wonder what went so terribly wrong.
Daily Mail says the PIP was Nov 2–not 12 so one of the dates is wrong.
I think Newsweek is the source of the misreported Nov 12 date for the alleged PIP meet. Like the Daily Mail, NW is relying on the Banfield report and timeline in its reporting. The Banfield timeline and report definately has the date of the alleged PIP as November 2nd (see up thread links). MOO

From Newsweek BBM:
"But Kohberger had received several warnings from the university in the months before his arrest and was terminated from his teaching assistant position on December 19, NewsNation's Ashleigh Banfield reported on Tuesday, citing multiple unnamed sources...Banfield said the letter states that...[snipped BM for focus]...They met again on November 12 to discuss an "improvement plan." Another meeting was held on December 7 to discuss how that plan was going."

The date should be November 2nd IMO.

What a terribly disturbed individual we are beginning to discover. It just gets worse and worse. It's like in the last few years his mind and personality have been getting more and more out of control. Was there ever a point at which he could have changed for the better, I wonder? I think psychiatrists will be studying him for a long long time. For myself, as a mother, I feel a lot of sadness for what might have been, and wonder what went so terribly wrong.

Yes, unfortunately these people mentally deteriorating in our society are not really seen. The only reason this person stands out is because the stabbed 4 young people to death and has a peculiarly ironic profession he chose that is supposedly the opposite of being a murderer...

The other thing I wondered is if this was his real first chance to be out on his won. Wonder if he lived at home when he studied for his bach and masters?
One other stray thought to this great discussion about his TA failure and potential bias in grading, if he really failed THIS QUICKLY in his first role as a teacher/mentor, then the power must have gone to his head.

I've seen several people in my career who constantly bad-mouthed management... but at the point where they were lucky enough to be given a role as a supervisor, the "I'm in charge" attitude totally went to their head and they were HORRIBLE MANAGERS and actually removed after sometimes less than a year.

Some people's personalities completely change when they think they are now the boss. For him to BOMB OUT so quickly, he must have been a nightmare to manage. I know the type. No "improvement plan" is going to fix that.
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