aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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You are so right. They've held everything inside for 5 gut wrenching agonizing years. You bet it's going to erupt and vitriol is going to spew all over Arias. But it won't be uncontrolled and it won't be inappropriate.

I hope they take the crayons and coloring book away from her. With no "shields" to separate herself from the reality of what's going on, we may get to see her tazed after all. :D

I want her stoned cold sober too. Doubt that will happen but she doesn't deserve any meds to smooth the sharp edges of any words Travis' loved ones speak.
I think Wilmott was blown away by the magnitude of the verdict. All twelve voted for premeditation. Somehow, I don't think Wilmott was expecting that. I saw her more as stunned and incredulous than angry. JMO

i think it was all she could do to sit there and listen to the Nurmi do closing. i think she probably felt like she would have done a much better job.
Not sure how she could be stunned and incredulous at the verdict, unless she is blind, deaf and dumb. Everything was so obvious, nothing was circumstantial.

I noticed that with Wilmott too. But my thought was when they said

premeditated 5

felony 0 ~
it was then that she cocked her head. In her mind she was probably thinking but that's only 5 out of 12 ?
Then they said

premedetated and felony 7

That's the way I took it anyway.
I am mostly a lurker and I try to stay caught up here, but I might have missed someone else discussing this.

There have been questions about why Jodi didn't kill Travis immediately after arriving in Mesa or why she spent 13 hours there.
Something said on Dateline last night made me think. in discussing the Mormon religion and its view on premarital sex, the reporter said that, according to Mormon beliefs, if a person engaged in premarital sex and did not repent, he/she would be condemned to eternal damnation (I am paraphrasing).
Could that have been a motivation for Jodi? Do you think she purposely had sex with him before killing him, ensuring that he had no time to repent and be forgiven?
I know that sounds sick and twisted, but it is Jodi that we are talking about.

I believe this is a possibility, based on every opportunity the murderer has taken to trash Mr. Alexander here on earth and the slaughter of his physical body, I can see every motivation for her to also wish to destroy his spiritual world as well.

Excellent point.
One of the problems I have with the above, and I agree with your analysis by the way, lies in DP cases. There are also 12 people, who by the nature of the case, will be required to determine life and death based solely on what is presented in court during testimony. I can think of nothing that can make the burden of that decision less heavy upon them than the truth. This case, and a few others in particular, have demonstrated to me that the words prejudicial and probative need to be refined to the degree of insuring that a jury in a DP case decision is never tortured by their ultimate decision whether it includes death or not.

I agree with all of what you say. I do believe it is possible for victims impact statements to be true and heartfelt but not prejudicial. The judge can review the written statement of each person and can impose limitations without injury to either side, IMO. I do not believe a family should just stand in court and say or do whatever moves them at the moment--there must be some protocol for what an impact statement can cover.

The issue I have with this particular case is that Arias does not want any of Travis' family or friends to speak to her. She felt it was OK to say what was on her mind, and to give them dirty looks or smirks throughout this trial as well as before and after...but now that it is their turn, she cannot face it and wants the court to rule that it is her right to not face it. I do not agree with that. Certainly they cannot force her to listen or to look the speaker in the eye...but to limit the family and friends to a videotaped statement is letting Jodi call the shots AGAIN, as she has so often all along. It has to stop. The family has had to remain silent; now it is their turn to speak.

Hope she tells them about her brilliant questioning of Dr. D and how JW chided Dr. D about her unfathomable neglect in failing to question the murdered victim.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :rolleyes:

I couldn't believe she did that! Couldn't she hear herself? And besides the obvious, HER witness, ALV drew all kinds of conclusions about Travis even though he was dead, and ALV didn't interview him either. Like shooting yourself in the foot, ankle and knee.
Here is the link to the latest dribble of interview from our local fox affiliate, where CKJA states that she has no mitigating factors to present according to Nurmi.

She prattles about her nonsense and the mitigation part comes at 2:40 in the video. I suggest you scroll up to that point.

When I heard his voice as a reporter... I kept thinking I have heard that voice before! This morning I woke up and remembered it is the voice on the Jodi bangs parody that is the one of the best parodies on this trial everybody remember it? it seems to me it is the same voice of the reporter in the parody this reporter the same voice! At first I thought it was out takes of this reporter in one of his previous interviews but it is not! Any one else agree?

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Hope this is ok to post:

DAY 68
State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present
Court Reporter: Robin Bobbie
12:47 p.m. Trial to Jury continues from 05/08/2013.
Court convenes in chambers with Counsel for the Defendant only.
Discussion is held.
12:53 p.m. Matter concludes.
1:00 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant and Counsel for the Defendant
Counsel for the Defendant moves to dismiss the death penalty option.
Discussion is held.
IT IS ORDERED denying the motion.
1:14 p.m. Matter concludes.

