Being sober is boring: Charlie Sheen

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Bipolar calls for an equivalent depression. My mother is bipolar, and though the mania was a huge PITA, the depression was truly terrifying.

Does CS have a history of depression?

With his money and entourage of enablers, I think he could easily hide any depressive episodes. Possibly with illegal chemical assistance to prop him up enough to make the occasional relatively normal seeming appearance.

I was intrigued by a therapist (psychiatrist?) who specialises in dual diagnosis patients that sometimes bi-polar depression in men can present as increased rage.

I don't know if Charlie Sheen has bi-polar or what, but if there was ever a person who might mask depression with rage, he'd be my candidate.
It could be bi-polar disorder or addiction or both. Lots of people have dual diagnosis I imagine that long term drug and alcohol abuse can cause brain chemistry changes and mental illness. Everyone's opinions have been very informative. One thing we all agree on - this guy needs help soon.
He did another radio show I know he needs help desperately, but I think he sounds a little better. JMO

Scroll way down for the video...

Charlie Sheen took to the airwaves today on a Californian radio station - where he was interviewed live from his home as he ran on a treadmill.
The 45-year-old actor, who was fired from Two And A Half Men on Monday, talked about his possible replacements - and wished them good luck.

He also offered a 'half apology' to his former co-star Jon Cryer for calling him a 'turncoat and a troll' but later told the hosts of K-EARTH 101 that Cryer was awful at fluffing his lines.

During his breathless interview, Sheen also challenged Celebrity Rehab's Dr. Drew Pinsky to a boxing match.
Speaking about the experts who have branded him unstable, he said: 'I have to scoff at their silliness ... they never met the man.'

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I missed a link somewhere?

I"m not being sassy either. Has Charlie Sheen been diagnosed with bipolar disease?

I see a lot of posts stating it as fact so I had to have missed where it was said that he for sure has bipolar disease.

If it hasn't been stated then we can't assume he has it because as OLG pointed out a page or so ago---chronic drug use, advanced addition issues---can also show themselves in the types of behaviors we are seeing Charlie exhibit at this time.

So if someone can bump me a link because I searched but I guess I'm not searching correctly. If it hasn't been published he could very well be in the throws of a very very ugly advanced addiction. As an aside: if you have never seen an alcoholic hit the state of wet brain...count yourself lucky. You can't pump your body full of chemicals for decades and not do damage. You just can't. JMHO.

Can someone tell me just what exactly is "wet brain". My BF drinks alot and I worry about him. TIA
I heard Charlie on TV and he is sick w/ a couple of disorders. I still feel he is playing this for all its worth. He loves the attention and thrieves on it.

The fact that he is doing a radio interview while running on a treadmill shows he still is not right in the head. Maybe he needs to run to keep his mania going? That's just strange and indicative of something or other.
Carlos wants to have 7 year old Sam over to his house this weekend for a birthday party and Denise is saying NO WAY! Good for her!

And just many parents of her little friends would be willing to allow their baby to attend the party? Considering the environment at Sober Valley Lodge with the hangers on and the goddesses and CS erratic behavior, I wouldn't be so inclined. MOO

Wow, how did I miss this Sheen quote from earlier, about people watching him from home:

"You know they lay down with their ugly wives in front of their ugly children and look at their loser lives and then they look at me and they say "I can't process it"

This is just a horrible disgusting statement for him to make. It also shows how mean spirited he is. He actually believes he is so superior to everyone else. He definitely is having delusions of grandeur. That could either be mental illness or just his addiction talking. It's statements like this this that makes me think he has completely damaged his career and it will make it very hard to recover from even if he was to get clean and sober. He thinks he is so "special". He also takes all of the credit for TAHM when in my opinion, he is the least talented on the show, Jon Cryer, the woman who plays the housekeeper, and Holland Taylor are all really funny. He doesn't give credit to the other actors, writers, and yes producers and says about Warner Bros television that "he put 5 billion in their cheap suit pockets".
I don't understand how running on a treadmill while doing an interview shows anything at all. I talk on the phone at the gym when I'm on the treadmill and have seen many others do the same.

I guess I'm the odd one out here because the more I see him talk the more I'm convinced that he is NOT crazy or losing it. I see him as arrogant and spoiled with a sense of entitlement that he's probably had his whole life. I see his rants to be the equivalent of my 4 year old sons temper tantrums, except with a bigger vocabulary.

