aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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If you look closely at it it's a guy reclining to the right .. I don't have another image of it .. I assume it was his father in younger days, but to me it could also be Travis himself.

I cleaned out my closet after I saw this photo.
I wonder if she hasn't been allowed to wear her retainer in jail?

Lol, would she want to? That just sounds like an invitation for someone to beat the crap out of you.
They will never let you out, Mrs. G. But we'll send cookies and stuff. ;)

Thank you ... I'll be requesting Tetsuya's for my last meal, so Japanese French Fusion is my preference .. Just so you know :)
It's really easy to tweak the teeth in Photoshop... I've done it for quite a few of the people I have photographed...
Say it ain't so. You mean we should stop attempting to apply "symbology" to her strangely Jodi-esque caricature of Elvis? And here I was sure I'd located what looked like a skateboarding gopher in his right iris, pointing to his left cheek, where if you look carefully, you can clearly see what looks like a gas can.


Definitely looks like she used to Photoshop that smile - her two front teeth look like bad veneers. JA is a classic example of where some people have two front veneers assuming that this will create a beautiful smile, but if they have them done too large and too white and bright, it looks ridiculous in a photo, as well as in person - many times in the magazines or on television you will see a celebrity or anchorperson who has the two "too-white" veneers and sometimes the camera exaggerates the whiteness making them really stand out. JA has very "fang-like" eye teeth, so between that and the color differential, her real smile is nothing like the Photoshop version.

I'm actually amazed at the difference in her overall appearance - she used to be not bad-looking 5 years ago, but now her inner ugliness seems to have surfaced - she is a far cry from the photographs taken during "her" happier times.
I think all her pics are photoshop or I use PSP10 so they are def dr'd in some way.
Or maybe that was part of the defense strategy to make her less attractive as to not appear to be a bombshell seductress.

I've never understood why the DT made her so dumpy looking. In that whole get-up, she looked like the stereotypical nightmare chick who leeches on and will not let go ever.

I get why they couldn't keep her up the hair color but for the sake of defense, I would have insisted she remain the same as she did in 2008. Somehow the way she looked in 2008 would be more in line with the arrogance, superiority, constant sexual references and the whole sex bomb thing.

She could have convincingly argued she was far too busy fending off the sexual advances of the men around her and had no time to drive thousands of miles to pester and stalk the one guy on earth who didn't want her.

Her dumpy Little House on the Prairie look made the stalking and not being able to accept rejection more credible. JMO
Anybody know how to permanently erase the hard drive on a computer? :scared:

1. Get a Torx driver remove the hard drive top cover. Unscrew the center torx screw that holds the silver platter(s) in place. Flip it over to remove the "platters". Take a hammer to the platters, be careful as they are made of glass and the shards fly everywhere.

2. Get an electric drill with 1/4-1/2 in bit. Drill copius, through and through holes throughout the body..ensuring that the data platters inside are completely in pieces.

3. If you want to re-use the harddrive: get a program called " Wipe Drive" , run it under DOD Standards.
Thank you ... I'll be requesting Tetsuya's for my last meal, so Japanese French Fusion is my preference .. Just so you know :)

I'm just picturing Sheriff Joe's reaction to that request.
whoa! You guys are on a roll tonight, and I'm still at work!!!
Remember in Juan's closing when he was gently describing Travis's death and what his last moments were like .... well ... when he referred to the "rainbow' as he was sliding against the wall, still standing, then went down to the floor. He spoke of the rainbow shape (with nothing good waiting for him at the end of his rainbow). Well I have always felt there was some kind of symbolism in there.

Anyway I did a little researching ... and maybe this has been talked about before, but ... the rainbow/iris (goddess) thing. It's very interesting to read because I think this murderer was very much into symbolism and hidden messages (cuz she like to be mysterious dontcha know). Anyway ... it's a quick read ... but very interesting IMO.

There are many other (more in depth) articles to google and read about the Goddess Iris .... shape shifter was the thing that caught me the most.

Hmmmmm, very interesting! I wonder if she writes about that in her manifesto?
She is so defiant. At least twice, she has been asked to leave someone's home yet she remained until she was good and ready to go.

And sleeping under the Christmas tree ... that would have freaked me the h$ll out to wake up and find a little weirdo snoozing under my Christmas tree when I put her out the night before. Dang, do I need to get a hose??

According to the ads the 'pocket hose' is very good. :)
Say it ain't so. You mean we should stop attempting to apply "symbology" to her strangely Jodi-esque caricature of Elvis? And here I was sure I'd located what looked like a skateboarding gopher in his right iris, pointing to his left cheek, where if you look carefully, you can clearly see what looks like a gas can.


now you'll have time to expend all that cognitive effort on formulating a testable theory that unifies the four fundamental forces.
Almost. Cooking relaxes me. (So does this Jack and Coke) :toast:

Tonight is fried shrimp, French fries and salad.

Cooking shrimp and watching the race :great:

eeerrr what is your address?????:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Southwest Airlines, here I come!!
Remember in Juan's closing when he was gently describing Travis's death and what his last moments were like .... well ... when he referred to the "rainbow' as he was sliding against the wall, still standing, then went down to the floor. He spoke of the rainbow shape (with nothing good waiting for him at the end of his rainbow). Well I have always felt there was some kind of symbolism in there.

Anyway I did a little researching ... and maybe this has been talked about before, but ... the rainbow/iris (goddess) thing. It's very interesting to read because I think this murderer was very much into symbolism and hidden messages (cuz she like to be mysterious dontcha know). Anyway ... it's a quick read ... but very interesting IMO.

There are many other (more in depth) articles to google and read about the Goddess Iris .... shape shifter was the thing that caught me the most.

AND, she sent irises to Travis' grandmom!!!!!
And having to sleep under a christmas tree. How humiliating she's asked to leave he has a house full of friends staying overnight. She considers herself his girlfriend but he doesn't reciprocate. She DIDNT leave no self pride! Respect so she crawls under the tree. If that isn't a hint I don't know what else.

that floored me.....I'd love to know the rest of that story.....what happened the next morning.....

I had to crawl through our doggie door one time....not easy!!
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