"Aha" Moment Predictions [MERGED]

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IMO Jose is going to blame GA, but the reason ICA stayed in jail was that she felt "safe" for the first time in her life after all of GA's abuse. He done it and she stayed in jail cause she was skeered.
"Dream on...Dream on....Dream Until Your Dreams Come True"
"You can't always get what you want..."
"I'm on the highway to hell...No stop signs, speed limit....Nobody's gonna slow me down"
"Wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin'"

Come on you guys...anymore relevant lyrics? (hope I am not showing my age, much!)

"Tied to the whipping post. Good Lord I feel like I'm dieing".
As proven yesterday by Baez "praying" for his motion to pass they have no defence. None. His world will collapse when he realizes his perceived explanation will fall flat and the incredible reality of losing this case sets in. The only one convinced of this AHA moment is him and that's about to go bye-bye.
Why do the DT keep filing motions pertaining to the evidence if they've got a jaw-dropping aha up their sleeve that is going to make the evidence moot once we all hear the real story and say in an amazed chorus, 'Now we understand'? Or is it the DT strategy to throw someone else under the bus and then save them as well? It's all such nonsense.
I think she will blame her parents. Both of them.

The problem with that is that it is SOOO obvious that the SA will have thought about that scenario in detail, know the what do inside out and be well prepared to completely anihilate that scenario unless the defense to something pretty substantial to "refresh" this theory that the SA hasn't thought of.

That would be absolute suicide (unfortunately, for ICA, maybe quite literally) to run that strategy.
I think Jose's plan is to bore the jurors to near death with whining, interruptions, and ridiculous senarios..basically create as much confusion as possible.
Snickering to myself how Jose's "aha" moment went from originally "one minute" to now...three minutes. Guess he's not as confident in his "aha" moment now? :floorlaugh:

.....I do keep going back to the jail video of KC stating to GA and CA something to the effect of, "and no, I haven't said anything..." Wasn't that right after she was interviewed as part of her booking/psych eval?

What secret does this family have? NOT that I believe anyone did anything other than Casey the spiteful ($@*# alone...
Regardless of what Ah-Ha moment Baez cooks up in his opening statement, he is going to have to back it up with evidence and witnesses if he wants to plant reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury. To the point that he may have to have ICA take the stand and withstand the slamming she will take with the examination from the prosecution.

Even as creative and inventive that I am, I can't come up with something exactly to cover for Casey. Even using George and/or Cindy.
I'll be there just like the rest of you, hanging on Baez's every phony word of his story.


I really cannot fathom how they will possibly be able to pin this on either of the parents. There is way too much evidence to impeach any type of story like this. Just review some of her letters to her jail friend. She still continues to lie her pants off with the ZFG nanny story, speaking of the "real zanny the nanny" she has known for 4 years. She also goes on and on about how she was planning to leave her parents home with "Cays" and how she had all this money saved up, all new stuff for them with all the money she'd saved working. I truly cannot see any feasible way they will be able to utilize a SODDI defense, nor any AH-HA moment.

IMO they are in a nightmare as far as any feasible defense strategy goes. Put ICA on the stand and LDB & JA will rip her to pieces. IMHO the best chance they may have is to attempt to shoot down the reliability of the evidence, and even that is going to be rather tough for them.
Just now on Issues, the Jane velez Mitchell Show, there was a trialer saying that she was going to predict what the defense AHA moment is going to be. It is coming up in a couple of minutes. Cannot wait..lol
Can't wait for the JAW DROPPING THREAD!
They'll have to use a more credible brush to paint with than this witness. Taking an interest in the case from day one and showing up with a sign to harass the so called grieving G-parents by protesting on their front yard is another. From listening to her interview, I don't believe for one second she only spoke to maybe 3 people and just made a passing reference to the case. She gossiped wildly IMO, to anyone who'd listen.
She wanted to be on the jury because she thinks ICA is guilty?? :loser:
So much for that DT witness LOL!

