Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 9

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Does anyone think police had their eyes on Spedding from the start, and that they just said they were baffled as they were trying to monitor him?

Perhaps homicide were brought in as they had more resources. Maybe there was only so far the local police could take their investigation.

IMO he was questioned early on because he had been at the house, when LE found some inconsistencies in what he told them and they connected it to calls they had received, they investigated further and found his history.

I don't think it was anything to do with how far the local police could take the investigation - just the timing of what was found.
Since I was the one questioning the phone call(s) I thought I'd go ahead and post this clarification that I just found:

"Colin said Mr Spedding had visited William's grandmother's house on Monday, September 8, but needed to order a part, which arrived on Thursday September 11.

He said that, when Mr Spedding got in touch with the family on Friday, the day that William went missing, he initially couldn't get a hold of the grandmother.

Mr Spedding is understood to have told police that, at the time the toddler disappeared, he was having coffee with his wife in nearby Laurieton.

He said he then went to a nearby school presentation.

"He's rung them again because he couldn't get them in the morning," Colin said.

"Then [William's] mother answered it and said, 'Oh I'm afraid, look I'm afraid you can't come and do it at the moment - we will give you a call when we can.' ""

" William Tyrell: homicide detectives join search for missing three-year-old

Police say they are not treating boy’s disappearance as murder but are ensuring ‘a thorough investigation’ "


"Sex crimes squad officers and other specialist police are also involved in the investigation."

hm. hope that's the reason homicide (and sex crimes unit) was involved as early as December 20, 2014 - the date of this article.

IMO though they had a good idea what they were looking for from the start.

Four year olds are smart and articulate most of the time. IMO the sister probably saw or heard SOMETHING as they played together and William disappeared, and she surely told her parents/grandmother exactly what (who?) that was.

So was Bill the sole carer of those children when MS was in hospital having her hip operation?
Could that situation have made Bill make bad sexual decisions?
So was Bill the sole carer of those children when MS was in hospital having her hip operation?
Could that situation have made Bill make bad sexual decisions?

JMO, being a made Bill make bad sexual decisions, not his wife being in the hospital. Lots of women go into the hospital without their husbands being MADE to make bad sexual decisions. That is no excuse. JMO.
The fostering of BS'S grandson's was done legally through court. MS got custody of them rather than them going to a stranger to be fostered.

It's called kinship care here in Aus. It's my understanding that this was the situation with BS step-grandies. I'm interested in the other children he apparently "took in over the years" according to his son...was this in regard to other biological family members of his current wife, or other unrelated children? Let's not forget the Victorian police are also investigating child abuse claims in relation to BS. The system here in Aus is dismal. In my early years I was subjected to abuse by a family member. It turned my guts when I found out that he was jailed for raping his 2 stepdaughters aged 8 and 6. One of the girls was in hospital for some time due to internal injuries. The guilt I experienced after finding this out was horrible. I thought if I had said something, perhaps I could have spared these girls the horror, but then after opening up to my Dad as an adult, I found out that he did it before he abused me. My mum knew of the accusations against her brother but still let him in our home, she took him in and I often wonder how different my life would be if she didn't. I wish somebody noticed the changes in the younger me. I was 4 years old.
It's called 'kinship care' I believe, which may have different regulations to straight out foster care. Re: the Speddings custody of grandchildren
Oh snap! AussieEvie, you just posted a much better reply. Btw are they RRs in ur profile pic? My furbaby, all 50kg of him! is a Ridgy....
It's called kinship care here in Aus. It's my understanding that this was the situation with BS step-grandies. I'm interested in the other children he apparently "took in over the years" according to his son...was this in regard to other biological family members of his current wife, or other unrelated children? Let's not forget the Victorian police are also investigating child abuse claims in relation to BS. The system here in Aus is dismal. In my early years I was subjected to abuse by a family member. It turned my guts when I found out that he was jailed for raping his 2 stepdaughters aged 8 and 6. One of the girls was in hospital for some time due to internal injuries. The guilt I experienced after finding this out was horrible. I thought if I had said something, perhaps I could have spared these girls the horror, but then after opening up to my Dad as an adult, I found out that he did it before he abused me. My mum knew of the accusations against her brother but still let him in our home, she took him in and I often wonder how different my life would be if she didn't. I wish somebody noticed the changes in the younger me. I was 4 years old.

