Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

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Sure....Go to your User Control Panel, and under Settings & Options, click on Edit Ignore List then add the name. :)

now that's a handly little tool, thanks for the tip.
Maybe you were just too smart for the curriculum? That has happened.

I'm a little uncomfortable with all the ADD/HD talk, because even that is highly affected by "nature." I've been diagnosed with ADHD, and when I was a kid it was a lot less "common" (reported?) than it is now, and it was especially rare in girls. My parents and teachers thought I was just bored in class - so they would give me extra assignments, more advanced work, to keep me focused and channel that energy - it worked great until I went away to college and didn't have mom the director, but by then I was 18 and both saw a psychologist independantly and found new projects to throw myself at as I was, I guess, "conditioned" to do as a child.

If people are taught self respect, and have a good family situation, I think (IMO of course) they can channel their "differences" into productive things and not hypersexuality and stealing.

I would also have been diagnosed by today's standards as ADHD. I was always bored in class and spent half my day sharpening mine and everyone else's pencils just to get out of my seat.

I have said many times, like you law lady, if I had been raised in modern times, I would have been medicated to the hilt. I also had teachers who conned me into extra work for extra points and had me do multiple "helper" things for them because I was always through with my work an hour before anyone else. They focused my energy in helpful ways which taught me how to do it for myself later.

I graduated high school at 16 with a number of dual credits through the local college. My family taught me how to use my high energy and hyper-focus ability for good and not for evil. I was involved in continuous sports and extra curricula activities which kept the energy "spent."

When I entered the university full time, I found it rather boring, so I took a full time job in my career field. That worked for me. I have never needed a lot of sleep and always felt draggy if I slept over 6 hours a night. My idea amount was 3-4 hours until the last few years and I have noticed I am compelled to get about 6 now.

My entire life I have been blessed with high energy which has helped in my personal life, my professional life and my community life. I have been able to do a multitude of tasks at one time which without ADD, I would never have accomplished. I do not consider ADHD a curse but a blessing in my life.

The down side is I cannot do just one thing at a time. When I am on here, I am also watching the news, and sometimes reading a book or playing spades on my laptop. That drives normal people nuts. LOL My family does not know me any other way, so that is "normal" for me in their eyes. My friends say I "wear them out" just watching me. My high school friend who I still travel with some says I just make her tired "listening" to me talk on the phone and set up appointments.

I guess what I am trying to say, is ADHD can be a blessing with good family and school support but too often these days, people want to take away those abilities by medicating them to make persons like me more like them.
KC does not have DID (latest name for MPD) :)

She's never "lost time," as far as anyone knows (awakened in, say, Texas, with no memory or having gone there). Those "lost time" episodes are called "fugues."

Also. it's likely that an "alter" would have "come out" while she was in jail, and would have been noticed.

Also, she could not consistently be so quiet and calm. Nor, could she consistently be able to remain silent re: Caylee. Because an "alter" would likely snitch, or at least leak something.

Last I read, DID is mostly iatrogenic (the doctor caused it).

There was a MAJOR MPD (as it was called then) fad back in the 80s. I got quite a lot of them on my caseload. I mean DOZENS were referreed in.

All of the ones that came through us were actually personality disorders, who were convinced by their shrinks. I never saw a real MPD. And, a TON of lawsuits were filed against diagnosing doctors.

Last I read, that diagnosis only appears in the US, too, BTW. Almost exclusively among women.

So, DID might exist. But, REAL cases are extremely rare, if they exist at all.

I read somewhere that even the famous "Sybil" lost her "alters" when she changed shrinks, as did "Eve."

I don't think KC has ANY Axis I disorder.

I agree, If Casey had DID we would know by now. There is no hiding that.

As for people with personality disorders faking DID, one of my mothers biggest games used to be to pretend she had an "alter". When she'd get caught doing stupid a$$ things or she simply didn't feel like dealing with things, her "little girl" would come out and take over. She really thought it would keep her out of trouble. :crazy:
LOL, at your husband vouching :)

So many "symptoms" of all of these cross over from one to the next. It's not like there's a blood test for any of them, so they're based on clinical observation, or just plain "characteristics" in someone's nature. What used to be called just part of someone's "personality", now has a diagnosis. So, just keep in mind that a person must have a certain number of the characteristics of that "disorder" to qualify for the diagnosis. She may have ADD/ADHD or not, or she just may be disorganized. Who knows. And remember also that it's very possible that she falls into the category of having one (or more) disorder. Sociopath is pretty evident, others maybe also.

