AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #4

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I think, if only money and fraud had be the reason to murder the 2 Angels, so why kill them extremely violent?

IMO from the cases I've followed in here, it would appear than an erupted rage is capable of anything that has been dormant in a perps mind.
Attempting to rationalise such acts is beyond a reasoned mind it would seem IMO.
And the person who killed Karlie in Belanglo is going to say they reverse over Karlie by accident.

Yeah, seen that one on many occasions, a lot in alcoholics. I think it is alcoholism, some of it to do with sleep patterns etc. Like a total head explosion with rage.

IMO from the cases I've followed in here, it would appear than an erupted rage is capable of anything that has been dormant in a perps mind.
Attempting to rationalise such acts is beyond a reasoned mind it would seem IMO.
DJH may attempt to claim mental instability following his car accident for the murder of Karlie perhaps, however he'll not get away with that for Khandalyce IMO. (If indeed he is found to have murdered the little one).
I'm really wondering about that particular article, because if he was serving time, why would it be stated that he did not apply for bail and that the judge formally declined it anyway. The article for example discusses the court appearance

Surely if you're already in goal serving time for a previous offence you cannot apply for bail? I suspect this journalist has confused the prisoner questioned earlier in Cessnock Prison with the man actually charged with Karlie's murder.

<modsnip> At court, bail is formally refused even if it is not applied for by the person charged. As the word implies, it's a formality in this case.
same here . to me she is saying {IMO} Look at me Daneil, you piece of filthy of **** , I'm going to expose typo for the filthy piece of %#$% , you are , you killed my kids , you left me para , you recked my life and ALL I EVER DID WAS LOVE YOU . I also believe that she will play the "poor me " card . thinking that she can get symphony and let off , after all SHE has been through...

She looks very confident to me. And she doesn't look upset, shaken or anything. Weird.
Well, if that's the case. That would have to be another person.

Yes, or the same person using a wheelchair in the first instance and not in the second. Not clear as I have yet to read more details about the woman who attended Centrelink allegedly posing as Karlie.
If she's been under coercion then it is possible some of those charges might be reduced. I daresay being a paralyzed single mother with few resources leads to being very easy for a violent man to intimidate. And as soon as she did *anything* to assist Holdom, she became a paralyzed single mother who also faced prison if she spoke up.

I suspect the reality of the situation is too complicated for us to appreciate at this distance, but the police have some idea and are attempting to handle her with decency and compassion. She may have been complicit in some things but not other things. Both victim and perpetrator.

I get the feeling Holdom is a very controlling man and there would have been elements of domestic violence in his relationships, not necessarily physical. I am not trying to deflect responsibility from Hazel if she was involved in the fraud, either.

I get the feeling Holdom is a very controlling man and there would have been elements of domestic violence in his relationships, not necessarily physical. I am not trying to deflect responsibility from Hazel if she was involved in the fraud, either.

I see Holdom is still referred to as a paedophile yet I cannot find any of his names on Mako. Any other places to look?

I think he looks like a creep. And I have a bit of a problem with the press saying Karlie would have been romantically involved with him. I kind of doubt that.

If you look at the picture in the Marion shopping centre, Karlie looks like cr*p. Not the way someone looks that is happily romantically involved.
I wouldn't be surprised if he exploited Karlie in whatever way. And I don't even want to think about why Khandalyce was kept alive longer than karlie.
I hope they'll also look into the other two cases I've mentioned a few times before. melissa - sa

Just to make sure what he was up to when these women disappeared/were found murdered, in and close to Adelaide.

These murders could be similiar to Snowtown murders which were basically one organised controlling leader manipulating several other lesser minds to do horrific things. It is wild speculation but I am starting to get the feeling this could be something even more organised than that. The existence of multiple ABNs in the accused murderer's name, multiple identities for the murderer, widespread travelling, fronting up to Centrelink offices in person. The Snowtown murderers did not even go that far with their fraud. Daniel Holdom could be a hired killer being used as a tool for a more organised fraud group. What if Karlie was targeted simply because she fits a particular identity profile that the group happens to need for some reason ie. single mother with a two year old receiving benefits, as an added bonus she has little contact with family and happens to have her entire life in a couple of suitcases in the back of her car. In that scenario we need to be careful about blaming any particular individuals, including the victim for their apparent actions as we don't know the circumstances of their involvement. The individuals' actions appear to be stupid and illogical at times but the motivations of the group could be very cunning and conniving and setting all these people up as required. Perhaps this has been done to other people in different ways but for similiar reasons? This would make it harder to link missing persons cases because they would not have the same MO. It IS coincidental that a girl went missing a few streets away from where Karlie's card was last used and then the discovery of burned bodies turning up in forests.

To provide some background to my thinking I am thinking of a situation where a friend of mine was ripped off for a small amount a few years ago by a company posing as a legitimate investment business. He checked the ABN and found it all to be legitimate and as a consequent paid a deposit into an unknown person's bank account (silly boy!) and lost his money. It was reported to the police and they said nothing could be done but they were aware of the existence of these scams and told him how to take safeguard measures for the future. I then did a bit of deeper research for ABNs in the company name that was on the deposit invoice that had been emailed to this man. They had another ABN in a slightly different name but had provided the website of the legitimate company! This ABN record revealed links to a company called Ezybonds. Research on some scam alert websites revealed an amazing amount of fraud that had been committed by that company and I quickly decided it was all too hard and the boy was better just to learn from his experience and move on.

This ABN also linked to a few IT businesses that appeared to set up bogus websites and ISPs for companies that would disappear after it was no longer needed (presumably as backup for whatever fraudulent scheme was being run at the time). I am not saying that Ezybond has anything to do with the murders but just stating that from that experience I could see how useful an untraceable bank account might be (apart from the obvious ones of collecting the dead person's benefits and coercing their family) when your fraud started to go pear shaped. Simply move on to the next identity and untraceable bank account. Could it be that an organised group is involved in that type of thing where identities and the setting up of ABNs is the main motive. The violence of the murder comes down to the person they hired?
Whoever is jailed, is going to go down as "The Child Killer"
I had assumed she was paraplegic however it has been
said the wheelchair is used to manage injuries sustained in the accident - I read that being perhaps the amputated leg rather than paraplegia ?
I'm just thinking she may have been more 'mobile' than I first thought.

Ms Passmore was left paralysed and two of her children killed in a horror car crash when Mr Holdom was at the wheel, it had earlier revealed.

Read more:

maybe both!
Lots of people drive unlicensed though :( If you don't draw attention to yourself then it's less likely you'll be pulled over.

It could explain why Karlie was driving so much. I would really like to know when HP left the hospital in Alice Springs.
It was originally said in MSM that police believe TWO women and a man were involved in the fraud using Karlie's ID. So we have DJH and HP (who is woman in wheelchair). Maybe the other woman is whoever Khandles was left with while Karlie was killed (HP still being in hospital at the time)

I wonder who looked after the surviving child from the crash while Hazel was in hospital, too? Holbom or another woman?
Social Security fraud is a biggie , her in Aus not forgetting to mention the bank ?
Agree - Australia's not big on "immunity". The only thing that will work remotely in favour in reducing a sentence, is co-operating.
yes , strange how HP has surfaced but not the other one , oh my , maybe she is an another victim .IMO
It was originally said in MSM that police believe TWO women and a man were involved in the fraud using Karlie's ID. So we have DJH and HP (who is woman in wheelchair). Maybe the other woman is whoever Khandles was left with while Karlie was killed (HP still being in hospital at the time)
Or did another socio-path reverse over Karlie, maybe while she slept or in a coma?

Did they do an express run back, dumping Khandles along the way?

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