GUILTY CA - Shaun, 6, & Delylah Tara, 3, dead, 9 yr old tortured, Redding, 27 Nov 2015

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Judge Albert Maldonado wrote, "Making all of the documents related to this search warrant open to the public within 10 days could jeopardize the lives and well-being of witnesses who have cooperated with the police in providing information about a duel homicide which occurred between Nov. 27, 2015 and Nov. 28, 2015 in the City of Salinas."
Across California and the nation, the revelations this month of child torture struck a deep chord: How could this happen?...

Last year, a team of researchers – led by a child-abuse pediatrician at the University of Wisconsin – published a groundbreaking study on child torture, probing everything from the nature of the crime to the makeup of its perpetrators. The study, published in the Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, is the first to look comprehensively at child torture cases and urge professionals to view them as a distinctly different subcategory of child abuse.

“When you hear some of these stories, you think, ‘Oh, that can’t be true.’ But they are,” said Dr. Barbara L. Knox of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, who treated abused and tortured children before embarking on the research project.
It's really hard to believe that anyone would treat children like that. I feel sick just thinking about it.
I'm not able to stay on top of cases much these days, so please forgive me if I have missed this in the thread - but does anyone know why the father did not get custody of the 12 year old twins?

In my opinion, there is a lack of good parenting all the way around - every adult in the kids lives is negligent, except possibly the Bio Mom of Frankie and her little brother and sister who has a good excuse. She passed away.
I'm not able to stay on top of cases much these days, so please forgive me if I have missed this in the thread - but does anyone know why the father did not get custody of the 12 year old twins?

I don't believe that TH and the twins' father are actually divorced, so custody wouldn't be an issue...until now. TH filed a restraining order against her estranged husband earlier this year IIRC, so that might have kept him out of the picture (whether her accusations were true or not). Personally, they may be better off in foster care at the moment IMO.
Knox, who did not specifically discuss the California case, said the research revealed that siblings sometimes are coerced into participating in the torture of other children in the household. Where multiple adults are involved, she said, one may emerge as the dominant figure while the other is more passive, failing to intervene.“These acts are so horrific that are occurring in the house that, in our research, you did not live in the house and not know that this abuse was occurring,” she said.


So, according to the researchers, it's possible that the twins and their teen brother were either forced to participate in the torture of the three other children or, at best, knew it was happening. I can't even imagine what this has done to TH's children psychologically. They will be damaged for life without intensive therapy, and perhaps it's too late for that.

I cannot believe that TH's mother, living across the street, did not know the severity of what was happening, even if her daughter kept her out of the house. She called CPS about the living conditions, so she knew that much. If she was not allowed to see the three little ones, wouldn't that be a reason to call the police until she got answers? Or is she in the passive category, failing to intervene?

I really can't wrap my mind around any of this. I guess that's a good thing.

This case has been keeping me awake at night. I was a foster kid from crappy parents, and I have seen and heard evil- but not to the extent that these poor kids have! I am compelled to become a CASA volunteer in my area. I have often thought of doing so, but am really interested in it now. Kids in the court system need people who will be there to truly help determine their best placement, who listen to them and can be their voice.

In all of this, I can't help but feel sorrow for and irritation at simultaneously for Shaun and Delylah's father. I haven't been able to verify for sure that he's still incarcerated while awaiting parole violation. I can tell he loved his kids by his FB, but you also see a broken man who was fighting addiction and didn't seem to have any true trade- other than being a criminal. :( I do genealogy in my spare time, and was able to piece together the Tara family tree. Shaun and Delylah's grandfather died in 1993 when he was in his mid 30s when their father was 9 years old, so it seems that the kids' Dad didn't have a man in his life to show him how to behave. This is an all too common family dynamic in today's world. I'm not sure what happened to the now 10 year old's father- but she does have a different father than Shaun and Delylah. It's kind of odd that she ended up with her step-father's family instead of her Mother's parents, don't you think?
Huntsman is eligible for the death penalty if the District Attorney's Office determines to seek it. District Attorney Dean Flippo says his office will make that decision after Huntsman's preliminary hearing.

Huntsman was recorded smiling and laughing by a Motel 6's security camera while she was checking in with Curiel on November 27. NYSE Post
Dudes, those articles were intense. Forcing siblings to participate seems even more monstrous. Saying I feel sick doesn't cut it.
Dudes, those articles were intense. Forcing siblings to participate seems even more monstrous. Saying I feel sick doesn't cut it.

There was a Dr. Phil episode where kids had been brought up in similar circumstances and forced to abuse each other and the emotional wounds were visible on their faces as they shared their stories. Truly horrific.

