GUILTY CA - Tobias Summers for kidnapping, rape of 10yo girl, Northridge, 2013 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am going to read this charging document now. Normally I am not " faint of heart" ... But I am already sad and furious. If y'all hear some loud screams and cursing in the next few mins it is probably me.

and one article says "GANG MEMBER" Tobias Summers.

so is he being hidden by his hommies?
and one article says the house was unlocked? I know people leave their houses unlocked, but I don't see how they can in this day and age.
I truly hope she tests negative for HIV/AIDS. A positive test would be too unfair.
36 counts in 12 hours is 3 times per hour. that is near constant.
I am amazed that she was up and walking. that she survived.
I don't see any mention of the use of any deadly weapons.

ok I found it all now. Holy H*ll. nasty stuff.
note that at the end it states that all his prior incidents of sexual assault and DV CAN be used against him in the prosecution of these crimes.
YAY! (he must have more sexual assault and DV charges than we know of)
CBS Los Angeles ‏@CBSLA 4m
#BREAKINGNEWS Daniel Martinez, one of two suspects in the kidnapping of a 10-year-old Northridge girl, has pleaded not guilty in court.
CBS Los Angeles ‏@CBSLA 4m
#BREAKINGNEWS Daniel Martinez, one of two suspects in the kidnapping of a 10-year-old Northridge girl, has pleaded not guilty in court.

Total disappointment dude.
Do the right thing. His testimony
is going to be key in Tobias' trial.
I'm sure he'll plea out when the time
How was this one caught? Was he at all involved
in letting her go ?Or is that still unknown?
but survive she has, and thrive I hope she can, down the road. Bless this child.

Given the number of counts, it would seem to indicate hyper sexuality (ie. methed out bigtime)

I hope her exposure is being checked out. Awful. just so glad he let her go for whatever. At least he didn't kill her. If he ever sees the light of day again I don't think he will make that "mistake" again.

Very important this unusual person never ever ever walks the streets again. EVER.
I wonder if he simply saw her earlier in the day at that house. Or if perhaps curtains or decor somehow led him to know a young female was inside that room.

Very troubling that he just selected her or her house through some unknown means.

regarding count 37. :(

Wow. they are throwing the book at this guy and no one deserves it more based on the allegations in the charging docs.

Thankfully, the charging doc is very clinical and the immediacy of the horrors this poor girl endured are couched in the legaleese. Made for easier reading.

I have not followed this case as closely as I would have liked. Work is hectic and kids are off school on spring break. Have you guys figured out how he came to target N? TIA

ok so you have to look up the numbers of each penal code to understand the exact nature of the crime?

we were on the right track thinking gang member, used for child *advertiser censored* (even if only for himself).
"hot prowl" has intentions of sexual assault or murder. DM is not innocent in this.

When I Googled "hot prowl" it said that it was burglarizing a home knowing people were inside.
Total disappointment dude.
Do the right thing. His testimony
is going to be key in Tobias' trial.
I'm sure he'll plea out when the time
How was this one caught? Was he at all involved
in letting her go ?Or is that still unknown?

He probably considers himself not guilty because he didn't know the kidnapping would happen. He still should have immediately called 911, although that's a far fetch for someone who seems to be a drug user. :/ I wonder if they have already dropped some charges because he has given them info? Could that have happened already?
I would think it'd have had to have been TS. (If DM was no longer in the picture and there was no one else involved.) I have kinda thought that all along--that TS dropped her off. This apparently was his first escalation (though severe), and he'd done this just hours after meeting with his parole officer. I have to wonder if he fell off the wagon after the meeting, got high on meth or crack, and completely went berserck after going 'straight' for several months. If so, it could be that he felt some sort of remorse when he 'came to' and came off the high--enough to release her, at least, in front of a hospital.

DM said they dropped her at the hospital b/c of the police heli and searching. they got scared and were going to drop her back in her neighborhood.

