Bosma Murder Trial 04.19.16 - Day 37

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The text about 'juicing' causing sore chin, stomach and ankle might just be referencing an intoxicated brawl IMO. However, if MS actually had an opiate dependance, he may have been on methadone, which is commonly called juice and is often taken mixed with orange juice. MOO

If he was on methadone it would be prescribed and there would be a record of it.
LE has said that they believe MWJ sold DM the gun used to kill his dad. I don't think they were talking about any type of long gun. MOO

I agree 100%. MWJ was more likely in the business of selling easily concealed weapons, as recent evidence showed.
Interesting though, just this week, a person was assassinated in Toronto with a sniper shot - long gun from a distance, and believed to be gang and drug related hit...
Or you could just go to a pain clinic and get a prescription no problem, as most pain clinics are very pro marijuana. Another advantage to a medical marijuana prescription would be cost if the person is a low-income-bracket earner, not just LE hassles as you mentioned earlier.

No, the medical profession is largely anti-marijuana. It is people associated with natropathy that push marijuana for health purposes. We're not really talking medical marijuana but natropathic marijuana, and natropathy is woo, IMO.

It is very hard to get marijuana from a real doctor, as MS intended to do.

(See Ezekiel Stephan trial story for an idea of my feelings on natropathy.)

Happy 4-20, by the way.

ETA: I think people keep trying to find the hard-core drug that MS was having a problem with and they are missing out on the fact that alcohol and marijuana could have been causing him a lot of problems. Pot can cause psychosis, paranoia, anxiety, delusions, even more so if you use it heavily every day. It's not a health product. It has risks.
Doesn't look anything like a gun to me. Age rectangular stock section has a big chunk out of it and the barrel appears to be rectangular as well.

The lighting in the still image appears that way... however, I recommend you watch the source video. In the video, the barrel appears round and the sling is more evident.
BBM, When exactly was the brawl where Smich got beat up? Was it at the wedding?
It could have been anytime in the past, who knows. I'm just saying that it is hard to know what they could have been talking about...hurts YOUR chin, YOUR stomach, MY ankle...sounds like a scuffle to me IMO
No, the medical profession is largely anti-marijuana. It is people associated with natropathy that push marijuana for health purposes. We're not really talking medical marijuana but natropathic marijuana, and natropathy is woo, IMO.

It is very hard to get marijuana from a real doctor, as MS intended to do.

(See Ezekiel Stephan trial story for an idea of my feelings on natropathy.)

Happy 4-20, by the way.

ETA: I think people keep trying to find the hard-core drug that MS was having a problem with and they are missing out on the fact that alcohol and marijuana could have been causing him a lot of problems. Pot can cause psychosis, paranoia, anxiety, delusions, even more so if you use it heavily every day. It's not a health product. It has risks.
My real​ doctor would disagree with you ?professional? opinion
True, but I don't think we've heard every single detail of this case or their lives, do you?

How would they miss mentioning that he was being treated with methadone for an opiate dependency, if that were the case? I mean seriously. If you have an addiction they don't send you home with the stuff - you have to go to a clinic daily. Wouldn't that show up in the phone records?
How would they miss mentioning that he was being treated with methadone for an opiate dependency, if that were the case? I mean seriously. If you have an addiction they don't send you home with the stuff - you have to go to a clinic daily. Wouldn't that show up in the phone records?
Because people don't illegally sell prescription drugs, right?
And how would you know what's been blocked by legal arguments and what hasn't?
Because people don't illegally sell prescription drugs, right?
And how would you know what's been blocked by legal arguments and what hasn't?

Why buy something that doesn't get you high?

Another, "just because there is no proof doesn't mean it didn't happen" false argument.
<modsnip> I have a friend who became addicted to oxy by prescription for back pain and he is currently on a balance of oxy and methadone because he has trouble regulating his oxy use in the face of the pain. Even though he is a pain patient, he has to go to the drug clinic. (No plans to discontinue the oxy.)
That was really *something*, wasn't it though? Who SAYS that? Who even gives ever a thought to loving themselves? Seriously sick.

Someone who doesn't know what love is and so has to make stuff up that he thinks people would say.
Also grew up around guns and riffles. I am guessing it may be a large bore CO2 air repeating rifle. Don't let the diameter of the barrel fool you.

Besides, it is illegal to leave a gun left stored like that. It would have been moved by LE.

I think it looks like 2x2 and plywood. Where does someone get shotgun from that image?
Yes, I'm aware of that, but seriously, how many people talk like that. And especially at a time when your parent dies. And especially in public. And especially while writing an obituary. Too much.

I can understand (maybe possibly, if you really twisted my arm hard) if inside DM's head each morning, he was validating himself and telling himself in a mirror that he is worthy, and that he loves himself.. but this is something so different.

It was a quote from his toronto star interview, actually.
I believe the intended meaning of this sentence may have been misinterpreted. To me, imo, it should read something more along the lines of: 'After Millard's arrest in Bosma's murder, investigators disclosed that prior to her death, Babcock had posted online advertisements offering escort services.'

It is interesting how much the interpretation of our English language can change, based on commas, word order, choice of words, etc. I also believe that some of that type of thing happens during the tweeting of testimony, or even the interpretation of what was said in testimony. And possibly also, the same thing might be said about certain texts. I have *no* idea how foreign people learn our language as a *second* language, but I sure admire those who do.