I wish I could give you a hug :grouphug:
I have another question.. just to be sure I'm understanding the family dynamics correctly here..

can someone please tell me if I have this correct?

William's grandmother and mother are actually his foster mother and foster grandmother. I have no clue what their surname even is (has it ever been reported or has it always just been "william's grandmother" in media? I don't care who they are, I just wonder if there's something easier to refer to them as instead of "williams foster grandmother" etc)


Bill and Margaret Spedding are also foster parents.

Is that right?

How long have the two families known one another? Do they both post in the same online foster parent group, did they both take the same foster family education class years ago (like maybe 28 of them, randomly throwing a number out there), what other foster parents of senior age have ever had unsubstantiated claims of child abuse levied against them that might have coincidentally taken a similar class or other wise found the foster parents in the same place at the same time? Anything? Anyone? Could the foster system inadvertently be, in small part, the pedo system due to BS et al taking advantage of children who are already of questionable emotional health? (just saying could multiple foster couples be fostering to get their hands on children for this purpose, not saying the gov't actually knows about it).. pure speculation..

No idea how it works there. Here in the US being a foster parent isnt' anything to be ashamed of or lie about or hide or "gag order" or whatever so I'm not sure if they keep everything all hushhush there or if that only starts once they place a specific child in your care. But maybe ther ARE no foster parenting classes there because it's all so cloak-and-dagger there. *shrug*
I don't post on Williams board often, but try to check in every few weeks to catch up.
I agree--the fostering connection seems like it could be more than coincidental (even if the fostering details are not the same in each family).
I listened to an American foster parent podcast once and they referred to the foster community and talked about getting support from other foster parents. So that seems like a logical connection.
Just about the Tshirt in the pipe (or wherever it was). I'm not knowledgable re plumbing, especially septic, but is it possible that if the tshirt had only just been flushed, could that mean there is a delay in it actually getting to the septic tank i.e. it's flushed, goes down the toilet but gets stuck between toilet and septic tank?
Could BS have flushed it when the police showed up to do the search (back in Jan)? Because I remember reading reports that one of the kids yelled out that there were a heap of cars outside (or something similar). Did BS hear the kids yell out, look out the window, realise it was LE, and in desperation flushed shirt down toilet?

Who flushes t-shirts? Has anyone reading this board ever flushed a t-shirt or lived with a t-shirt flushing partner?
FWIW -I'm just re-reading the links provided to me above .. and I thought I'd mention this..

you know how they keep mentioning that besides searching the house, the underground maze of rooms, and the septic tank, they did some excavation in the back yard?

We have had trouble with our septic for a few years now and we've had to have my husband's friend come in with a backhoe several times to dig up the yard so he could access the outlet pipe and remove the boxer shorts that were clogging it that first time for example, and also to use an auger to ream it out, for lack of a better term. So I am fairly certain the excavation woudl be related to the septic/clogged pipe JMO and FWIW.

I knew nothing about septic systems till we move out here, we always had city water and sewer before. It's startling how much of a learning curve there really is IMO.. from septic safe toilet paper to not flushing tampons or condoms (no that's not TMI, the fact that I've had my tubes tied might be though - point being that's not something we've had issues with but we were indeed told that's another thing to NOT put in a septic system), to having to use bleach twice a year throughout the system to keep it safe for use, etc etc... so thought I'd mention it. You have to get the septic tank emptied every couple of years regardless. I wonder who they usually use? And if they ever found anything suspect in the past?
Ok, I see where you had a pair of boxers clogging your septic. Nothing meant by my "who flushed tshirts?" post, just honestly have never done this...
Are you posting on the Noah Thomas thread, GGE? That's on thread #6 of mostly septic tank discussion, not sure what else there could be to say, but you probably know more than the average sewer tank poster :)
Questions for Aussies (or anyone else who knows the answers):
1. Is the secrecy concerning the family of a foster child standard practice in AU? I mean, the fact that he is a foster and that cannot be discussed is referred to so often in the media, I always envision William as Kate Middleton's love child or something. I understand not announcing a child is in FC because of physical abuse or whatever, but it seems extra secretive. So is this the norm or any ideas why this is so clandestine?
Same with the term "complicated" family history. What could that mean?
2. Is a whitegoods repair man the same as an appliance repair man?
3. How far was Williams foster home from Grandmother (10 min? an hour?)
Sorry for the back-to-back posts!
Also, I'm sure this has been discussed, but if I were innocent, and the police wouldn't publicly clear me, I would be proclaiming my innocence to every journalist who would talk to me. Has WS done this? I would want police to announce to everyone I was cleared.
Questions for Aussies (or anyone else who knows the answers):
1. Is the secrecy concerning the family of a foster child standard practice in AU? I mean, the fact that he is a foster and that cannot be discussed is referred to so often in the media, I always envision William as Kate Middleton's love child or something. I understand not announcing a child is in FC because of physical abuse or whatever, but it seems extra secretive. So is this the norm or any ideas why this is so clandestine?
Same with the term "complicated" family history. What could that mean?
2. Is a whitegoods repair man the same as an appliance repair man?
3. How far was Williams foster home from Grandmother (10 min? an hour?)
Sorry for the back-to-back posts!