I agree! I don't think she'll be a good witness, at all. It just makes me wonder what else the DT has up their sleeves, so to speak.
Apparently, the jaw dropping defense theory that will explain it all, including the 31 days of partying, is that Caylee's death was an accident and Casey couldn't tell her family because they were so abusive to her and dysfunctional. :floorlaugh:
Apparently, the jaw dropping defense theory that will explain it all, including the 31 days of partying, is that Caylee's death was an accident and Casey couldn't tell her family because they were so abusive to her and dysfunctional. :floorlaugh:

LOL the defense can play that song all day long. I think the states case will be so strong that they will have the jurors confidently reaching a guilty verdict.
Can't wait to see how the dysfunctional family acts during trial.
you guys know this has been "niggling" at me for a while now. Just what could this "AHA" moment be?

I know I said last night that I was thoroughly convinced that there can be NO "AHA" moment.

Well, ................................lol

I had a theory way back in the beginning. I haven't really given it much thought for a long time, until recently.

Its more of a theory than an "AHA" - but it does fit -

ok ok here goes:

The infamous Father's Day fight between CA and ICA. CA alledgedly has her hands around ICA's neck at one point. Well, fight continued - one of them (either one fits - doesn't matter who the "pitcher" or "catcher" was - but I"m thinking CA was the "pitcher") One of them throws, swings, lashes out at the other with an "object". Either the other one was already holding Caylee or was picking her up or maybe even actually grabbed her and used her as a shield - but either way - Caylee takes the blow.

It kills her. CA tries CPR - but knows its useless. CA (and ICA) are panicked - can't go to ER for fear of abuse charges and the child is dead.

CA mentally brow beats ICA into thinking she is responsible - regardless if ICA threw the blow or was the receiver - holding Caylee. CA tells her that LE will believe her over some young girl. So ICA agrees to go along with the "terms".

ICA was told to get rid of the body. Obviously we know she doesn't - she drives around with it. All the while CA is trying to keep control and make sure she did. ICA is footloose and fancy free, - stealin', boozin', screwin', and lyin' - having a grand ole time and really doesn't want to be bothered with this "smelly dead body".

CA could have found out ICA didn't and took care of disposal herself - or not. Would explain why she might have known where.

The big blow up came when CA called 911 - that first dreadful night. Now what triggered her to do that? Who knows? ICA could have spouted off and CA decided to "pin this on her" and got the ball rolling.

There it is - mull it around yourself. It does tend to kinda "explain" some things. It wasn't an accident - and both parties know that it doesn't matter - both can go down for it now - hence the "colusion" we see today. I do believe IF this happened that CA will never admit that she was responsible AT ALL, any little bit and I do believe that ICA believe the same thing - she is NOT responsible.

Honestly, I don't know how this would play out of the DT went down this road.

So, whatcha think?
you guys know this has been "niggling" at me for a while now. Just what could this "AHA" moment be?

I know I said last night that I was thoroughly convinced that there can be NO "AHA" moment.

Well, ................................lol

I had a theory way back in the beginning. I haven't really given it much thought for a long time, until recently.

Its more of a theory than an "AHA" - but it does fit -

ok ok here goes:

The infamous Father's Day fight between CA and ICA. CA alledgedly has her hands around ICA's neck at one point. Well, fight continued - one of them (either one fits - doesn't matter who the "pitcher" or "catcher" was - but I"m thinking CA was the "pitcher") One of them throws, swings, lashes out at the other with an "object". Either the other one was already holding Caylee or was picking her up or maybe even actually grabbed her and used her as a shield - but either way - Caylee takes the blow.

It kills her. CA tries CPR - but knows its useless. CA (and ICA) are panicked - can't go to ER for fear of abuse charges and the child is dead.

CA mentally brow beats ICA into thinking she is responsible - regardless if ICA threw the blow or was the receiver - holding Caylee. CA tells her that LE will believe her over some young girl. So ICA agrees to go along with the "terms".

ICA was told to get rid of the body. Obviously we know she doesn't - she drives around with it. All the while CA is trying to keep control and make sure she did. ICA is footloose and fancy free, - stealin', boozin', screwin', and lyin' - having a grand ole time and really doesn't want to be bothered with this "smelly dead body".

CA could have found out ICA didn't and took care of disposal herself - or not. Would explain why she might have known where.

The big blow up came when CA called 911 - that first dreadful night. Now what triggered her to do that? Who knows? ICA could have spouted off and CA decided to "pin this on her" and got the ball rolling.

