a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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So I head over to my neighborhood coffee shop and run in to these three things:

1. Trying to park a woman is literally standing in the middle of the road, unmoving, looking at her cell phone with my inching up car a few feet away from her. I don't like to honk, but really?

2. I walk in and a man is literally carrying on a cell phone conversation on SPEAKER in the middle of this charming coffee shop with it's great jazz on the speakers...I shoot him a look and he says "is this bothering you?". Um....ok I say "yes, that is bothering me as I am needing to do some work over here". Really? He just moves to carry on his conversation now off the speaker, equally as distracting and rude.

3. I order my delicious food and latte and set up my laptop to see a newspaper article posted about how the owner has chosen to shut down the wifi here, permanently. sigh...

I ask for everything to go, grab my stuff and I get it. I'm supposed to stay at home in my cocoon today. And if anyone finds this off topic, then scroll away because frankly, this is what it's taking me to post these COURTROOM NOTES for everyone.

Which are starting now..............
From Thursday March March 21

I rush in to the courthouse and my friends have saved me a seat. No action yet, then all parties come from the back area and JM walks right up to the family and brings them back to the victim area.

They come back and tell us all we have to take off our blue ribbons. They are pissed.

I see the Mitigation specialist walk aback in and that smug beezy has a smirk on her face like she won someone. She exchanges this same smug look with JA.

I later find out that two days prior JA was caught trying to sneak something to her mom via this MS so they believe this is "retaliation". Later in the day I see the family have their ribbons still on and talk to Harold about it and he says they basically held firm and say they are not taking them off. We are told that if a button w/ Travis' picture is seen in the courtroom the person will be ejected permanently. The torture this family has to endure...and hate to tell ya , it gets worse the the DP. I believe this ribbon will one day be appealed on that she didn't get a fair trial because of it. I'm 100% serious here. So I gladly take mine off for that reason only but am reminded of how the MURDERER's rights constantly trump the victims in a DP case.

Here come the questions.

This goober is gonna elaborate on everything--ugh.
I have thought about this and it even came to mind in the CA trial.....I do not know why a parent would get on the stand and perjure themselves for their children (Cindy Anthony) or show up in court to only be ignored and shamed (JA) BUT I do appreciate that JAs parents have stayed silent and are not on every media show they can find and they are letting the trial play out. Being twins I am sure these women have a great connection and I get the feeling that the Aunt has unconditional love for her sister and is there only to support her. The laughing is inappropriate and so is the disrespect and they are doing JA no favors with this jury. But maybe they laugh to keep from crying who the heck knows.
If one of my kids were on trial for their life I would be a basket case of that I can be certain.....not sure how I would act or what I would do for fear of EVER having to eat my words. There were so many situations where I said, if I were in that situation I would, until I found myself actually in that situation and then there I was doing what I said I wouldn't do.....I am sure God laughs when these types of things happen. It brings to mind the situation when a person who does not have any children wants to give you advice/opinions OR talk about how you handle your own child. They have no point of reference, they have no idea the relationship/bond you have with that child, what you have tried/have not tried, or even what it takes to be a parent.
I appreciate KCL posting about JAs mom.....it made me become more open minded and realize that I have no idea what she is going through and I regret that the disgust I feel for JA has been transferred to her and her family. As always thanks KCL <3
I have thought about this and it even came to mind in the CA trial.....I do not know why a parent would get on the stand and perjure themselves for their children (Cindy Anthony) or show up in court to only be ignored and shamed (JA) BUT I do appreciate that JAs parents have stayed silent and are not on every media show they can find and they are letting the trial play out. Being twins I am sure these women have a great connection and I get the feeling that the Aunt has unconditional love for her sister and is there only to support her. The laughing is inappropriate and so is the disrespect and they are doing JA no favors with this jury. But maybe they laugh to keep from crying who the heck knows.
If one of my kids were on trial for their life I would be a basket case of that I can be certain.....not sure how I would act or what I would do for fear of EVER having to eat my words. There were so many situations where I said, if I were in that situation I would, until I found myself actually in that situation and then there I was doing what I said I wouldn't do.....I am sure God laughs when these types of things happen. It brings to mind the situation when a person who does not have any children wants to give you advice/opinions OR talk about how you handle your own child. They have no point of reference, they have no idea the relationship/bond you have with that child, what you have tried/have not tried, or even what it takes to be a parent.
I appreciate KCL posting about JAs mom.....it made me become more open minded and realize that I have no idea what she is going through and I regret that the disgust I feel for JA has been transferred to her and her family. As always thanks KCL <3

