Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #10

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I am not even convinced he was ever in the house, the laundry appears to have an outside door, which is quite common, mine does, so when I have a tradesman come, I invite them in that way. I remember looking at photos of the house and it looks unfenced and the laundry looks to be easily approached without entering the house.
I can't remember where I read it but was there a statement made about BS walking down the side of the house to look at the washing machine to give a quote for the repair ?
I wouldn't think so either but she be probably had photos in her house of the kids when BS first stopped by to see what was wrong with the machine. Unless it isn't allowed either.
I am not even convinced he was ever in the house, the laundry appears to have an outside door, which is quite common, mine does, so when I have a tradesman come, I invite them in that way. I remember looking at photos of the house and it looks unfenced and the laundry looks to be easily approached without entering the house.
I can't remember where I read it but was there a statement made about BS walking down the side of the house to look at the washing machine to give a quote for the repair ?
Good point Karo. That is something we may never know :/
The children did speak of the attacks though at the time, so that threat is not a valid one.
Surely if they found anything significant he would of been arrested. I think the case is circumstantial.

Many cases are circumstantial. I think we are going to find out the circumstances are phone pings, dodgy alibis, a witnessed yet lost spinderman tshirt causing a blockage and a prior history of raping small children.
I am not even convinced he was ever in the house, the laundry appears to have an outside door, which is quite common, mine does, so when I have a tradesman come, I invite them in that way. I remember looking at photos of the house and it looks unfenced and the laundry looks to be easily approached without entering the house.
I can't remember where I read it but was there a statement made about BS walking down the side of the house to look at the washing machine to give a quote for the repair ?

i read that very early on too but cant find it, which makes it more feasible he could make an impromptu visit without having to disturb anyone, just fix and go
They have established that around 200 people were within a 1km radius of *William’s grandmother’s house when he went missing. They are checking and plotting the movements of every single one of those people. Progress, the detectives say, is being able to exclude people from the investigation. Each time they do so, the field narrows

Once, every decade or so, “a child is abducted by some sexual deviant, or thrill killer, or in some other bizarre circumstance,” Nielssen says. These murders are extremely rare.

If someone took William, it is unlikely to have been their first offence, says Dr Michael Diamond, a forensic psychiatrist and criminal profiler. “You don’t just do this sort of crime for the first time,” he says. “You would have to overcome other experiential things that confront you if you are going to do something of that magnitude. Is it somebody who has access to a child, and thought about it and not done it because their contact is too obvious, and so it has been

a rehearsed and lived-in fantasy without the terrible outcome

If Williams disappearance was indeed opportunistic and has resulted on that day at that time simply because someone has come across a child that was unsupervised for a very short time.

Then it seems imo that at least in the initial period following the abduction then things would not have been planned and well rehearsed.

A lived in fantasy without the terrible outcome.

Sat, 9.20am: Police revealed this morning they hold grave fears for William Tyrell as he suffers asthma which is triggered by stress.

I keep thinking about the fact William had asthma that was triggered by stress.
Many cases are circumstantial. I think we are going to find out the circumstances are phone pings, dodgy alibis, a witnessed yet lost spinderman tshirt causing a blockage and a prior history of raping small children.

As for the Baden-Clay case everything was circumstantial except for the scratches on his face & he's where he belongs for a long time.
Oops I forgot about Alison's blood was found in her car.
The man and his wife who live with a number of children in their Bonny Hills home, took refuge at a close friend's house at nearby Lakeview on Tuesday night while police seized a number of items from their property and a unit at Laurieton.

The friend said the grandfather was "absolutely devastated" that he had been questioned by police and told he was a suspect.

"Well he's very, you can imagine, he is very very distressed," the friend said.
The man returned briefly to the house he was staying on Teal Close at 4pm on Wednesday but drove away when he saw media outside his friend's home

"The kids love him, he's magic," the friend said.

teal close is very close to christmas cove caravan park and 9 mins drive to the haven caravan park searched by police
Why is the question we are all asking generally!

I agree he answered that question badly. If he is in any way innocent, it would of been better to be openly reject the connotations, as you say. Rather than coming across aloof and careful, as many, many, many people are told to do by their lawyers.

Like President Clinton looking down the barrel of the camera saying 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman'. We all know that outcome, hey but it was worth the try.
OK now bring out the dress!
i read that very early on too but cant find it, which makes it more feasible he could make an impromptu visit without having to disturb anyone, just fix and go

It appears from the photos I've seen the laundry door is the back door.
I wouldnt be impressed if a service man came into my house unannounced.
The parents interview is so upsetting - I just cannot imagine what they are feeling every minute of everyday since their little boy vanished.

If someone has him and he is alive............
To imagine that something else is going on --we cant live a life like that. We need to know where he is and what happened to him.

Williams mother was so articulate with her words - under the most difficult of circumstances.

She did not say what is happening to him though.
In terms of grieving, it would perhaps be *better if they had a body and they knew he was dead, the detective says. “But they can’t bear to say he’s dead, because that would mean giving up hope.” And at this point, hope is all they have.

“The worst case is not that a body is found,” Jubelin says. “The worst case is that a body is never found.”

This article was published just days before BS was charged by homicide detectives for historical sexual abuse charges.
There are a few comments that have been or said to have been made by BS that I think are rather odd given the circumstances.

* "It's the fact we have children too and it could happen to us? That is always on my mind." = Criminal profile made reference to the person responsible may have had access to children.
* I had no involvement I wasn't there on the day it occurred. = It appears he was due to be the day William went missing.
* I never did a thing to hurt William Tyrrell. = Hurt ???
* Hey I think I have been there. = Yep he had been there and was due to return the very day William vanished.

As for the Baden-Clay case everything was circumstantial except for the scratches on his face & he's where he belongs for a long time.
Oops I forgot about Alison's blood was found in her car.

And all those leaves and twigs in her just done hair which all came from their yard.
Originally Posted by bearbear View Post
William Spedding: I never did anything to hurt William Tyrell

by stating this it could be taken to mean yes, he saw william but handed him over to some other monster, so theoretically he never hurt william?
some of his other statements also

Or William may have had an athsma attack and BS could be refusing blame for that saying that he didn't hurt him, the asthma attack did.

If this guy lied about raping two little girls ... if he lied about not going to grandma's house that morning ... if he lied about coffee with his wife, and the school assembly .... I'm not happy to believe that whatever else comes out of his mouth is just a distortion of the truth.

How can we tell the truth from the lies? :dunno:
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