aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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now you'll have time to expend all that cognitive effort on formulating a testable theory that unifies the four fundamental forces.

Hey, you're the physicist. Of course, you know where to get help if necessary, but you'll have to wait 'til they let her out on Wednesday.
Say it ain't so. You mean we should stop attempting to apply "symbology" to her strangely Jodi-esque caricature of Elvis? And here I was sure I'd located what looked like a skateboarding gopher in his right iris, pointing to his left cheek, where if you look carefully, you can clearly see what looks like a gas can.


Okay, maybe stupid question but did the ME test for date rape drugs? I read the report and it didn't mention testing for them. The pictures of TA on the bed really bother me. He looks asleep in the first one but in the second one with the peace sign he looks kind of drugged.
Hey, you're the physicist. Of course, you know where to get help if necessary, but you'll have to wait 'til they let her out on Wednesday.

wait. what r we talking about?
PS - I have no practical knowledge.
I watched the "previously unseen" parts of the interview (boy that Troy is sure trying to milk this for all its worth, ain't he?) - all I can say is that is more lying, lying, lying. She is lying and trying to make it look like her "defense team" told her to do everything - ***** don't put the blame on them - your defense was YOUR IDEA, everyone knows that. What do you think the clashes with Nurmi were about? 'Cause he knew your brilliant idea wouldn't work.

It sounded like she just about said, she wanted to negotiate with Mr Martinez on a Murder charge, but her Attorneys had the idea to go this route and make up a story?
1. Get a Torx driver remove the hard drive top cover. Unscrew the center torx screw that holds the silver platter(s) in place. Flip it over to remove the "platters". Take a hammer to the platters, be careful as they are made of glass and the shards fly everywhere.

2. Get an electric drill with 1/4-1/2 in bit. Drill copius, through and through holes throughout the body..ensuring that the data platters inside are completely in pieces.

3. If you want to re-use the harddrive: get a program called " Wipe Drive" , run it under DOD Standards.

I bookmarked this, just in case. :floorlaugh:
Have you seen a naked molerat? Now, that is one little bucktoothed naked mammal that only a mother could love.

Let me introduce you to the nutria rat. We have them in SE Texas thanks to our dear LA neighbors. Resemblance?

She very well knows that he's not the BOSS, the client is. So, she's preppin her next accusations. Big mean ole Nurmi MADE her get on the stand and talk about Travis and sex. In the interview she alluded to it being his "trial strategy".

During the interview JA said that she and Nurmi had clashed a few times. That they got along fairly well in the early part of his representation of her. She also said that she had certain ideas etc but that Nurmi was 'the boss'. That's not how it works. She is the client and has the say so..... I wondered when she said it if that's just her current installment for the upcoming 'ineffective representation of counsel' claim for a new trial...
Dr Drevv broke this:

Dr. Drew On Call was provided exclusively with an e-mail sent by Jodi Arias on Sept. 1, 2008 to a leader at Travis Alexander's employer Pre-Paid Legal.

I am writing this letter in regards to Travis Alexander, whose life was taken last June. He was a good friend of mine. Am also, at present, in custody as I am being charged with his murder.

I am not writing this solely to plead my own innocence. That goes without saying -- as Travis meant the world to me and I would never harm him.

It is my understanding that his memory will be honored and recognized in Las Vegas this September. I would humbly remind those who say any different -- that I am innocent until proven guilty.

It is with a spirit of humility that I would ask that if I am in any way referenced during Travis' memorial at the team breakout, that my implied innocence is taken into account.

With humble gratitude,

Jodi Ann Arias

Watch HLN’s Dr. Drew and his special guests' reaction to the e-mail in the video player above.

CFJA is a vvhacko
Wow! Thanks for posting that. I didn't get to see DrD last night. This letter explains what's happening right now with the Victim Impact Statements, to me. She is ALL about what people think about her. She absolutely hates that people have seen through her bs and see that Travis was a good person with a loving heart. Having to listen to the VIS is going to make her absolutely furious.
Still, to this day, she's busily trying to convince us that she was a saint and Travis was not. She's disgusting.
She didn't go after the skateboarders for taking off her plate and flipping the one upside down.

She cleaned Travis' house when she snuck in to spy on him.

She didn't peek at the gifts under the Christmas tree she slept under.

She cleaned the hallway of his bathroom by dragging him after killing him and put his clothes and camera in the washer to help straighten up the house.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
I remember this but I've just had a thought, I wonder if the angry emails had anything to do with this. Could JA have scammed Travis in any way about the car? JA said on this tape they had spoken to their attorneys about the car, and JA said in the angry text exchange, she was contacting her attorney for that other issue. Could there have been a connection?

Chris Hughes said on Tricia's show that after Travis' 'sociopath/worst thing' email that there was another email from Jodi that said she would be calling or checking with her attorney. I've long thought that she was trying to blackmail or expose him with the sex tape. My theory is that he told her it was illegally recorded. AZ and CA laws are different so maybe she was going to check on that? Just a theory.
And Jodi's idea of going silent into prison (the deal she said Prosecutor should have taken) was for maybe 6-10 yrs LOL

Mr Martinez said, no I would rather go to trial so we can secure 70 yrs. thanks..(or 12 after your last appeal)
I'll send you an erroneous zones book and the occasional greeting card.

Perhaps À la recherche du temps perdu .. I never could make it through Proust .. I'd certainly have the time in there ..
Let me introduce you to the nutria rat. We have them in SE Texas thanks to our dear LA neighbors. Resemblance?

Ah, yes, I am familiar with nutria. Evil little habitat destroying $%&^#

I've taken out a few myself in North Carolina.
Okay, maybe stupid question but did the ME test for date rape drugs? I read the report and it didn't mention testing for them. The pictures of TA on the bed really bother me. He looks asleep in the first one but in the second one with the peace sign he looks kind of drugged.

Toxicology is done in all autopsies.
FYI: Here is a link to sign for the Create Travis Alexander's Law: Stop Allowing Highly Prejudicial Claims Against Murder Victims Without Evidence

People who signed this petition to date- 13,013

People who signed the "Arias Advocate" petition to retain better counsel for her to date- 167

Speaks volumes does it not?

PS- If someone already posted anything like this sorry, still trying to play "catch up" with this thread!
Chris Hughes said on Tricia's show that after Travis' 'sociopath/worst thing' email that there was another email from Jodi that said she would be calling or checking with her attorney. I've long thought that she was trying to blackmail or expose him with the sex tape. My theory is that he told her it was illegally recorded. AZ and CA laws are different so maybe she was going to check on that? Just a theory.

That was about the car she was buying from him that had it's transmission blown en route to Yreka.
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