CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #1

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I didn't explain myself after I made that comment about what Tammie heard.

I don't buy that lame aZZ excuse, I was just commenting that a "local rumor" had some merit to it. I LOVE when that happens! Sometimes I find out way more from local comments than from the media!

I'm sorry, I know you weren't buying it either, I was really responding more to Amber's little rant and tossing my 2 cents in on the whole idea of it not being accidental. :blowkiss:

Maybe I should send that link to the pics once a day! :rolleyes:

I keep meaning to do the same, some days I make it. My dd's kitten dumped a cup of soda on my laptop last week, 2 days before doc drop! After it dried and actually still worked I put off taking it to the shop so I could read the new docs, now I've just been lazy, but each key stroke is torture! :pcguru:
The sores around the mouth made me think tweeker right away! I haven't heard many rumours about that, but it does make me wonder. I mean, who among her friends is going to admit.."Oh, yeah btw, we're meth users" anyway???

I do know that methies are highly impulsive, maybe this is part of what happened to Emma. :confused:

I've been lurking on Emma's thread since the beginning but to answer your thought..Yes, methies are HIGHLY impulsive. I am a meth addict and boy impulsive shouldn't even be the word. When I was on meth time would pass by so fast. You look at the clock one min and then look again and then bam 8 hours has passed. I'm wonder if this was the case with Emma.
I've been lurking on Emma's thread since the beginning but to answer your thought..Yes, methies are HIGHLY impulsive. I am a meth addict and boy impulsive shouldn't even be the word. When I was on meth time would pass by so fast. You look at the clock one min and then look again and then bam 8 hours has passed. I'm wonder if this was the case with Emma.

Thank's for your insight, Coley and please post more often on the thread. You are a great thinker, I followed your posts on Caylee. :blowkiss:

Can you explain about the sores that meth users get? does everyone get them or does it depend on how much and how often you use? Is it very expensive? Is in in pill form, do you shoot it up, etc?

Sorry so many questions, but this is one drug I know nothing about.
Thank's for your insight, Coley and please post more often on the thread. You are a great thinker, I followed your posts on Caylee. :blowkiss:

Can you explain about the sores that meth users get? does everyone get them or does it depend on how much and how often you use? Is it very expensive? Is in in pill form, do you shoot it up, etc?

Sorry so many questions, but this is one drug I know nothing about.

Not Coley, but I will chime in on this also. Meth is not expensive imo, and it is very easy to get. You can snort it, smoke it, shoot or even eat it. Yuck! There are different kinds of meth from crank, which can be yellowish or brownish and stinky, to crystal meth which looks like ice crystals and is extremely potent. Meth is horrible!!! It completely changes the person who is taking it. No, not everyone gets the sores or lose your teeth, but it does cause skin and teeth problems and the more you do and the longer you do it, the worse it gets. A lot of tweakers also pick at their skin, so the result is the sores. I knew a girl who was so messed up, she thought she had little pieces of glass in her face and body. She picked and picked and picked. Scary stuff.
Thank's for your insight, Coley and please post more often on the thread. You are a great thinker, I followed your posts on Caylee. :blowkiss:

Can you explain about the sores that meth users get? does everyone get them or does it depend on how much and how often you use? Is it very expensive? Is in in pill form, do you shoot it up, etc?

Sorry so many questions, but this is one drug I know nothing about.

Ok, this might take many posts.

Sores: OK, I used to have sores. Basically IMO you get these from either how the meth was made (think lots of car products; stuff you would not generally inhale or snort or whatever) that would then come out through your pores, then you have the "picking" that comes along with it; I swear I would pick at imaginary stuff on my face. I have seen some people who don't get them and some people who get them a lot.
Ice is more expensive than just regular meth. Compared to coke you get less of an amount of the goods. I never understood that so I can't answer why.
It's usually in powder form but more grainy than loose powder. If that makes sense. I usually smoked it off of foil or out of a glass pipe. You can snort it, put it in a capsule, shoot it (even though I don't understand why anyone would want to shoot car chemicals..err yuck). I will try and think of some more "meth traits" during the day to post.

