Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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If Todd is trying to sell it...I am not buying it. He did say that Caylee was dead already and he will never unring that bell. Some people might forget, but I have a feeling there won't be many.

Now he is going after the Orlando Sentinel and TES! LOL Not that anyone will pay attention to him...but I guess if it makes him feel better about himself...he can keep sending those out and call them "press releases". Maybe they should be printed on toilet paper so people can actually get some use out of them tho.
If Todd is trying to sell it...I am not buying it. He did say that Caylee was dead already and he will never unring that bell. Some people might forget, but I have a feeling there won't be many.

Now he is going after the Orlando Sentinel and TES! LOL Not that anyone will pay attention to him...but I guess if it makes him feel better about himself...he can keep sending those out and call them "press releases". Maybe they should be printed on toilet paper so people can actually get some use out of them tho.

:laugh: toilet paper hahahahahahaaaa!

O/T My friend Rebecca Anderson was a nurse who died at the OKC bombing trying to help victims.
Does anyone know if Lee has spoken about or apologized (yeah right) for what his email said about Tim? I read on that "daily " site that cindy denied the email came from Lee

Yeah, of course she strange that they QUICKLY jump at denying an email, but say NOTHING about this paternity rumor...These people have not got their ducks in a row is all I can say...

Lee RECEIVED the email and REPLIED to it...I am fairly certain that it can be shown using the IP's that the email originated with Lee and only Lee...Lie, deny, lie, deny, lie, is almost a hypnotic chant-lie, deny...maybe they chant it to themselves. Who knows in this circus of psychological delusions and disturbances?:banghead::banghead:

One thing is certain though, Lee tried to do harm to Tim and THAT is despicable and contemptable and oh so LEE! Maybe there is more than one bad seed in their clan.
I saw that pic the other day and was shocked that she was running from the media. A brisk walk would have had the same affect and/or a "no comment", but she doesn't know how to say that, huh? :banghead: That smile on her face is as though she is loving the attention. SICK!

She could certainly take lessons on grieving from Sharon Rocha. I rarely saw Sharon cry throughout Laci's disappearance, but I did see many many tears - tears for Laci and tears for her unborn grandson. RIP Laci and Connor :rose:

RIP Caylee - wherever you may be :cry: :rose:

I think they will have to call Cindy as a hostile witness. It's the only way they are going to get anywhere with her.

:furious: I would let the some people rant like the crazy person they appear to be. Just let her talk & talk & talk. She will cook her goose & KC's to.
O/T My friend Rebecca Anderson was a nurse who died at the OKC bombing trying to help victims.
Awwwww. RIP Rebecca Anderson. I will have to go look up her name next time I visit the memorial. :( It sounds like she was a great person to be helping others in her last minutes.
Right, but Casey's silence for the first 31 days, then lies from then on have been helpful? Oh, okay, LA.
THEY (meaning E search) have done nothing? What the he77 is wrong with him,broken leg? He has done nothing! IMO
She's eating the attention up. I'm going to bet that this is the first time in her life, that people are paying attention to her. It doesn't matter that they are paying attention to her due to the fact of a crime or the fact that people just can't take their eyes off of this freakish clan. She is now a celebrity, the world is watching, she feels important with media scrambling around her. I'm also going to bet that neighbors and co-workers would have done anything to not bump into her and have her talk their ear off. Now all thats changed, people aren't running away from her, they're running to her, to hear her talk.

My first post here so be gentle. I have been following the case in the news and here since the beginning. You all are amazing here, I have learned so much from reading.