That makes sense. Thanks.
In regard to MB, I haven't really known what to think. I thought I had read at the time, that MB was out of town/not home during the time when the truck showed up at her residence, and during the time after that, and prior to DM's arrest (I guess there was just a couple of days in there, correct?). A neighbour had said she had hadn't been seen since.... I forget when..

Now we find out she was THERE, and even saw DM on the night he delivered the trailer to her home. So she knew full well that it was there, no question about that... and we also know that she and CN went to fetch DM's dog, Pedo, on, I believe it was May 11th? We know that MS knew about DM's arrest on the evening of May 10th, so we can only assume that MB also knew her son had been arrested.. for what? The theft of a truck, and forcible confinement? Wow, and here she had this big mother trailer's 'bum stuck in her warren', and apparently did not report it to LE? Nothing to say she knew anything about a 'murder', but certainly doesn't sound like she had any intention of coming forward to assist police.

It did not surprise me that MB was collecting a salary of whatever amount each month from the Millard business. It would not surprise me if that was already in effect before WM died. When the couple split up, MB would have been entitled to part of his wealth, his properties, and his business(es). I never got the impression that their split-up was fraught with acrimonious feelings. Moo.

Once DM was arrested, it seemed that MB was in there RIGHT AWAY to take care of business in a manner that made perfect sense at the time, now that we know how shaky the financial affairs of DM and MA were. I am left with the impression that she likely tried to counsel him on how best to deal with these things, but he likely wouldn't listen, went along doing his own thing, nevermind what anyone else with perhaps more intelligence and business sense may have thought. (The accounting firm used by WM for years, 'let DM down', I wonder why, can we guess?). Suddenly she seemed to have NO problem leasing out hangar space, selling the properties which must have NEEDED to be sold to pay off debts, dealing with getting out of a 50 year lease, selling the hangar that was sucking them dry, cutting their losses, trying to support her son when he is in trouble (unwarranted of course, it was as if they had said he flew to the moon), negotiating legal fees and strategies, etc.

She sounds like one smart lady to me, albeit one that seemed to have the wool pulled over her eyes by her only (adult) child. She cut ties with LW2, who according to the impression of texts I saw yesterday, hadn't handled the condo deal properly (according to DM). She made good on DM's various commitments to others such as SS and LW2.. to me, MB was living in fantasy land, thinking her son was highly intelligent, organized, had great ideas and plans, and perhaps was so smitten with her child that she believed everything DM said to her. He probably told her that the trailer was in her driveway with the truck inside because he purchased it and didn't realize it was 'hot'. Still it doesn't look good on her at all that she failed to bring it to LE's attention. At the same time, it's difficult to judge her when we don't know what the circumstances were for *her* at that time, as far as what she believed to be true.


Colin Butler &#8207;@ColinButlerCBC 1d1 day ago Millard says "real estate deal got handled sloppily" and "condo deal is going poorly" talks about "diverting all funds to fix it #Bosma

Colin Butler &#8207;@ColinButlerCBC 1d1 day ago May 5 2013 texts suggest there was "tension" at Millard's riverside property because Javier Villada needed to find a new apartment #TimBosma
Or you could just go to a pain clinic and get a prescription no problem, as most pain clinics are very pro marijuana. Another advantage to a medical marijuana prescription would be cost if the person is a low-income-bracket earner, not just LE hassles as you mentioned earlier.

Why don't doctors just prescribe marinol? It's regulated, measured and treated like any other drug (except palliative care where they ban it for some bizarre reason).
MB has some explaining to do IMO. Why did she not let LE know DM delivered a trailer to her house the night before DM was arrested? It was not until the 12th that LE discovered the trailer. And she knew that they were looking for the truck and DM was arressted, she rescued Pedo on the 11th. MOO
All this talk of how, I'll just jump in here.

It is not that hard to get a prescription for pot. The list the SD listed is not the full list I seen at the doctor. Those are major ones but not all of them.
Even with a prescription, you still have to pay...regardless of your drug coverage. There is a plan called "compassionate pricing" which if you qualify (MS probably would) you'd get almost 1/2 price off the listed cost.
If you suffer from severe mental illness, the pot doc probably will not grant you a prescription. If you have history of substance abuse (Meth, heroine, cocaine etc) you probably won't get a prescription. These are all questions on the form and a rapid pee test is given to verify (at each appointment) that you are not taken other common street drugs.
Some docs will not consider referral to the pot doc, where others are ok with it.
There are special docs for this, your GP is not one of those docs that prescribe it. Some doc's would rather see their patients on pot rather then Oxys, morphine or fentelyl patches.
The card is great for someone that smokes alot, they can legally carry up to their monthly prescription. Which needs to be renewed every 3 months.

Call me ignorant on this subject... but the way that someone explained it to me a few months ago, was that the main ingredient that causes the 'high' in marijuana gets removed in the 'medicinal' variety, and so the user gets the pain dealt with without the high. If that was true, then why would so many people want to get scripts. I'm assuming that it does still provide some kind of high? I have also heard that scripts aren't that difficult to get. I was wondering about the financial difference between medicinal and street-pot.. but I guess if someone is on some kind of social assistance, all of their meds are covered anyway? Sweet deal, I guess?
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