Found Deceased Canada - Jacqueline McDermott, 22, car broke down on Hwy 97 C, between Merritt and Logan Lake, BC, 30 Sept 2022

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I know tons of traveling nurses now in the states in RV’s and camper van folks who frequently bounce from campgrounds or Walmarts (free to stay overnight in RV at a Walmart)

Maybe after leaving the Meditation Center and the let down of that she headed North to Logan Lake Area as l googled a few camp sites and recreation areas to park your car safely overnight. Plug in - shower etc.

Also there is a B&B at Logan Lake and there are a few lodges (inexpensive) etc if she wanted a room for the night to get off the road.

She had to find a place for herself and her truck to park for the night if she was gonna sleep in the truck…

Guessing out loud (moo)
Catching up on thread... Completely Theorizing and Hypothetical thoughts:

- Did she maybe meet someone intriguing (or possible attraction?) and they both decide to bail and leave the retreat together secretly and have a night of conversation or fun?
- They hang out and spend night somewhere together to share costs and/or enjoyment of company?
- The person she's with suggests going to Canoa Farm show because they were going there?
- Or person deliberately tampers with her vehicle before she hits the road the next morning and was following her and 'runs into her on side of the road coincidently'?

Still doesn't explain leaving keys behind though, unless they went for a walk together :( Random thoughts and MOO

Edited typos
I know tons of traveling nurses now in the states in RV’s and camper van folks who frequently bounce from campgrounds or Walmarts (free to stay overnight in RV at a Walmart)

Maybe after leaving the Meditation Center and the let down of that she headed North to Logan Lake Area as l googled a few camp sites and recreation areas to park your car safely overnight. Plug in - shower etc.

Also there is a B&B at Logan Lake and there are a few lodges (inexpensive) etc if she wanted a room for the night to get off the road.

She had to find a place for herself and her truck to park for the night if she was gonna sleep in the truck…

Guessing out loud (moo)
Ya, its possible she may have parked her van in an inexpensive parking area as you said or lodge. But at the same time we can't dispute what her family has stated about the jerrycan and such as that being the last time seen. So I don't think her disappearance has occured as such. I just came back to see any new developments especially a good outcome so as of right now until I look to see I don't know.
I hope LE gets a list of people who went to the Canao Farms show. I'm possibly thinking she met someone who was going there and they sabotaged her.

Maybe she met the person in town before she went to the retreat and they exchanged info and the person texted her to meet so she leaves the retreat to go hang out instead.

They do an overnight hang out, go to part ways in the morning but she's sabotaged. This new friend/familiar person drives by her on their way to the Canoa Farms show and offers to help her but has other ideas instead. Maybe this was a set up.
That makes sense. Has anyone from the retreat spoken about seeing or speaking with JM? That's why I asked about a guest book or register.

How did JM find out about the retreat in the first place? It seems odd that she would drive all that way without a reservation or knowledge of the "itinerary".

Where is Jaqcuis friend, the one she'd been travelling with?

This all just seems too strange to be a coincidence. She told people she was attending a retreat without knowing it had already begun, attempted to attend, left shortly after, then her van breaks down and she's nowhere to be found.

Had her van broken down anywhere else along her trip?
-disregard my comment here regarding the photo of the retreat it wasn't correct information-
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I'm curious about why her van stopped working. Was it something obvious, or tampering? Did someone in the Merritt area see her traveling alone in her van with Ontario plates and follow her?

The most likely scenario that I can think of it that someone saw her and took her. The reason for this is somewhat influenced by so many vanished people in the area who are never found. I do not think that they all wandered off, got lost, got eaten by a bear ... and so on. It happens too often in central BC for it to be accident.
RV Vans break down all the time. I watch a lot of Van Life YouTubers. They tell you to have some tools and some working knowledge of how to fix things. Given what we have been advised of the people who go missing in that area, I don't know what to think. I believe someone took her against her will.
As for heading north, If she was headed to kamloops and she had maybe been at the Walmart or even on the way from the retreat she would have been closer to or most likely on hwy 5 ( coquihalla ) so i don't think she was going there. It's very possible that she was planning on taking hwy 1 to Vancouver via ashcroft to hope instead of the coquihalla hwy which is under construction and would be busy for the Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada.

