GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 8

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Do any of you feel if BC's phone had not been taken that AL would have gotten away with this? I keep wondering but then think about where she was buried and wonder if he would have eventually been linked since he worked there.

No. It may have taken them longer but someone would have discovered the grave on a worksite and there is probably alot of evidence gleaned from that site. Not knowing the area and just going by pics Ive seen, it didnt look like the grave was really that hidden.
No. It may have taken them longer but someone would have discovered the grave on a worksite and there is probably alot of evidence gleaned from that site.

<Mod Snip>

Not so sure about that, IMO the cell data was what pointed to him.
No. It may have taken them longer but someone would have discovered the grave on a worksite and there is probably alot of evidence gleaned from that site.

I don't know anything about that area but you would think he would have put her at a place he had no connections. I keep wondering why that house. To do what he did, it seems a house more secluded would have been better. I also know he had no problem stealing things, so I find it strange he used his own car. I wonder when he wrecked, if they found DNA of BC?
You are full, hint-hint.

Not so sure about that, IMO the cell data was what pointed to him.

It definitely helped get the ball rolling very quickly. Thank God because she didn't lay there for months and evidence dissipate. I think once they found the grave he would have been arrested anyway. If he was stupid enough to take her to a place he worked before, he probably did a very sloppy job with this crime and left prints, dna all over the place. The phone was icing on the cake.
Since we don't know what their motive was for kidnapping the poor woman in the first place nor the cause of her death, it's hard to say why they would have buried her body at that concrete place.
No. It may have taken them longer but someone would have discovered the grave on a worksite and there is probably alot of evidence gleaned from that site. Not knowing the area and just going by pics Ive seen, it didnt look like the grave was really that hidden.

In one of the news stories it was stated she was found in a "makeshift grave." To me that implies that she was covered, but not necessarily that a hole was dug. It was also stated a shallow grave. I think there was a low place in the ground and things were placed on top to hide her body. If that is an active place of business I believe she would have been found quickly because of the way she was buried and predators would be around. As far as AL/CL being connected it might depend on what records they have on the phone besides BC's phone being found and pinging. ALs fingerprints would have tied him to the case right off and I think that's probably on the duct tape. I believe that DNA evidence ties them both to the murder. It's my opinion and theory that this is the reason that CL was not arrested at first for murder and kidnapping, but one month later she was. It's my opinion only as I have no facts, but something tied her to the murder and kidnapping that brought the exact charges as AL. There may have been things on the phones too that were found that took some time to recover. They had AL and he admitted being there and kidnapping her, although later he did say it wasn't a kidnapping. So they had him and they could watch CL while they collected more evidence to make sure they charged her correctly.
There are just so many unknowns. I can't wrap my brain around a ransom but as sloppy as some of this was, who knows. I pray she didn't suffer long and I am glad they found her quickly.

The Holly Bobo kidnapping was very close to my town. Her poor family had to wait three years to find her body. I can't imagine living with that unknown everyday.
2nd clause of Count 2 vs AL & CL

"... unlawfully, feloniously, and without consent did restrain B.C., so as to interfere with her liberty substantially with the purpose of terrorizing her, or another person..."

Are we sure this was a financially motivated crime? (Or as some might say, another money scam.)

I am still thinking that it involved some scheme of AL's much like his Superman stunt and somehow BC became a victim. Perhaps some video that they intended to "go viral". Something where they needed that particular property. I have said before IMO this is how CL would become involved and charged with such serious offenses. If CL somehow thought this would be just a harmless prank that they could make a few bucks off of, I don't see how that would be out of character. Capital murder on the other hand seems very out of character from the small bits of info we know about her.
Someone posted that the guns were found in an A/C duct. Is that true?

That is true to the best of my knowledge. That is what LE and CL both reported. I assume you are asking me? If not sorry if I answered for someone else.

Do you have a link NJ, for where LE reported? I have evidently missed that report. I have only seen LE mention the firearms in the Count 3 charge in the paperwork for the Formal Charges in Circuit Court. Here is only reference from seen and it doesn't say where they were specifically found. But also this is from the Pros Attorney and you said LE reported, if you have provided by time you read this comment please over look as I am just now catching up for the day. Thank you. If you haven't I will google and look thru the many media reporting we have seen. Possible it was reported today and I missed. Thanks again.

Do you have a link NJ, for where LE reported? I have evidently missed that report. I have only seen LE mention the firearms in the Count 3 charge in the paperwork for the Formal Charges in Circuit Court. Here is only reference from seen and it doesn't say where they were specifically found. But also this is from the Pros Attorney and you said LE reported, if you have provided by time you read this comment please over look as I am just now catching up for the day. Thank you. If you haven't I will google and look thru the many media reporting we have seen. Possible it was reported today and I missed. Thanks again.

Obviously, I am not NJ but it was discussed earlier that this was information that she saw or was told. Meaning there is no link or a report. I was under the impression that VI's did not have to provide links, as long as they expressed where the info was from or if it was their opinion.

Does anyone know the specifics on this rule?
Obviously, I am not NJ but it was discussed earlier that this was information that she saw or was told. Meaning there is no link or a report. I was under the impression that VI's did not have to provide links, as long as they expressed where the info was from or if it was their opinion.

Does anyone know the specifics on this rule?

That is correct, VI's do not need links, they can report what they know without a link.

Do you have a link NJ, for where LE reported? I have evidently missed that report. I have only seen LE mention the firearms in the Count 3 charge in the paperwork for the Formal Charges in Circuit Court. Here is only reference from seen and it doesn't say where they were specifically found. But also this is from the Pros Attorney and you said LE reported, if you have provided by time you read this comment please over look as I am just now catching up for the day. Thank you. If you haven't I will google and look thru the many media reporting we have seen. Possible it was reported today and I missed. Thanks again.

I saw it with my own eyes. It was on the information of items that were taken in first search of the house.
I don't mind answering any questions AS LONG AS I'M NOT ATTACKED for my answers.

You will not be attacked for your answers nojustice. That doesn't mean you won't have others disagree with you, but they will do it in a respectful way. I expect this from everyone.

A verified insider is someone that Administrators have personally talked with and vetted. They are allowed to post "inside" info without a link. Each member must determine for themselves how much weight to give that "inside" info. You can believe it or not. You can believe 1/2 of it or none of it or all of it. That's okay. But a VI may post without links.
I am sure they will call the gentleman that pulled AL out of the mud. He was already a bit confused about what day he did that. On the IG post he said he didn't remember if it was Thursday or Friday.

I am sure they would investigate his neighbors that spoke to LE as well.
If the guys veh had gps on it it would make him an even more credible witness. jmho
ETA I edited the orig post earlier after I realized the first 2 quotes were hung up from a prev post. Which have nothing to do with the guy pulling AL out of mud. Sorry for confusion
If the guys veh had gps on it it would make him an even more credible witness. jmho

Very true. I don't recall that he mentioned what kind of vehicle that he had, just that AL had flagged him down, when he was stuck in the mud. The fellow had spoken with LE though, so hopefully they got his statement while it was fresh on his mind.
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