a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #4

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LOL! He is "accused all the time" of being a compassionate person but he can turn it on and off courtesy of amazon.com! Crazy.

And the well ! Well Juan Martinez considers that well his boxing ring. ;)

How on earth does he not have compassoin for Travis and the monstrous way he died, or for this family sitting there listening to this and being shredded by it? Compassion my a$$. He's a monster too.
I know what you mean. Some of them act like it's a party, but they are generally in the minority. Still, just one can make the rest look bad. I've seen some take soda into the courtroom. As long as it has a top (closed container), it seems to be ok. I take water and do drink a lot of it. I don't know why but I get very thirsty in the courtroom. I've see ja's aunt drink from a water bottle and she has very shaky hands. Like she is ill or ???
I also take cough drops and gum with me.

The issue was people leaving empty bottles in the courtroom instead of taking them out into the hall and putting them in the trash.

I wasn't there the day the lady got sick. I understand she seemed fine a few minutes before and it came on very suddenly.
What a terrible thing to have happen. I feel bad for her.

YW, I'm happy to post notes when I can.

BBM I've been watching the reruns of JA while Juan asks her if she was crying when she shot him etc...and her hands aren't even shaky. When I'm under pressure I shake like a leaf. Her eyes never seemed to get red or puffy either. I'm hoping they find a not-so-attractive actress to play her because I'm sure the anticipation of who that might be is keeping her entertained.

Thank you so much for sharing with us. Hubby and I canceled a gambling trip to stay home and watch so we were able to make a nice donation to the family instead. I think we may have become addicted to a more worthy hobby. I would love to be there with you all but occasionally join you for HH in our sunroom, LOL.

Sincere thanks to all of you that take from your personal family time to share your opinions. They mean so much to all of us!
Anyone have links to these new videos?

After seeing this tape last night, I posted this question on another thread... what does this family know about JA that they are NOT surprised she could do something so horrendous to another human?? Please forgive OT but you guys are sooo good!!
I would ask if JM could get Dr. S's testimony thrown out, but imo he really helped the state.
I have personally been sexually assaulted by someone who was posing as a Dr who turned out to be PA-C.(He also assaulted 6 other women, I later found out at trial) Went through crimminal, civil and medical trials. I was dx'ed with PTSD. I wish I would have had amnesia, but it was just the opposite. It is called Post for a reason.
I went to therapy 3xs a week and all my therapy records were introduced in court for the world to see, which I had no issue with since I knew I did no wrong. Point being my therapist knew that this would be going to trial (& or settlement) and took care of what she wrote etc simply because her career was going to be looked at under the microscope. You know you're screwed when the only "expert" in the country who would take the case is was Dr. S.
My point being, every one of us has been touched by some sort of violence or crimminal actvity in our lives and the jury isn't different.We all know someone who has been a victim of dv and Grodi doesn't fit the bill.The jury sees through it.
I think TA did not know she was still there. Simply because the sheets were in the dryer. He appreciated the things he owned and kept it neat and tidy, so I think he put the sheets in the wash and then went to take a shower and she surprised him.
The last thing I would like to add is that when they read those texts from TA- the reason, imo, that he said those things is because she was trying to make TA jealous with this Ryan who worked for PPL and was in the Church,and TA just wanted her to go away. He was trying to save his fellow ppl'er from her crazy ways via telling Jodi the truth about herself.
I know I laugh when I get nervous. I could never tell a lie growing up because I would bust out laughing before I told it and my Mom would know. As far as the #1 Mom, maybe one of her other kids thought she deserved it for sitting there everyday knowing what her child did. I am not denying the fact that I think it is very disrespectful for her and her sister to behave in the way they have sometimes. However, it must be hard to sit in court, hearing every detail of her child's sex life, stalker behavior, and the brutal murder of an innocent man.

A question to KCL or attorneys on the board:
If premeditation can be formed in an instant right before the murder and saying that JA's story of the gunshot was first(which I do not think it was), couldn't it go from self defense with the gunshot to premeditation to finish him off with the knife? I hope this makes sense.