Aw thanks, I had to take a much needed break after Caylee's body was found. I was becoming to involved that it had sucked me in and I was losing my mind. You do some awesome work yourself. Heck, everyone on this thread has contributed to it. So keep it up :clap:
Not Coley, but I will chime in on this also. Meth is not expensive imo, and it is very easy to get. You can snort it, smoke it, shoot or even eat it. Yuck! There are different kinds of meth from crank, which can be yellowish or brownish and stinky, to crystal meth which looks like ice crystals and is extremely potent. Meth is horrible!!! It completely changes the person who is taking it. No, not everyone gets the sores or lose your teeth, but it does cause skin and teeth problems and the more you do and the longer you do it, the worse it gets. A lot of tweakers also pick at their skin, so the result is the sores. I knew a girl who was so messed up, she thought she had little pieces of glass in her face and body. She picked and picked and picked. Scary stuff.

bolded by me:
Ok this reminds me: I knew a guy who went into the bathroom and plucked his tear ducts out and came walking back in with his eye bleeding saying he did it cause he didn't know what it was and if you could put them back in...bahaha, it wasn't funny then but it's hella funny now.

Sorry O/T I guess...
bolded by me:
Ok this reminds me: I knew a guy who went into the bathroom and plucked his tear ducts out and came walking back in with his eye bleeding saying he did it cause he didn't know what it was and if you could put them back in...bahaha, it wasn't funny then but it's hella funny now.

Sorry O/T I guess...

OMG! That makes me hurt. Meth totally messes people up in so many ways. The hallucinations are bad too.
OMG! That makes me hurt. Meth totally messes people up in so many ways. The hallucinations are bad too.

It does. I used to be a part of the cooking process and the cooks do not care about the users at all well hell you don't care about anyone at that point.
Not Coley, but I will chime in on this also. Meth is not expensive imo, and it is very easy to get. You can snort it, smoke it, shoot or even eat it. Yuck! There are different kinds of meth from crank, which can be yellowish or brownish and stinky, to crystal meth which looks like ice crystals and is extremely potent. Meth is horrible!!! It completely changes the person who is taking it. No, not everyone gets the sores or lose your teeth, but it does cause skin and teeth problems and the more you do and the longer you do it, the worse it gets. A lot of tweakers also pick at their skin, so the result is the sores. I knew a girl who was so messed up, she thought she had little pieces of glass in her face and body. She picked and picked and picked. Scary stuff.

Ok, this might take many posts.

Sores: OK, I used to have sores. Basically IMO you get these from either how the meth was made (think lots of car products; stuff you would not generally inhale or snort or whatever) that would then come out through your pores, then you have the "picking" that comes along with it; I swear I would pick at imaginary stuff on my face. I have seen some people who don't get them and some people who get them a lot.
Ice is more expensive than just regular meth. Compared to coke you get less of an amount of the goods. I never understood that so I can't answer why.
It's usually in powder form but more grainy than loose powder. If that makes sense. I usually smoked it off of foil or out of a glass pipe. You can snort it, put it in a capsule, shoot it (even though I don't understand why anyone would want to shoot car chemicals..err yuck). I will try and think of some more "meth traits" during the day to post.

Aw thanks, I had to take a much needed break after Caylee's body was found. I was becoming to involved that it had sucked me in and I was losing my mind. You do some awesome work yourself. Heck, everyone on this thread has contributed to it. So keep it up :clap:

Thank's for the explanation. So does it jack you up? I'm assuming there are hallucinations.
Thank's for the explanation. So does it jack you up? I'm assuming there is hallucinations.

Yes, it jacks you up. The hallucinations are mainly, because you stay up for days on end and you aren't eating, so your brain is lacking sleep and nutrition, and then you have all the chemicals in your system. Sounds fun, doesn't it? :crazy:
I've been lurking on Emma's thread since the beginning but to answer your thought..Yes, methies are HIGHLY impulsive. I am a meth addict and boy impulsive shouldn't even be the word. When I was on meth time would pass by so fast. You look at the clock one min and then look again and then bam 8 hours has passed. I'm wonder if this was the case with Emma.

