GUILTY CA - Shaun, 6, & Delylah Tara, 3, dead, 9 yr old tortured, Redding, 27 Nov 2015

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You also made many good points. Yes, people can thrive in single parent homes- though statistically it's not common. I cannot condemn the entirety of the Tara family, but from what I have uncovered there are some criminal elements here.. sex offenders, drug arrests, etc.

One thing to set straight is how TH is related to these children. TH is Shaun A. and Delylah's 2nd cousin. Their father, Shaun D. is TH 1st cousin. TH mother is not kids' Grandmother- she is their Great Aunt. TH
is not related by blood to injured child at all. The injured child is not the full sister of Shaun A. and Delylah- they have different fathers. That's what makes it even more unusual that she ended up with TH.

As for TH estranged husband, I don't think he's Father of the Year- but I do believe he provided his children with a much more stable environment than TH did after he left.

There are so many questions and not enough answers yet here.

I came across this recent article and it made me ill. "Huntsman’s neighbors, a few of whom to their credit called the police at least twice and social services at least once, say they could hear the sounds of fists hitting flesh, of the littlest girl screaming and being ordered to kneel. They say the abuse got so loud it sometimes shook the walls."
I came across this recent article and it made me ill. "Huntsman’s neighbors, a few of whom to their credit called the police at least twice and social services at least once, say they could hear the sounds of fists hitting flesh, of the littlest girl screaming and being ordered to kneel. They say the abuse got so loud it sometimes shook the walls."


Sickening.... :(

I read the quote and wondered WHY nobody ever DID anything... the following quite follows the above quote in the article:

Two calls to the police, as it turns out, weren’t enough. But how many calls might it have taken? Ten or 20? One a day until someone was able to see what exactly was going on in that house and get those kids out of there? Those calls never came.

At first I was annoyed that people didn't call more often. But then I realized, CPS nor the police follow up with callers... so the people who called might have thought their calls were sufficient, and there possibly weren't any other people who heard the abuse (I'm just guessing but the two calls may have been different neighbors and they might not have more neighbors than those).

*Something* needs to be done (about the system) but I am just at a loss as to what....
I don't think I would've been OK with just calling police. If I had heard what they are reporting, I would've broken down the dang door and demanded they give me the kids while police were en route! I guess this area is gang-ridden, and some were supposedly fearful of retaliation from GC gang buddies. I hope the SPD crack down on the underage (and adult) ****s in that neighborhood. I just can't reconcile that so many people heard and saw things, and the kids STILL were killed and injured! Makes me so mad! Only cowards would leave these children with monsters.

I read TH didn't have formal custody. Is that not something that needs to be established, especially when neglect is being investigated? I was shuttled through family members and foster care as a child and I'm pretty sure, each home I was in had to be vetted. Something is amiss here. One of many things.
I don't think I would've been OK with just calling police. If I had heard what they are reporting, I would've broken down the dang door and demanded they give me the kids while police were en route! I guess this area is gang-ridden, and some were supposedly fearful of retaliation from GC gang buddies. I hope the SPD crack down on the underage (and adult) ****s in that neighborhood. I just can't reconcile that so many people heard and saw things, and the kids STILL were killed and injured! Makes me so mad! Only cowards would leave these children with monsters.

I read TH didn't have formal custody. Is that not something that needs to be established, especially when neglect is being investigated? I was shuttled through family members and foster care as a child and I'm pretty sure, each home I was in had to be vetted. Something is amiss here. One of many things.

I'm with you, Invicta. While I can understand fear of retaliation, I would rather put myself out there for the kids than just call the police and hope for the best. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't DO something right then and there. I don't mean that as a judgement on the good people who called the police and thought it would help. They may have had their own kids' safety to consider or been elderly and unable to do much more than call...and thought calling would help. But it's a huge lesson that we all need to step up when we see a need, and at the very least pester the authorities until something is done. And better yet, pound on the door and make a huge scene while calling 911.
You highlight very good possibilities- some people genuinely feeling threatened, but I'd have at least called repeatedly. And TH Mother living so close- she of all people would have seen her gradual demise into this beast of a person. I read that GC beat TH as well as the children, but really- this minor gang associate had so much power he silenced an entire neighborhood? It's just baffling! I scoped out TH ex husband FB and it seems he did not have any contact with his children from the time he left in Jan 2015, to when TH was arrested. He posts about it in Oct 2015, not seeing or speaking to kids in 10 months. She and GC really isolated all of them. The Tara kids were also kept from their Mother's family, they have reported. Sick, sick people.
I think you've hit on a lot of points that helped to set the lay of the land for this to happen :(

