CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #1

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I'm absolutely on the same page as you. Same paragraph, same sentence. Everything he's said and done has been contradicting and calculated, imo, and when you put it all together in context none of it makes any sense. NONE OF IT. If they find what we all fear, it's going to take tricks and flips to explain it away as innocent happenstance. I've been sitting here trying to play devil's advocate with all of this but I can't come up with enough to make sense of it. jmo, of course.
OT,...this is the first time I've ever seen the word "happenstance"! I love it! :)
The friends said that they were texting and calling Dylan's phone all day. So I wonder if they got his answer messages or if it just didn't go through. My parents have a summer cabin that gets no cell service. If I call my kids on their cells when they are there, I usually get no rings, and an instant voice message, like the cell is turned off. And then if the kids go into town, they get all of the messages at once.

Dylan's mom got a message from him when Dad picked him up but nothing after that. I wonder where he was when he sent his friends the 'change of plans messages'?
Near his fishing pole :furious:
This monster was not very smart and screwed up by not leaving the backpack beside Dylan's fishing pole.

This is a photo of Lake Vallecito's dam (and where Dylan's backpack will likely be found in the water). :furious:

Aforementioned hypothetical monster had better hope located fishing pole is not son's fishing pole and missing backpack and missing son are not found in Lake and instead miraculously find alive and hiding in some corner of a local forrest.:furious:

Do you think Kevin Torres (or any other reporter) has asked LE a straight foward question - do you have anyone you're unable to rule out? Any relevant parties whose stories you're unable to verify yet? We haven't heard those questions and a "no comment" answer, so I'm guessing nobody's gone there yet.
SoIt doesn't appear Dylan overslept since his dad acknowledged that Dylan was up and dressed when he left to go on his "errands."

This is true. (Wait is it? My brain is turning to mush...did he actually say that Dylan was up? Sorry, not being snarky :) As I mentioned before, I keep thinking maybe he decided to sleep in, but then this factor comes into play about the clothing description. However, it must be noted that various media sources have conflicting reports about what he last seen wearing. And there is the remote possibility that his dad saw what he was wearing if he got up to go the bathroom, eat breakfast, discuss plans for the day...Also, "last seen wearing" could refer to the previous evening, if infact Dylan was still under the covers when his dad left....ugh ...going around in circles.

You know, I wish LE could just give us more facts so we don't have to spend so much time speculating on these basic things

Give us a darn press conference! (getting mad now, lol)
So this family is going to be on "Good Morning America" in a few hours.
I wonder if Dylan's Dad will be there.
Looking for locals who can answer a question for me. I am in Colorado, but am only marginally familiar with the area Dylan went missing from.

I noticed on reporter Kevin Torres' facebook page, he talked about how he was kind of enjoying not getting internet service most of the time.

My question is- how is the wifi/3g/4g/cell service there?

Maybe all these comments about Dylan not texting his friends or what not is because at Dylan's house he had no service? Perhaps he hadn't told his dad he planned to hitch a ride with him to town, and so dad left in the morning, and when Dylan woke up and realized his dad had left he decided to go fishing instead...taking his phone and charger in hopes he could get a cell signal and have a friend come pick him up? If he wanted to stay the night at a friend's I could see him taking his charger with him...

Also, the charger could have been in his backpack just because that's where he put it when he packed his stuff for the trip to dad's, and he grabbed his backpack on his way out the door to go fishing. My daughter goes back and forth between my house and her dad's house, and she carries her backpack with her everywhere. She has her ipod in it, her charger, a book she's reading, etc...

Maybe on the way from the airport Dylan mentioned to his dad he wanted to go see his buddies sometime during his visitation with dad and that's how dad knew to go check with the friends when his son couldn't be found?

Does anyone know just how long he was going to spend at dad's? A few days? A week?

Honestly, I feel fairly confident dad is involved and Dylan didn't run off...but I want to be sure to try to think up every plausible scenario.

