CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #10

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So the clothes in the pictures are the clothes he went missing in? The next day? Hmmm

Didn't dad say some of his change of clothes was left ad dads home? If so, then have we been given knowledge if the clothes in the pictures are the clothes taken with him or the ones left behind?
So the clothes in the pictures are the clothes he went missing in? The next day? Hmmm

I'm 54 and still put on yesterdays clothes when I get out of bed. I don't change until I have had my coffee and a shower. For me, it's generally around noon.
Didn't dad say some of his change of clothes was left ad dads home? If so, then have we been given knowledge if the clothes in the pictures are the clothes taken with him or the ones left behind?

Dad didn't say some of his change of clothes were left at dad's home. He said some items of clothing were left. I presume since the tracking dogs couldn't use those items, whatever was left was not worn recently.
I was talking about that this morning on here when I got to thinking how hard it would be to verify someone arrived home safe and sound.

I used my hubby and myself as a true example.

Saturday we left in the evening and went out to eat at Outback.......we were back home around 8:45. Our children had already called that morning so the phone didnt ring that night and we didnt call anyone..we watched a Christmas show and went to bed.

Then early Sunday morning my hubby went into the office for around three hours to get a head start for Monday because he had an afternoon doctor's appointment.

If someone had come in our home and took me out or if I was outside and they abducted me then how would my hubby prove I was alive and well when he kissed me goodbye that morning?

It unnerved me when I thought about how would he prove something that is absolutely true when there are no cameras and when we live in a very rural area? I dont eat breakfast and I dont drink coffee and I make the bed when we get up. So everything would have appeared neat and orderly.


I hear what you are saying and have respected your opine from the get go. I welcome opposing theories. I always read your posts. I just wanted you to know that :seeya:
I searched NG’s transcript to confirm Dylan’s mother had actually told NG Dylan would talk back to his father, which is where this information apparently came from, and it wasn’t there!

When NG asked ER about her son’s demeanor she said he was excited about seeing his friends and when asked about Dylan’s relationship with his father, she said ,
” MR was on the road a lot. So he didn`t spend a lot of time with Dylan in the three years prior to Dylan moving to Colorado Springs. So I just don`t think he knew Dylan all that well.”

His mother gave him a cell phone so she’d know where Dylan was at all times and someone shut it off shortly after Dylan met up with his dad on Sunday evening.

ER: Dylan was always good. He always had to wake up for school early. So irrespective of what time he went to bed, you know, he was really good about waking up. So if he had plans at 6:30 to meet with his friends, you know, it`s uncharacteristic of him not to be up and ready. So, you know, I just -- I know him. And I know him very well. And I think that, you know, he definitely would have been up and ready at 6:30, 7:30, whenever in the morning.

REDWINE: Yes. Dylan always kept in touch with me because he knew I was the one paying the phone bill, and if he wouldn`t keep in touch with me, I would take his phone away and he didn`t want that. So he made sure that he always -- there was -- there was never a time I couldn`t account for where Dylan was because he was very good at letting me know where he was at all times.

But he -- you know, on a daily basis, he would definitely always get in touch with me and generally... He`s just the sweet kid every mom dreams of having.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dylan intended to get up and catch a ride with his dad at 6:30 am because he intended to meet his friends for a game of baseball.

News to me..."....he intended tome eat his friends for a game of baseball."

ETA...(I had to leave this glaring iPadism in because it is so ridiculous... But I imagine you all probably know I meant ... He intended to meet his friends for a game of baseball!"):smile:

So, according to this transcript... An unidentified female reports Dylan
was planning on playing baseball with his friends on Monday....
Since Dylan didn't call mom when he went to bed Sun. and when he woke up Mon., was she calling him and MR and friends, relatives, police? Didn't she panic when she couldn't get in touch with him?? If not, why not? :waitasec:

Good point.
Been in and out lately and it's been hard to keep up with all the Dylan threads, but interesting to see the photos released tonight.
Makes me wonder.
I mean, if they'd gotten those shots before which it seems to me like they had to have had, I wonder why they're releasing them now? This whole case is just maddening. =/

My guess is because Dad is no longer a suspect!
Since Dylan didn't call mom when he went to bed Sun. and when he woke up Mon., was she calling him and MR and friends, relatives, police? Didn't she panic when she couldn't get in touch with him?? If not, why not? :waitasec:

As far as she knew, Dylan was with his father. Why would you expect her to call police before father contacted her to tell her Dylan was missing?
I was talking about that this morning on here when I got to thinking how hard it would be to verify someone arrived home safe and sound.

I used my hubby and myself as a true example.

Saturday we left in the evening and went out to eat at Outback.......we were back home around 8:45. Our children had already called that morning so the phone didnt ring that night and we didnt call anyone..we watched a Christmas show and went to bed.

Then early Sunday morning my hubby went into the office for around three hours to get a head start for Monday because he had an afternoon doctor's appointment.

