Canada - Sina Parsi, 32, found murdered, Toronto, Ont, 9 June 2015 - *Arrests*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Yes his face does grimace when the door is opened ..... I do that too when entering an apartment hallway .... the air usually stinks from the combination of all the cooking and stuff going on in the building .... just a guess

Looks like SP sees, there is a leak in the roof / canopy, turns away and thinks: I am indeed roofer, but that's not my problem now.
Maryam Shah - TOSun ‏@MaryamSun1 5 Std.Vor 5 Stunden
"I'm not suggesting that they're friends at all" - Patterson says of #SabrinaAndClyde and Parsi. But too early to tell exact nature.
Siobhan Morris ‏@siomo 5 Std.Vor 5 Stunden
Patterson says they believe someone must be helping #SabrinaAndClyde. They'd be out of money, food, shelter
It is not important, but wondering what the ( eery, imo ) white thing fluttering around in the cctv footage could be?
Maryam Shah - TOSun ‏@MaryamSun1 6 Std.Vor 6 Stunden Übersetzung anzeigen
"Do not engage in the practice of picking up hitchhikers" - Patterson warns #SabrinaAndClyde
It is not important, but wondering what the ( eery, imo ) white thing fluttering around in the cctv footage could be?

No idea, but very strange. I had to concentrate on the 3 persons and therefore I wasn't able to identify.
My thoughts on the latest developments....

- I was bang on about him being a knife guy, and about the possibility of breaking in to cottages.
- SP looks hesitant to go in. He has obviously just met this pair and isn't comfortable
- Possibility of CM dealing drugs
- Something revealed by family about SC. Possibly drug use? Maybe prostitution?

So why was SP there? Possibilities include...

- He's selling drugs. I don't think he would risk going to the apartment with two drug users for whatever reason. He obviously arranged to meet them at Tims, so if there was any reason to go to the apartment I would think SP would have waited in his truck. He does not seem like he is in control while entering the building. He doesn't want to go in but he wants or needs something.

He's buying drugs. SP doesn't seem like a drug guy. Certainly not the type that is going to meet strangers for clandestine get togethers in the middle of the night. If he did have a drug habit, he would also have a dealer. Doesn't make sense.

Prostitution. A possibility. Why was SC with them? Is it possible she was the bait to lure him back? A craigslist ad would explain how SP got in touch with them and why he withdrew cash. Something tells me this was a planned event, SP just happened to be the first unlucky person to pick up the phone and call.

Stretching my imagination I come up with a couple more possibilities ....

Was SP looking to buy a dog , or guard dog for his business .... were CM & SC planning to move anyway , or were they told to get rid of the pet (barking when no one around) ... I have owned pets when living in apartments and it is a real pain taking them up and down elevators 2 to 3 times a day , never mind cleaning up the crap afterward and how dogs scare some other tenants

Was CM wanting to get a job with SP's company ... doubt it , sounds like CM did not care to work , besides it sounds like SP had a good and dependable crew.

Was SP there to buy something legitimate , tools , equipment etc ?

All in all , there is a good possibility they had earlier conversations at coffee shops and knew each other from there , SB was known to interact with customers ..... so SP may not have felt he was with total strangers when he went to their home.

"Only one way to end this,' say police to fugitives Sabrina Chouart and Clyde Marshall"

"There's only one way to end this properly and that is by turning yourself in," he said, directly addressing Chouart and Marshall. "Get yourself a lawyer, take their advice, and come in and talk to me."

Marshall in particular was highlighted as a dangerous person who always carries a knife and is willing to use it, said Patterson.

"He has a long history of violence," said Patterson. "He is not afraid of authority and has used violence against officers in the past."

Patterson believes that someone is helping the couple."

If he were there for sex, would she be dressed llike that? It seems a little odd. What was the temperature that night?

