AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #4

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IMO I would consider the motive of murder of both victims is likely related to money especially considering the following which I do not condone by any means. -

So if the little one was being minded elsewhere, there could have been a demand for the child allowance funds and a new girlfriend jealously refused.

The fraud would also fall into the same category - child welfare payments - eg 'I deserve them'.

Then the continuation of the fraud becomes the lie by omission story. The time that Khandy is murdered will be telling as to the reason behind her 'disposal'.

I think, if only money and fraud had be the reason to murder the 2 Angels, so why kill them extremely violent?
Stacey Lee ‏@Staceylee_ 55m55 minutes ago

Eerie photo on Hazel Passmore's Facebook of a girl wearing jacket similiar to the one found in #Wynarka suitcase.
I'm still thinking she is innocent and I'm really feeling very sorry for her.
You'll all call me a fool if I'm wrong though :)
His one-time girlfriend Hazel Passmore was yesterday seen speaking with her lawyers just hours before she met with police. She has not been charged over either murder.

She is suspected of impersonating Ms Pearce-Stevenson to gain access to her bank accounts.

Police suspect Passmore, who was left confined to a wheelchair in a crash that killed her two children, may have used Ms Pearce-Stevenson’s identity documents and even attended a bank to steal money from the murdered mother. She has not been charged but was yesterday assisting South Australian police with inquiries.

Hazel looks very mobile and very interesting that she is able to drive
i find it curious why she would wind down her window when the reporters have cameras in her face but then not sleek to them

She is either confident of her innocence or confident of being found innocent if guilty
if she's innocent why not at least respond with a resounding YES when the reporter asked

First thing her lawyer will have said is "say NOTHING to the media".
I'm beginning to think the opposite JaneSA, I think she's loving the attention. Why else would you speak to your legal team in your front yard for the whole world to see. Then for her to wind her window down and look straight at the camera's is just weird as far as I'm concerned. Wouldn't most people be hiding....
Left brain has been chugging along in the background while I live my right-brained illogical life (I do my best thinking when I'm not thinking).

Alleged Fraudster(s)

The person reported in MSM recently as being involved in alleged fraud; after Karlie was allegedly murdered in December 2008, may be involved in one or all of the fraudulent acts, or they may not.

'Karlie Pearce-Stevenson's identity, bank account and mobile phone were used for years after her death to mislead family and defraud social services, police say.'


'A group of offenders also allegedly used her mobile phone to deliberately mislead family and convince them that the mum and daughter were still alive, police allege.'


Woman who attended bank in wheelchair allegedly posing as Karlie:

It was reported in MSM that a 'woman in a wheelchair' (and, as yet, an unidentified male) had attended a credit union allegedly using Karlie's identity documents in June 2010. The female suspect in this instance had now been identified as Hazel Passmore.

'Hazel Passmore, the one-time girlfriend of accused killer Daniel Holdom, is suspected of impersonating Ms Pearce-Stevenson to gain access to her bank accounts.

[P]olice suspect Ms Passmore may have used Ms Pearce-Stevenson’s identity documents and even attended a bank to steal money from the murdered mother. She has not been charged but was yesterday assisting South Australian police with inquiries.'


Although HP is wheelchair-bound, it's also possible that the wheelchair used by the woman attending the credit union may have been not have been HP's, or it was borrowed/obtained from HP by way of a ruse, or taken by an associate for a seemingly legitimate reason, ie, repair, replacement or return and subsequently used in the fraud.

The use of a wheelchair may have simply been used as a device to garner sympathy, or explain away any change in physical appearance between, or signatures of, Karlie and her alleged impostor, in the hope bank staff would be more likely to be distracted, sympathetic, or less questioning.

Woman who attended Centrelink allegedly posing as Karlie:

It was reported in MSM that a woman allegedly posing as Karlie attended Centrelink.

'In December 2010 a woman claiming to be Ms Pearce-Stevenson also attended a compulsory interview with Centrelink at Salisbury.'


No mention is made of this woman using a wheelchair. If a person attended a Centrelink interview in a wheelchair, questions would be asked about their disability/injury if they were receiving income as a sole parent.

They would be entitled (probably encouraged) to apply for sickness/disability income and any carer could also apply for income support if the injuries/disability were incapacitating.