Fight OR flee (this is good). Can't have it both ways unless youre an unethical Doctor getting paid $250/hr to try and exonerate a ruthless murderer.

Tendency to flee yet she picks up a knife?

CEO note taking here..seems like these may be his questions (fight/flight). Jurors listening intently.

Juan will decimate these questions on cross.

Interesting the question on hypnosis.

He's so FOS re: this memory not existing carp. I just do NOT believe this hypothesis. Demarte will speak differently.

? re: acute stress disorder and his eval date indicator..they think he's BS too.

Ok now he's lecturing about meteor craters...really? He's holding court.

What does a crater have to do with a "get out of jail free card"?

From my seat here I have a limited jury view--I'll get a better seat after lunch.

Glad someone asks a ? re: soldiers. Neil, headphones, Artists hands over mouth. Ponytail manicuring.

He will drag this on with lectures for days at $250/hr.

Poquito Mas head down.

His hypnosis answer is so rehearsed. "cost effective"??? Why doesn't he use it here? He is so affected--YUK.

CEO increased note taking. "once the story changed she was telling what happened".

it's driving me nuts he keeps calling this one her "second" story when it's her THIRD.
Just typing what I wrote and not sure 100% what it means but it's there:

"lying based on your perceptions" No, you can't. (oh now I get it, you can't tell if someone is lying)

if you had a way to tell if someone was lying, your name would be Janine Driver. ;)

Relatively mild statements related to her negative statement about travis..he minimizes everything that doesn't match his theorie$. Typical hired gun.

Tri color writes a juror question after he's so blah on "negative statements".

(now I bet it was her who asked she didn't write negative things because there were none to write)

Very little note taking now--in fact I see none at the moment.

He keeps answering every question working in how she had PTSD.

3-8%? Busted!
Thanks to Clue Finder 55 for reiterating the difference between direct and circumstantial evidence. I think it's one of the toughest things the American justice system expects juries to understand (and when juries fail to grasp it, we end up with the OJ's and Casey Anthony's of the world getting away with murder).

A few words about jurors who give less credence to circumstantial evidence.

The need to have our views validated is perhaps a little underrated.

Letting go of mistaken beliefs about Jodi's self defense claim may be more difficult for the easily persuadable.

I've read that most jurors formulate thoughts about a defendant's guilt or innocence in the very early stages of a trial.

If so, then it may be the case that for some they look for testimony that validates that conclusion and are not as inclined to abandon that view in the face of contradictory evidence. A failure to think critically and keep an open mind clouds their thinking.

They fail to consider the totality of the evidence because they are convinced that there are a few bits of evidence that give them reasonable doubt and validate their faulty conclusions and unwillingness to think logically. A reluctance to admit they are wrong, if you will.

Let me bring my discussion back to the topic at hand and the purpose of this excellent and much appreciated WS thread. Based on what I said above is why I am so doubly grateful (as are many others) for the feedback we get from our WS 'insiders' about juror behavior and tendencies. It is not only fascinating, but also reassuring in most instances.
Trauma of a bad haircut? Sarcasm! (personally I think that came from the Wrestler, just my hunch)

That's someone who wants to point out the idiocy of this bozo.

HW taking notes.

"terrible PTSD disorder" (taking meds for it?)

I put stars all around this question:

"How did she get so much done if her brain was shut down?" YES

Deleting photos is not basic survival. Neither is packing and taking stuff to your car and all the other stuff she did...like laundry. No.