The whole drug thing seems odd too, why would he have to go to the apartment? I have no idea why he was there.
Its a moth
Yes it looks like how a big moth would flutter around near a light source. Before it was likely but now since it has been confirmed CM and SC were involved in trafficking of drugs I can see some sort of a drug connection here rather than a sex connection (although when it comes down to a sex connection I am sure a guy won't mind that the girl is wearing a hoodie and jeans with sneakers). But if sex was somehow a part of the equation then I would guess drugs were too. But unless all this was discussed in person after her work shifts were over, I am sure they have an email trail but most likely a cell phone trail of them contacting each other. If it was by text and not phone conversation then LE has a pretty good idea what they were meeting about but probably do not want to taint any potential jurors for the future trial if one is needed.
...just my thoughts on the case from the latest video

- agree with LE possible scenario that someone is helping CM/SC lay low
- SP looks nervous as hell, imo his body language tells me he's there to score drugs, -get in, get out- type of thing, especially at midnight
- I'm thinking that SP gave some thought to his timing of the events in order not give any suspicion to his wife, leaving soccer game early, meet up with accused and quick score drugs, ideally head home, could amount to the same time frame of watching a soccer game and head out for coffee with his buddies, then head home.....really think he wanted to score quick and head home, a family man from what I'm reading, don't think it was prostitution MOO
There are other discrepancies including the age of the business (30 years) and the age of the owner. This info found by another WS poster. JMO

A company with a very similar name to SP's exists in Winnipeg and is 30 years old. So, maybe previous WS user had come across the Winnipeg company rather than SP's? Just search SP's company name + Winnipeg.
BINGO .... that is exactly what I thought when I saw him glance down and then up ..... looking for the source of water .... all the more because he is a roofer and things like that would catch his attention.

Actually, if you look at the ground on the opposite side of the entrance it is wet too. I would have to agree with other users who suspect that SP is anxious by this point and looking up and around and the hand scratching and eye gesture all seem to indicate signs of anxiety. I also suspect that he has never been to that building because LE would indicate that he has frequented the building in the Just my humble opinion.
Stretching my imagination I come up with a couple more possibilities ....

Was SP looking to buy a dog , or guard dog for his business .... were CM & SC planning to move anyway , or were they told to get rid of the pet (barking when no one around) ... I have owned pets when living in apartments and it is a real pain taking them up and down elevators 2 to 3 times a day , never mind cleaning up the crap afterward and how dogs scare some other tenants

Was CM wanting to get a job with SP's company ... doubt it , sounds like CM did not care to work , besides it sounds like SP had a good and dependable crew.

Was SP there to buy something legitimate , tools , equipment etc ?

All in all , there is a good possibility they had earlier conversations at coffee shops and knew each other from there , SB was known to interact with customers ..... so SP may not have felt he was with total strangers when he went to their home.

Yes, these are very likely possibilities! I also thought maybe he was there in response to an ad about the dog or some computer/furniture. Does anyone know the exact breed of the dog so we could search for a possible Craigslist or Kijiji ad?
Okay, some more thoughts...

If they planned to kill him, why on earth would they have walked him into their apartment past security cameras?

It was said that "based on their habits" they expect CM would not let SC to go very far. If you think about it, they have probably watched weeks of footage. I would bet that every time SC left the apartment CM was with her.
A question to you all: who goes out at midnight to meet "strangers" in a not so great area to buy a service/item that is legitimate.....without letting any friends or family members know of their whereabouts?
...I believe it was stated by LE that they went off a tip that SP's body was in the 8th floor apt and knew where to go.....was there anything more said about this tip or tipster, ie: anonymous call or note?
A company with a very similar name to SP's exists in Winnipeg and is 30 years old. So, maybe previous WS user had come across the Winnipeg company rather than SP's? Just search SP's company name + Winnipeg.

This link seems to be his company. The second review mentions it being a 30yr old business but also mentions Sina.

Then we also have this Atlas Roofing which also mentions the company has been in business for over 3 decades and the contact there is also someone named Sina.

The Whois information shows that website registered to a Sina Farzi. We know SP has used that version of his name on his pleasure craft license.

3 different addresses listed. All called Atlas Roofing Ltd. SP was only 32 years old. He has only been in the country for 21 years so his parents have also? Very confusing. :dunno:


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