Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #21

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Melissa Tait‏Verified account @meltait
How the RCMP found #BryerSchmegelsky & #KamMcCleod. An immersive story by @renatadaliesio on the manhunt in #Manitoba. It's all here: The characters, the wilderness, the suspected route, the twists & turns for pursuers who nearly gave up. … #ManitobaManhunt


10:37 AM - 27 Sep 2019
The very idea of hijacking a boat shows what a tenuous hold they had on reality.

Technically, there is a difference between a boat and a ship. A ship has a crew, plenty of bunker fuel for a cross-Atlantic passage and months worth of stores (food and supplies). A boat is a small craft that has to be fueled, kept stored with supplies, and navigated by the number of people the hull safely allows.

If they thought they could find and read marine charts and manage this voyage in a boat that would not be seaworthy in heavy weather, they were dumb.

If they thought they could hold a ship's crew at bay for what would have been a good ten-day voyage, they were dumber.

To me that confirms they were not operating in the same reality as the rest of us. I think this was at least kind of a folie a deux.
I was thinking that as we now know the old vehicle was owned by KM, he probably didn't have a lot of money for maintenance etc. They certainly could have had vehicle problems, driving an old truck, loaded with a full camper for such long stretches of time. It could have easily been overheating. Maybe the person who pulled over to offer help when they were on the side of the road with the hood up had a lucky escape. Maybe they were already having troubles with their vehicle, and had originally thought they could take LF's van, but when it didn't run, had to move on in their own vehicle. I can see them being stuck where their truck was burnt, with it broken down, stressing they were going to be caught and then going down the road at night and seeing LD asleep in his car, killing him, snatching a few belongings and burning their vehicle before taking off. I now think BS was planning on suiciding in his suit, that's why he took it with him. They left their computers etc. burn because they had by then decided they wouldn't be needing them anymore. If their vehicle was hampering them, then taking LD's would have been possibly seen as more reliable, cheaper in fuel and seen as more practical to complete their murderous mission, I guess. Just some thoughts of course!
I don't think that they just kept going until the truck broke down. Evidence is, they targetted people sleeping on the roadside in the middle of the night. How likely would it have been that they happened to find their perfect victim right where they actually broke down?

I think they'd have been especially terrified of breaking down by the side of the road, being on the run from a double murder, with rifles and ammo in the vehicle. I theink they'd realized there might be video footage of their truck (police asked for surveillance and dashcam video around Liaird Hotsprings, just around that time). They'd already bought the jerry can in Whitehorse, was that a plan to burn the truck once they found a better vehicle to steal?

The truck got them all the way to Dease Lake, it can't have been having serious problems.
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The police report contains a frightening account from a witness who pulled over to take a nap on the Alaska Highway and saw a man - believed to be one of the teen fugitives - coming towards his car holding a long gun and in a ‘hunting stance’

That would be absolutely terrifying. I don't even want to imagine what Lucas, Chyna and Mr.Dyck went through in their last moments.

This makes me wonder if one of them did more of the shooting than the other. I also wonder why it was decided that Kam would be the one to shoot Bryer and then himself. Why Bryer first? Why didn't Bryer shoot Kam first? Why not do it at the same time if they had two guns? So many questions. I'd really like to know how it was even determined that Kam shot Bryer first. Even though they discussed the suicide in their videos, how could it be proven that Bryer was willing/prepared to be shot when he was? Just speculating...
Cold blooded killers. I know we wondered here if Kam was not really "into" this whole killing spree and/or that he wasn't the one that really wanted to commit suicide. We thought he looked stressed, upset, ready to give up in the hardware store video.
Good gracious, none of that was even close to the truth.

Agree to disagree with your statement about Kam looking upset/ready to give up in that video. Many people here, myself included, felt he had cold, dead eyes, in the Meadow Lake video. One look at him and I got the chills, and it was that particular video that made some posters here begin to feel like he was either the "leader" or just as messed up and into the events as BS was.

It's ironic that today is the day that the RCMP released their findings. I was downtown today and saw young people uniting with other (mostly) young people from around the world marching in the climate strike. These young people care about the future of humanity and the earth, unlike BS and KM, who cared nothing for anyone or anything aside from themselves and fulfilling a stupid and psychopathic fantasy. Thank god BS and KM killed themselves before they killed anyone else. RIP to their victims.
This makes me wonder if one of them did more of the shooting than the other. I also wonder why it was decided that Kam would be the one to shoot Bryer and then himself. Why Bryer first? Why didn't Bryer shoot Kam first? Why not do it at the same time if they had two guns? So many questions. I'd really like to know how it was even determined that Kam shot Bryer first. Even though they discussed the suicide in their videos, how could it be proven that Bryer was willing/prepared to be shot when he was? Just speculating...

I feel like they might have said in the videos that was their plan?

I'm not sure why Kam would be the one to shoot Bryer, except that I think he was the leader and saw Bryer as his soldier or mercenary (as I've said many times even before the report came out), so it could have been an ultimate power thing.
And they were , at heart, as bedrock hardwired, simple thieves.