ETA: and they all lived, I can't imagine how much more awful this must be.
Yes I am sure drugs are involved however the estranged husband LEFT his family in residence of another state, counters media now with DHS dropped the ball. we only have DHS as a federal oversight BECAUSE parents aren't behaving responsibly. TH selected a 16 year old child as her mate. The estranged out of state husband complained to DHS because the mother of his kids was intimately involved with a child. His statements that she was a good mother and the home was always clean etc. and this newly discovered information about the deaths and torture of 2 children that he himself states he's raised, causes me great alarm to his own accountability. Yes drugs could surely be part of this nightmare but let's not forget the other names is also a child and the rest of the facts in this horrific crime have yet to be learned. We haven't heard from either suspect and the estranged husband, who has spoken to media, should be suspect in his accountability and responsibility
This case has been keeping me awake at night. I was a foster kid from crappy parents, and I have seen and heard evil- but not to the extent that these poor kids have! I am compelled to become a CASA volunteer in my area. I have often thought of doing so, but am really interested in it now. Kids in the court system need people who will be there to truly help determine their best placement, who listen to them and can be their voice.

In all of this, I can't help but feel sorrow for and irritation at simultaneously for Shaun and Delylah's father. I haven't been able to verify for sure that he's still incarcerated while awaiting parole violation. I can tell he loved his kids by his FB, but you also see a broken man who was fighting addiction and didn't seem to have any true trade- other than being a criminal. :( I do genealogy in my spare time, and was able to piece together the Tara family tree. Shaun and Delylah's grandfather died in 1993 when he was in his mid 30s when their father was 9 years old, so it seems that the kids' Dad didn't have a man in his life to show him how to behave. This is an all too common family dynamic in today's world. I'm not sure what happened to the now 10 year old's father- but she does have a different father than Shaun and Delylah. It's kind of odd that she ended up with her step-father's family instead of her Mother's parents, don't you think?

I think you've hit on a lot of points that helped to set the lay of the land for this to happen :(

From seeing the FB page of Shaun Tara, he seemed to adore the children...I can only imagine that he must be utterly broken to know what happened and that he chose to send them to this evil woman.

I can't entirely single parenting for this. Boys who lose their father usually have other male role models in their life, uncles, grandfathers, neighbors, teachers...they don't suddenly enter a man-free world and have no examples to follow. And sometimes the natural father, or the father-figure they grow up with can be a bad role model for husbanding, parenting and related skills.

I do think that there's a lot of focus on criminals being punished in some way and not always enough on rehabilitation and ongoing support, and what is available is often offered in a punitive manner. Any parent who suddenly loses their partner and suddenly has sole care of three young children needs support around them. The world has changed a lot in the past 70 years or so, people don't live so close to family any more, we live in huge cities surrounded by millions of people who we don't know. I'm not saying small towns are immune from any of this, but I think this is a new societal dynamic that we are not evolved for, and there are many cracks that people can fall through, whether it's mental health issues, family issues, low-level criminal behavior, etc.

Shaun, Delylah and Frankie's mother has been described in very positive terms, but there have also been slight mentions that she had problems too, drugs and partying and leaving the older children to care for the babies...but she wasn't abusing the children.

Why didn't CPS allow the three children to be moved to their grandmother's when those complaints of neglect and lice were made? That might not be a situation where natural children would be placed in foster care, but these children weren't her natural children, and they had a relative who wanted them...I think it's a key issue for me that they weren't moved at that time to depressure the family unit in the Huntsman home so she could focus more on caring for her own children.

One of those articles says the investigators tried to visit once and no one was home, then the next time the children were either doing homework or sleeping...does that mean that the three youngest were sleeping and not even fully physically observed (for things like weight loss or obvious marks), or observed in the family dynamic, or talked to?

I've seen some people say it's not CPS's fault when this happens and that headlines saying they've dropped the ball are wrong -- it's the parents/caregivers who dropped the ball. But the point is that CPS are there to support families that aren't coping and to be a safety net when the parents/caregivers are vile individuals who don't parent well. It's not the fault of CPS (or any other acronym) it's that the safety net didn't deploy in the way that it should have, in the way we all want it to. Children who don't have the people who should be looking out for them treating them right, they need that safety net, and it's in everyone's best interest for it to work as well as it possibly can. There was also a mention in one of the articles about homeschooling, and many people are feeling defensive over this, too. But you can't ignore that 'bad' parents can and do use homeschooling to fall under the radar just because 99% are using in a positive way.

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