From seeing the FB page of Shaun Tara, he seemed to adore the children...I can only imagine that he must be utterly broken to know what happened and that he chose to send them to this evil woman.

I can't entirely single parenting for this. Boys who lose their father usually have other male role models in their life, uncles, grandfathers, neighbors, teachers...they don't suddenly enter a man-free world and have no examples to follow. And sometimes the natural father, or the father-figure they grow up with can be a bad role model for husbanding, parenting and related skills.

I do think that there's a lot of focus on criminals being punished in some way and not always enough on rehabilitation and ongoing support, and what is available is often offered in a punitive manner. Any parent who suddenly loses their partner and suddenly has sole care of three young children needs support around them. The world has changed a lot in the past 70 years or so, people don't live so close to family any more, we live in huge cities surrounded by millions of people who we don't know. I'm not saying small towns are immune from any of this, but I think this is a new societal dynamic that we are not evolved for, and there are many cracks that people can fall through, whether it's mental health issues, family issues, low-level criminal behavior, etc.

Shaun, Delylah and Frankie's mother has been described in very positive terms, but there have also been slight mentions that she had problems too, drugs and partying and leaving the older children to care for the babies...but she wasn't abusing the children.

Why didn't CPS allow the three children to be moved to their grandmother's when those complaints of neglect and lice were made? That might not be a situation where natural children would be placed in foster care, but these children weren't her natural children, and they had a relative who wanted them...I think it's a key issue for me that they weren't moved at that time to depressure the family unit in the Huntsman home so she could focus more on caring for her own children.

One of those articles says the investigators tried to visit once and no one was home, then the next time the children were either doing homework or sleeping...does that mean that the three youngest were sleeping and not even fully physically observed (for things like weight loss or obvious marks), or observed in the family dynamic, or talked to?

I've seen some people say it's not CPS's fault when this happens and that headlines saying they've dropped the ball are wrong -- it's the parents/caregivers who dropped the ball. But the point is that CPS are there to support families that aren't coping and to be a safety net when the parents/caregivers are vile individuals who don't parent well. It's not the fault of CPS (or any other acronym) it's that the safety net didn't deploy in the way that it should have, in the way we all want it to. Children who don't have the people who should be looking out for them treating them right, they need that safety net, and it's in everyone's best interest for it to work as well as it possibly can. There was also a mention in one of the articles about homeschooling, and many people are feeling defensive over this, too. But you can't ignore that 'bad' parents can and do use homeschooling to fall under the radar just because 99% are using in a positive way.
Thank you for these most trenchant observations. I wholeheartedly agree with everything in your excellent post.
Thank you for this op-ed link. Very well written. This resonated as it is what we often express here:

My friends and I now talk about the 9-year-old almost obsessively. We want to adopt her, or figure out a way to make her future better.

“When can we pick her up and love her and read to her and sing to her and tuck her into a warm bed and make her bottomless pots of soup?” one friend asks me. “And braid her hair and play dolls with her,” I respond.

All of those things and more are what should have happened for those three children.

They shouldn’t have to have learned that in some cases, monsters are real and they live among us, sometimes under the same roof.
MARY DUAN is the Weekly’s editor. Reach her at or follow her
You highlight very good possibilities- some people genuinely feeling threatened, but I'd have at least called repeatedly. And TH Mother living so close- she of all people would have seen her gradual demise into this beast of a person. I read that GC beat TH as well as the children, but really- this minor gang associate had so much power he silenced an entire neighborhood? It's just baffling! I scoped out TH ex husband FB and it seems he did not have any contact with his children from the time he left in Jan 2015, to when TH was arrested. He posts about it in Oct 2015, not seeing or speaking to kids in 10 months. She and GC really isolated all of them. The Tara kids were also kept from their Mother's family, they have reported. Sick, sick people.