He's either lying, or they're trying to pin it all on TS to piss him off and try to come after DM, who probably was more involved than anyone is saying. LE is probably trying to make it look like DM's gonna have a cakewalk compared to TS to piss him off to "smoke him out". He'll try to contact his hommies to go after DM and they probably hope to catch him when he's making contact with his gang.
He probably considers himself not guilty because he didn't know the kidnapping would happen. He still should have immediately called 911, although that's a far fetch for someone who seems to be a drug user. :/ I wonder if they have already dropped some charges because he has given them info? Could that have happened already?

I think it's all a bunch of BS regarding DM. Hot Prowl means you go into a residence with the people at home with an overarching intent for sexual assault or murder. DM was on board.
Total disappointment dude.
Do the right thing. His testimony
is going to be key in Tobias' trial.
I'm sure he'll plea out when the time
How was this one caught? Was he at all involved
in letting her go ?Or is that still unknown?

they're trying to draw TS out of the woodwork by blaming it all on him and going easy on DM in the press.
He probably considers himself not guilty because he didn't know the kidnapping would happen. He still should have immediately called 911, although that's a far fetch for someone who seems to be a drug user. :/ I wonder if they have already dropped some charges because he has given them info? Could that have happened already?

My guess is they will charge him BIG with everything they can UNTIL they get the other guy in custody. At that time they make their deal, get this one to promise to testify against , then drop/ lower the charges. He'll get charged wtih something for sure but it'll be far less if he'll testify and let's face it, if he doesn't he's going to go down for stuff he had little to no part way he wants to go to the PEN for the charges Tobias' is looking at. It's suicide.

Eta, I just got a thought as writing it that Tobias would be better off to off himself than face those charges. I wonder if he's seen the news today and knows what they will charge him with.
<snipped for space>
Eta, I just got a thought as writing it that Tobias would be better off to off himself than face those charges. I wonder if he's seen the news today and knows what they will charge him with.

I'm wondering (hoping) that if whoever is hiding him reads those charges, they might think twice about helping him out. Even 'friends' have their limits; they might not have been told the truth by him as to why he's being hunted.
DM said they dropped her at the hospital b/c of the police heli and searching. they got scared and were going to drop her back in her neighborhood.

He's either lying, or they're trying to pin it all on TS to piss him off and try to come after DM, who probably was more involved than anyone is saying. LE is probably trying to make it look like DM's gonna have a cakewalk compared to TS to piss him off to "smoke him out". He'll try to contact his hommies to go after DM and they probably hope to catch him when he's making contact with his gang.

As I recall, I think it was the girl herself who said she was dropped off at the hospital b/c the helicopter was hovering around her neighborhood. She/media didn't mention who dropped her off--just that the one who did did so at the hospital area b/c of being spooked by the helicopter.
The man who kidnapped a 10-year-old girl from her home in Northridge last week had planned to return her to her neighborhood &#8211; but panicked when he saw a police or news helicopter hovering overhead.

Law enforcement sources, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the ongoing investigation, said the kidnapper then drove around the West San Fernando Valley last Wednesday afternoon and released the girl near a gas station in Woodland Hills.

That information was part of what investigators learned during a second, more thorough interview with the victim &#8211; that produced far more details about the abduction and assault than has been released to the public.

Read more:
89.3 KPPC tweet says DM entered 'not guilty' plea; however the article link doesn't mention what his plea was.

Prosecutors said Summers took the girl from her house to a car where Martinez was waiting.

Martinez drove "a short way," then left the car, said Jane Robison, a spokeswoman for the District Attorney's Office. Summers later sexually assaulted the girl, prosecutors said.

The LAPD said the two had no apparent connection to the girl or her family.

The Los Angeles Times cited law enforcement sources saying the kidnapping did not appear to be planned and that Martinez had expected only to be the getaway driver in a burglary of the home.

There's also a new pic of Martinez with the article, but it's really big, and I don't know how to resize it on here.

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