If someone had come in our home and took me out or if I was outside and they abducted me then how would my hubby prove I was alive and well when he kissed me goodbye that morning?

It unnerved me when I thought about how would he prove something that is absolutely true when there are no cameras and when we live in a very rural area? I dont eat breakfast and I dont drink coffee and I make the bed when we get up. So everything would have appeared neat and orderly.

I do hope you immediately went out and bought surveillance cameras to set up in your bedroom to prove that you were really in bed sleeping the night before - just in case. :whistle:
I find LE statement that he made into La Plata County Sunday night quite a different statement than that he made it to his father's home.. That's a very discenable difference and one that was obviously deliberate..

My opinion greatly differs in that I do believe that LE finds his movements of Sunday night of great importance where I thought I understood your opinion to be that Sunday nights pics/videos weren't really relevant ..

Well they would be remiss in their duties if they did not start on Sunday and go forward. I had no doubt that is exactly what they would do and they did and did find out that both were there just like MR told them.

They have already confirmed his alibi for the errands he said he had to run Monday morning.

I believe LE knew the pics/video weren't relevant in finding Dylan so that is why they did not release the full video asking for the publics help as they have done in some other cases. They have known they were there before now, imo.

The problem now though that they have verified all of this is a lot of people dont have cameras in small rural communities....heck some still dont even lock their doors at night. They still hitch-hike in this small community so it seems that they havent caught up with big city living and fear of the dangers out there imo.

I hope and pray someone up there close to MR home does have cameras and if they do I think it will show him arriving just fine and may even catch Dylan on video walking out the door on Monday morning.
One thing about Mom on NG, she made such a point of saying that Dylan would have gotten up, would not have slept through a time when he was going to meet his friends, etc. She did not seem to believe that part at all, IMO, that he chose to sleep and/or could not be awoken. She said he was used to being up early and would have made sure to catch the early ride, paraphrasing.

Again, he had stayed up until 4 a.m. on the day of his flight, then had a day of travel. I'm surprised a mother cannot understand that threw is schedule off.
News to me..."....he intended tome eat his friends for a game of baseball."

So, according to this transcript... An unidentified female reports Dylan
was planning on playing baseball with his friends on Monday....

OMG! He's going to EAT his friends:thud: are you on that darned iPad again?..:D
Since Dylan didn't call mom when he went to bed Sun. and when he woke up Mon., was she calling him and MR and friends, relatives, police? Didn't she panic when she couldn't get in touch with him?? If not, why not? :waitasec:

I would think with the relationship Mom and Dad had if Mom was constantly calling and texting Dylan it may create a problem for Dylan. Perhaps they had an agreement of contact. Perhaps Mom knew if she was constantly checking in Dad would be angry and that scared her. Or perhaps she felt Dad was just trying to establish a relationship with his Son. We just dont know.
Since Dylan didn't call mom when he went to bed Sun. and when he woke up Mon., was she calling him and MR and friends, relatives, police? Didn't she panic when she couldn't get in touch with him?? If not, why not? :waitasec:

Maybe she was trying to respect MR's time with his son. I always tried not to disturb my son's visits with his dad. :moo:
I do hope you immediately went out and bought surveillance cameras to set up in your bedroom to prove that you were really in bed sleeping the night before - just in case. :whistle:

:floorlaugh: So you think I need to have the camera pointed at our bed at all times? Hmmm my hubby might like that and would be reviewing it all the time.:floorlaugh:
This link is to a video interview of D. Hess, the friend of Dylan's mom and dad:

DurangoHerald ‏@DurangoHerald 4:11 PM - 4 Dec 12
VIDEO: Local resident talks about the search and who #DylanRedwine is

careful I got an alert from my anti virus program of a trojan horse at that link
I would think with the relationship Mom and Dad had if Mom was constantly calling and texting Dylan it may create a problem for Dylan. Perhaps they had an agreement of contact. Perhaps Mom knew if she was constantly checking in Dad would be angry and that scared her. Or perhaps she felt Dad was just trying to establish a relationship with his Son. We just dont know.

I thought of that, in the sense that maybe it pissed Dad off, so he told Dylan to turn off the phone.
Since Dylan didn't call mom when he went to bed Sun. and when he woke up Mon., was she calling him and MR and friends, relatives, police? Didn't she panic when she couldn't get in touch with him?? If not, why not? :waitasec:

Good question. On NG last night she replied to a similar question.
GRACE: Now, you didn`t hear from him since he touched down 7:06 PM. You didn`t hear from him the next morning. What did you make of that at the time?

REDWINE: You know, I didn`t really think anything of it just because, you know, when he`s been with his dad here before, which was over Labor Day weekend was the most recent since we`ve moved -- you know, he kind of did his own thing as far as with his friends. And so I would text him and be, like, you know, Are you having fun? And it wouldn`t be a prescribed time. It would just kind of be more throughout the day, just me, you know, telling him I loved him and just kind of reaching out to him.

But he -- you know, on a daily basis, he would definitely always get in touch with me and generally...
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