It isn't known what they stole from Lucas and Chynna, whatever it was, it probably went up in flames when they burnt their own vehicle. Like pecking magpies, naturally, they would have went thru their gear and clobber, discarding this, taking that, because we know they then stole and used the Professor's equipment and goods. Everything was theirs, their entitlement to anything had no boundaries.

They were, I have no doubt at all , thieves back in Port Alberni, and people in PA knew it, too. And firelighters. Brush fires, stupid little fires, oddly ridiculous fires.

They'll talk about it when , and if, they can, that may take some time.
B.C. fugitives took credit for three killings in videos they recorded before their deaths, RCMP say

Sept 27, 2019


It adds that the unit has concluded Mr. McLeod and Mr. Schmegelsky may have made the video recordings for notoriety. “In an effort to not sensationalize the actions of McLeod and Schmegelsky to commit similar acts of violence, the videos will not be released to the public by the RCMP."

Police have concluded that Mr. McLeod shot Mr. Schmegelsky and then himself in a suicide pact, the report says.

Other conclusions discussed in the report and the RCMP briefing:

  • Despite interviews with the pair’s families, teachers and friends, seized evidence from search warrants and the video recordings, their exact motivation is unclear.
  • The two men legally bought one SKS semi-automatic rifle and a box of 20 rounds of Winchester 7.62 x 39mm ammunition using Mr. McLeod’s Possession and Acquisition Licence at a sporting goods retailer called Cabela’s in Nanaimo, B.C. Investigators at the briefing, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was nothing improper in the sale of the weapon. However, police say two SKS-type firearms were used in the offences. The second was an older SKS with numerous serial numbers, indicating parts from different weapons were put together, but investigators could not determine the source of the weapon or parts.
  • An autopsy found that Mr. Dyck died as a result of a single gunshot wound. Police had previously declined to detail the cause of death. Mr. Dyck was in the north for an outdoor research trip.
  • On July 29, searchers discovered several items belonging to the suspects, including hundreds of rounds of ammunition, from a number of sites. It is unclear to police how they secured this ammunition. The investigative theory is that the pair were dumping weight as they fled through the bush from the burning remains of Mr. Dyck’s vehicle, which they had taken after his death, officers said.
  • On Aug. 1, police searchers found Mr. McLeod’s backpack, containing a full box of ammunition, and his wallet with his identification and clothing.
I don't think that they just kept going until the truck broke down. Evidence is, they targetted people sleeping on the roadside in the middle of the night. How likely would it have been that they happened to find their perfect victim right where they actually broke down?

I think they'd have been especially terrified of breaking down by the side of the road, being on the run from a double murder, with rifles and ammo in the vehicle. I theink they'd realized there might be video footage of their truck (police asked for surveillance and dashcam video around Liaird Hotsprings, just around that time. They'd already bought the jerry can in Whitehorse, was that a plan to burn the truck once they found a better vehicle to steal?

The truck got them all the way to Dease Lake, it can't have been having serious problems.
They bought the jerry can in Whitehorse while still continuing north towards Haines Junction, probably knowing gas stations would be even farther apart as it became even more remote. I would too!
It's very fortunate that no one else was killed if they had this much ammunition. I had also previously thought the killing might've stopped because they ran out of ammo for the gun, and the gun was their method of murder. I'm back to wondering why the killing stopped then, there certainly would've been other opportunities during their road trip across 4 provinces... and they were already planning on a potential suicide, so they wouldn't have much else to lose by committing more murders.

Whatever the reason they stopped at the third victim in BC, it's extremely fortunate that no one else was hurt. They had the potential, time and ammo to kill a lot more people
I think we can conclude it wasn't because they had a change of heart, the circumstances had to be just right, finding a victim in a remote location and gun them down without hindrance from passerbys/witnesses, those circumstances would have been hard to come by. Also the motivation to kill would be influenced by the mood of one or both of the killers, that would determine when they'd strike. They fit the spree killer criteria, no rhyme or reason, totally unpredictable, add delusional to the list in this case too. jmo
That leaves me wondering still indeed why the killing stopped. I could only think of a mechanical reason , and , as it turns out , they did plan to increase their target number exponentially , so motive was still as strong as ever.. so that's a mystery, …. If they wanted to, and planned to, and had ammo enough to take out a small village, what was hampering that action? . one thing we can be absolutely sure of, it wasn't empathy, sympathy, sorrow, guilt, remorse, regret, internal pain, distaste, disgust or repulsion.

Of those things, these two knew nothing.

Perhaps they stopped when they were near the water and believed they could hijack a boat.

ETA: From presser - agent also believes when they reached water their mobility affected.
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I feel like they might have said in the videos that was their plan?

I'm not sure why Kam would be the one to shoot Bryer, except that I think he was the leader and saw Bryer as his soldier or mercenary (as I've said many times even before the report came out), so it could have been an ultimate power thing.

Yeah, I always thought Kam was the leader as well.

RCMP seems to believe this was in fact a suicide pact, and something is telling them that. I agree that it’s probably the videos.

I think it’s possible that Breyer didn’t want to kill himself, and wanted Kam to do it for him.

Perhaps he was worried about messing up, or there was some other reason.
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