I wondered about the cell service too, several pages back. A local or two responded saying that years ago it wasn't great but they weren't certain whether or not there had been upgrades made to the tower. Someone else posted a website comparing cell carriers rankings/quality for the dad's town. I thought the same as you, that possibly the dad's house had poor reception (or none at all) and Dylan wanted or needed to connect with his friends so he set out on a walk to find cell service. Personally I do that all the time when I'm in a location with dead spots. I get panicked if I know I can't dial out. With the recent post showing the dad's house being in the middle of nowhere (or the middle of woods) I would guess that cell reception is less than stellar. I would also guess that Dylan, his mother, and/or his father would know therefore that the cell phone reception wasn't any good and his inability to communicate wouldn't be such a shock and he would use the landline or have another way to get in touch. I think the fact that the phone was last used at 8pm on Sunday night is very telling, and not because of reception.
From the time on Sunday evening when Dylan arrived at the Durango airport and texted to his mom that he was there with a scowl face emoticon, until sometime mid or late day Monday, I wonder if anyone (other than Dad) actually talked to or saw Dylan. I have to discount the lady who thinks she may have seen him walking with another child.

During that many hours, nearly an entire day, there is just a huge opportunity for something bad to have happened and for whomever perpetrated the bad thing to try and cover it up as much as possible.

If Dylan doesn't magically appear here very soon, I'm thinking the Dad will lawyer up and he'll never really say what happened. MOO

I really want to be the Devil's Advocate here, but I just can't....
Aforementioned hypothetical monster had better hope located fishing pole is not son's fishing pole and missing backpack and missing son are not found in Lake and instead miraculously find alive and hiding in some corner of a local forest.:furious:

Do you think Kevin Torres (or any other reporter) has asked LE a straight forward question - do you have anyone you're unable to rule out? Any relevant parties whose stories you're unable to verify yet? We haven't heard those questions and a "no comment" answer, so I'm guessing nobody's gone there yet.
I'd like to hear someone ask LE, "Do you suspect foul play?" Not a list of possibilities as to what happened to Dylan, but just simply "Do you suspect foul play?" If LE says yes, the next question is "do you have a POI?" That would be enough for me.
A kidnapper would never have taken him all of the way to the lake so there would not be a fishing pole there. .

Again, I'm just looking at all angles and playing devil's advocate, but what if it is an abduction, but not by a stranger? Say, a neighbor or friend of the family who KNOWS the father is gone, and perhaps has Dylan's trust...He says, "let's go fishing" or "help me find my dog" or "can I borrow your fishing pole"...I guess what I'm saying is that luring via the invitation of fishing by someone he trusted could be possible. And the perp could then leave the pole there, so as to not be traveling with any evidence.

Or someone dressed as a cop knocked at the door...(taking the fishing pole out of the equation)... or "Your dad is in the hospital come with me"...

Just throwing out ideas.
Again, I'm just looking at all angles and playing devil's advocate, but what if it is an abduction, but not by a stranger? Say, a neighbor or friend of the family who KNOWS the father is gone, and perhaps has Dylan's trust...He says, "let's go fishing" or "help me find my dog" or "can I borrow your fishing pole"...

Or someone dressed as a cop knocked at the door...(taking the fishing pole out of the equation)... or "Your dad is in the hospital come with me"...

Just throwing out ideas.


The bolded one is the only one that matches with the fishing pole at the lake. A friend or neighbor luring him there. But I would like to know how 'public' that lake is. Would a killer want to be seen during the daytime at that lake with a child that is going to come up missing?

And it still doesn't answer why Dylan made plans with friends and then never communicated with them to say he was not coming. If a trusted neighbor invited him to go fishing, then why not text your friends and tell them you aren't coming until later? JMO
This is true. (Wait is it? My brain is turning to mush...did he actually say that Dylan was up? Sorry, not being snarky :) As I mentioned before, I keep thinking maybe he decided to sleep in, but then this factor comes into play about the clothing description. However, it must be noted that various media sources have conflicting reports about what he last seen wearing. And there is the remote possibility that his dad saw what he was wearing if he got up to go the bathroom, eat breakfast, discuss plans for the day...Also, "last seen wearing" could refer to the previous evening, if in fact Dylan was still under the covers when his dad left....ugh ...going around in circles.