I'm not KCL or an attorney, but I would think that there are "several" premeditative moments in this case. First, all of the planning beforehand (gas cans, car rental, gun theft) tell me premeditation. If we only had ONE of those, it could have been coincidence. MAYBE even 2. But that is too many to be coincidence. For myself, 3 moved it into beyond a reasonable doubt. Then, when she decided to stay and fight instead of fleeing downstairs and outside is damning. Seriously, if I was in fear for my life, I would get out of his private quarters and downstairs where front door is, roommates etc... the common area plus I would want to be on the first floor. There is just no sense about staying upstairs and running into a dead end. I would seriously jump thru a window guys....if I thought I was fixing to be murdered. Take my chances on glass cuts and the fall. THAT would be instinct and survival mode. And if you believe the forensics and ME, and you go with the shot being first, Travis was dealt a killing blow right then. To continue stabbing him after that was a decision to stay and kill. This case is such a piece of cake. If there is someone on that jury that says not guilty, then that person wouldn't have been persuaded by anything.
I think they are giving up on 'pure' self defense and going with 'battered woman whose mind snapped when he attacked her once again.' JMO

How can they just up and change the self defense in the middle of trial? If it's self defense then it's self defense. (I don't think it was self defense or manslaughter) It seems fishy to me to try to change it during trial. Like they don't even believe it to be self defense so they're throwing in anything the can that may stick.
I know what you mean. Some of them act like it's a party, but they are generally in the minority. Still, just one can make the rest look bad. I've seen some take soda into the courtroom. As long as it has a top (closed container), it seems to be ok. I take water and do drink a lot of it. I don't know why but I get very thirsty in the courtroom. I've see ja's aunt drink from a water bottle and she has very shaky hands. Like she is ill or ???
I also take cough drops and gum with me.

The issue was people leaving empty bottles in the courtroom instead of taking them out into the hall and putting them in the trash.

I wasn't there the day the lady got sick. I understand she seemed fine a few minutes before and it came on very suddenly.
What a terrible thing to have happen. I feel bad for her.

YW, I'm happy to post notes when I can.


I know a girl whose hands shake really bad. She doesn't have anything wrong per se, but both she and her twin sister have almost a palsy. She told me once about it, but I can't recall exactly what she said, only that there is no neurological reason for it. It used to drive me nuts before I knew, because I'd think, "didthisgirltakespeedwhenIwasntlooking??!"
BBM I've been watching the reruns of JA while Juan asks her if she was crying when she shot him etc...and her hands aren't even shaky. When I'm under pressure I shake like a leaf. Her eyes never seemed to get red or puffy either. I'm hoping they find a not-so-attractive actress to play her because I'm sure the anticipation of who that might be is keeping her entertained.

Thank you so much for sharing with us. Hubby and I canceled a gambling trip to stay home and watch so we were able to make a nice donation to the family instead. I think we may have become addicted to a more worthy hobby. I would love to be there with you all but occasionally join you for HH in our sunroom, LOL.

Sincere thanks to all of you that take from your personal family time to share your opinions. They mean so much to all of us!

A MUCH better addiction! And if you donated to the family, that money is so much better spent that at a casino, where it could have been lost.
Be prepared to cry before reading this... a message from Tanisha Alexander posted on the Justice for Travis Facebook.


A message to you all, from Travis' sister:

To the supporters of Travis and Our family,
I just want to express how grateful Our family is to all of you for the loving support you have all shown us. Whether it's been support thru these pages, or thru your prayers, or thru sending us donations for our travel expenses, or thru sending us messages on facebook, or sending us Cards , Drawings of Travis, or making us Jewelry , quilts or gift cards and sending to them thru my PO box,... or if its you coming to court and showing support, or thru tying your blue ribbons around trees, mailboxes, or by you wearing your blue ribbons , even your children showing support by setting up on the side of the street and doing a lemonade stand to help raise us money for our expenses in the hope we see Justice for Travis. Whatever it is that you have done to show us support, I can't even express how many tears have ran down my face , even as I write this, because my heart feels so much love from all of you, so much gratitude, so many people who are strangers who I've never met and never will meet her on earth, still showing so much love... I just want you to know you are all a part of my families love, pain, and endurance. You have all been here for us and we feel your love, we feel your sacrifice, we feel your support, and we Know Our Heavenly Father hears your prayers and He will not let us down, it's our faith in him and Jesus Christ that we will see Justice for Travis and feel the love The Lord has for us. We are all blessed that thru the Atonement we will return to live With Our Heavenly father, Jesus Christ, and our Eternal families again. I look forward to living with my parents again, I look forward to living with My Brother TRAVIS again, I look forward to giving him the biggest hug I can think of giving , I look forward to as I'm passing out of this life into the next life hearing him sing as I'm arriving there, I look forward to meeting you all in Heaven someday, and I know I will see you there. Travis will see you there and hug each one of you for showing his family love thru these hard days. Travis will greet you there and he will be gearing up to make you laugh and smile and make you feel the Love he has for all of you!
Until then I will continue to feel your love in my heart, and continue to pay it forward, I will continue to pray that there is soon Justice for Our family and for our sweet brother Travis. I have received cards, gifts, donations , drawings, etc..and I have sent out and will continue to send out thank you cards for what Our family has gotten in My PO box. You have brighten up our days, and I know the Lord will bless you and your family with Love and happiness.
Thank you all, With Love, Tanisha Sorenson

Thank you. I hope this jury finds her guilty. I am so worried because it only takes one person. I was wondering the above due to the fact that it could be a possibility one of the jurors believes her self defense nonsense and another juror could say that if it was SD, then why did she use excessive force to finish him off instead of wounding him enough for her to get away.

I have thought many times in this case that the defense might wind up helping make the case for the prosecution. They often defy the principle of COMMON SENSE.:twocents:
Does anyone know if the defense plans on calling any more witnesses after AVL? I'm not going to watch while she's on the stand because I think it's going to be really upsetting. I think she will do much more "damage" and will be a lot more credible than Dr. S was. I have a lot of respect for what she does and am really hoping she is an honest and unbiased expert. From what I've read about her, she has spent much of her life fighting for DV victims.

HOWEVER, I think all of her testimony will be irrelevant once JM hammers home his premeditation evidence in rebuttal and his psychologist testifies. Not to mention, everything she says only matters if the person listening believes Jodi's BS stories. Ummm no.

I still haven't watched the states CIC so I'm going to catch up on that during her time on the stand.

I want to schedule a couple of days off of work to go to court again, but am hoping I can guess right for rebuttal time. Anyone have any guesses about when we'll get to that point?

i have no idea who she is but i have no respect for her already because she is going to trash Travis and slander Travis based on lies upon lies by the evil defendant. There is no corroborating evidence that Travis battered or abused the evil biotch and any "expert" that bases their expert testimony solely on what a defendant tells them (esp this proven lying defendant), doesn't deserve my respect. no self respecting psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker would testify for the defendant in this case.
Not trying to be snarky either but I don't see the problem with the courtroom thread being about the courtroom and the OT threads being about OT. There are already two threads: The Long Weekend and The Sidebar.

I am very appreciative of the courtroom observers and all they do. I like to read all of their posts as time allows. Apparently, making comment about something regular posters could control is coming off as criticism of the court observers and that is not what I was commenting about or my intent. This isn't about the court observers. They are doing a great and appreciated service. It's about the OT being thrown into the thread.

KCL, thank you for your effort to get a dedicated thread and your dedication to this cause and this family.

I think many comments and questions winding up here are because we know our court ladies are always posting/reading here.
A turkey dinner to me is a communal thing...wouldn't it be awesome to all meet and share something like that? It's also comfort zone food.

