Baez Tries to Sneak Bracelet to Casey

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I watched the hearing again last night to see if I could catch anything new. I have heard some comment that JB's wife picked out the suit for KC, does anyone know if he has a wife? He was not wearing a wedding band yesterday.
The Orange County jail guards found it inside Casey's clothing, which Jose Baez dropped off right at the visitation center. The jail said, because it's a rubber band and not a weapon, no harm, no foul.

this is a big nothing again.
From the jail's perspective, it may be a nothing. From the judge's perspective, it may have more substance.

An exception was made for Casey to wear street clothes to pretrial motions. In general, jail issue is worn until there is a jury present.

I would imagine the judge has the ability to revoke the privilege given the fact that it was abused.
Am I the only one who thinks we are about to see these new bracelets go up for sale on the A's Caylee is Missing website? I can't imagine they just made the one.
Ah yes, the finger pointing has hit full speed... but it begs to ask: I thought "Black" was no longer Baez's spokeperson.

I thought there was no such person as Todd one, that I've heard, has ever seen him, and he said that is not his real name...:crazy:

Who is "Todd Black"?

Or, better question...Who plays "Todd Black" on TV and in media releases?
Why is it not considered a weapon? My son stung me with one and it hurt!
Seriously, anything, should be considered contraband, and attorneys know better.
In our zero-tolerance school district, rubber bands are (and I kid you not) considered weapons. I learned this when my then-fourth-grade son nearly got suspended for possession of a rubber band with intent to shoot.

Not that I for a second believe that Casey was slipped a rubber bracelet to stage a jailbreak :crazy::crazy::crazy:
In most jails, isn't white socks the only approved covering for feet, (besides shoes, of course)

Elphaba, i believe you are right about the white socks being the only approved socks in correctional institutions/jails.
Linda Kenney-Baden has obviously had a full makeover (including a facelift, I suspect) and has lost weight since the Specter trial. During that trial she was overweight, wore ill-fitting clothing and her hair was an awful, home-bleached looking, overprocessed mess. There were numerous discussions of her poor appearance, with commenters who are professional hairdressers offering to consult free with her to let her know what needed to be done with her hair. (Cut it, treat it, etc.)

LKBs looks changed so much from the time of the Spectre trial that I literally didn't recognize her the first time she reappeared on TV as a Talking Head after her makeover.
It was that much of a difference.

Whether she now considers herself qualified to advise others in "courtroom appearance" I do not know. But at least now she seems to be aware that it is important and would most likely know who to consult on such matters.

Casey's jacket was indeed ill-fitting. It was pulling badly at the button over the chest and just did not fit her well on the overall. Weight gain would account for this if it was her jacket to begin with.

Someone must have instructed her not to wear any makeup for her court appearance. And this is a woman who was obviously used to wearing quite a bit of eye makeup at all times, as evidenced by her "eye wiping technique" when she cries. She is wiping her eyes in a manner to try to stop the makeup from running down her face a la the Tammy Fae Baker look. (I know this because I have done it myself, recognized what she was doing right away.)

She would also have been given instructions how to wear her hair. Judging from her last appearance, her hair IS long enough to be pulled back and up. I doubt she has the availability of a hairpiece while in jail.

Last but not least, does anyone else thnk that Lsa Bloom of TrueTV looks wa-a-a-ay
dfferent lately? What's up wth that? And yes, I see that she has a different hairstyle.
When I heard it said that CA was the one that tried to sneak it in..(who knows what the truth is).. my feelings went back and forth between two thoughts on this.. either CA is still deep in denial and thought kc would appreciate it..
my stronger feeling is that she sent it in as a message saying Caylee is 1st in their thoughts and sent it in kinda as a dig.

I can see CA sending it in as sort of a vindictive message to kc to tell kc that thats still where her primary priority should be.

they are all fools.
Question: Is there ANYTHING the public can do ... a letter to write ... a complaint to file, ANYTHING ... against JB?