Anyway, have you looked at CA's eyes when she is doing an interview? She looks "absolutely" (LOL!) glazed over! I can't put my finger on it, but it's like she's a star in a role or something. CA loves the celebrity, make no mistake about it!
At first I felt sorry for the Anthony's. Now I feel nothing but disdain for them. Somebody needs to knock some sense into those heartless creatures.
She looks like she's enjoying that little run, doesn't she. Smiling all the way


:mad: wth is she so damn happy about?:mad:

Hellooooooo----your grandbaby is missing---out there somewhere, all alone rotting away. you.......:clown:
:mad: wth is she so damn happy about?:mad:

Hellooooooo----your grandbaby is missing---out there somewhere, all alone rotting away. you.......:clown:

Does anyone know when this picture was taken? :mad:
:mad: wth is she so damn happy about?:mad:

Hellooooooo----your grandbaby is missing---out there somewhere, all alone rotting away. you.......:clown:

Ain't it peculiar?
This was my introduction to Cindy Anthony.
Does anyone know when this picture was taken? :mad:

I don't recall exactly, Patty G is pretty good at keeping track of media, maybe she could tell you. I do believe this is day one or two of Cindy reporting:furious::sick::sick: a car being stolen, no that's not right, oh... money being stolen, .... oh and, a 2 year old missing, maybe, or uhm, uhm, lost, uhm, or maybe abducted by aliens.
Don't let the A's kid ya. It's all about the money.
They want it all and the thought that any money is going to TES or anyone else is making them kick dirt left and right.

If they admit that Caylee is dead, the money flow stops for them.
They figured that out when the first avalanche of cash cards came rolling in via their mail box.
The foundation they set up for present and future money deals is their cash cow.
What kind of family fights with law enforcement, media and searchers looking for their loved one? A guilty one.

When this child is found this weekend they won't have TES to kick dirt at anymore.

Cindy on the stand will be a wildcard for both sides (the prosecution and the defence)...I think that Baez has probably already started training her as to how to conduct herself.

She won't listen, no one tells CA what to do!

I think I'd love to see her take the stand in Casey's defense, this way the judge will jail her for her lies, perjury carries time, even if it's a first offense. I hope she does perjur herself.

I have a problem with CA disrespecting people who reach out to help find Caylee.

I have a problem with CA for initiating all this drama and then doing the back stoke.

She full well knows Casey did something to Caylee. Right now they are trying to safe Casey from a life behind bars. It won't happen. This is out of CA's hands which is another reason, she lost control! Those fine jurors who will be seated will see through it all. I'm sure there is more evidence we haven't seen or heard about. Casey will go down! She's facing over 71 years on the forgery alone. I'll be thankful when she is sentenced, Casey will not reproduce another child. :behindbar

Casey and Cindy Anthony have not met their matches yet! I wish that woman would try and contact me for my speaking out about her and her family. It would be all over for her, that I could promise...:furious:
Agree that it's all about the money. Every dollar that TES gets towards a legitimate search for little Caylee's body is one that the A's don't get for their "pseudo-search".

When TES finds her this weekend, and I truly believe they will, the A's will completely deny it's her and bolster attempts to discredit TM and the EquuSearch team. They'll still be crying, "She's alive! Send money!"

Of course, not one penny of that money will be spent on arrangements for a proper burial for little Caylee.

I'd bet dollars to donuts on that.
Don't let the A's kid ya. It's all about the money.
They want it all and the thought that any money is going to TES or anyone else is making them kick dirt left and right.

If they admit that Caylee is dead, the money flow stops for them.
They figured that out when the first avalanche of cash cards came rolling in via their mail box.
The foundation they set up for present and future money deals is their cash cow.
What kind of family fights with law enforcement, media and searchers looking for their loved one? A guilty one.

When this child is found this weekend they won't have TES to kick dirt at anymore.


We are all praying for that Drumstick. The cast of characters and outlets they uncover to spew their gunk against anyone that speaks out against them is telling. Finding Baby Caylee is the focus, the rest will take care of itself. Stay strong TES, bring her home.
o/t - I don't know where else to ask this...

Can someone please post a link to the jury room??? I've looked everywhere and can't figure out how to get there! :)
Don't let the A's kid ya. It's all about the money.
They want it all and the thought that any money is going to TES or anyone else is making them kick dirt left and right.

If they admit that Caylee is dead, the money flow stops for them.
They figured that out when the first avalanche of cash cards came rolling in via their mail box.
The foundation they set up for present and future money deals is their cash cow.
What kind of family fights with law enforcement, media and searchers looking for their loved one? A guilty one.

When this child is found this weekend they won't have TES to kick dirt at anymore.


I agree 100% about what you said above! Hope to see you this weekend!:)

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