Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #163

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Yes! Even with a migraine, you're good! This is just one of many time line issues that keep popping up for me. I know there is documentation for the tow on the 30th of June, but the flies and their larva are just driving me nuts.

I think this will help you with your timeline. If the body was outside for even a very short amount of time eggs would have been already been laid before she was put in the trunk. By day four you have pupa which migrate away from the body and do not feed at this stage. The body could be removed from the trunk at this point and you would still end up with the fly life cycle going on in the trunk, ending up in the pizza which was possibly the same pizza purchased on the 19th. With the body gone this would be the only remaining food source in what has now become a closed environment.

They have the bag, they will know from the shedding of the maggots how many fly lifecycles have gone on in that trunk.
You can bet if CA had epilepsy, Cindy would have used that with the press. Most likely, she had a seizure due to alcohol or drugs. We sure know epilepsy in this forum, right Jelly Bean!

Without a hospital report I am not accepting that she had a seizure at all. Either another lie completely, or Casey pretending to have had one to get Jesse to come running.

I think this will help you with your timeline. If the body was outside for even a very short amount of time eggs would have been already been laid before she was put in the trunk. By day four you have pupa which migrate away from the body and do not feed at this stage. The body could be removed from the trunk at this point and you would still end up with the fly life cycle going on in the trunk, ending up in the pizza which was possibly the same pizza purchased on the 19th. With the body gone this would be the only remaining food source in what has now become a closed environment.

They have the bag, they will know from the shedding of the maggots how many fly lifecycles have gone on in that trunk.

:clap::clap:Thank you.
Yes, I do.

So then you think no one on WS should follow their own instincts and do their own verification and instead should always listen to other WS members no matter what?
Yup it is interesting and I remember the ER trip being mentioned too. I am no professional by any means, but I just dont' see DID being in her resume of disorders LOL I see narrcacism (sp?) borderline personality disorder, and definately sociopath as described here

It's hard to diagnose as many disorders aren't "textbook" cases and many have more than one diagnoses ie. GAD and OCD or Schitzophrenia and OCD. I realize that DID is highly controversial. There was a case here of a young man with DID and BPD who was responsible for his son's death. Sadly it was intentional and very traumatic.
So then you think no one on WS should follow their own instincts and do their own verification and instead should always listen to other WS members no matter what?

Wait? Didn't I change the subject? Let's drop it already...everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and WS has rules and it was pointed out nicely...soooo let's move on please, I can't live w/o my general discussion threads :blowkiss:

Wonder why this person never went and checked that area, if they can't get anyone to listen? I would have and wow, a body...they would have something then, no?

Ever since reading that thread, that's exactly what I've wondered. If it had been me, I would have returned to the area along 417 and found a place off the road to park, and would have tried to reconstruct exactly where I saw the young woman, car, and shovel. Then I'd check the area out. It probably wouldn't take more than a half-hour to an hour. If nothing found, what I saw was something innocent. But, if I found something I'd be calling 911 immediately.
It's hard to diagnose as many disorders aren't "textbook" cases and many have more than one diagnoses ie. GAD and OCD or Schitzophrenia and OCD. I realize that DID is highly controversial. There was a case here of a young man with DID and BPD who was responsible for his son's death. Sadly it was intentional and very traumatic.

Yup I did a final on DID (back when it was called MPD) many many years's a facinating disorder...
So then you think no one on WS should follow their own instincts and do their own verification and instead should always listen to other WS members no matter what?

O/T, by the way.

Ok, I'll take this bait. Once. Only once. No, I do not believe that at all. In fact, it is my opinion that the people here are so good because they do their own verification. There is proof of that, with something akin to bibliographical references to statements.

My problem is that I, and I am not alone in this, respect the rules as set forth by WS. That's the bottom line. Respect. Of the rules. IMHO your posts have all seemed antagonistic. Again, IMHO.

On that note, I'm done. Thanks other WS'ers, for listening.

I think this will help you with your timeline. If the body was outside for even a very short amount of time eggs would have been already been laid before she was put in the trunk. By day four you have pupa which migrate away from the body and do not feed at this stage. The body could be removed from the trunk at this point and you would still end up with the fly life cycle going on in the trunk, ending up in the pizza which was possibly the same pizza purchased on the 19th. With the body gone this would be the only remaining food source in what has now become a closed environment.

They have the bag, they will know from the shedding of the maggots how many fly lifecycles have gone on in that trunk.
i guess im in denial too .. i just cant see caylee as a dead body .. i know that is probably what happened .. but i cant feel that way about it i dont know why .. :(
Wait? Didn't I change the subject? Let's drop it already...everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and WS has rules and it was pointed out nicely...soooo let's move on please, I can't live w/o my general discussion threads :blowkiss:

I was trying to change the subject but only got a few nibbles, lol.
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