Great post!
I agree, If Casey had DID we would know by now. There is no hiding that.

As for people with personality disorders faking DID, one of my mothers biggest games used to be to pretend she had an "alter". When she'd get caught doing stupid a$$ things or she simply didn't feel like dealing with things, her "little girl" would come out and take over. She really thought it would keep her out of trouble. :crazy:

You know, you have come a very long way out of a very deep hole, woman!

I think you are totally admirable!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Dude, I hate to break the news to ya but the only conspiring and plotting that went on was ALL CASY ANTHONY'S DOING. And that you will be able to take to the bank. Again I would encourage you to read all of the documents that pertain to the case as it is a literal gold mine of information and FACTS. The smell cannot be faked. Please get that straight.

Honestly I think that you are either CA or related. :banghead:

If it was an adoption Caylee would be back with her family now. FBI/LE was able to rule that out long ago. :banghead:

I am usually a prosecution minded person and believe LE and the FBI are the good guys MOST of the time. BUT having been around for sometime....I now know that is not always the case.

One case in particular, keeps poking me in the ribs....and reminds me that media reports ....aka leaks by "sources close to the case" are often prosecution psychological warfare, and out and out LIES!

The case that keeps sticking me......... Sabrina Aisenberg...
Also please note who the prosecution hopped into bed with.... Anthony Pellicano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 17, 2000: A federal magistrate rules that sheriff's detectives might have lied or at least distorted facts to get court approval for the bugs. He orders a Nov. 13 hearing on the issue.

December 13, 2000: The public gets its first chance to hear the audio tapes from the Aisenberg bugging when 30 minutes of the tapes are played in court.
December 18, 2000: Magistrate Mark Pizzo says that the audio tapes enhanced by prosecution expert Anthony Pellicano actually sound worse than the original copies.
December 20, 2000: An FBI agent testifies that the FBI believed that the Aisenbergs may have sold Sabrina, but that their investigation of financial records produced nothing.
December 22, 2000: Hearings to determine whether taped conversations of Marlene and Steve Aisenberg should be used as evidence against them end.
February 14, 2001: A federal magistrate recommends that the bugged conversations at the heart of the government's case against Steve and Marlene Aisenberg be thrown out.

You know, you have come a very long way out of a very deep hole, woman!

I think you are totally admirable!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

LOL- that ain't my hole, that's my moms! I never dug in that direction, thank G0d!
I am usually a prosecution minded person and believe LE and the FBI are the good guys MOST of the time. BUT having been around for sometime....I now know that is not always the case.

One case in particular, keeps poking me in the ribs....and reminds me that media reports ....aka leaks by "sources close to the case" are often prosecution psychological warfare, and out and out LIES!

The case that keeps sticking me......... Sabrina Aisenberg...
Also please note who the prosecution hopped into bed with.... Anthony Pellicano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 17, 2000: A federal magistrate rules that sheriff's detectives might have lied or at least distorted facts to get court approval for the bugs. He orders a Nov. 13 hearing on the issue.

December 13, 2000: The public gets its first chance to hear the audio tapes from the Aisenberg bugging when 30 minutes of the tapes are played in court.
December 18, 2000: Magistrate Mark Pizzo says that the audio tapes enhanced by prosecution expert Anthony Pellicano actually sound worse than the original copies.
December 20, 2000: An FBI agent testifies that the FBI believed that the Aisenbergs may have sold Sabrina, but that their investigation of financial records produced nothing.
December 22, 2000: Hearings to determine whether taped conversations of Marlene and Steve Aisenberg should be used as evidence against them end.
February 14, 2001: A federal magistrate recommends that the bugged conversations at the heart of the government's case against Steve and Marlene Aisenberg be thrown out.

Oh gosh, I'll never forget this case! What these poor parents were put through is just unacceptable!
LOL- that ain't my hole, that's my moms! I never dug in that direction, thank G0d!

Yeah, but YOUR hole was HE**acious deep and dark.