1. Yes, and technically it shouldn't be being discussed (not directed at you, just in general). Children in care cannot be identified as such in the media without express permission of the director of child protective services etc, presumably to protect all involved (from vindictive bio family etc), inc other kids in their care if applicable.

2. Yep more or less. Wikipedia clarifies - Many major appliances are made of enamel-coated sheet steel which, in the middle 20th century, was usually white. The term white goods or whiteware,[1] in contrast to brown goods, is also used, primarily where British English is spoken, although definitions for the term "white goods" can differ. In the United States, the term white goods more commonly refers to linens rather than appliances.

Whitegoods are mainly cooking or cleaning appliances, whereas browngoods (first I've ever heard that term though, ie in the link above; I've heard whitegoods pretty commonly here) is more consumer electronics like cameras, TVs, stereos etc.

3. At least 3.5hrs, not counting any heavy traffic etc.

Also, I'm sure this has been discussed, but if I were innocent, and the police wouldn't publicly clear me, I would be proclaiming my innocence to every journalist who would talk to me. Has WS done this? I would want police to announce to everyone I was cleared.

Not as much as one might expect. He did make a comment, the wording of which raised a few people's suspicions; something like "I never did anything to hurt William Tyrrell" (still compatible with having taken him and passed him to someone else, etc), not "I had nothing to do with his disappearance"... but then who knows how you'd react in such a situation, which is likely why legal representation always instruct clients to say "no comment" or whatever, so your words can't be twisted, selectively quoted, or taken as some admission of guilt when you just chose your wording poorly, etc.
Possibly an initial search description given to police by WTs parents included him wearing a shirt under his Spider-Man suit that matched the description of the shirt later found by the plumber, but it might have just been very generic, such as target brand, size ...., plain .... In colour . That may have been enough to authorise a search, because what William was wearing under his costume has never been made public knowledge as far as I'm aware?
No doubt if this is the case it will be argued to death that a shirt of that description found in BS's pipes could have belonged to any child :(

In the recent interview with William's parents, his mother said she wanted William to wear a singlet under his Spiderman suit but he didn't want to. So they compromised and he put on a Spiderman t shirt instead.
It's called kinship care here in Aus. It's my understanding that this was the situation with BS step-grandies. I'm interested in the other children he apparently "took in over the years" according to his son...was this in regard to other biological family members of his current wife, or other unrelated children? Let's not forget the Victorian police are also investigating child abuse claims in relation to BS. The system here in Aus is dismal. In my early years I was subjected to abuse by a family member. It turned my guts when I found out that he was jailed for raping his 2 stepdaughters aged 8 and 6. One of the girls was in hospital for some time due to internal injuries. The guilt I experienced after finding this out was horrible. I thought if I had said something, perhaps I could have spared these girls the horror, but then after opening up to my Dad as an adult, I found out that he did it before he abused me. My mum knew of the accusations against her brother but still let him in our home, she took him in and I often wonder how different my life would be if she didn't. I wish somebody noticed the changes in the younger me. I was 4 years old.

You poor little heart breaks for what you went through....much love and hugs xxxxxxxxx
wondering if bs has groomed members of his p/ring?
I'm wondering if woman are generally involved in pedo rings? Seems to me that the wives and partners of these creeps would have to have some idea of what's going on and I think the txt sent by MS shows she at least knew of the allegations from 27 years ago.
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