On the official fb page a post says that all her cell activity has been checked out, and everyone questioned. It seems odd that she had plans to meet up with friends after the retreat like someone here had already said, and didn't tell anyone where she was going?
That's why I think she may have had electronics issues as in laptop not working nor phone. She couldn't charge them. As I said earlier perhaps her van was having mechanical issues earlier and she just didn't know. IMO that would also explain the jerrycan.
Yes in the dark I'm sure she wouldn't. But from what I understand Canoa Farm seems pretty well known, so I was thinking maybe the municipality would advertise it on those blue highway signs B&B etc. kinds of signs. Regardless though of the signs in my imagination Jaquie seems a sophisticated traveller so she would know what was around beforehand. I mean myself I of course don't care for yoga exercises but many people do so I wouldn't look for it but I may look to see what I could utilize in the area. IMO the retreat actually is kind of interesting because one can go if they please and spend some time enjoying the property. So I think that is a unique way of doing things inexpensively yet still getting something out of it that's what I mean by saavy and sophisticated. But unfortunately if one runs into issues with transportation in a desolate setting it can bring on so many diffferent outcomes regardless of how saavy one is. But as I was saying originally IMO she would know about Canoa Farm. I know if I was doing her unique lifestyle she was doing I would just for the sake of safety and civilization. She's out there to enjoy not have unexpected problems, she'd be prepared somehow.
Someone at the beginning of this thread posted about the yoga retreat. Participants have to be completely silent the entire time they are there. They have meals. 9 pm is the latest meal, a beverage, and a snack, and that is all. Wake-up time is a three-time Gong at either 4 am or 6 am. I cannot remember. If one oversleeps, they get a more personal gong closer to their bed. You have to give up your electronics without talking during the entire retreat. None. This was a therapist who went, and she posted on YouTube, the man who chanted and said he sounded like a goat giving birth. I listened to the YouTube link for a short time. It was as terrible as she said, so I did not listen long.
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IIRC the statement about meeting with friends came from JMs parents. JM didn't tell anyone where she was headed but she did let people know where she intended to be on October 4th.

I've read that JM posted/mentioned her intention to travel to Vancouver for October 4th. I believe her trip could have involved her tattooing work (don't take my word, I'm just guessing bc she posted about being in VanC for Oct 4th on her tattoo IG account IIRC).

JM parents report her missing October 1st. JM planned to be in Vancouver for Oct 4th. Considering her location and the location of her van, how long would it have taken for her to get to Vancouver? (apparently less than 3 hours depending on the route and traffic)

The meditation centre is south of Merritt. Vancouver is south-west. The van was found north, between Merritt and Logan Lake. ?!?
I wonder if she started having mechanical issues earlier, didn't know about it took a wrong turn which took her north as her electronics weren't charged due to her van having issues. She decided to stay put until she could figure what was going on or thinking the van was running low on gas she would try to put gas into the tank. To me it looks like something was going on with her ability to communicate with family and friends. I mean she is a sophisticated van lifestyle traveller so why would she do the things she did unless she had no choice IMO. And that is when what happened to her happened. She would definately take her keys but she didn't. It is not making sense so this is my assumption at what may have happened to her.
Someone at the beginning of this thread posted about the yoga retreat. Participants have to be completely silent the entire time they are there. They have meals. 9 pm is the latest meal, a beverage, and a snack, and that is all. Wake-up time is a three-time Gong at either 4 am or 6 am. I cannot remember. If one oversleeps, they get a more personal gong closer to their bed. You have to give up your electronics without talking during the entire retreat. None. This was a therapist who went, and she posted on YouTube, the man who chanted and said he sounded like a goat giving birth. I listened to the YouTube link for a short time. It was as terrible as she said, so I did not listen long.
But at the same time Jacqui knows what is invloved in these things so she would know how to handle herself. I have no doubt in her abilities and knowledge. She seems very resourceful to me. She knew IMO what to expect but for whatever reason didn't want to stay the entire length. I wonder if she knew management personally. Sometimes that helps. I'm just saying this because afterall it was evening when she left. So to me I wonder why she left as the more I get to see her personality the more I think it wasn't the retreat itself amd what was expected from the patrons. She went for a reason knowing what it was like. Maybe she went to the retreat because some of her friends were there and in management and she wasn't really a patron but had registered before or during that time and was after the registration time.These small things could play as to why she left especially in the evening. Unknown to her the van was having problems but when she left her friend/s there she had no idea until later.
@5W's you mentioned in a previous post that JM had solar panels. Could she use them to charge her devices without running the van?