A public outcry of sorts, to ask that everything he's done be looked at closer and hopefully REPRIMANDED and possibly bring in a new lawyer???
PLease do not use Websleuths to stage any kind of organized campaign for letter writing,emails, petitions or anything like that for anything. UNLESS Tricia is personally behind it and you have her permission it is not ok.
Aprilshowers, I am sorry that i am picking on you, but this happens all the time. So unless I put it out there it will continue to happen. You are a tough cookie as I know from your posts, so I know you will understand. I know your intentions are the best, but this forum is not to be used in that way unless Tricia chooses it to be.
Baez Tries To Sneak Bracelet To Jailed Casey

Friday, January 30, 2009 – updated: 5:24 pm EST January 30, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News learned Casey Anthony may have been slipped some contraband in the suit she wore to court for Friday's hearing. Jail officials told Eyewitness News they discovered a "Caylee" bracelet stashed in the clothes Jose Baez dropped off this week.

The way I see it, if he wants his client to testify, put her on the stand! Instead he is trying to do it with a bracelet with a slogan that his client doesn't know the meaning of.
I think the question here could be, "What makes a lawyer sneak contraband into a jail(regardless of what it is) to set his client up to be reprimanded for being caught with unacceptable items. What does that say to his client other than I'm a sneay sly fox? I guess that translates to shyster like other posters have stated. So I'm not concerned about what the item was but for his blatant disregard for the rules. I'm going to be counting the amount of different dress suits JB will be wearing everyday to trial. Suits are very expensive. I think this goes under how JB is marketing himself for what he might forsee as future careers.
Am I the only one who thinks we are about to see these new bracelets go up for sale on the A's Caylee is Missing website? I can't imagine they just made the one.

I am SO glad I'm not the only one that thought that. :clap:

It was the very first thing that came to my mind when I read the article. Now they're going to make money off of "Always in our heart's Caylee Marie Anthony" memorabilia. Unbelievable! :bang:
I don't know about JB but I can certainly see CA putting the bracelet in the sock. But then you have to think...was she saying..."here's something for you, love mom" or "here's a little something to remember your daughter that you murdered."....HMMM, wonder if she sent a bill for $10 as that's what the going rate is for a Caylee bracelet from the Anthonys.

I wanted to ask the question, is any more of these bracelets going to show up on the Caylee is missing website? Betcha
I wanted to ask the question, is any more of these bracelets going to show up on the Caylee is missing website? Betcha

I'm sure they are and then we will have the answer to who slipped the bracelet to KC. I have no doubt who it was. Another sneaky CA move. I don't believe that JB had anything to do with this.
I'm sure they are and then we will have the answer to who slipped the bracelet to KC. I have no doubt who it was. Another sneaky CA move. I don't believe that JB had anything to do with this.

I think you are absolutely right. Hoping KC would start advertising them for the Family.
Come on guys. Stay on topic and keep it constructive. thanks
Whoever put that bracelet in her jacket or sock should be held accountable for their actions. Also the judge should get to the bottom of this Todd Black person. . Makes my skin crawl.
No matter really. He is the lawyer and he is the one bringing things in to the jail. HE should be smart enough to check them.
what if there was a weapon or drugs or whatever in those clothes?
IMO, it's on him to make sure he doesn't bring contraband in.

If I were an inmate, I would expect my attorney to know the rules and as an officer of the law to do right by me. Harmless or not he knows the rules. If it was ok, then why not give it to the jail to give her. NOT !! Flagrant disegard for authority, gosh that reminds me of someone with the initials KC. :banghead:
A *lawyer* who WOULD bring STUFF to an INMATE without inspecting it????????

Call me cynical but if this was Vegas, I'd bet Baez was aware of the bracelet.


I'm not convinced. I just see don't see any motivation for JB to do that. I think CA wanted to show her the new product for sale, just like they showed her the t-shirts, talked about paid jobs with KFN etc. Keeping her up to date.

JB probably didn't suspect CA would pull something like that. But if I was collecting anything from CA to bring to jail, I'd certainly check the pockets as I wouldn't be trusting her.

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