There it is - mull it around yourself. It does tend to kinda "explain" some things. It wasn't an accident - and both parties know that it doesn't matter - both can go down for it now - hence the "colusion" we see today. I do believe IF this happened that CA will never admit that she was responsible AT ALL, any little bit and I do believe that ICA believe the same thing - she is NOT responsible.

Honestly, I don't know how this would play out of the DT went down this road.

So, whatcha think?

I used to think that this scenario was ridiculous....but lately I am open to anything. I used to say that Cindy was not involved because she told her boss and co-workers about the baby being missing. But who knows, maybe that was part of a strategy to frame Casey.

I just think that if the accident happened like that they would have called 911 and put all of the blame on Casey.

Also, once Cindy called 911, why did Casey try and sell her the nanny scenario? Why wouldn't Casey turn her parents in at that point, instead of allowing herself to be arrested by herself?
If 911 was called - DHS would have been called and the family investigated (at the least) - what if it was CA that swung? Then she could have possibly gone down.

Maybe Zanny was supposed to be part of the story? If ICA told on CA - then CA would have said it was the other way around and it was ICA that swung?

I don't consider this an accident - this was a fight and Caylle got caught in the middle.

If Caylee had been used as a shield - then whoever, which one, did that would have been in trouble. They BOTH have to keep the traps shut because by telling they would have to implicate themselves.

The car, I do believe, was the catalyst that blew up CA. Having to pay that $500. AND the smell - which told CA that ICA hadn't followed "the script". CA's very first 911 call - all she talked about was pressing charges against ICA for stealing - including the automobile.
They cannot blame Lee because , luckily for him, he was out of town for work during much of that time.

I think it always comes back to George. imoo

Or Cindy. If what we've heard from several sources is accurate, George was working the 3:00pm - 11:00pm shift on June 15, 2008. Cindy and Casey had a huge fight.

It would be very simple for Casey to say that she fled the house during that fight leaving Caylee there, and she doesn't know what happened to Caylee after she left.

But that doesn't explain away all the evidence. The DT would have to have a reasonable explanation for all the evidence and for Casey's lies.
CA did it after the argument, yeah, that would not explain KC telling the police she was looking for Caylee, following the kidnappers script, joyfully staying with Tony, joyfully writing stolen checks, joyfully playing shot girl, and so on.
I tried to post the following on the JVM thread regarding last night's episode, but it got closed before I finished typing so I thought I'd add it here.

I think BC is right (and have predicted the same thing on the Defense Theory threads). Do I think it will work? Absolutely not!


Zanny did it .........................................: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
George did it ........................................ :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Accident and cover-up due to fear ...........:floorlaugh:

  • CM has told anyone who will listen that Dr G can't state with certainty how Caylee died (hence making an accident possible).
  • The duct tape, etc. was a very poor decision on ICA's part to stage a kidnapping. The partying was ugly coping.
  • They will try everything in their power to get the internet search testimony squashed. Failing that, they'll blame George (poor George -- I must admit that I'm very much looking forward to him squirming as they discuss his other more interesting internet obsessions!).

Again, I don't think for one minute that it will work -- but, I think it's the best they've got.
Apparently, the jaw dropping defense theory that will explain it all, including the 31 days of partying, is that Caylee's death was an accident and Casey couldn't tell her family because they were so abusive to her and dysfunctional. :floorlaugh:

I believe the duct tape will remove that accidental death!

There will be no way any juror could consider it an accident with how Caylee's remains were found...I believe, Baez dropped the ball big time. He should have taken that limited immunity deal for ICA...had she explained back then, before Caylee's skeletal remains were found, she had a better chance of getting a sentence which could have allowed her to be paroled...now it's life or death and she's in a load of problems...

By any admission, ICA was the last one with physical custody of Caylee.

By her own admission in the handwritten statement, she dropped Caylee off at a vacant apartment to an invisinanny...who allegedly absconded with Caylee...she claims to have waited for the invisinanny to return to this apartment, which she didn't stay there very long...for by 7:50 something, she is seen with TonyL at blockbuster..so maybe she waited a full 20 minutes...which is also BS...this will come back to haunt her..Had Caylee truly died from an accident, one call to 911 and she might not have faced any charges...this is a deliberate, premediated act upon her beautiful child..I do hope those jurors will use common sense and know a lie when they hear it...JMHO

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