Casey as "co-counsel" ...good strategy or no?

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KC modeling "co-counsel" Good defense move or bad move?

  • It's a good defense strategy

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • It's a bad defense strategy

    Votes: 266 85.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 33 10.5%

  • Total voters
Affinity - a shout out to say thanks for the thread! Obviously a great idea as it is zooming and everyone wants to have a say about what ICA looks like to them in the hearings.

Pat, I so agree with all you just said. Unfortunately in this case I think they are damned if they do and damned if they don't, because she just can not be "normal." Her pretending to be important and write incessantly just keeps her from doing other incessant behaviors. This continuation of her" being in her little pretend world" is just a blatant example of how she is so disconnected from reality. The fact that she can't just sit there and pay attention, because this is a very serious situation: the death of an innocent child, and her life laying in the balance, will not be lost on the jury. . . Pat :0)

I agree she should be able to sit their some times and just pay attention, but it appears to be impossible for ICA. I have also noticed how, during sidebars or breaks, it is about 2 seconds before someone, ANYONE, appears to come and babysit her. During the few seconds she is alone before the babysitter is sitting beside her, she is often pulling her sweater or blouse over her hands, or starts pulling on her hair and face, etc. I found the "Out, Out Damned Spot" comment by someone here very intuitive about her hands. IMO.
she would've been better off sticking to the sexy librarian look she tried early on, her standing behind Mr Baez as he spoke...with her glasses and her white professional shirt was a much better fit than this new emotionless paralegal look. The only time she gets animated is when she first sees Mr Baez as she get into the court room and as she gossips and giggles with her bff/babysitter during sidebars and breaks in procedings. The reason she was a good liar was because she never kept the people she lied to in close proximity to each other. She can't control that any more. The real Casey will show up as one by one her family, friends, and the experts and witnesses all go up and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It will be the first time in her life that Casey Anthony faces the truth.
I voted other. I still feel like she's mostly "taking notes" for her bestseller. The one she will write when she is acquitted of murdering her only child, the one that will let us all know what a travesty that has been bestowed upon the best MOTY.

The book will make her rich and revered beyond her wildest dreams because she is so, so special and been so, so MISunderstood.

One thing that has bothered me since finding out about the $270,000.00 plus that she was paid for photos of Caylee is why didn't she take the money and hire the best investigator available to find "Zanny the nanny". I dunno, maybe MOTY just had to put herself in front of her daughter once again.
Affinity - a shout out to say thanks for the thread! Obviously a great idea as it is zooming and everyone wants to have a say about what ICA looks like to them in the hearings.


Yes, Thanks because for the longest time I thought I was nuts. I just can't seem to quit watching her scribble, tear, fold and tuck. It is mesmerizing trying to figure out what in the world could she possibly be thinking and the DT letting her do it, matter of fact I'm sure someone has to be in charge of ICA's play things.
Really, really, really glad other people have noticed...I was starting to think it was the Web Cam all over again!
I'm hoping someone will post a side by side photo, Couey with his crayons and Casey with her Bic. Then ask the defense if they think this is a smart move.

How's this, Lance?


They both look unconcerned with what is going on, IMO.
Imo, the DT thinks that the jury will view KC as a young, single mother, wrongly accused, and desperately fighting for her life. What they will actually see is this:

I voted other. I still feel like she's mostly "taking notes" for her bestseller. The one she will write when she is acquitted of murdering her only child, the one that will let us all know what a travesty that has been bestowed upon the best MOTY.

The book will make her rich and revered beyond her wildest dreams because she is so, so special and been so, so MISunderstood.

One thing that has bothered me since finding out about the $270,000.00 plus that she was paid for photos of Caylee is why didn't she take the money and hire the best investigator available to find "Zanny the nanny". I dunno, maybe MOTY just had to put herself in front of her daughter once again.