Do I believe that he really thinks he's a warlock with Tiger Blood? No freaking way, he's putting on a show. He's even commented and laughed about how people hold onto every word he says.

I believe that Charlie knows exactly what he is doing, like gozgals said, he loves the attention and he knows he is getting it. 2.5 million followers on twitter in a week. 1 million in the first day. In the TMZ interview he did immediately prior to joining the twitter world he said something to the effect of if he ever joins fb or twitter please shoot him. My guess is someone clued him in that he can make money from it.

People are saying how awful he looks in his Ustream videos and he really did look awful but I do have to say that the lighting, camera and angle is far from how we usually see him on tv, anyone would look awful. Yes he was ranting and raving like a lunatic but we were watching his reaction to being fired, anyone would be peeved off. Most probably wouldn't throw a temper tantrum like that, especially when it was his own doing but again that's because of his pompous, arrogant, entitled to everything attitude.

Minus the snarky insulting nature of his last Ustream video below I think it was well put together and well delivered. He knows exactly what he's doing, he just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut for his own good.
[ame=""]Sheen's Korner Ep 4: Building the Perfect Torpedo, Building the Perfect TorpedoSheen's-Korner 03/08/11 08:04PM wytv on USTREAM. Comedy[/ame]
*Not sure why the link is embedding 3 different videos.
Kitty Kat, I totally agree.
I don't think he's crazy one bit. A little odd but like you said, he knows what he's doing. I bet some other actors think the same way he does, they just don't go out and say it like Sheen does.
well, regardless of what his issues are, I am so done watching this circus. I made the mistake of following him in his first 24hours or tweeting. Sort of like that train wreckage that you drive past and cannot seem to look away from. But I have spent everyday since trying like hell to "unfollow" him and twitter kept changing it back to follow! Wonder if anyone else experienced that and if that has something to do with his volume of followers building so quickly.

Whatever the reason, it was necessary for me to BLOCK him so that my unfollow would stick.

Train wreckage aside, I am making a concerted effort to look away now. Whatever is going on with him he either

A) needs some serious mental health

B) is a seriously assinine person I have no wish to listen to anymore


C) some combination of both A and B.

I'm out.
This is why you get clean in rehab, in private, away from cameras.
Many people coming off drugs appear to be off their rockers and irrational while the chemicals seep out of the system.

This is personality plus drug addict plus lifetime of enabling.
Add in cameras, instant access, and millions of followers.
Apparently it was all an act.

And we fell for it.

"It wasn't like I was really believing that if you, it’s a drug called Charlie Sheen, if you take it your face will melt off and you'll weep over your exploded body!”

Only was there to capture the interview on video in which the 45-year-old actor revealed how the obscure words and phrases he uses are just ways to amuse himself and get people talking.

Do you buy it or is this damage control?
Do you think it finally hit CS how screwed he is and is now trying to do a "do over"?
Apparently it was all an act.

And we fell for it.

Do you buy it or is this damage control?
Do you think it finally hit CS how screwed he is and is now trying to do a "do over"?

Nope. I think he is figuring out people are not supporting him in this BS and he is trying to attempt a do over.

It would be one thing if he was just pulling a scam like Joaquin Phoenix did. But what about the incident at the hotel in NY? Being taken by ambulance to the Cedars Sinai Hospital? Getting fired from his $2 Mil an episode gig? Having to fight now to see his kids? I don't think it's an act.
If it was an act, then it still makes him a for what he put his kids and co-workers through.
Apparently it was all an act.

And we fell for it.

Do you buy it or is this damage control?
Do you think it finally hit CS how screwed he is and is now trying to do a "do over"?

I don't buy it. I think this is Charlie Sheen trying to re-write history. Sadly, he's got enough money and prestige that people will probably let him get away with it.

The letter that Warner Brothers sent him that detailed some of the reasons he was fired shows a pattern of deterioration over time. He was missing rehearsals; even if Charlie thought he didn't need to rehearse, his cast members and the crew needed it.

He'd show up on set in such bad shape that they had to move his marks so he could lean on furniture in his shots; that's not as simple as moving a little mark on the floor, it means that the lighting and camera angles have to be re-set and re-checked. It also means that the marks for the rest of the cast may have had to be moved as well, which means more lighting changes and more camera angle re-checking.