What do we really know about GC? How do we know what his gang ties were? If people were afraid of him, I doubt it was because he was a wannabe flashing signs. What do we know of his family? Does he have parents? Who and where are they? Some of these gangs run along family lines, so just because someone is young, doesn't mean they can't call out the top dogs.
I understand your sentiment, but there's no excuse for not calling 911 multiple times on these people. Gang retaliation for protecting helpless children? Unlikely. If the gangs are so scary there, sounds like the cops need to do a major sweep. Not hard to find criminals being criminals. I just don't think enough was done.

I'd love to know if TH was posing as GC's guardian? GC was still enrolled in a continuation HS up until a few weeks ago when he "moved out of the area".
Well, goodness gracious, all it takes to get rid of gangs is cops doing sweeps!? Who knew!? Everybody call 911 to call attention to gang problems in your neighborhood! The cops will come right out and arrest them all! Sorry for the sarcasm, but it really is not that simple. People are truly scared of these gangs. They did call, and as usually happens, nothing was done. And by the way, I don't think we're talking about local gangs.

And again, where are GC's parents? Family? Anyone?
What do you know of gang retaliation? It would have nothing to do with these poor children, and everything to do with being put on the radar.
I do believe, that the reason these two children are dead, and the 9 year old nearly dead is due to both drugs and the gang culture.

Drugs make people do awful things, and gangs, stick together no matter what.

In my opinion, these children had no chance.

I'm furious that they ended up with this evil witch after the death of their mother.
From what's been reported, just about everyone in this extended family and friends are law breakers and drug users.

To think that after losing their Mother, that they were then tortured for years, ..
Makes me crazy, and yes angry.

When you have stoned Aunts and Uncle's. That don't keep up with what's going on with you.
And, a social service that should help you, but, Fails 100%
You will likely end up dead. No matter how young you are into this world.

Well, goodness gracious, all it takes to get rid of gangs is cops doing sweeps!? Who knew!? Everybody call 911 to call attention to gang problems in your neighborhood! The cops will come right out and arrest them all! Sorry for the sarcasm, but it really is not that simple. People are truly scared of these gangs. They did call, and as usually happens, nothing was done. And by the way, I don't think we're talking about local gangs.

And again, where are GC's parents? Family? Anyone?
What do you know of gang retaliation? It would have nothing to do with these poor children, and everything to do with being put on the radar.
Well, goodness gracious, all it takes to get rid of gangs is cops doing sweeps!? Who knew!? Everybody call 911 to call attention to gang problems in your neighborhood! The cops will come right out and arrest them all! Sorry for the sarcasm, but it really is not that simple. People are truly scared of these gangs. They did call, and as usually happens, nothing was done. And by the way, I don't think we're talking about local gangs.

And again, where are GC's parents? Family? Anyone?
What do you know of gang retaliation? It would have nothing to do with these poor children, and everything to do with being put on the radar.

What do I know of gang retaliation?

Lisa was one of my best friend's in HS. You have no idea where I came from, how I've lived, what I've endured. Lisa was 1 of 2 murdered friends in my life- the other found in my front yard. Growing up around a host of hardened criminals will give you certain impressions, let me tell you. I know full well about gangs and the garbage atmosphere they try to create.

I know that gang members are often from abusive families themselves, but someone HAS to break to cycle! I'm tired of the coward excuse of fear- clean up you own neighborhoods. Educate yourselves. Personal responsibility comes into play at some point!
Gangs are real and their self imposed rule over others is indisputable, including the striking fear invoked upon hardworking, poverty stricken neighborhoods, of which they were born. I can’t imagine the life of anyone enduring this injustice on a daily basis. This could certainly be a fundamental factor in Salinas, CA regarding the horrific fate of all the children involved in this case. There are many factors to consider.