This occurred on Thursday, May 9th
I have no problem whatsoever with Troy Hayden getting and doing the interview with her. Why on earth would I? He's nailed the interview of a lifetime. And how hard he hit her with questions doesn't hit my radar either. I don't have any expectation of Troy being my voice, asking questions I 'have a right' to ask. To be perfectly frank, I would love to spend a few minutes talking to her. Just to get a personal feel for how twisted she is. I would have loved to do the same with Manson. I am fascinated by these people who are clearly an aberration. Hayden is a journalist. This case is worldwide. He nailed an exclusive. If we all heard that he had the chance and said no, we would have been like WTH??? She is using him and he's taking advantage of her for his career. His personal feelings for her don't matter to me at all. I was glad to see the side of her that exposed itself in the interview.
I don't have a problem with the interview but I do think he could have been tougher on her. A crankier reporter would have challenged her on some of her BS, especially the pedo stuff. No evidence of it. The fact that the jury didn't believe her AT trial, not just her because of her past lies but because she was caught out in lies on the stand. etc etc MOO
I've a question and I apologize if it's already been discussed--I've stayed avay after the verdict.

Last night on Dr Drev (!) I think there vas something about an email or letter JA sent to PPL after her arrest. I only caught the tail-end of the discussion, but it seemed like a form of blackmail. Did I miss something or am I simply going crazy?

I'm behind on reading posts again due to work yesterday, but when people were talking about the upcoming Lifetime movie, I thought they should change the name to:

Dirty Little Lies: The Murder of Travis Alexander
Have you ever looked at awards received from work, or other places, and they are just general ones without your name on them? They don't really mean as much to you as ones with yourname engraved. It is said one of the most gratifying things for people is to hear their name spoken.

In the wild chance that JA does not get the DP, and JSS gives her a light sentence, JA will be gathering and treasuring videos of the trial for her own perverse pleasure for years to come.

I hope JSS does not rule in favor of having the VIS entered by video, and JA has to listen to anything the Alexanders have to say. I also hope they never speak her name...refer to her as to what ever legal reference they can..... defendent, murderer, killer, stalker, etc, but never THE JODI ARIAS that she sees herself. Do not give her the importance of speaking her name aloud.

(Forgive any typos/misspellings, typing on a Nook and it is hardfor me to do.)
Not at all. The dates for the MEs are often a bit odd
001 is CFJA

This is the ME

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
05/13/2013 8:00 AM
CR2008-031021-001 DT 05/09/2013
Docket Code 012 Form R012 Page 1
DAY 68
State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present
Court Reporter: Robin Bobbie
12:47 p.m. Trial to Jury continues from 05/08/2013.
Court convenes in chambers with Counsel for the Defendant only.
Discussion is held.
12:53 p.m. Matter concludes.
1:00 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant and Counsel for the Defendant
Counsel for the Defendant moves to dismiss the death penalty option.
IT IS ORDERED denying the motion.
1:14 p.m. Matter concludes.
1:16 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant, Counsel for the Defendant,
Counsel for the State and victim next of kin present.
Discussion is held.

Ah, so JA WAS at the courthouse on Thursday. Some reports stated she never left Buckeye.
It was Sam and absolutlely not a shriek. A completely natural response to a verdict they had been waiting for for five excruciating years.

This was THE loss for the lying torture murderess.

During cross-exam JM got her to refer to her "defining moment."

However, THIS was her new and permanent "defining moment".

It is how the lying torture murderess will henceforth be remembered.


Good for Samantha!
Not at all. The dates for the MEs are often a bit odd
001 is CFJA

This is the ME

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
05/13/2013 8:00 AM
CR2008-031021-001 DT 05/09/2013
Docket Code 012 Form R012 Page 1
DAY 68
State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present
Court Reporter: Robin Bobbie
12:47 p.m. Trial to Jury continues from 05/08/2013.
Court convenes in chambers with Counsel for the Defendant only.
Discussion is held.
12:53 p.m. Matter concludes.
1:00 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant and Counsel for the Defendant
Counsel for the Defendant moves to dismiss the death penalty option.
IT IS ORDERED denying the motion.

1:14 p.m. Matter concludes.
1:16 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant, Counsel for the Defendant,
Counsel for the State and victim next of kin present.
Discussion is held.
IT IS ORDERED continuing the aggravation phase from this date to 05/15/2013 at 10:00
IT IS ORDERED sealing the in chambers hearing not to be transcribed until the
conclusion of the trial.
2:02 p.m. Matter concludes.

Respectfully snipped and colour added by me.

Did people know this? I thought I'd been keeping up fairly well but I missed this entirely.