Listen those of us attending the trial are finding appropriate attire that fits ;), heading down there, parking in a $5 lot daily, hoofing it up to the courtroom often in heels that we never usually wear, taking time off from work or other duties like my various Matterhorns of clean AND dirty laundry not to dishes and not to mention my business (MY income) , having to endure the likes of Kirk Nurmi and his Nurmambic Pentameter, buying our lunch or in the case of Pasa and Katie DJJ missing lunch altogether to hold a seat, hold straight faces in a court where we want to stand up and SCREAM, observe everything we can going on while taking quick notes vs just sitting there quietly observing, coming home to take as much time as it takes to review and post them, then wash rinse repeat and start all over again. And of course juggling all this with a real life which in my case means a brother in the hospital.

And I think someone having to hunt and peck a few pages looking for our court observations, in comparison, is a fair trade. So for that, I'm not going any further with my codependence trying to make everyone happy all the time and if someone wants another way for these to be delivered, they can ask for it. As far as i'm concerned the observations are also TO provoke conversation on them.

So talk away....I have the day off and a laptop on my lap and coffee next to me and Martinez on my Tv so....it's fair game. Discuss away....:seeya:

In KCL's post yesterday about this, she said that some observers don't even feel like posting their notes because of snarky comments. That's very sad, I'd like to hear what they have to say even if it's just "I got in!" So, I'm suggesting observers use the title box like I'm trying to do here. I hope this works!
(Oh, well the title box works, but maybe it has to be formatted in HTML) Does anyone else have any ideas to make the courtroom observer's notes stand out from other comments?
I am afraid to watch the domestic violence expert. My children and I are survivors. True survivors.

To use this horrible REAL deadly issue as a defense for a brutal murder is beyond disgusting. I didn't hear JA say during interrogation that "he beat me" or "I was so afraid". Just thinking about what she would be missing out on.

Survivors unite and send a message. Do not use our cause to defend a lying murderer!!!!! Too many are really abused.
In KCL's post yesterday about this, she said that some observers don't even feel like posting their notes because of snarky comments. That's very sad, I'd like to hear what they have to say even if it's just "I got in!" So, I'm suggesting observers use the title box like I'm trying to do here. I hope this works!
(Oh, well the title box works, but maybe it has to be formatted in HTML) Does anyone else have any ideas to make the courtroom observer's notes stand out from other comments?

Personally, I so enjoy reading the entire thread....coming across each of the posts from our courtroom observers is like finding an egg when I was 6 years old at an Easter egg hunt! I wouldn't change a thing!

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Someone is trying to put together a search team to locate the gun...


I've posted on this thread because of the number of locals here.

This case has had more twists and turns...finding the gun would be the icing on the cake!
Personally, I so enjoy reading the entire thread....coming across each of the posts from our courtroom observers is like finding an egg when I was 6 years old at an Easter egg hunt! I wouldn't change a thing!

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colored eggs?
Hmmm, maybe that mysterious purchase of an airline ticket on her bank statement was a round trip from Northern CA to Mexico! If so, I'll bet she was never invited in the first place & planned to metaphorically crawl thru the doggy door into a Mexican resort..Can't wait till Juan tells what that purchase was for...He wouldn't have shown it had he not wanted to.

Even thou I originally posted this info I do have to question it because... this would've been a HUGE ordeal as to motive! And it would've helped explain her 'sunblock' purchase. So wouldn't Juan have brought this out?

It's very easy to check records especially if she bought the ticket(s) online through say....Expedia or Orbitz or even through the airline itself. I'm sure Martinez and Flores thought about this possibility.

It would've only taken a few hours to research this out seeing they had the departure/arrival dates! Plus it's not like they had to search every airport in the country. Jodi could've only flown out of so many surrounding airports including Phoenix. Now THAT would be something if this ticket originated from Arizona. Which would strongly imply she planned on staying with Travis from June 4 thru the 10th.

But then again, we have the rental car to consider. Why would she pay for a car to have it sit in an airport?
When did she reserve the car? Does anyone know?

Not sure how the gun theft ties into this though unless she was planning on killing his new girlfriend (of which she slashed her tires)

But on the flipside, from Jodi's short history with Travis, she constantly showed up unannounced, uninvited and unwanted. So not sure what to think.

Oh and ----WS community rocks!!! :rocker:
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