You know, I wish LE could just give us more facts so we don't have to spend so much time speculating on these basic things

Give us a darn press conference! (getting mad now, lol)
It's very possible that the clothing Dylan's dad described is what Dylan was wearing Sunday evening, but MR tried to give the impression that Dylan was wearing those clothes 7:30 Monday morning to imply that Dylan was fine when he left for his "errands." I do not believe Dylan was fine at that time. I think it's all a ruse by MR to give himself an alibi. Was he seen at any stores Monday morning? What did he purchase? Did MR leave early so he'd have plenty of time to do what he needed to do before reporting his son missing? I think MR's statements are riddled with half-truths.
I'm looking on 9news' website for Kevin Torres' report about the fishing pole being Dylan's but can't find anything- neither print or video. I could easily be overlooking something. Anyone have a link or details about the origin of his reporting this?

I'm also looking at the trulia map on hybrid of the dad's house and surrounding areas and the would-be path to the Lake. IMO no way anyone but Lance Armstrong is making it from the home to the lake. Especially a 13 year old boy, in 25-30 degree weather, in shorts and a tshirt, on foot, with a backpack and a fishing pole, by himself, at 7:30 in the morning, not seen by anyone - either on that walk which would've taken hours or once he arrived at the lake to do whatever he was going to do (Swim? sunbathe in the cold?) and then he vanishes into thin air or into the lake all of this without a trace and without evidence?

Yeah. No. IMo, only.
I'm looking on 9news' website for Kevin Torres' report about the fishing pole being Dylan's but can't find anything- neither print or video. I could easily be overlooking something. Anyone have a link or details about the origin of his reporting this?

I'm also looking at the trulia map on hybrid of the dad's house and surrounding areas and the would-be path to the Lake. IMO no way anyone but Lance Armstrong is making it from the home to the lake. Especially a 13 year old boy, in 25-30 degree weather, in shorts and a tshirt, on foot, with a backpack and a fishing pole, by himself, at 7:30 in the morning, not seen by anyone - either on that walk which would've taken hours or once he arrived at the lake to do whatever he was going to do (Swim? sunbathe in the cold?) and then he vanishes into thin air or into the lake all of this without a trace and without evidence?

Yeah. No. IMo, only.
I can't find anything on Kevin Torres site about the fishing pole either. Hopefully the morning will bring some answers.

I'm interested to see if Dylan's dad is on Good Morning America too, so I better hit the hay.
Good Night all! Get some sleep so you can think! ;)
Okay, I'm gonna be really late for work and I haven't finished catching up but I wanted to say this (trying to avoid tunnel vision).

How long has it been since Dad spent time with Dylan? Maybe before the divorce he *was* more outdoorsy - maybe because he wanted to impress/be with Dad and Big Bro? My Dad and I love walking and my bro used to come out with us until he got old enough to decide really he just wanted to play on his computer (a Spectrum 48k if you guys had those!!). It's a rural area, his friends seem quite outdoorsy and sociable in their part in the search? Maybe Dad buys him a rod hoping to recreate the "good old days" when he thought they were close. Maybe Dylan takes it with him because he's run away and he knows enough to know he'll have to feed himself?

(there's been no confirmation on those sightings has there? So may not have been him).

Do we know much about the divorce? Maybe Mum hasn't painted Dad as a great guy to the kids, or at least the youngest, and that's why he was reluctant. He seems to have friends in the area so you'd think he'd be happy about getting to see them, ok he has to see Dad but it could (and should, unless Mum thought there was genuine risk) been sold to him as a little bit of cloud for some silver lining.

I really hope it's not something Dad has done and if it is surely not premeditated - seems pretty dumb to bump him off within hours of his visit and then have such an apparently wobbly load of stories to cover it. He must have had plenty of time to plan for this if he had to go through the courts. At the very least, I'd have sold a "he's trying to get back to Mum" type of story - accounts for the period before reporting (I was out searching along the road), could point people in the other direction to where I'd hidden the body. And the lake? Really? It looks pretty wild out there, could take him out anywhere in the time he had and it would have been better than a popular lake!

Some probably crazy (not enough coffee) thoguhts from me.. dashing off now...
This fishing pole thing is reminding me so much of Jessica's planted backpack (assuming this is indeed his fishing pole, I haven't seen the news reports on this yet bc I've been too busy here on this thread speculating, lol)...