The DT for this defendant - freshly convicted, guilty as sin perpetrator of pre-meditated murder in a death penalty State - tried to get the death penalty taken off the table?

I'm behind on reading posts again due to work yesterday, but when people were talking about the upcoming Lifetime movie, I thought they should change the name to:

Dirty Little Lies: The Murder of Travis Alexander

Or, She is not a dirty little secret, just dirty!
Not sure what happened in court on Thursday, but the only reason it is not starting until next Wednesday is because Dr. Horn was not available to testify on Monday/Tuesday (from what I read on here). In my opinion the only reason they are keeping her on suicide watch is to make her STFU.

I think we are giving her waaaaaayyy too much power and ability to control things. She does NOT have any control (at least over me :)

I am finally at peace and feel really good nomatter what the sentence. She got M1 and I am ecstatic. I am in the process of letting it all go and will no longer let her have any power over my life.

I have not been reading or posting much since the verdict ... just check in now and again ... well ... just cuz I love you all :heartbeat:. I really do! You're just the best and such a supportive (positive) group of people.

Just want to add that I have read so many sad stories on this site and there are just too many to recite. I hold you all in my prayers and thoughts. I have my own sad stories ... but they just don't compare. All of you sharing your stories have helped me put things in perspective and have caused me to think of others more. Travis has also done that.

Hugs to all of you.

i know why there's no court until wednesday. but there was no court on THURSDAY when there was supposed to be. that's what i was referring to.

like you, i'm not invested in the sentence. either way, she's never getting out. i just don't want to hear another word she has to say. we listened to 18 days of LIES, and now she continues to lie. i'd love to read a book about this case written by someone really good, and i will----but i'm not listening to her BS anymore. been there, done that.
Respectfully snipped and colour added by me.

Did people know this? I thought I'd been keeping up fairly well but I missed this entirely.

The DT for this defendant - freshly convicted, guilty as sin perpetrator of pre-meditated murder in a death penalty State - tried to get the death penalty taken off the table?

Didn't hear about this either. The way I look at it, with all these motions, JA can't say they didn't try.
I've a question and I apologize if it's already been discussed--I've stayed avay after the verdict.

Last night on Dr Drev (!) I think there vas something about an email or letter JA sent to PPL after her arrest. I only caught the tail-end of the discussion, but it seemed like a form of blackmail. Did I miss something or am I simply going crazy?


Dr Drevv broke this:

Dr. Drew On Call was provided exclusively with an e-mail sent by Jodi Arias on Sept. 1, 2008 to a leader at Travis Alexander's employer Pre-Paid Legal.

I am writing this letter in regards to Travis Alexander, whose life was taken last June. He was a good friend of mine. Am also, at present, in custody as I am being charged with his murder.

I am not writing this solely to plead my own innocence. That goes without saying -- as Travis meant the world to me and I would never harm him.

It is my understanding that his memory will be honored and recognized in Las Vegas this September. I would humbly remind those who say any different -- that I am innocent until proven guilty.

It is with a spirit of humility that I would ask that if I am in any way referenced during Travis' memorial at the team breakout, that my implied innocence is taken into account.

With humble gratitude,

Jodi Ann Arias

Watch HLN’s Dr. Drew and his special guests' reaction to the e-mail in the video player above.

CFJA is a vvhacko
Re: the victim impact statements... I have a few thoughts about JA wanting them to taped rather than spoken live in court...
I think it's just another display of how very unimportant the Alexander family is to her. In reality, no one matters to her. Insignificant, pesky things in her way.
I also think she knows that she will have a bit of a problem sitting there and hearing them speak. She may be able to put her head down, or draw or right, but truth is, she may be heading down the spectrum to where she won't be able to contain herself.
I doubt that the Judge will grant the motion. It's ridiculous.
It's JA telling the world that the family isn't important at all. Let them just say it on tape. She is truly evil.
I am still trying to figure out her plan to get herself onto Suicide Protocol. I've watched the post-verdict interview a few times. She is seething and hateful. It's more evident and you can tell it's just under the surface, more so than ever before. One on hand, I get the feeling that the death is freedom comment was like a kid who is defiant. You want me dead, okay, I'll show you dead. She doesn't ever intend to off herself. It's her ploy. She isn't winning so she doesn't want to play anymore. She's packing up her crayons and going home.
She must be SO conflicted right now. She said previously that she didn't want to mention wanting to die so she wouldn't be put on suicide watch yet that is all she keeps saying in the most current interview. Who knows with her? She lies so much that even her previous comments can't be taken as fact. There's so much empty space inside her that a million different versions could be in there bouncing around at all times.

I just realized that her comment about death being the ultimate freedom also coincides with her "belief" that Travis is in a better place. I honestly think she believes that she did Travis a favor by killing him. Because of her he is in a better place.
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