"extravagant planning"

Personality disorder not definitive--yeah because you didn't want to put Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic and Dependent mixed personality disorder in your notes. You're welcome.

Tri color increased note taking now.
I have been upset when she is laughing during very serious testimony. As a mother, I could never laugh while my daughter was charged with and committed a premeditated murder. MOO.

However, I believe Jodi was born evil. If you have a chance watch the new parts on her arrest video. She has her head down, fake hard crying and Det Flores says she is beginning to see what she has done ( my words ) and she says to him, "No I am just thinking of what I will miss out on.". All about Jodi.

So yes, I feel for her mother on that level because Jodi is a monster.

You're a better person than me then. If Jodi's mom had shown respect and consideration for Travis's family during the trial and had not been assisting Jodi when she was attempting to flee the state/country then I may have been able to feel some sympathy for her.

I have thought about what I would do if that was my child on trial for this crime and although I love my child and would be in court everyday I wouldn't be acting out nor allowing any of my family or friends to display any form of disrespect to the family whose loved one is dead because of my child.
KCL said:

"Personality disorder not definitive--yeah because you didn't want to put Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic and Dependent mixed personality disorder in your notes. You're welcome."

Ohhhh Yaaaaah. This is what makes this expert such a joke. You have nailed her diagnosis and all of that other B.S. is just that!

Way to call it KCL!
Barb looks out to gallery again. Poquito Mas stretching, rotating neck.

I'm watching for Wrestler--I think his was haircut question.

Ponytail has on a sparkly top, sparkly jeans and sky high stilletos today. She is doing a lot of nail inspection today.

His hair fuzz poking out the back is distracting even from here.

He's saying premeditation and acute anxiety is "unlikely". So a person who's never commited a murder, yet premeditates it and it ends up being a seriously aggressive attack and flees in fear of discovery wouldn't have acute anxiety. Ok.

Police officers/soldiers fair comparison? Snap!

CEO writes that answer.

Would you be willilng to eval someone being dishonest with you? DUH, he did it HERE!
I too wondered why he was talking about the crime scene. He implied that a pre-meditated murder would result in an "organized" crime scene. Too bad Travis didn't get the memo that he was supposed to die quickly, quietly and neatly.

Expert my A$$
Ok so now he's saying he reviewed the test --BS , he did that after JM crossed him and revealed HIS deceit..that he tried to sell this PtSd test based on a LIE to this jury (he's just not very smart is he?).

Paul r. writing a question after that.

"visiting freind...offer advice...send a book" BS JM taking notes

Tri note taking after MMPI - work evals?

No note taking on the back.

Do you feel those were big errors? Good!

Memory ?

"I'm not aware of what others testified to ..." and he went kind of on and on on this...protesting too much. I do NOT believe he hasn't been following the trial. More on that...
He's so FOS re: this memory not existing carp. I just do NOT believe this hypothesis. Demarte will speak differently..

Respectfully edited my me.

When you take out all the "big" words from the dictionary, line # 4 says Hypothesis is an assumption or a guess. So in reality, this psychologist is just assuming or guessing his diagnosis of Jodi
So I head over to my neighborhood coffee shop and run in to these three things:

1. Trying to park a woman is literally standing in the middle of the road, unmoving, looking at her cell phone with my inching up car a few feet away from her. I don't like to honk, but really?

2. I walk in and a man is literally carrying on a cell phone conversation on SPEAKER in the middle of this charming coffee shop with it's great jazz on the speakers...I shoot him a look and he says "is this bothering you?". Um....ok I say "yes, that is bothering me as I am needing to do some work over here". Really? He just moves to carry on his conversation now off the speaker, equally as distracting and rude.

3. I order my delicious food and latte and set up my laptop to see a newspaper article posted about how the owner has chosen to shut down the wifi here, permanently. sigh...

I ask for everything to go, grab my stuff and I get it. I'm supposed to stay at home in my cocoon today. And if anyone finds this off topic, then scroll away because frankly, this is what it's taking me to post these COURTROOM NOTES for everyone.