Again, after what happened with Jessica's backpack, it being planted, the fact that his fishing pole was found there, doesn't necessarily mean Dylan himself was ever there. Also, I know what you mean about why take him to a public lake, but maybe there's a remote parking area...

The more I try to play devil's advocate, the more I'm starting to lean in the opposite direction, though, you guys are swaying me :)

I agree that I don't think Dylan would travel all that distance alone to go fishing, especially in shorts (if infact this was what he was wearing) but I will say it never ceases to amaze me how many people wear shorts up here in the winter! Even when its snowing!
I can't find anything on Kevin Torres site about the fishing pole either. Hopefully the morning will bring some answers.

I'm interested to see if Dylan's dad is on Good Morning America too, so I better hit the hay.
Good Night all! Get some sleep so you can think! ;)

This is as close to being a morning person as I get (staying up til quarter of 3 in the AM)! A few hours until GMA and the search resuming.. What hell this is for families of missing loved ones. I wish there was more we could do :-(

Holding out hope for a miracle! G'night everyone
Well, well, how ironic that the fishing pole was reportedly found at the dam. The very fishing pole dad mentioned early on while trying to blame LE for not searching the lake sooner.

Oh yeah, dad......we were all born yesterday and fell off the turnip truck today. NOT.
I've been following this one closely, as I have a 13 year old son myself - and share custody with his dad.

My thoughts - firstly, the dad saying Dylan is outdoorsy and the mum saying he's an indoor, techie kid isn't strange to me. I have 4 boys with my ex husband and when they are with him, they do lots of fishing, hiking and camping and love it. However, with me, they spend their time watching tv, chatting to friends online and going on the Wii and Xbox. I guess we would each describe them very differently, as the lifestyles we both lead are very different. So, I don't find this part of the case strange.

However, I'm puzzled by the lack of phone activity. If he was seen walking (hitchhiking?), then presumably his phone was in his backpack and switched on, so why no pings? Unless LE are keeping this quiet. No techie 13 year old goes out with their phone turned off. So, perhaps he did hitchhike to get to his friends' and tragically just happened to be picked up by the wrong person. In my opinion, this is a possibility (one of a few possibilities though). I guess the driver could have asked to use his phone, then turned it off/tossed it out of the window. But if that happened, then surely LE would have located it or at least known where it last pinged - but that doesn't appear to be public knowledge.

The cancelling of the visit to see his friends could be down to the dad wanting to spend that evening with his son. If we consider he'd been looking forward to seeing Dylan for some time, he might have said "you can see your friends tomorrow, I've already sorted out dinner etc for us tonight".

Dylan may have known his dad was leaving to do errands at 7.30am the next morning, so may have thought he'd get a lift to his friends' with his dad on the way - thus explaining why he was apparently up and dressed so early.

However, this is where is all goes wrong - why didn't he go with his dad? If he changed his mind about meeting friends, why didn't he contact them. He had been in touch with them up to that point. If he is the sort of kid to let them know his plans had changed the night before, then surely he'd do the same next morning.

Have the sightings of "Dylan" running away up the hill been verified? If that is him, then him running away is possible. But, where was he running to? If he wanted to go home to his mum, surely he'd have just phoned her and said "I did what you said, I've visited dad, now can I come home". That's what my kids would do.

So, now to the fishing story. Fishing is really popular around here with all the boys - probably top past-time apart from bmx/skating. But I don't know any kids who would go alone. Its a social thing for them, something they do with a friend. If Dylan knew his dad would be back in 4 hours, why not wait for him and go fishing together..... or why not go to his friends' and fish with them.

The lack of phone activity since the previous night troubles me. If no one has seen or heard from him since the time "Dylan" cancelled plans to meet his friends, then I'm afraid that puts Dad in a difficult position.

I'm not buying the pre-meditated get-out-of-paying-for-Dylan story though. That is just too cold-blooded for me. And you'd have to be really dumb to do that and think you'd get away with it on day one of the first visit in ages.

Initially I was hoping a friend was hiding him, taking pity on Dylan being forced to stay with this dad against his wishes. However, too much time has passed now. If the sightings of him are verified, I'll go with abduction. If they are proved to be mistaken, then I'm thinking of an incident in the home.

Poor Dylan and his family - just hope this can be solved quickly, the not knowing must be torture.
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