This would have put Karlie's alleged impostor in a difficult situation as they would have to supply medical records, doctors' certificates, etc. It would be suspicious if they subsequently did not.

Of course, an injury could be passed off as minor or temporarily incapacitating so be of no consequence to Centrelink staff.

Unless there is a substantial financial incentive to receive disability/sickness rather than sole parent income, I can't see any any advantage to a person using a wheelchair when they attended Centrelink. In fact, it would be more likely to complicate matters and lead to benefits being placed under review or withdrawn.

No judgement one way or another, despite MSM reports and a number of connections and coincidences surrounding HP, DJH , Karlie and Khandalyce. I'll leave that to the state judiciary.
I'm posting some thoughts before I catch up on the thread again but if I don't post now I'll forget what I wanted to say! I have only memorised the name of the victims and I'm on my smartphone so it's difficult to look up the names of those involved.

In regards to the possibility of the woman in the wheelchair (ex partner of Karlie's killer), I agree it is possible that she was a victim too in some way. After going through something like a car crash, suffering life changing injuries and losing your 2 children, I reckon that's about as vulnerable as you can get. If she relied on this horrible man then it's possible she was forced to do things.

I had another thought but forgot, damn it.
I've been thinking about how, as a couple, is it possible to dehumanise a person to the point where you can kill them, kill their baby, then drain their bank accounts and take over their ID for the next few years including calling their family.

We know Karlie had at least two relationships with older men who were part of this 'car club' or whatever, in Alice Springs.

[h=3]"The Weekend Australian was told that Pearce-Stevenson had at one point had a relationship with an older man called Darren Ashley."[/h]
From A tragic journey into the Abyss (behind paywall).

Darren Ashley who stabbed his wife to death:

.. and now we hear she had a relationship with DH

I think those two relationships alone are enough to give a girl a 'reputation' and induce hatred in disempowered females in her orbit. We know that most evolved women would blame the men in situations like this for taking advantage of a young vulnerable female, but other, more 'basic' women, will likely turn on the female involved, decide that she is 'less than', dehumanise her, bully her, enjoy it when she suffers, punish her.

I can see how an angry woman may want to see Karlie 'go down' especially if she is hurt and partly blames Karlie for that hurt.

Losing two of your children and your ability to walk is a lot of hurt.

I think that is enough motivation for DH to kill Karlie, and for his girlfriend to be fine with it to the point where she would use Karlie's single parents benefit, fake her ID, have no humanity towards her whatsoever, and pretend to be her to family and friends.

I also think drugs play a part in this.

Also ..... There is most likely another woman on the scene...An ambulant woman - that fronted the credit union.

If we are to believe that Karlie and The accused entered into a romantic relationship in the time that Hazel was recovering in Hospital..... then it wouldn't be much of a stretch to consider the accused may have had a few girls on the side..

Possibly another two ..... I wouldn't mind betting they are in talks with police as we post.

Police have always hinted at a larger group being involved.

That pondscum ... won't even mention Evil's name!! ... Snowtown....How do you get so many to remain silent for so long. You manipulate and control them draw them into your web of horror and make them an accessory and then rule them with fear.

Hazel looks very mobile and very interesting that she is able to drive
i find it curious why she would wind down her window when the reporters have cameras in her face but then not sleek to them

She is either confident of her innocence or confident of being found innocent if guilty
if she's innocent why not at least respond with a resounding YES when the reporter asked

She has probably been told not to comment at all. That would be advice any lawyer would give as even a yes I'm innocent can lead press to pester her more. She has a right not to say anything and that doesn't amount to an admission of guilt.

Timeline source: The Daily Telegraph
Are wikipedia links allowed on here?
so we know by reports that Karlies centrelink payments were ceased due to an "Issue" , gee , i would love to know what that 'Issue' was .

Hazel looks very mobile and very interesting that she is able to drive
i find it curious why she would wind down her window when the reporters have cameras in her face but then not sleek to them

She is either confident of her innocence or confident of being found innocent if guilty
if she's innocent why not at least respond with a resounding YES when the reporter asked

Whats the stuff on the roof of the car used for? Does anyone know?
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