Which are starting now..............

So sorry. Woman in the street? Really? Going to her her butt mowed over someday! Man on speaker? Truly rude! No WiFi? Eik!!!!!!!
You are great to try and post some observations. Thank you.:please:
Can the acute stress occur with planned killing vs. defending one self? Possible not probable (again with this pre-fabbed preposterousness)

A planned killing doesn't induce stress? Are you for real?

"you seem to have problems with omitting information" love it

Answers "fictitious" -- on one question--he's not fooling this jury.

He covers his mouth with his hand here--lying.

Here comes the gift. he's still selling this was ok and not inappropriate. Didn't discuss it again? didn't you just tell us that she tried to return it to you? mmhmmm

Angry at her mother when she speaks to her. I bet she is.

Make him happy, going along, ..all of this is according to HER.

This jury knows how controlling she was.
Before I go to sleep I want to get something out of my head which is where my notes started for today knowing this is controversial but it's just how I feel. I literally walked straight in to Jodi's mom as i walked in the courtroom. She was walking out and I was walking in and we collided. We both chuckled and said "I'm sorry!" in that normal you would in that kind of awkward moment in life. I trust my gut feeling completely and I keep having these little moments of colliding with her around the courtroom and every time it happens I am overwhelmed with this feeling of this woman just being a normal person going through something like this.

After hearing what those people were saying behind her and getting thrown out of court I sincerely felt/feel empathy for what that must feel like. I know many people have issues with her and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything but share how i feel. And I know I wouldn't feel this way if I'd not had these small encounters (for a reason?) that ignite this instant feeling of compassion for this woman. To me she kind of can't win for losing.She gave birth to this monster. She knew her when she was an innocent baby. How would she live the rest of her life if she wasn't there. And yet Jodi throws her under the bus yet again through this witness who testifies she is the one person who's had the brunt of Jodi's anger. I'm sure she has.

I don't know how else to explain my feelings other than to think of her this evening my weary heart goes out to this woman who's also enduring the unimaginable.

For me i think Jodi Arias is some kind of freak of nature and I do mean nature. I don't know from where she came but just on the limited knowledge I have, I don't hold it against her mother. Please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me...this was just kind of haunting me so had to get it out of my head. Now I can go to sleep. :eek:fftobed:

I also sympathize with JA's mom as well as with her dad. You can't help but think what they must be feeling knowing that their daughter brutally murdered another human being. We need to find someone/something to blame for the way JA is and nothing is easier than blaming the parents. However there are people that are so evil that no matter what type of nuturing they received nothing changes them. I just hope that one day JA's mom has the strength to face Travis' family and just say how truly sorry she is for what her daughter did -- heaven knows the daughter never will.
Only note taking front row is HW and Nancy here.

Versed will erase memory and is used for that purpose for surgery. dumbdumb (was he asked if meds erase memory or something?)

Paul R. places another question.

"inconsistency re: anal sex" snap!

They are paying attention to his inconsistency and wanting to have it both ways (so to speak)

"always raises a red flag....but...." he uses a lot of "but...."

"First story" was SECOND story.

This is the THIRD story (please clean that up JM)

He considered disassociative identity disorder but it didn't fit the defense. Note how he says he was going down that road then discussed it with the defense team and abandoned it? wouldn't he more likely confer with other PEERS to decide whether this fit and not LAWYERS?

He is a hired gun to render an opinion that excuses this premeditated homicide.
I too wondered why he was talking about the crime scene. He implied that a pre-meditated murder would result in an "organized" crime scene. Too bad Travis didn't get the memo that he was supposed to die quickly, quietly and neatly.

Expert my A$$

This was part of the testimony that he wanted to give that the State objected to, right? He wants to claim that he can divine all sorts of things just by "analyzing" the crime scene...despite the fact that he has absolutely no expertise in crime scene analysis. He makes my head hurt. He really does.
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