I've only heard of people leaving their keys because they knew they wouldn't need them wherever they were going.

Here's another WS thread mentioning this type of meditation retreat. Involving a MP.

I hope LE gets a list of people who went to the Canao Farms show. I'm possibly thinking she met someone who was going there and they sabotaged her.

Maybe she met the person in town before she went to the retreat and they exchanged info and the person texted her to meet so she leaves the retreat to go hang out instead.

They do an overnight hang out, go to part ways in the morning but she's sabotaged. This new friend/familiar person drives by her on their way to the Canoa Farms show and offers to help her but has other ideas instead. Maybe this was a set up.
On page 8 of this thread, post #144 says something about Canoa Farm being involved in SAR. Post #83 on page 5 states between Sept 30th and Oct 1st an event was held at the farm.

FWIW this is the same area that Ben Tyner went missing from. Noting Tyner was involved in horse ranching. Just saying. (CANADA - Canada - Ben Tyner, 32, cowboy, his horse returned w/o him, Merritt, British Columbia, 26 Jan 2019)

RBBM I've wondered if this isn't a possibility. Perhaps even someone who wasn't necessarily friends with her but familiar enough to say "What a coincidence! Sure thanks for helping".

It's not so much weird that JM checked in with her parents, it's that she told them she was attending an event that was already in progress. A retreat she never registered for. A retreat she never actually stayed at. How could she have stayed when the guests are required to hand over phones?

Not to mention how weird is the Vipasanna site? Just me? JMO. *eta corrected spelling error vipasanna not vipisanna.
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If Jaqui was headed to the retreat on Sep 30 wouldn't she have given her parents a heads up that she would would be out of communication for at least several days? Why were they worried on Oct 1?
When exactly did she arrive and depart the retreat?

Has there been any mention in the media, by LE or by her family as to whether they have found her phone? Was it in the van? Have they pinged it if it wasn't? When was it last 'on'?

Regarding the suggestion by another poster that perhaps she just decided to overnight in that spot and her van broke down the next morning....that is not the type of spot that vanlifers would chose to overnight. I looked on iOverlander, a very commonly used app that highlights potential overnight spots, fuel spots, water, etc. and there is no place highlighted on the stretch of road between Merritt and Logan Lake as a place to overnight.

Vanlifers are usually very safety conscious as their van is their home and they usually have a lot of expensive technology and electronics inside. Some even ensure that there is nothing on the outside of their van to indicate that they are vanlifers. Of course Jaqui's van has decorations on the outside advertising her tatoo business and with butterflies. It might signal that it is a live-in van with possibly a female inside.
See this has always been my thought as well. Something started happening to her van unknown to her to begin with. And I agree with you that Vanlifers wouldn't choose this road near the Canoa Farm. It doesn't sit right with me and hasn't for a long time. Above my post #189 alludes to this but I didn't say it directly. Things are not making sense for a Vanlifer, something must have happened to her van earlier and maybe sadly she was aware of this area and the missing/murdered people that's why she didn't ask for help. Everyway I think about this it comes back to her having unexpected issues either van/& electronics. So maybe she knew what was happening in the area. As Otto showed us the map and the road where the Canoa farm is there are no resources is what came to my mind as you have said. So I thought why here maybe the show that was going on is the only thing I can think of. But then if she knew then for sure she would ask the Canoa Farm for help, so which may mean that she didn't know they were in the vicinity as it was morning and daytime she was seen with the jerrycan. This is the only hing I can come up with. It wasn't her choice and she was scared. If she was stuck there that night of the 30th she must have been so scared. I feel really awful for her and how she must have felt about the knowledge of the unusual disappearances. Unfortunately this is the reality of what has happened to the other people. I think she was aware and didn't ask for help.
@5W's you mentioned in a previous post that JM had solar panels. Could she use them to charge her devices without running the van?

I've only heard of people leaving their keys because they knew they wouldn't need them wherever they were going.

Here's another WS thread mentioning this type of meditation retreat. Involving a MP.

On page 8 of this thread, post #144 says something about Canoa Farm being involved in SAR. Post #83 on page 5 states between Sept 30th and Oct 1st an event was held at the farm.

