Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #31

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Can a Colorado Springs resident help me?

Where is District 20? Is it near any of her weekend/Monday trips like GOTG or Petco?

With this new information and realizing that she was doing orientations in that district, I wonder if she included the area in her weekend/Monday plans.
Does anyone think there is a snowball's chance in hades she will try to make a plea deal?

Speaks very clearly to her lack of self control and impulsivity. Her jig is up, but this time she's not going to be able to con her way out of the consequences.

Yes Knox, tushay on this post!

"Speaks very clearly to her lack of self control and impulsivity. Her jig is up, but this time she's not going to be able to con her way out of the consequences."
I still can’t believe it, who attacks a deputy during transport? All the escapes I can think of were from buildings like Ted Bundy’s law library jump.

How notorious serial killer Ted Bundy was able to escape from custody not just once, but twice
TS reminds me of Diane Downs. She escaped once by climbing a 15 foot fence and jumping down. Added 5 years to her sentence.
Man who hid child murderer Diane Downs after her escape from prison says ‘I should’ve turned her in, but I didn’t’
Exactly! No money, no phone, in a strange area, wearing prison garb and flip flop shoes ... she is a mess! Or is this how she will react when she is frustrated and displeased?

Yes. This is how she reacts, regardless of the circumstance. When she's frustrated, she acts out physically and impulsively. For real. That's how she is. It's a common trait among mothers/stepmothers who murder.
This makes a lot of sense. That would be a “precipitating stressor.”
I wonder if it was something similar that caused the attack on the deputy: something done that was perceived as a personal offense? If it's true (I don't know where I heard or read it) that Al wanted a divorce, and then the job offer was rescinded, seems to me those are major blows to her fragile ego. Then she loses it with Gannon, then commits an unthinkable act, then endures one failed lie after another, then is arrested... I'd suspect she a bit of a bomb ready to explode at the slightest touch....
Fired from her job as a teacher. And there's your trigger ladies and gentleman.
Bad enough that Al supposedly wanted a divorce, and then she loses her job, and then Al left for work and she was left with two kids whom she obviously did not want at least 1 of.
A storm was brewing from Friday and poor sweet Gannon was the brunt of it when it hit land on Monday
Agreed !
Maybe at this point, she knows she’s going to be locked up for life and is hoping someone makes a movie about her. She just wants to be important.
She has zero to lose... hopefully she won’t make a dime off of this. I know in the past when movies about murderers have been made, they have not allowed them to profit.
Exactly. And little by little, she wasn't able to hide her unemployability much longer (from family).

And, I'll add, that if a person's behavior at work is questionable, HR and Principal are going to dig through the background info during that early period when they can still terminate employment. (If they are doing their job - and it seems to me CS should be very proud of its schools at this point in time).
Now I wonder if she ever told AS that she was fired?
Please don't doubt! Remember: Heaven is, by definition, union with God. As a Catholic, you know that God created people in His own image, to love and to be loved by. It helps, I think, to remember what it means that He created us in His own image. It means He gave us intellects and it means He gave us free wills: intellects, so that we could come to know Him, and free wills, so that we could freely choose whether or not to love Him. (He won't force Himself on us!) And it helps, I think, to remember what it means to love Him: it means accepting Who He is, that He is God, the Maker of the world, and thus, the One who knows how it is meant to work. He designed it! He made the world to work a certain way. Just like engineers make cars to work a certain way, or violinists make violins to work a certain way. When we respect those designs, those things work as they're supposed to. The same holds for what God made. When we respect God as God, then we recognize that His Design, His rules, are what allow us to live in the perfect harmony He intended us to live in. Remember: "You may eat the fruit of all the trees except the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." In other words, you can do everything except disobey the rules by which I made the world to work properly. (Evil = doing what opposes God's will.) Our first parents chose to learn what evil is by disobeying the Maker of the world, the Maker of the rules by which the world works properly. So it all fell apart. But He so loves us that He gives us a second chance: life on this earth by which we can choose to come to know Him and by which we can choose to love Him, meaning - choose to accept and obey His Design, His Rules. So what does that mean with regard to Gannon? What can we know and trust and believe? We can know and trust and believe that Gannon, like all His children, is given the choice when we die to run to Jesus' arms and accept Him (Heaven) or he can freely choose not to. Since Landon taught him to love Jesus, we can rest assured that he ran straight to Him, no matter the circumstances of his death, no matter how vile those acts Tee committed. There is no way the God we know, who made Himself known to us, is punishing Gannon for the evil choices of his evil stepmother.
I do think she will tell police where gannon is. I think she *might* soon realize this isnt a situation she is going to get out of and tell police just so she can can gain more notoriety. Bigger magazine article. Maybe even, her her distorted mind, consider herself a hero of sorts for leading police to his body .
IMO it wasn't any one thing that led to murdering poor Gannon. I feel like it was a slow burn. I suspect things were not going her way in most if not all aspects of her life. She had no control. Take that away from her "type" who are willing to kill and it ends badly. Very badly.
Gannon is my hero! I absolutely agree..Nature AND nurture, and this was a Perfect Storm...for me, this is the final puzzle piece...I fail to see one iota piece of evidence that Gannon was responsible for any of this..
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