Hi Coley, welcome back! Glad to see you're alive and well. We've missed your in site around here.

So far nothing official about drug use, but it would explain the family's schedule of caring for Emma. In her hearing Stacey looks like carp. Of course that could just be from sitting in jail freaking out too. I'm trying to withhold judgment til we hear something from LE, besides saying she was high gives Stacey an excuse and I don't believe in excuses, when there is a dead baby.

When it came to my kids, sometimes I messed up, the next day I always had to face them and kids don't want an excuse. Kids want a mom, who acts like a mom 24/7. No excuses.
Ok, this might take many posts.

Sores: OK, I used to have sores. Basically IMO you get these from either how the meth was made (think lots of car products; stuff you would not generally inhale or snort or whatever) that would then come out through your pores, then you have the "picking" that comes along with it; I swear I would pick at imaginary stuff on my face. I have seen some people who don't get them and some people who get them a lot.
Ice is more expensive than just regular meth. Compared to coke you get less of an amount of the goods. I never understood that so I can't answer why.
It's usually in powder form but more grainy than loose powder. If that makes sense. I usually smoked it off of foil or out of a glass pipe. You can snort it, put it in a capsule, shoot it (even though I don't understand why anyone would want to shoot car chemicals..err yuck). I will try and think of some more "meth traits" during the day to post.

Aw thanks, I had to take a much needed break after Caylee's body was found. I was becoming to involved that it had sucked me in and I was losing my mind. You do some awesome work yourself. Heck, everyone on this thread has contributed to it. So keep it up :clap:

Thanks for this information, I've never done "street drugs"; my mom was a nurse whose favorite drug story was the kid she saw in the psych ward who after doing LSD just once thought she was an orange and went crazy from fear of anyone coming near her was going to peel her. That worked for me!! I forgot about it for years, wish I could ask her if that story was true or scare tactics! :D

Sorry back on topic anyway, the first time I saw one of those anti drug commercials showing the ingredients of Meth just freaked me out. Does someone use that the first time not knowing what goes into it? Is there an added thrill getting away with putting that stuff in your body? (No judgment) I've made my share of mistakes too, just different ones from yours, so I try really hard not to judge anyone for their past. IMO our mistakes is what makes us who we are today and today is what is important. Sorry I got off topic again. Anyway thanks for sharing.
I second your thought, missmybaby. It takes alot of courage to be able to share such an intimate detail of your life like Coley did. Many of my family members have battled addictions from alcohol to drugs. I choose not to judge also.
Can someone who knows about MySpace explain why Stacey isn't in Nick's top 15 friends spot anymore???

I just asked my daughter about this she said there are different settings you can pick but he had to change this for it to be the way it is today.

All along he has had top 10 he would have selected those. You can also set to random so it's always different, I went in and out of Nicks page 3 times and it didn't change so that's not it.

I have wondered about his silence for awhile, IMO this speaks volumes.

The Barkers = the anti-Anthony's
missmybaby said:
Hi Coley, welcome back! Glad to see you're alive and well. We've missed your in site around here.

Whoo! I am happy to hear that you are okay!

missmybaby said:
I'm trying to withhold judgment til we hear something from LE, besides saying she was high gives Stacey an excuse and I don't believe in excuses, when there is a dead baby.


My son's father had apparantly been doing meth sometimes around the same time as when he shook my son so violently. I don't, however, usually mention that particular piece. For one thing, I don't know he was using FOR SURE, only 99% sure:), but for another reason, I don't want anyone to think that his being all f'd up on meth made it excusable to kill my baby!

I'm appreciating all the insight and good discussion going on here:)

Oh don't act surprise...You know you have missed me and now how crazy I can be lol
I second your thought, missmybaby. It takes alot of courage to be able to share such an intimate detail of your life like Coley did. Many of my family members have battled addictions from alcohol to drugs. I choose not to judge also.

Well I don't mind sharing it anymore. This was when I was from the age of 18 until 21 so it's been a good 7 years since I quit. I just hope by me being open about it can save someone else's life. Granted if someone would have told me about it before or when I was doing it I wouldn't have listen but I'd rather tell my story instead of being part of the story anymore.
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