I still say EXTREMELY admirable. Good on you, girl!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Since it seems that KC was a quiet, shy, "normal" type of girl until after Caylee was born, I wondered if anyone has considered Postpartum Psychosis? She seems to be a completely different person than she is rumored to have been, and it's like a switch was hit that caused this intense change.
naw, she'd be in a super depressed and paranoid state, claiming voices told her to kill she does not exhibit any kind of Psychosis execpt "stealing and shopping Psychosis...nope...not a defense option.
Since it seems that KC was a quiet, shy, "normal" type of girl until after Caylee was born, I wondered if anyone has considered Postpartum Psychosis? She seems to be a completely different person than she is rumored to have been, and it's like a switch was hit that caused this intense change.

Ain't no kind of psychotic I ever seen or heard of.
Since it seems that KC was a quiet, shy, "normal" type of girl until after Caylee was born, I wondered if anyone has considered Postpartum Psychosis? She seems to be a completely different person than she is rumored to have been, and it's like a switch was hit that caused this intense change.

She certainly changed from what we have seen in her high school years, right before that quiet, shy, good student suddenly dropped out of school. That was well before Caylee was conceived. What happened?
Never heard of a woman with postpartum psychosis going out dancing, getting tattoos, shopping for lingerie, and having a fun and active social life, having huge smiles on their faces in every picture taken of them.....nah, I just ain't buying it at all. IMO.
Since it seems that KC was a quiet, shy, "normal" type of girl until after Caylee was born, I wondered if anyone has considered Postpartum Psychosis? She seems to be a completely different person than she is rumored to have been, and it's like a switch was hit that caused this intense change.
I suffered from extreme postpartum depression, and her behavior, although different from her behavior before the baby was born, is NOT consistent with postpartum depression or psychosis.
I've thought of it.

After my second child was born I had what I'd consider a mild to moderate case of post-partum depression. Never sought help for it - just rode it out - all the while knowing what it was.

But let me tell you - those hormones - or whatever it is that causes those feelings - are intense. I had thoughts at that time that I would never ordinarily think. I saw a talk show once where someone described it as "intrusive thoughts" - very accurate description. Those thoughts were dark and deeply disturbing - and apparantly not uncommon - but usually left unspoken.

I don't know all that much about the Andrea Yates case - but I did hear that she had PPD that grew worse after the birth of each child. After having felt what I felt - I fear what a bad case of PPD might be like.

My mother-in-law's best friend says that after her 3rd (and last) child - she felt those feelings for nearly 2 years and thought she might never feel normal again. She thought she would never love her child. Finally it subsided.

I wonder if a younger mother like Casey - who wasn't into her pregnancy anyway - would have known about PPD. I was an older mom who knew about it and was sort of prepared when I actually did have it. If I didn't know about it - It would have been much harder to endure.

Maybe a case of PPD just exacerbated some underlying mental condition that already existed for Casey?
I got sick after my son was born. I was psychotic and manic and depressed.. I had constant thoughts of suicide, I even "shoved" my son down onto his mattress while he stood in his crib for the seeminly millionth night in a row refusing to go to sleep. I heard voices, I counted numbers randomly, I couldn't drive with my son in the car with me because every time I passed a telephone poll all I could think about was smashing into it, ending it all.

I got anti-psychotics from the doctors that made me sleep all the time, I saw furniture moving that was not really moving, the bed became my best friend. My husband became my caretaker.

There was no interest, no capacity to even think about dressing up and going out dancing and drinking and f^cking. I don't know- have any of you ever seen a psychotic person?
I don't know- have any of you ever seen a psychotic person?

No I haven't OneLostGrl. I can only imagine. I just have those PPD feelings to go by - and like I said - I fear what could be worse than that. I've done my share of recreational drugs in the past - and those feelings and thoughts I had with PPD seemed way stronger than than any drug induced state of mind. Maybe I had a stronger case than I thought? Anyway...I can see what you are saying about not wanting to go out and act normal and party during a time of psychosis - totally not gonna happen - but do you think a case of PPD could have tipped the scales so to speak on some sort of imbalance for Casey?

Is she a mental case at all? Or just evil? I think both.

Your posts are so insightful - thanks for your openness.
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