I have been gripped by this case and feverishly acquiring any information I can; the use of social media has enabled anyone interested into a “peek” of how people choose to show themselves. I often find myself surfing, hoping to gain insight. I do not usually publically post my views, rather silently reading the pros of others in the backlight; however recently I felt deeply moved to raise opinion of Chris Criswell, the estranged ex of TH. I was so bothered about his selective statements to the press basically stating that TH was the salt of the earth until Gonzalo Curiel entered their lives and subsequently took residence with TH, which included occupancy of his own biological twin children. But I cannot forget this Gonzalo Curiel, at this time is only 17 years old. And given the onset of relationship between TH and Curiel, he was between 15 and 16 years old. He is by all physiological standards, a child! Research studies have clearly identified the cognitive brain growth of teenagers realizing their functional disability in reasoning. During this sudden growth spurt in fore frontal brain development, teenagers are incapable of realizing their own cognitive brain processes. This is profound science in cultural culpability, of which I recognized years ago. I have always been drawn into the criminology of children, including recognition of our current court system in locking up these children for years. That’s another post!

I have attempted to give mindful exploration of why I feel the way I do, including what events arise that ignite a fire inside me so furious that I actually write a public post, indelibly marking my opinions, my thoughts. I appreciate the writings of others that deem these suspects to endure the same horrific, tortuous acts bestowed upon their victims tenfold. In my opinion these colorful responses are healthy venting and a way to purge against such horrific real events. But unfortunately to my dismay, I don’t readily have this viable reaction. Instead, I find myself wrapped around any available information of this horrific case, as if knowing every single detail will somehow give me comfort in the knowledge.

Yet I cannot find any comfort so far. I still want to know every detail about everyone, I cannot move past that Gonzalo Curiel is still a child and that reasoning does not render him culpable. And if I take this sort of reasoning of nature verses nurture further, I must also question all the factors involved that have made TH, her estranged ex, her mother, and her family accountable. When I try to understand how to understand the intertwined weave of the fabric of all these individuals, somehow it’s thru their personal stories, the circumstances of which they’ve endured, that I can understand how this tragedy became. Understanding the circumstances never belies the tragedy!

Ultimately I can only believe that we have all failed. Generations upon generations have failed. We who are able to read about it, research it, post an opinion have failed humanity in some degree. We are a divided culture with very little sensitivity to our neighbors. Who are the people living next door? We are no longer dependent upon unity for survival. We have managed, as a culture, to live without association of our peers, hence our children suffer.
GC gets no sympathy from me. He's a month away from turning 18 years old, and if he was the main abuser- it's a shame he wasn't yet 18 when the babies were killed. All child abusers of this caliber deserve the harshest punishment possible. I would be just fine with capital punishment for both of them, though the law will exclude GC due to him being a "child".

I was abused, yet- I am not out abusing. Everyone has choices and we are all responsible for our own choices. TH and GC have to live with theirs.
New date to arraign Huntsman, Curiel

The arraignment of former Salinas residents accused of murdering two children whose bodies were found in a Redding storage unit last month as well as torturing a surviving 9-year-old was postponed until Jan. 20 in order to find them appropriate counsel.
Public defender Jared Jefferson and Frank Dice of the Alternate Defender Office represented Huntsman and Curiel during the scheduled arraignment Friday but requested that the matter be trailed for two weeks to find them proper representation due to the special circumstances of the murder prosecution as well as possible conflict of interest, said Monterey County Public Defender Jim Egar.


New mug shots for Huntsman and Curiel...
Sounds like TH is having trouble getting someone to represent her...

Arraignment further postponed for Huntsman, Curiel

The arraignment was initially rescheduled earlier this month for today as the Monterey County Public Defenders Office and the Alternate Defender Office work on finding them proper representation.

While defense attorney Jeremy Dzubay will be representing Curiel, 17, Frank Dice of the Alternate Defender Office said he is still working on finding an attorney for Huntsman, 39, due to the seriousness of the high-profile case.

Huntsman is eligible for the death penalty while Curiel, as a minor, is not.
Attorneys said this morning they preferred that the defendants were arraigned together, and arraignment was continued to Jan. 27.

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