KC wanted the reward money for the baby because it was half of her bail, $225,000, so I don't think finding nanny was an option. jmo
Wow - no words for that collage - whew - thank you! That had an amazingly strong punch for me.
I voted 'bad' b/c it is pretentious (at best) and perhaps even delusional. :cow:
Bad all around. I can't even see her most of the time and she's the most irritating defendant I have ever known of. I can just imagine what she's doing, acting like a paralegal when she's nothing but a murderer. No, that is not going to go well with a jury. And if she keeps reacting the way she does to the SA, with snide remarks for example, she is putting herself in an adversarial position with them, the mean SA vs. her. I've never ever known of a defendant who put themselves in that position that came out acquitted or otherwise. No juror wants to see a defendant reacting to the SA's in open court like that. It's like the crime takes second place to a personal vendetta against the SA for daring to bring it against her. She is digging herself quite a hole by acting like part of her defense team instead of a client being represented by a defense team, which is what a innocent person does. She's even irritating her own defense team on top of that! The jury is going to think the worst of her just sitting at that table and acting the way she does. That doesn't look good for her at all, but I don't know what else they could do to make her look better. There's just not any time for a personality makeover before the trial. She would probably need a personality transplant, if that were possible.
Bad all around. I can't even see her most of the time and she's the most irritating defendant I have ever known of. I can just imagine what she's doing, acting like a paralegal when she's nothing but a murderer. No, that is not going to go well with a jury. And if she keeps reacting the way she does to the SA, with snide remarks for example, she is putting herself in an adversarial position with them, the mean SA vs. her. I've never ever known of a defendant who put themselves in that position that came out acquitted or otherwise. No juror wants to see a defendant reacting to the SA's in open court like that. It's like the crime takes second place to a personal vendetta against the SA for daring to bring it against her. She is digging herself quite a hole by acting like part of her defense team instead of a client being represented by a defense team, which is what a innocent person does. She's even irritating her own defense team on top of that! The jury is going to think the worst of her just sitting at that table and acting the way she does. That doesn't look good for her at all, but I don't know what else they could do to make her look better. There's just not any time for a personality makeover before the trial. She would probably need a personality transplant, if that were possible.

Are you speaking of a certain instance where she spoke out or reacted in court to the SA Aedrys? Can you lead me inthe direction of that instance so i might watch it ?
Are you speaking of a certain instance where she spoke out or reacted in court to the SA Aedrys? Can you lead me inthe direction of that instance so i might watch it ?

Bad bad news in the long run. On one hand, we can say it's good because this is the very behavior the SA will be trying to paint a picture of when they present this case at trial. Detached, aloof, uncaring, dissociated, but this is bad if she is trying to seem 'engaged' and wanting a 'mistrial or acquittal'. I say that tongue and cheek, of course.

I was wondering if anyone was catching her snickers and ears moving upwards when she hears something interesting, or the side eyes as she listens to her team 'commenting' to each other behind her? I can't help but be fascinated by her smirking when she hears the DT make a snide remark about the SA, or the procedure. I can't really say what it is, but the bulging eyes, ear movement and over all look of surprise from ICA is.....well..........Odd at best and down right creepy at worst.

BBM. Ssejors, this post by janine is what I was referring to. I haven't actually seen many hearings, but it sounds like she smirks when snide remarks about the SA are made. I don't know if she does more than that, but doing that isn't good. She she just sit there, still, and listen. Instead, she is telegraphing to all who are watching what a cold, emotionless, soulless murderer she is.
Why in the hello does she always folder over a blank piece of paper and stick it into the legal pad? What is that about? Tear, fold, stick.

Baez probably doesn't have a paralegal in his budget so he's letting her have a "job". She's probably out of post-its. :great:
To me it seems like she is going through some OCD ritual. KC flips through those pages but it never seems she finds what she is looking for. When she writes on the pad she seems to be pressing on the pen hard on the pen as if she is taking anger out on the paper.
Imo, the DT thinks that the jury will view KC as a young, single mother, wrongly accused, and desperately fighting for her life. What they will actually see is this:


Wow, just wow! I'm at a loss for words to describe how the look in her eyes made me feel....................
All of the watching of the writing, filing, etc. has been during pretrial arguments. When the trial gets going and LE and her friends, lovers, relatives start testifying, I think she will not be able to contain herself. She is role playing now because that is all she knows how to do. I expect her reactions, facial - maybe verbal will become a problem during trial. She may even stand up and say "I object". With the money that has been given for her defense team, surely there is someone smart enough to pick her clothes. Even co-counsel need to dress appropriately...
I was meaning to ask about the large folder full of smaller folders that she sat down with and meticulously emptied onto the desk when she entered the court room and sat down on thursday.

Here's the video. Its so beyond annoying to watch this woman fuss and fidget with her sweater and sleeves and what not. She's so obsessed with how people will perceive her.

And whats with the pencil case? Isn't she on trial (essentially) for murder 1! Murder. The killing of her innocent, helpless and sweet little daughter! WHY DOES SHE GET A FRICKING PENCIL CASE!? Why is she allowed to have pencils and pens at all!? Could she not palm one or try to sneak one back to her cell so she could shank someone! WTH! I think she has entirely too much freedom in the courtroom. I would prefer her to be all hannibal lectored.


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