FWIW this is the same area that Ben Tyner went missing from. Noting Tyner was involved in horse ranching. Just saying. (CANADA - Canada - Ben Tyner, 32, cowboy, his horse returned w/o him, Merritt, British Columbia, 26 Jan 2019)

RBBM I've wondered if this isn't a possibility. Perhaps even someone who wasn't necessarily friends with her but familiar enough to say "What a coincidence! Sure thanks for helping".

It's not so much weird that JM checked in with her parents, it's that she told them she was attending an event that was already in progress. A retreat she never registered for. A retreat she never actually stayed at. How could she have stayed when the guests are required to hand over phones?

Not to mention how weird is the Vipasanna site? Just me? JMO. *eta corrected spelling error vipasanna not vipisanna.
Unfortunately I don't know about solar panels to say. But I assume they work together with the van. Because she also used gas for her van. As far as I know using gas for this type of vehicle may make it a hybrid type of vehicle. So if one thing isn't working then the gas power and regular battery still work. But I could be totally wrong. Maybe her friend/s were working there at the retreat and it was just to check it out or be with a friend/s as she wasn't a patron but thought maybe she could register later or her friend would help her stay? By the way its not a bad thing to ask friends for help it just means the person is resourceful, that's all as Jaqui is but IDK it just a possibility. But as stated officially these people checked out so it happened the next day. She was fine at the retreat.
I haven't seen the road to the retreat I wonder how it looks? I wonder if anyone knows? Is it a rocky road where a tire could lose pressure and as the vehicle drives on it becomes more deflated? IDK just thoughts because why wouldn't she go somewhere else other than close to the Canoa Farm. But then agin it could be a mecahnical issue that started happening earlier and she just didn't know at that time and realized later that night and had to turn off where her van was found? Maybe thinking she was going the right direction if electronics weren't working. IDK.
@5W's you mentioned in a previous post that JM had solar panels. Could she use them to charge her devices without running the van?

I've only heard of people leaving their keys because they knew they wouldn't need them wherever they were going.

Here's another WS thread mentioning this type of meditation retreat. Involving a MP.

On page 8 of this thread, post #144 says something about Canoa Farm being involved in SAR. Post #83 on page 5 states between Sept 30th and Oct 1st an event was held at the farm.

FWIW this is the same area that Ben Tyner went missing from. Noting Tyner was involved in horse ranching. Just saying. (CANADA - Canada - Ben Tyner, 32, cowboy, his horse returned w/o him, Merritt, British Columbia, 26 Jan 2019)

RBBM I've wondered if this isn't a possibility. Perhaps even someone who wasn't necessarily friends with her but familiar enough to say "What a coincidence! Sure thanks for helping".

It's not so much weird that JM checked in with her parents, it's that she told them she was attending an event that was already in progress. A retreat she never registered for. A retreat she never actually stayed at. How could she have stayed when the guests are required to hand over phones?

Not to mention how weird is the Vipasanna site? Just me? JMO. *eta corrected spelling error vipasanna not vipisanna.
bolded by me for focus

Do we know that the retreat was already in progress? We don't have official dates. Their website only shows future dates so we can't know what events were in progress. I see that in early October 2023 there is a 3-day retreat.

Do we know she never registered for it? Maybe she did register in advance but then showed up and changed her mind once she saw the detailed agreements and set-up of the place. Perhaps she felt a bad vibe. Or perhaps she had recently met someone and they convinced her not to stay.

I noticed that several people said she left in the evening. Could someone point me to where it's been said in the media that that was when she left? Perhaps she left late morning or in the afternoon and headed into Merritt, parked up temporarily while she made lunch/dinner in her van and then moved on later. I just haven't seen specific timing, but I might have just missed it.
I do not think mental health issues can be ruled out. We have a person who is 22, the prime age for the emergence of mental illness. She lived a nomadic lifestyle, which could mean nothing or could point to someone who struggles to find stability. There are a number of repetitive posts lately on her social media, which I find odd, and her tattoo page lists her at a "secret" location. This all could be nothing, or it could be completely normal for her, but I would put mental health crisis far above serial killer on my list of possibilities.
Jacqueline was found deceased yesterday after an exhaustive search by the BC Search and Rescue teams. This was posted on the Find Jacqui McDermott fb page by the administrator representing Jacqueline’s family.
My thoughts are with her family and friends during this difficult time. ❤️ ❤️
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