It can take as little as 30 minutes for a small (six inch) change or as long as 4 hours for major changes. Every minute that goes by while the crew is on set is $$$ flying down the hole.

He'd lost over 20 pounds when he came back from hiatus. That's going to be noticeable, even on TV. He was forgetting his lines and sometimes incapable of delivering them effectively.

There's the pattern of violence against women, which has been going on for over 20 years.

Do I think he believed he literally had tiger blood and Adonis DNA? No, I think he knew they were metaphors but I think they could be seen as pressured speech, where a person is talking so fast that they spit out a variety of colourful ideas without much connection between the ideas or to reality (if you buy a house, you should never have to empty the garbage again???). And the word play, like offering a "half apology, an apol" to Jon Cryer.

In a way, it was like events were trying to slap him upside the head. He brags about how wonderful everything is at Sober Lodge Valley for his children and next thing you know, he's been slapped with a TRO preventing him from contact with his children. He brags about how well his relationship(s) with his two goddesses works and then next thing you know, one of them leaves for the night, comes back for a day, then leaves to visit her family (has not been seen since, even though Charlie apparently believes she will be bac). He brags that the network can't fire him and the next thing you know, Warner Brothers fires him.

I think that finally, Charlie slowed down long enough from whatever was driving him for his lawyers (or someone) to get through to him that it is time for serious, serious damage control.

Now he's trying to play it all off as a big joke... but I don't see many people laughing, Charlie.
I don't understand how running on a treadmill while doing an interview shows anything at all. I talk on the phone at the gym when I'm on the treadmill and have seen many others do the same.

I guess I'm the odd one out here because the more I see him talk the more I'm convinced that he is NOT crazy or losing it. I see him as arrogant and spoiled with a sense of entitlement that he's probably had his whole life. I see his rants to be the equivalent of my 4 year old sons temper tantrums, except with a bigger vocabulary.

Do I believe that he really thinks he's a warlock with Tiger Blood? No freaking way, he's putting on a show. He's even commented and laughed about how people hold onto every word he says.

I believe that Charlie knows exactly what he is doing, like gozgals said, he loves the attention and he knows he is getting it. 2.5 million followers on twitter in a week. 1 million in the first day. In the TMZ interview he did immediately prior to joining the twitter world he said something to the effect of if he ever joins fb or twitter please shoot him. My guess is someone clued him in that he can make money from it.

People are saying how awful he looks in his Ustream videos and he really did look awful but I do have to say that the lighting, camera and angle is far from how we usually see him on tv, anyone would look awful. Yes he was ranting and raving like a lunatic but we were watching his reaction to being fired, anyone would be peeved off. Most probably wouldn't throw a temper tantrum like that, especially when it was his own doing but again that's because of his pompous, arrogant, entitled to everything attitude.

Minus the snarky insulting nature of his last Ustream video below I think it was well put together and well delivered. He knows exactly what he's doing, he just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut for his own good.
Sheen's Korner Ep 4: Building the Perfect Torpedo, Building the Perfect TorpedoSheen's-Korner 03/08/11 08:04PM wytv on USTREAM. Comedy
*Not sure why the link is embedding 3 different videos.

He was making something like 2 million per episode for Two and Half Men. There is no way acting like a lunatic and getting fired from that job is a good business decision. The money to be made from relentless interviews and home videos he uploads is pennies compared to what he earned for a few hours of work per season on his sitcom.

I don't know what his problem is. But it's not just bad lighting, IMO. I saw him on a few shows. He looked gaunt and exhausted.

Apparently it was all an act.

And we fell for it.

Do you buy it or is this damage control?
Do you think it finally hit CS how screwed he is and is now trying to do a "do over"?

Damage control.

Nope. I think he is figuring out people are not supporting him in this BS and he is trying to attempt a do over.

It would be one thing if he was just pulling a scam like Joaquin Phoenix did. But what about the incident at the hotel in NY? Being taken by ambulance to the Cedars Sinai Hospital? Getting fired from his $2 Mil an episode gig? Having to fight now to see his kids? I don't think it's an act.

Exactly. Phoenix was promoting a role in a film. Sheen just lost his high-paying job. Makes zero sense.

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